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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Anthropology in 2001

Tribal Development In India (Orissa) by Taradatt
American Social and Political Thought: A Reader by
Unique Games and Sports Around the World: A Reference Guide by
Shaikhdoms of Eastern Arabia by Lienhardt, P.
The Japanese Community in Brazil, 1908 - 1940: Between Samurai and Carnival by Lone, S.
Language, Ethnicity and the State, Volume 2: Minority Languages in Eastern Europe Post-1989 by
Mastering Soldiers: Conflict, Emotions, and the Enemy in an Israeli Army Unit by Ben-Ari, Eyal
Robes and Honor: The Medieval World of Investiture by
Culture, Creation, and Procreation: Concepts of Kinship in South Asian Practice by
Genders and Sexualities in Educational Ethnography by
Morals of Legitimacy: Between Agency and the System by
Categories and Classifications: Maussian Reflections on the Social by Allen, N. J.
Hunting the Gatherers: Ethnographic Collectors, Agents, and Agency in Melanesia 1870s-1930s by
American Social and Political Thought: A Reader by
Globalization, Gender, and Religion: The Politics of Women's Rights in Catholic and Muslim Contexts by Na, Na
The Language Encounter in the Americas, 1492-1800 by
Ethnoarchaeology of Andean South America: Contributions to Archaeological Method and Theory by
Subsistence-Settlement Systems and Intersite Variability in the Moroiso Phase of the Early Jomon Period of Japan by Habu, Junko
Subsistence-Settlement Systems and Intersite Variability in the Moroiso Phase of the Early Jomon Period of Japan by Habu, Junko
Cultural Internationalism and World Order by Iriye, Akira
Morals of Legitimacy: Between Agency and the System by
Autonomy: Life Cycle, Gender, and Status Among Himalayan Pastoralists by Rao, Aparna
Culture, Creation, and Procreation: Concepts of Kinship in South Asian Practice by
Hunting the Gatherers: Ethnographic Collectors, Agents, and Agency in Melanesia 1870s-1930s by
The Crisis of the Modern World by Guenon, Rene
Culture's Consequences: Comparing Values, Behaviors, Institutions and Organizations Across Nations by Hofstede, Geert H.
Culture and Development: International Perspectives by Clague, Christopher, Grossbard-Shectman, Shoshana
Culture and Development: International Perspectives by Grossbard-Shectman, Shoshana, Clague, Christopher
Alcohol, Sex and Gender in Late Medieval and Early Modern Europe by Martin, L.
Grief, Mourning and Death Ritual by Small, Neil, Hockey, Jennifer Lorna, Katz, Jeanne
The Festive State: Race, Ethnicity, and Nationalism as Cultural Performance by Guss, David M.
Pathways of Power: Building an Anthropology of the Modern World by Wolf, Eric R.
A People Born to Slavery by Poe, Marshall T.
Saints, Scholars, and Schizophrenics: Mental Illness in Rural Ireland, Twentieth Anniversary Edition, Updated and Expanded by Scheper-Hughes, Nancy
Contested Landscapes: Movement, Exile and Place by
Beyond Common Sense: Sexuality and Gender in Contemporary Japan by Lunsing, Wim
The History and Culture of Japanese Food by Ishige
Sharing America's Neighborhoods: The Prospects for Stable Racial Integration by Ellen, Ingrid Gould
Remembrance of Repasts: An Anthropology of Food and Memory by Sutton, David E.
Amulets and Magic by Wallis Budge, E. A.
Nonzero: The Logic of Human Destiny by Wright, Robert
Remembrance of Repasts: An Anthropology of Food and Memory by Sutton, David E.
The Myth of the Noble Savage by Ellingson, Ter
Eaters Of The Dry Season: Circular Labor Migration In The West African Sahel by Rain, David
Key Terms in Language and Culture by
Alcohol, Sex and Gender in Late Medieval and Early Modern Europe by Martin, L.
Order by Accident: The Origins and Consequences of Group Conformity in Contemporary Japan by Kanazawa, Satoshi, Miller, Alan
Biotechnology and Culture: Bodies, Anxieties, Ethics by
Love and Honor in the Himalayas: Coming to Know Another Culture by McHugh, Ernestine
Individual Strategy and Social Structure: An Evolutionary Theory of Institutions by Young, Hobart Peyton
The Settlement of the Americas: A New Prehistory by Dillehay, Thomas D.
Archaeologies of the Contemporary Past by Lucas, Gavin, Buchli, Victor
Archaeologies of the Contemporary Past by Buchli, Victor, Lucas, Gavin
Representing Rape: Language and sexual consent by Ehrlich, Susan
Kerala Christian Sainthood: Collisions of Culture and Worldview in South India by Dempsey, Corrine G., Dempsey, Corinne G.
What's A Peasant To Do? Village Becoming Town In Southern China by Guldin, Greg
A Covenant with Color: Race and Social Power in Brooklyn by Wilder, Craig Steven
Deception and Democracy in Classical Athens by Hesk, Jon
Economics and Culture by Throsby, David, Throsby, C. D.
Chronicle of the Guayaki Indians by Clastres, Pierre
Systemtheorien in Der Supervision: Bestandsaufnahme Und Perspektiven by Ebert, Wolfgang
Bildung Für Nachhaltige Entwicklung: Globale Perspektiven Und Neue Kommunikationsmedien by
Einführung in Die Soziologische Gesellschaftsanalyse: Ein Studienbuch Zur Ungarischen Gesellschaft Im Europäischen Vergleich by Andorka, Rudolf
Aurignacian Lithic Economy: Ecological Perspectives from Southwestern France by Blades, Brooke S.
Wege in Die Demokratie: Eine Studie Zum Wandel Und Zur Kontinuität Von Mentalitäten Nach Dem Übergang Vom Nationalsozialismus Zur Bundesrepubl by Schwelling, Birgit
Iron and Steamship Archaeology: Success and Failure on the SS Xantho by McCarthy, Michael
Perspectives in Ethology Volume 13: Evolution, Culture, and Behavior by
Nationale Identität Und Staatsbürgerschaft in Den USA: Der Kampf Um Einwanderung, Bürgerrechte Und Bildung in Einer Multikulturellen Gesellschaft by Vorländer, Hans, Herrmann, Dietrich
Catching Big Fish on Light Fly Tackle by Wendelburg, Tom
Cult of the Dead by Ahern
War on the Homefront: An Examination of Wife Abuse by Braun-Haley, Ellie, Haley, Shawn D.
The Inveterate Dreamer: Essays and Conversations on Jewish Culture by Stavans, Ilan
The Untouchables of India by Deliège, Robert
The Ancient Mounds of Poverty Point: Place of Rings by Gibson, Jon L.
Rituals of Power & Rebellion: The Carnival Tradition in Trinidad & Tobago, 1763-1962 Paperback by Liverpool, Hollis
Continuities in Poland's Permanent Transition by Wydra, H.
Peace Building in Northern Ireland, Israel and South Africa: Transition, Transformation and Reconciliation by Na, Na
Places and Politics in an Age of Globalization by Prazniak, Roxann, Dirlik, Arif
I See Satan Fall Like Lightning by Girard, Rene
Cultural Theory by Smith, Philip
Cultural Theory by Smith, Philip
Physiognomy and the Meaning of Expression in Nineteenth-Century Culture by Hartley, Lucy M.
The Last Great Revolution: Turmoil and Transformation in Iran by Wright, Robin
Anthropology: Theoretical Practice in Culture and Society by Herzfeld, Michael
Sources of Korean Tradition: From the Sixteenth to the Twentieth Centuries by
Reordering the Natural World: Humans and Animals in the City by Sabloff, Annabelle
Language and Nationalism in Europe by
Thinking Orientals: Migration, Contact, and Exoticism in Modern America by Yu, Henry
A Taste of Thyme: Culinary Cultures of the Middle East by
The Secular Mind by Coles, Robert
Locating Cultural Creativity by
Man No Be God: Bushdoctor in Cameroon by Lemke, Dieter
Locating Cultural Creativity by
Growing Up in New Guinea: A Comparative Study of Primitive Education by Mead, Margaret
Coming of Age in Samoa: A Psychological Study of Primitive Youth for Western Civilisation by Mead, Margaret
Lexikon Nachhaltiges Wirtschaften by
Anthropology of Violence and Conflict by
Anthropology of Violence and Conflict by
The Hunting Apes: Meat Eating and the Origins of Human Behavior by Stanford, Craig B.
The Origins of Native Americans: Evidence from Anthropological Genetics by Crawford, Michael H.
Planning Special Events by Armstrong, James S.
Endangered Peoples of Europe: Struggles to Survive and Thrive by Forward, Jean
Endangered Peoples of Latin America: Struggles to Survive and Thrive by
Healing Powers and Modernity: Traditional Medicine, Shamanism, and Science in Asian Societies by
The Classical Roots of Ethnomethodology by Hilbert, Richard A.
Encyclopedia of Prehistory: Volume 1: Africa by
Doing Fieldwork: The Correspondence of Robert Redfield and Sol Tax by Rubinstein, Robert A.
The Nation's Tortured Body: Violence, Representation, and the Formation of a Sikh Diaspora by Axel, Brian Keith
Up in Nipigon Country: Anthropology as a Personal Experience by Hedican, Edward J.
Technicolor: Race, Technology, and Everyday Life by
The Archetype of the Ape-Man: The Phenomenological Archaeology of a Relic Hominid Ancestor by Prince-Hughes, Dawn
Steel to Stone: A Chronicle of Colonialism in the Southern Highlands of Papua New Guinea by Clark, Jeffrey
Dressed to Impress: Looking the Part by
The Beautiful and the Dangerous: Encounters with the Zuni Indians by Tedlock, Barbara
Perspectives on the Yi of Southwest China by
Conflict, Politics and Crime: Aboriginal Communities and the Police by Cunneen, Chris
Intercultural Communication: A Practical Guide by Novinger, Tracy
The Dialectics of Shopping by Miller, Daniel
Eve: A Biography by Norris, Pamela
Car Cultures by
Dressed to Impress: Looking the Part by
I Watched a Wild Hog Eat My Baby: A Colorful History of Tabloids and Their Cultural Impact by Sloan, Bill
Life in Common: An Essay in General Anthropology by Todorov, Tzvetan
Car Cultures by
Latino Workers in the Contemporary South by
Nation-States and Indians in Latin America by
Invisible Genealogies: A History of Americanist Anthropology by Darnell, Regna
The Tarantinian Ethics by Botting, Fred, Wilson, Scott
Circumcision PB by
Technicolor: Race, Technology, and Everyday Life by
The Cultural Origins of Human Cognition by Tomasello, Michael
Life and Death on Mt. Everest: Sherpas and Himalayan Mountaineering by Ortner, Sherry B.
Death and Bereavement: Psychological, Religious and Cultural Interfaces by Rees, Dewi
Cutlural Diversity in the United States by
Healing Cultures: Art and Religion as Curative Practices in the Caribbean and Its Diaspora by Na, Na
Healing Cultures: Art and Religion as Curative Practices in the Caribbean and Its Diaspora by Na, Na
Art History as Cultural History: Warburg's Projects by Woodfield, Richard
The Zimbabwe Culture: Origins and Decline of Southern Zambezian States by Pikirayi, Innocent, Vogel, Joseph O.
Medicine Ways: Disease, Health, and Survival among Native Americans by
Highland Heritage: Scottish Americans in the American South by Ray, Celeste
The Transformation of Work by
Marketing and Social Construction: Exploring the Rhetorics of Managed Consumption by Hackley, Chris
Future of Large-Scale Distribution / L'Avenir de la grande distribution by Moati, Philippe
Urban Exodus: Why the Jews Left Boston and the Catholics Stayed by Gamm, Gerald
Dancing with the Virgin: Body and Faith in the Fiesta of Tortugas, New Mexico by Sklar, Deidre
Identity and Agency in Cultural Worlds by Lachicotte, William S., Skinner, Debra, Holland, Dorothy
Generations in Touch: Linking the Old and Young in a Tokyo Neighborhood by Thang, Leng Leng
Ecology of Sensing by
Highlights of My Life with Rom by Modrow, Ruth
Shaikhdoms of Eastern Arabia by Lienhardt, P.
Culture in the Marketplace: Gender, Art, and Value in the American Southwest by Mullin, Molly H.
Generations in Touch by Thang, Leng Leng
With a Daughter's Eye: Memoir of Margaret Mead and Gregory Bateson, a by Bateson, Mary C.
Lexikon der Presse- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit by
China Urban: Ethnographies of Contemporary Culture by
Anthropology and History in Franche-Comte: A Critique of Social Theory by Layton, Robert
Universe of the Mind: A Semiotic Theory of Culture by Lotman, Yuri
Immigration and the Political Economy of Home: West Indian Brooklyn and American Indian Minneapolis, 1945-1992 by Buff, Rachel
Prayer Has Spoiled Everything: Possession, Power, and Identity in an Islamic Town of Niger by Masquelier, Adeline
Primitive Technology: A Book of Earth Skills by Wescott, David
The Growth of Humanity by Bogin, Barry
New Directions in Anthropology and Environment: Intersections by
The Great Transformation: The Political and Economic Origins of Our Time by Polanyi, Karl
Understanding Culture: Cultural Studies, Order, Ordering by Kendall, Gavin, Wickham, Gary M.
Understanding Culture: Cultural Studies, Order, Ordering by Kendall, Gavin, Wickham, Gary M.
Ethnography and Education Policy by
Mexican Memoir: A Personal Account of Anthropology and Radical Politics in Oaxaca by Campbell, Howard
Peoples of the Gran Chaco by
Mexican Memoir: A Personal Account of Anthropology and Radical Politics in Oaxaca by Campbell, Howard
Architectural Anthropology by Amerlinck, Mari-Jose
Culture and Customs of Venezuela by Dinneen, Mark
Turkish Region: Culture & Civilization on the East Black Sea Coast by Beller-Hann, Ildiko
Creating Our Common Future: Educating for Unity in Diversity by Campbell, Jack
The Debated Mind: Evolutionary Psychology Versus Ethnography by
Of Wonders and Wise Men: Religion and Popular Cultures in Southeast Mexico, 1800-1876 by Rugeley, Terry
Creating Our Common Future: Educating for Unity in Diversity by Campbell, Jack
Transformation of the German Political Party System: Institutional Crisis or Democratic Renewal by
The Shaping of American Ethnography: The Wilkes Exploring Expedition, 1838-1842 by Joyce, Barry Alan
Religion and Cultural Studies by
The Debated Mind: Evolutionary Psychology versus Ethnography by
Inside Organizations: Anthropologists at Work by
Christian Marriage: An Historical Study by Olsen, Glenn W.
Strangers to Relatives: The Adoption & Naming of Anthropologists in Native North America by
City of Walls: Crime, Segregation, and Citizenship in São Paulo by Caldeira, Teresa P. R.
The Great Maya Droughts: Water, Life, and Death by Gill, Richardson B.
Inside Organizations: Anthropologists at Work by
Explorations in the Sociology of Consumption: Fast Food, Credit Cards and Casinos by Ritzer, George
Overrated/Underrated: 100 Experts Topple the Icons and Champion the Slighted! by Editors of American Heritage Magazine
Culture Matters: How Values Shape Human Progress by Harrison, Lawrence E., Huntington, Samuel P.
An Anthropology of the Subject: Holographic Worldview in New Guinea and Its Meaning and Significance for the World of Anthropology by Wagner, Roy
Genes, Peoples, and Languages by Cavalli-Sforza, Luigi Luca
Wirtschaftslexikon by Kyrer, Alfred
From Cosmogony to Exorcism in a Javanese Genesis: The Spilt Seed by Headley, Stephen Cavana
The Age of Wild Ghosts: Memory, Violence, and Place in Southwest China by Mueggler, Erik
Hunter-Gatherers: An Interdisciplinary Perspective by
Hunter-Gatherers: An Interdisciplinary Perspective by
Relatively Speaking: Language, Thought, and Kinship Among the Mopan Maya by Danziger, Eve
Truth: A History and a Guide for the Perplexed by Armesto, Felipe Fernandez, Fernandez-Armesto, Felipe
The Myth of Matriarchal Prehistory: Why an Invented Past Won't Give Women a Future by Eller, Cynthia
War and Slavery in Sudan by Jok, Jok Madut
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