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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Anthropology in 2003

Horse in Magic and Myth by Howey, M. Oldfield
Black Superman: A Cultural And Biological History Of The People That Became The World's Greatest Athletes by Cooper, Patrick Desmond
Localizing Knowledge in a Globalizing World: Recasting the Area Studies Debate by
Localizing Knowledge in a Globalizing World: Recasting the Area Studies Debate by
Identity: Community, Culture and Difference by Rutherford, Jonathan
Ethics and Cultural Policy in a Global Economy by Loparo, Kenneth A.
Culture and Identity Politics in Northern Ireland by Loparo, Kenneth A.
Discourse, the Body, and Identity by
Challenging Racism in Britain and Germany by Wilpert, C., Layton-Henry, Z.
Myth and Science by Vignoli, Tito
Molecular Biology and Cultural Heritage by
Re-examining Liberation in Namibia by
The Cradle of Culture and What Children Know About Writing and Numbers Before Being by Tolchinsky, Liliana
Challenges for Anthropology in the 'African Renaissance': A Southern African Contribution by
Fishing for Heritage: Modernity and Loss Along the Scottish Coast by Nadel-Klein, Jane
Critical Race Theory Perspectives on the Social Studies: The Profession, Policies, and Curriculum (PB) by
Critical Race Theory Perspectives on the Social Studies: The Profession, Policies, and Curriculum (Hc) by
Fishing for Heritage: Modernity and Loss Along the Scottish Coast by Nadel-Klein, Jane
Slave Society in the City: Bridgetown, Barbados 1680-1834 by Welch, Pedro L. V.
Thicker Than Blood: How Racial Statistics Lie by Zuberi, Tukufu
Methods in Neuronal Modeling, second edition: From Ions to Networks by
Indigenous Ways to the Present: Native Whaling in the Western Arctic by
Prehistoric Foragers of the Cis-Baikal, Siberia: Proceedings of the First Conference of the Baikal Archaeological Project by
Don't Kill in Our Names: Families of Murder Victims Speak Out Against the Death Penalty by King, Rachel
Tobacco: A Cultural History of How an Exotic Plant Seduced Civilization by Gately, Iain
American Social and Political Thought: A Reader by
This Cold Heaven: Seven Seasons in Greenland by Ehrlich, Gretel
The Monkey in the Mirror: Essays on the Science of What Makes Us Human by Tattersall, Ian
Culture and the Senses: Bodily Ways of Knowing in an African Community Volume 3 by Geurts, Kathryn
The Origins of Indigenism: Human Rights and the Politics of Identity by Niezen, Ronald
Age of Fable Or Beauties of Mythology by Bulfinch, Thomas
The Silk Weavers of Kyoto: Family and Work in a Changing Traditional Industry by Hareven, Tamara
Cultural Policy by Yudice, George, Miller, Toby
Handbook of Folklore by Burne, Charlotte Sophia
Emerging Johannesburg: Perspectives on the Postapartheid City by
Morality and Cultural Differences by Cook, John W.
Athletic Intruders: Ethnographic Research on Women, Culture, and Exercise by
Emerging Johannesburg by
Interrogating Cultural Studies: Theory, Politics and Practice by
Sustainable Planet: Solutions for the Twenty-first Century by
African Foragers: Environment, Technology, Interactions by Kusimba, Sibel Barut
An Education System Worthy of Malaysia by Musa, Bakri
The Antipodes of the Mind: Charting the Phenomenology of the Ayahuasca Experience by Shanon, Benny
Hop on Pop: The Politics and Pleasures of Popular Culture by
Liberating Culture: Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Museums, Curation and Heritage Preservation by Kreps, Christina
Fleshpots of Antiquity The Lives and Loves of Ancient Courtesans by Frichet, Henry
Evolutionism In Cultural Anthropology: A Critical History by Carneiro, Robert L.
Grahame Clark: An Intellectual Biography of an Archaeologist by Fagan, Brian
Culture and Subjective Well-Being by
Reproductive Science and Integrated Conservation by
Reproductive Science and Integrated Conservation by
Error's Chains: How Forged and Broken Part 1 by Dobbins, Frank S.
Error's Chains: How Forged and Broken Part 2 by Dobbins, Frank S.
Intermediate Types Among Primitive Folk by Carpenter, Edward
Kazaaam! Splat! Ploof!: The American Impact on European Popular Culture since 1945 by Crnkovic, Gordana
African Foragers: Environment, Technology, Interactions by Kusimba, Sibel Barut
Surrealism and the Exotic by Tythacott, Louise
Liberating Culture: Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Museums, Curation and Heritage Preservation by Kreps, Christina
West African Slavery and Atlantic Commerce: The Senegal River Valley, 1700 1860 by Searing, James F.
The Politics of Racism in France by Wolfreys, J., Fysh, P.
Book of the Order of the Fellowship of the Knights of the Round Table of King Arthur by Anonymous
Violence by Stewart, Pamela J., Strathern, Andrew
The Guenons: Diversity and Adaptation in African Monkeys by
Advances in Quality of Life Research 2001 by
Stuart Hall by Rojek, Chris
Archaeologies of Remembrance: Death and Memory in Past Societies by
Working Out in Japan: Shaping the Female Body in Tokyo Fitness Clubs by Spielvogel, Laura
Maori Symbolism by Rout, Ettie A.
Esoteric Anthropology by Nichols, T. L.
Queen of the Air Being a Study of the Greek Myths of Cloud and Storm by Ruskin, John
Sacred Tree Or the Tree in Religion and Myth by Philpot, J. H.
Tales of Old Japan by Mitford, A. B.
Pre-Glacial Man and the Aryan Race by Burge, Lorenzo
Aryan Race by Morris, Charles
Ethnographies of Conservation: Environmentalism and the Distribution of Privilege by
Outline Dictionary of Maya Glyphs and Glyph Studies by Gates, William
El Narcotraficante: Narcocorridos and the Construction of a Cultural Persona on the U.S.-Mexico Border by Edberg, Mark Cameron
Beyond Rationalism: Rethinking Magic, Witchcraft and Sorcery by
Oceanic Sociallities and Cultural Forms: Ethnographies of Experience by
A Social History of Anthropology in the United States by Patterson, Thomas C.
Handbook to the Palace of Minos at Knossos with Its Dependencies by Pendlebury, J. D. S.
Anthropology of Space and Place: Locating Culture by
The Anthropology of Space and Place: Locating Culture by
Farmers and Village Life in Japan by
Tales of the Neighborhood: Jewish Narrative Dialogues in Late Antiquity by Hasan-Rokem, Galit
Indonesian Sea Nomads: Money, Magic and Fear of the Orang Suku Laut by Chou, Cynthia
Exotic Appetites: Ruminations of a Food Adventurer by Heldke, Lisa
Philosophies of Race and Ethnicity by
A Brief History of India by Daniélou, Alain
Latin America in Transition: The Influence of Culture on Ecology, Power, and Diversity by Smith, Sheldon
Identity Through History: Living Stories in a Solomon Islands Society by White, Geoffrey M.
The Origins of the English by Hills, Catherine
The Cultural Nature of Human Development by Rogoff, Barbara
Exotic Appetites: Ruminations of a Food Adventurer by Heldke, Lisa
Commons and Borderlands: Working Papers on Interdisciplinarity, Accountibility and the Flow of Knowledge by Strathern, Marilyn
Performing Dreams: Discoveries of Immortality Among the Xavante of Central Brazil by Graham, Laura R.
de-Industrialization: Social, Cultural, and Political Aspects by Linden, Marcel Van Der
Working-Class Heroes: Protecting Home, Community, and Nation in a Chicago Neighborhood by Kefalas, Maria
Foucault, Cultural Studies, and Governmentality by
Representing Berlin: Sexuality and the City in Imperial and Weimar Germany by Rowe, Dorothy
Religious Encounter and the Making of the Yoruba by Peel, J. D. Y.
The Duel in Early Modern England by Peltonen, Markku
A Short History of Cultural Studies by Hartley, John
Frankreich -- Eine Privilegiengesellschaft by Jäger, Thomas
Jesus Christ the Ancestor: An African Contextual Christology in the Light of the Major Dogmatic Christological Definitions of the Church from the by Ezeh
Race, Ethnicity, and Sexuality: Intimate Intersections, Forbidden Frontiers by Nagel, Joane
Consuming the Caribbean: From Arawaks to Zombies by Sheller, Mimi
Consuming the Caribbean: From Arawaks to Zombies by Sheller, Mimi
Race, Ethnicity, and Sexuality: Intimate Intersections, Forbidden Frontiers by Nagel, Joane
Working the Field: Accounts from French Louisiana by
Food in Early Modern Europe by Allen, Robert W., Albala, Ken
Der Professionelle Lehrer: Muster Der Begründung -- Empirische Rekonstruktion by Gehrmann, Axel
Social Economics: Market Behavior in a Social Environment by Becker, Gary S., Murphy, Kevin M.
In Der Gymnasialen Oberstufe Fächerübergreifend Lehren Und Lernen: Eine Fallstudie Über Die Verlaufslogik Fächerübergreifenden Projektunterrichts Und by Rabenstein, Kerstin
The Invention of Comfort: Sensibilities & Design in Early Modern Britain & Early America by Crowley, John E.
Interpretations of Native North American Life: Material Contributions to Ethnohistory by
China's Minorities on the Move: Selected Case Studies by Iredale, Robyn, Bilik, Naran, Fei, Guo
Second-Hand Cultures by Gregson, Nicky, Crewe, Louise
Louis Dumont and Hierarchical Opposition by Parkin, Robert
Are Italians White?: How Race is Made in America by
Second-Hand Cultures by Gregson, Nicky, Crewe, Louise
The Salmon Bank: An Ethnohistoric Compilation by Wray, Jacilee
Troubles with Turtles: Cultural Understandings of the Environment on a Greek Island by Theodossopoulos, Dimitris
A Scattering of Jades: Stories, Poems, and Prayers of the Aztecs by
Mesoamerican Elites: An Archaeological Assessment by Chase, Arlen F., Chase, Diane Z.
Multiculturalism, Postcoloniality, and Transnational Media by
Material Culture and Sacred Landscape: The Anthropology of the Siberian Khanty by Jordan, Peter
Contested Pasts: The Politics of Memory by
The Weight of the Past: Living with History in Mahajanga, Madagascar by Lambek, M.
North American Mythology by Alexander, Hartley Burr
The Book of Tea by Okakura, Kakuzo
Religion of Man and Ethics of Science by Tuttle, Hudson
Myths of the New World by Brinton, Daniel G.
Practical Metaphysics for Healing and Self Culture by Mills, Anna W.
Monuments and the Old Testament by Price, Ira Maurice
Shakespearean Myth by Morgan, Appleton
Greek Mythology Systematized by Scull, S. a.
Origin of Man by Palmer, Ernest G.
Ruins Revisited and The World-Story Retold by Walker, Samuel Frye
Origin of Magic and Religion by Perry, W. J.
History of Torture Throughout the Ages by Scott, George Ryley
Worked Over by Doukas, Dimitra
Worked Over: The Corporate Sabotage of an American Community by Doukas, Dimitra
The Cajuns: Americanization of a People by Bernard, Shane K.
Reversible Destiny: Mafia, Antimafia, and the Struggle for Palermo by Schneider, Jane, Schneider, Peter T.
Challenging Racism in Britain and Germany by Wilpert, C., Layton-Henry, Z.
The Culture of Power in Southern Africa: Essays on State Formation and the Political Imagination by Crais, Clifton C., Jones, Jim C.
Ritual Worship of the Great Goddess: The Liturgy of the Durga Puja with Interpretations by Rodrigues, Hillary Peter
The Movement of Factory Workers: A Study of New England Industrial Community, 1937-1939 and 1942 by Press, Mit
Science and Archaeology by
Race and Nation in Modern Latin America by
Changing India: Bourgeois Revolution on the Subcontinent by Stern, Robert W.
Die (koloniale) Begegnung: AfrikanerInnen in Deutschland 1880-1945 - Deutsche in Afrika 1880-1918 by
Race And Place: Equity Issues In Urban America by Tettey-Fio, Eugene, Frazier, John W., Margai, Florence
Race and Racism in Britain, Third Edition by Solomos, John
Projekt Menschwerdung: Streifzüge Durch Die Entwicklungsgeschichte Des Menschen by Weniger, Gerd-Christian
Behind the Backlash: White Working-Class Politics in Baltimore, 1940-1980 by Durr, Kenneth D.
Crossing the Green Line Between the West Bank and Israel by Bornstein, Avram S.
Guidance Cues in the Developing Brain by
Social Lives of Medicines by Van Der Geest, Sjaak, Hardon, Anita, Whyte, Susan Reynolds
Contemporary Voices of White Nationalism in America by Swain, Carol M., Nieli, Russ
Contemporary Voices of White Nationalism in America by Nieli, Russ, Swain, Carol M.
Centenary of the Famous 41: Sexuality and Social Control in Mexico,1901 by
The Manner Born: Birth Rites in Cross-Cultural Perspective by
The Manner Born: Birth Rites in Cross-Cultural Perspective by
Human Institutions: A Theory of Societal Evolution by Turner, Jonathan H.
Postwar Vietnam: Dynamics of a Transforming Society by Luong, Hy V.
Signifying Serpents and Mardi Gras Runners by
Wendell Berry and the Agrarian Tradition: A Common Grace by Smith, Kimberly K.
The Devil in Modern Philosophy by Gellner, Ernest
The Rules of Play by Leheny, David
Interpreting British Governance by Bevir, Mark, Rhodes, Rod
Dividing Classes: How the Middle Class Negotiates and Rationalizes School Advantage by Brantlinger, Ellen
Theory, Method, and Practice in Modern Archaeology by
Short History of Human Marriage by Westermarck, Edward
Mythologies by Yeats, William Butler, Yeats, W. B.
Mythical Monsters by Gould, Charles
Scottish Myths by Maclagan, Robert Craig
Sex Worship and Symbolism by Brown, Sanger
Semitic Influence in Hellenic Mythology by Brown, Robert
Visit to a Gnani; Marriage; Socialism and Agriculture; Never Again by Carpenter, Edward
Marriage, Totemism and Religion: An Answer to Critics by Avebury, Lord
Myths and Legends of Our Own Land by Skinner, Charles M.
Creation Myths of Primitive America by Curtin, Jeremiah
The New Era of AIDS: HIV and Medicine in Times of Transition by Kopp, C.
French Botany in the Enlightenment: The Ill-Fated Voyages of La Pérouse and His Rescuers by Williams, R. L.
Douglass: Japan & Global Migration by
Understanding Religious Sacrifice by
Understanding Religious Sacrifice by
Royal and Select Masters by General Grand Council, Grand Council
American Social and Political Thought: A Concise Introduction by Hess, Andreas
Children of Colonialism: Anglo-Indians in a Postcolonial World by Caplan, Lionel
South Asian Women in the Diaspora by
South Asian Women in the Diaspora by
Translating Cultures: Perspectives on Translation and Anthropology by
Studies in Symbolic Interaction by
Studies in Law, Politics and Society by
American Social and Political Thought: A Concise Introduction by Hess, Andreas
Educating the Consumer-citizen: A History of the Marriage of Schools, Advertising, and Media by Spring, Joel
Madri Pervasive e Figli Dominanti by Accati, Luisa
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