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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Anthropology in 2004

Red Ties and Residential Schools: Indigenous Siberians in a Post-Soviet State by Bloch, Alexia
Culture on Display: The Production of Contemporary Visitability by Dicks, Bella
After Whiteness: Unmaking an American Majority by Hill, Mike
Contested Cities in the Modern West by Hepburn, A.
Political Globalization: State, Power and Social Forces by Ougaard, Morten
Who Owns the Past?: The Politics of Time in a 'Model' Bulgarian Village by Kaneff, Deema
Cultivating Arctic Landscapes: Knowing and Managing Animals in the Circumpolar North by
After Whiteness: Unmaking an American Majority by Hill, Mike
Foreign News: Exploring the World of Foreign Correspondents by Hannerz, Ulf
Toward an Integrative Medicine: Merging Alternative Therapies with Biomedicine by Baer, Hans A.
Mitochondrial Pathogenesis: From Genes and Apoptosis to Aging and Disease by Dimauro, Salvatore, Tanaka, Masashi, Lee, Hong Kyu
Cultural Ethos of the Yoruba by Lawore, Olubayo
The Development of Izon Language by Martha I Akpana
The Making of Anthropology in East and Southeast Asia by
Ethnobotany: A Methods Manual by Martin, Gary J.
Cultivating Arctic Landscapes: Knowing and Managing Animals in the Circumpolar North by
Race and Social Analysis by Knowles, Caroline
Race and Social Analysis by Knowles, Caroline
The Everything Irish History & Heritage Book: From Brian Boru and St. Patrick to Sinn Fein and the Troubles, All You Need to Know about the Emerald Is by Hackney, Ryan, Blackwell, Amy Hackney
I Am Jewish: Personal Reflections Inspired by the Last Words of Daniel Pearl by
Popular Political Support in Urban China by Chen, Jie
Popular Political Support in Urban China by Chen, Jie
Chinese in Minnesota by Gebert Fuller, Sherri
Against History, Against State: Counterperspectives from the Margins by Mayaram, Shail
Against History, Against State: Counterperspectives from the Margins by Mayaram, Shail
When Roots Die: Endangered Traditions on the Sea Islands by Jones-Jackson, Patricia
To Lhasa In Disguise by McGovern, William Montgomery
An Imagined Geography: Sierra Leonean Muslims in America by D'Alisera, Joann
Blackfellas Whitefellas and Th by Cowlishaw, Gillian
Blackfellas, Whitefellas, and the Hidden Injuries of Race by Cowlishaw, Gillian
Manhood of Humanity: The Science and Art of Human Engineering by Korzybski, Alfred
The Unicorn: A Mythological Investigation by Brown, Robert
Songs of the Russian People As Illustrative of Slavonic Mythology and Russian Social Life by Ralston, W. R. S.
Manhood of Humanity: The Science and Art of Human Engineering by Korzybski, Alfred
The Unicorn: A Mythological Investigation by Brown, Robert
The Great Dionysiak Myth Part 2 by Brown, Robert
The Races of Man and Their Geographical Distribution by Peschel, Oscar
The Great Dionysiak Myth Part 1 by Brown, Robert
Cultural Memory and Historical Consciousness in the German-Speaking World Since 1500: Papers from the Conference 'The Fragile Tradition', Cambridge 20 by
Von Stämmen Und Ländern Und Der Macht Der Karte: Eine Dekonstruktion Der Ethnographischen Kartierung Deutsch-Ostafrikas by Rottland, Thomas
Palestinian Refugees in Lebanon - Where to Belong? by Klaus, Dorothee
Kinship and Family: An Anthropological Reader by
Cultural Diversity: Its Social Psychology by Chryssochoou, Xenia
Native Title in Australia: An Ethnographic Perspective by Sutton, Peter
Werwoelfe und Zaubertaenze: Vorchristliche Glaubensvorstellungen in Hexenprozessen der fruehen Neuzeit = Werwolfe Und Zaubertanze by Richter, Sabine
Crime's Power: Anthropologists and the Ethnography of Crime by
Crime's Power: Anthropologists and the Ethnography of Crime by
The Fall of the House of Roosevelt: Brokers of Ideas and Power from FDR to LBJ by Janeway, Michael
East Central Europe and the former Soviet Union: The Post-Socialist States by Stenning, Alison, Bradshaw, Michael
Shea Butter Republic: State Power, Global Markets, and the Making of an Indigenous Commodity by Chalfin, Brenda
Shea Butter Republic: State Power, Global Markets, and the Making of an Indigenous Commodity by Chalfin, Brenda
Reviving Phoenicia: In Search of Identity in Lebanon by Kaufman, Asher
Biological Vision: A 21St Century Tutorial by Fulton, James T.
Democracy's Ancient Ancestors by Fleming, Daniel E.
Global Transformations: Anthropology and the Modern World by Trouillot, M.
Global Transformations: Anthropology and the Modern World by Trouillot, M.
Europe Without Borders: Remapping Territory, Citizenship, and Identity in a Transnational Age by
Ethnic Conflict and International Politics: Explaining Diffusion and Escalation by Lobell, S., Mauceri, P.
Cultures of Taste/Theories of Appetite: Eating Romanticism by Morton, T.
Ethnic Conflict and International Politics: Explaining Diffusion and Escalation by Mauceri, P., Lobell, S.
Conflict and Reconstruction in Multiethnic Societies: Proceedings of a Russian-American Workshop by National Research Council, Policy and Global Affairs, Russian Academy of Sciences
Germans or Foreigners? Attitudes Toward Ethnic Minorities in Post-Reunification Germany by
Germans or Foreigners? Attitudes Toward Ethnic Minorities in Post-Reunification Germany by
Packaging Politics: Political Communications in Britain's Media Democracy by Franklin, Bob
Coming Home?: Refugees, Migrants, and Those Who Stayed Behind by
Transnational Chinese: Fujianese Migrants in Europe by Nyíri, Pál, Thunø, Mette, Pieke, Frank N.
Six Lives in Jerusalem: End-Of-Life Decisions in Jerusalem -- Cultural, Medical, Ethical and Legal Considerations by Sturman, Randy L.
Understanding the Political Culture of Hong Kong: The Paradox of Activism and Depoliticization: The Paradox of Activism and Depoliticization by Wai-Man, Lam
Inside Clubbing: Sensual Experiments in the Art of Being Human by Jackson, Phil
Inside Clubbing: Sensual Experiments in the Art of Being Human by Jackson, Phil
Places in Mind: Public Archaeology as Applied Anthropology by
Current Policies and Practices in European Social Anthropology Education by
Current Policies and Practices in European Social Anthropology Education by
Researching Food Habits: Methods and Problems by
Consumption and Market Society in Israel by
Stories, Myths, Chants, and Songs of the Kuna Indians by Sherzer, Joel
From Heaven to Earth: The Reordering of Castilian Society, 1150-1350 by Ruiz, Teofilo F.
Researching Food Habits: Methods and Problems by
Astrology, Science and Culture: Pulling Down the Moon by Willis, Roy, Curry, Patrick
Astrology, Science and Culture: Pulling Down the Moon by Willis, Roy, Curry, Patrick
Remembering Karelia: A Family's Story of Displacement During and After the Finnish Wars by Armstrong, Karen
More Than a Music Box: Radio Cultures and Communities in a Multi-Media World by
Consumption and Market Society in Israel by
Victorians by Wilson, A. N.
Cultural Politics and Asian Values by Barr, Michael D.
Leaving Mother Lake: A Girlhood at the Edge of the World by Mathieu, Christine, Namu, Yang Erche
The Devil and the Land of the Holy Cross: Witchcraft, Slavery, and Popular Religion in Colonial Brazil by Souza, Laura De Mello E.
Regarding the Pain of Others by Sontag, Susan
Rocket Dreams: How the Space Age Shaped Our Vision of a World Beyond by Benjamin, Marina
Symptoms of Modernity: Jews and Queers in Late-Twentieth-Century Vienna by Bunzl, Matti
Fieldwork Dilemmas: Anthropologists in Postsocialist States by De Soto, Hermine G.
Transnational Chinese: Fujianese Migrants in Europe by Nyíri, Pál, Thunø, Mette, Pieke, Frank N.
Is Taiwan Chinese?: The Impact of Culture, Power, and Migration on Changing Identities by Brown, Melissa J.
The Curtain Rises: Oral Histories of the Fall of Communism in Eastern Europe by Shapiro, Susan G., Shapiro, Ronald
Desi Tales by Khan, Sarah F.
What History Tells: George L. Mosse and the Culture of Modern Europe by
Filial Piety: Practice and Discourse in Contemporary East Asia by
Worlds of Psychotic People: Wanderers, 'Bricoleurs' and Strategists by Van Dongen, Els
Filial Piety: Practice and Discourse in Contemporary East Asia by
Making Modern Mothers: Ethics and Family Planning in Urban Greece by Paxson, Heather
Pogroms: Anti-Jewish Violence in Modern Russian History by
Conserving Cultures: Technology, Globalization, and the Future of Local Cultures by Redner, Harry
Jewish Magic and Superstition: A Study in Folk Religion by Trachtenberg, Joshua
Law and Empire in the Pacific: Fiji and Hawai`i by
Ancient Burial Practices in the American Southwest: Archaeology, Physical Anthropology, and Native American Perspectives by
Dragon Bone Hill: An Ice-Age Saga of Homo Erectus by Boaz, Noel T.
Salt of the Mountain: Campa Asháninka History and Resistance in the Peruvian Jungle by Varese, Stefano
Culture in the Age of Three Worlds by Denning, Michael
Up in Flames: The Ephemeral Art of Pasted-Paper Sculpture in Taiwan by Laing, Ellen Johnston, Liu, Helen Hui-Ling
Torn at the Roots: The Crisis of Jewish Liberalism in Postwar America by Staub, Michael
The Tea Ceremony and Women's Empowerment in Modern Japan: Bodies Re-Presenting the Past by Kato, Etsuko
The Lesser Gods of the Sahara: Social Change and Indigenous Rights by
Rites of Belonging: Memory, Modernity, and Identity in a Malaysian Chinese Community by Debernardi, Jean
The Lesser Gods of the Sahara: Social Change and Indigenous Rights by
Understanding Words That Wound by Delgado, Richard, Stefancic, Jean
Engaged Surrender: African American Women and Islam by Rouse, Carolyn
Behavioral Anthropology: Toward an Integrated Science of Human Behavior by Graves, Theodore D.
The New White Nationalism in America by Swain, Carol M.
The Healing Land: The Bushmen and the Kalahari Desert by Isaacson, Rupert
What White Looks Like: African-American Philosophers on the Whiteness Question by
What White Looks Like: African-American Philosophers on the Whiteness Question by
Places in Mind: Public Archaeology as Applied Anthropology by
Local Actions: Cultural Activism, Power, and Public Life in America by Checker, Melissa, Fishman, Maggie
Local Actions: Cultural Activism, Power, and Public Life in America by Checker, Melissa, Fishman, Maggie
An Introduction to Theories of Popular Culture by Strinati, Dominic
An Introduction to Theories of Popular Culture by Strinati, Dominic
Total Confinement: Madness and Reason in the Maximum Security Prison by Rhodes, Lorna A.
Teen Life in Asia by Slater, Judith
The Biology of Civilisation: Understanding Human Culture as a Force in Nature by Boyden, Stephen
An Earth-Colored Sea: 'Race', Culture and the Politics of Identity in the Post-Colonial Portuguese-Speaking World by Almeida, Miguel Vale De
An Earth-Colored Sea: 'Race', Culture and the Politics of Identity in the Post-Colonial Portuguese-Speaking World by Almeida, Miguel Vale De
Elusive Consumption by
A Social History of France 1780-1914: Second Edition by McPhee, Peter
Becoming Neighbors in a Mexican American Community: Power, Conflict, and Solidarity by Ochoa, Gilda L.
Modern Enchantments: The Cultural Power of Secular Magic by During, Simon
Aboriginal Population Profiles for Development Planning in the Northern East Kimberley by Taylor, John
Elusive Consumption by
This Is Cuba: An Outlaw Culture Survives by Corbett, Ben
Marginal Gains: Monetary Transactions in Atlantic Africa by Guyer, Jane I.
The Neanderthal's Necklace: In Search of the First Thinkers by Arsuaga, Juan Luis
Around the Tuscan Table: Food, Family, & Gender in Twentieth Century Florence by Counihan, Carole M.
Around the Tuscan Table: Food, Family, and Gender in Twentieth-Century Florence by Counihan, Carole M.
Civilizing the Margins: Southeast Asian Government Policies for the Development of Minorities by
Fathers and Mothers: Dilemmas of the Work-Life Balance: A Comparative Study in Four European Countries by Fine-Davis, Margret, Fagnani, Jeanne, Giovannini, Dino
Civilizing the Margins: Southeast Asian Government Policies for the Development of Minorities by
Aborigines of Taiwan: The Puyuma: From Headhunting to the Modern World by Cauquelin, Josiane
Civilization: An Appreciation of the Victories of Scholarship Science and Art; Greece and Rome the Pursuit of Perfection by
Civilization: An Appreciation of the Victories of Scholarship, Science and Art; Early Man, Egypt Assyria, Persia the Hebrews Phoenic by
The Celtic Dragon Myth by Campbell, J. F.
Ethnology in Folklore by Gomme, George Laurence
Egyptian Mythology by Muller, W. Max
Nations, Language and Citizenship by Berdichevsky, Norman
The Will to Technology and the Culture of Nihilism: Heidegger, Nietzsche, and Marx by Kroker, Arthur
A Sideways Look at Time by Griffiths, Jay
Prayers and Meditations of the Quero Apache by Yracébûrû, Maria
On the Move: Women and Rural-To-Urban Migration in Contemporary China by
On the Move: Women and Rural-To-Urban Migration in Contemporary China by
Studies in Behavioral Anthropology by Graves, Theodore D.
The Paganism Reader by
The Paganism Reader by
Studies in Behavioral Anthropology by Graves, Theodore D.
Behavioral Anthropology: Toward an Integrated Science of Human Behavior by Graves, Theodore D.
Namoluk Beyond The Reef: The Transformation Of A Micronesian Community by Marshall, Mac
The Language Revolution: Sex and Violence by Crystal, David
Rum and Axes: The Rise of a Connecticut Merchant Family, 1795-1850 by Siskind, Janet
Racism in Mind by
Democracy and Ethnic Conflict: Advancing Peace in Deeply Divided Societies by
Not by Bread Alone: Social Support in the New Russia by Caldwell, Melissa L.
Write It on Your Heart: The Epic World of an Okanagan Storyteller by Robinson, Harry
Ethnic Minorities and Politics in Southeast Asia by
Economic Growth and Social Welfare: Operationalising Normative Social Choice Theory by
Asia Pacific Security - Values and Identity by Buszynski, Leszek
Assimilation and Community: The Jews in Nineteenth-Century Europe by
Magic and Religion by Lang, Andrew
Myths and Songs from the South Pacific by Gill, William Wyatt
Custom and Myth by Lang, Andrew
Seinte Marherete: The Meiden and Martyr in Old English First Edited From the Skin Books by
Magic and Religion by Lang, Andrew
Custom and Myth by Lang, Andrew
Myths and Songs from the South Pacific by Gill, William Wyatt
The Mythology of the Aryan Nations Part Two by Cox, George W.
A Journey in Southern Siberia: The Mongols Their Religion and Their Myths by Curtin, Jeremiah
Gypsy Folk Tales by Groome, Francis Hindes
The Folk Lore of the Isle of Man: Being an Account of its Myths, Legends, Superstitions, Customs and Proverbs by
Gypsy Folk Tales by Groome, Francis Hindes
The Mythology of the Aryan Nations Part One by Cox, George W.
Polynesian Mythology and Ancient Traditional History of the New Zealand Race as Furnished by Their Priests and Chiefs by Grey, George
Myths Traced to Their Primary Source Through Language by Kavanagh, Morgan Peter
The Moriscos of Spain: Their Conversion and Expulsion by Lea, Henry C.
An Ecology of High-Altitude Infancy: A Biocultural Perspective by Wiley, Andrea S.
Norms in a Wired World by Hetcher, Steven A.
An Ecology of High-Altitude Infancy by Wiley, Andrea S.
Why Ethnic Parties Succeed: Patronage and Ethnic Head Counts in India by Chandra, Kanchan
Homeplace: The Social Use and Meaning of the Folk Dwelling in Southwestern North Carolina by Williams, Michael Ann
Die Großstadt Und Das Primitive: Text - Politik - Repräsentation by
Architectures of Knowledge: Firms, Capabilities, and Communities by Amin, Ash, Cohendet, Patrick
Architectures of Knowledge: Firms, Capabilities, and Communities by Amin, Ash, Cohendet, Patrick
Biblical Mourning: Ritual and Social Dimensions by Olyan, Saul M.
Berlin - The Symphony Continues: Orchestrating Architectural, Social, and Artistic Change in Germany's New Capital by
Muslim Societies: Historical and Comparative Aspects by Tsugitaka, Sato
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