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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Anthropology in 2005

Pourquoi les Français sont les moins fréquentables de la planète by Clodong, Olivier, Lamarque, José-Manuel
Cultivating Development: An Ethnography Of Aid Policy And Practice by Mosse, David
Modern Blackness: Nationalism, Globalization, and the Politics of Culture in Jamaica by Thomas, Deborah A.
Callaloo Nation: Metaphors of Race and Religious Identity Among South Asians in Trinidad by Khan, Aisha
Watching Babylon: The War in Iraq and Global Visual Culture by Mirzoeff, Nicholas
Land, Nation and Culture, 1740-1840: Thinking the Republic of Taste by
Political Culture and Post-Communism by
Kanzi's Primal Language: The Cultural Initiation of Primates Into Language by Fields, W., Savage-Rumbaugh, S., Segerdahl, P.
Changing Parties: An Anthropology of British Political Conferences by Faucher-King, F.
Rural China: Economic and Social Change in the Late Twentieth Century by Taubmann, Wolfgang, Fan, Jie, Heberer, Thomas
Violence and Belonging: The Quest for Identity in Post-Colonial Africa by Broch-Due, Vigdis
Muslims In Australia by Kabir, Nahid
Watching Babylon: The War in Iraq and Global Visual Culture by Mirzoeff, Nicholas
The Roots of Christian Festivals by Self, David
Ritual in Its Own Right: Exploring the Dynamics of Transformation by
The Retired Military As Emergent Power Factor In Nigeria by Adekanye, J. 'Bayo
Nigeria's Defence and National by Imobighe, Thomas A., Imobighe, T. a.
No Safe Place by Women and Law in Southern Africa (Botswa
Publishing in Africa: One Man's Perspective by Chakava, Henry
Social Theory and Social History by Taylor, Avram, Macraild, Donald
Cyber Selves: Feminist Ethnographies of South Asian Women by Gajjala, Radhika
Cyber Selves: Feminist Ethnographies of South Asian Women by Gajjala, Radhika
Totem Poles Coloring Book: An Ancient Art by Batdorf, Carol
Afro-Cuban Tales by Cabrera, Lydia
Rolling in Ditches with Shamans: Jaime de Angulo and the Professionalization of American Anthropology by Leeds-Hurwitz, Wendy
Minding the Children: Child Care in America from Colonial Times to the Present by Youcha, Geraldine
Dance Ceremonies of the Northern Rio Grande Pueblos by Huelster, Dick, Huelster, Kathryn
Colonial Situations: Essays on the Contextualization of Ethnographic Knowledge by
Smoking and Culture: The Archaeology of Tobacco Pipes in Eastern North America by Rafferty, Sean M.
Plasticity and Signal Representation in the Auditory System by
Organizing Through Division and Exclusion: China's Hukou System by Wang, Fei-Ling
Hominid Individual in Context: Archaeological Investigations of Lower and Middle Palaeolithic Landscapes, Locales and Artefacts by
African Initiations: Rites of Passage Through the Eyes of an Initiate by Winddrum, Shakmah
The Ritual and Chapter Business Procedure of the Women of the Moose by Women of the Moose
Asiatic Mythology 1932 by Hackin, J.
Children of Mexico by Hogner, Dorothy Childs
Anthropological Religion by Muller, Friedrich
Plays of Leo Tolstoy: The Power Of Darkness, The First Distiller, Fruits Of Culture by Tolstoy, Leo
Peasants & Potters by Fleure, Herbert John, Peake, Harold
Salt Water Taffy or TwentyThousand Leagues Away From The Sea by Triplett, June
Marriage Customs In Many Lands by Hutchinson, H.
The Story of the Mikado by Gilbert, William S.
Words And Places Or Etymological Illustrations Of History, Ethnology And Geography by Taylor, Isaac
The Ritual and Chapter Business Procedure of the Women of the Moose by Women of the Moose
Moko Or Maori Tattooing by Robley, Horatio
The Baganda: An Account Of Their Native Customs And Beliefs by Roscoe, John
The Seven Curses of London by Greenwood, James
The Community of Man by Muller, Hugh
Words And Places Or Etymological Illustrations Of History, Ethnology And Geography by Taylor, Isaac
The Seven Curses of London by Greenwood, James
The Witness of the Wilderness: The Bedawin of the Desert by Lees, Reverend G. Robinson
The New Exodus A Study Of Israel In Russia by Frederic, Harold
Domestic Manners of the Americans Part Two by Trollope, Frances Milton
The Soul Of A People by Fielding, Harold
Marriage Customs In Many Lands by Hutchinson, H.
The World's Inhabitants or Mankind, Animals and Plants Part Two by Bettany, G. T.
The World's Inhabitants Or Mankind, Animals And Plants Part One by Bettany, G. T.
The Origin of Civilization and the Primitive Condition of Man by Lubbock, John
The Baganda: An Account Of Their Native Customs And Beliefs by Roscoe, John
Text and Image: Art and the Performance of Memory by Smith, Richard
The Archaeology of Plural and Changing Identities: Beyond Identification by
Global Archaeological Theory: Contextual Voices and Contemporary Thoughts by
Cultural Studies: A Critical Introduction by During, Simon
Looking for America: The Visual Production of Nation and People by Cameron, Ardis
The Anthropology of Development and Globalization: From Classical Political Economy to Contemporary Neoliberalism by
A Companion to Psychological Anthropology: Modernity and Psychocultural Change by
The Anthropology of Development and Globalization: From Classical Political Economy to Contemporary Neoliberalism by
Global Archaeological Theory: Contextual Voices and Contemporary Thoughts by
Pop Culture Latin America!: Media, Arts, and Lifestyle by Shaw, Lisa, Dennison, Stephanie
Desert Peoples: Archaeological Perspectives by
Looking for America: The Visual Production of Nation and People by Cameron, Ardis
Palestinians Born in Exile: Diaspora and the Search for a Homeland by Hammer, Juliane
Why America's Top Pundits Are Wrong: Anthropologists Talk Back Volume 13 by
Max Weber's Economy and Society: A Critical Companion by
Uprising of Hope: Sharing the Zapatista Journey to Alternative Development by Simonelli, Jeanne, Earle, Duncan
Troubled Fields: Men, Emotions, and the Crisis in American Farming by Ramirez-Ferrero, Eric
Troubled Fields: Men, Emotions, and the Crisis in American Farming by Ramirez-Ferrero, Eric
The Life of the Law: Anthropological Projects by Nader, Laura
Max Weber's Economy and Society: A Critical Companion by
The Origin and Evolution of Cultures by Boyd, Robert
Preventing Ethnic Conflict: Successful Cross-National Strategies by Lindsey, Linda, Deutscher, Irwin
Budweisers Into Czechs and Germans: A Local History of Bohemian Politics, 1848-1948 by King, Jeremy
Creative Industries by
Negotiating Caribbean Freedom: Peasants and The State in Development by Crichlow, Michaeline A.
Opposing Suharto: Compromise, Resistance, and Regime Change in Indonesia by Aspinall, Edward
Opposing Suharto: Compromise, Resistance, and Regime Change in Indonesia by Aspinall, Edward
Globalizing Critical Theory by
Uprising of Hope: Sharing the Zapatista Journey to Alternative Development by Earle, Duncan, Simonelli, Jeanne
Food Culture in Mexico by Vargas, Luis Alberto, Long-Solis, Janet, Long, Janet
The Sorrow of the Lonely and the Burning of the Dancers by Schieffelin, E.
Armies of the Young: Child Soldiers in War and Terrorism by Rosen, David M.
Kinship, Contract, Community, and State: Anthropological Perspectives on China by Cohen, Myron L.
Yanomami: The Fierce Controversy and What We Can Learn from It by Borofsky, Rob
Hunter-Gatherer Childhoods: Evolutionary, Developmental, and Cultural Perspectives by Hewlett, Barry S.
The Sorrow of the Lonely and the Burning of the Dancers by Schieffelin, E.
Hunter-Gatherer Childhoods: Evolutionary, Developmental, and Cultural Perspectives by Hewlett, Barry S.
The Concept of a University by
Kinship, Contract, Community, and State: Anthropological Perspectives on China by Cohen, Myron L.
Contemporary Patterns of Politics, Praxis, and Culture by Persons, Georgia A.
Anthropology and Development: Understanding Contemporary Social Change by De-Sardan, Jean-Pierre Oliver
Tanners of Taiwan: Life Strategies and National Culture by Simon, Scott
The Business of Ethnography: Strategic Exchanges, People and Organizations by Moeran, Brian
In the Maw of the Earth Monster: Mesoamerican Ritual Cave Use by
Negotiating Caribbean Freedom: Peasants and The State in Development by Crichlow, Michaeline A.
Postcommunist Belarus by
The Iraqw of Tanzania: Negotiating Rural Development by Snyder, Katherine A.
Osage Grammar by Quintero, Carolyn
Guest People: Hakka Identity in China and Abroad by Constable, Nicole
I Am Jewish: Personal Reflections Inspired by the Last Words of Daniel Pearl by
A Brief History of the Smile by Trumble, Angus
Puerto Rican Chicago by Cruz, Wilfredo
Questioning Gypsy Identity: Ethnic Narratives in Britain and America by Belton, Brian A.
Glozel: Bones of Contention by Gerard, Alice
Glozel: Bones of Contention by Gerard, Alice
Ideologies of Hispanism by
Geographies of Identity in Nineteenth-Century Japan by Howell, David L.
Ideologies of Hispanism by
Postsocial History: An Introduction by Cabrera, Miguel A.
Transforming a Rape Culture by
The Bone Woman: The Bone Woman: A Forensic Anthropologist's Search for Truth in the Mass Graves of Rwanda, Bosnia, Croatia, and Kosovo by Koff, Clea
Science, Technology and the German Cultural Imagination: Papers from the Conference 'The Fragile Tradition', Cambridge 2002. Volume 3 by
The Ceremonial Animal: A New Portrait of Anthropology by James, Wendy
The Archaeology of Mediterranean Prehistory by
The Archaeology of Mediterranean Prehistory by
Jüdische Aspekte Jung-Wiens Im Kulturkontext Des »Fin de Siècle« by
As Pastoralists Settle: Social, Health, and Economic Consequences of the Pastoral Sedentarization in Marsabit District, Kenya by
Hunters vs. Pastoralists in the Sahara: Material Culture and Symbolic Aspects by
New Directions in Military Sociology by Ouellet
Race Is a Four-Letter Word: The Genesis of the Concept by Brace, C. Loring
Industrialisation and Everyday Life by Braun, Rudolf, Rudolf, Braun
Honor and Grace in Anthropology by
The Huli Response to Illness by Frankel, Stephen, Stephen, Frankel
Tradition and Modernity in the Mediterranean: The Wedding as Symbolic Struggle by Argyrou, Vassos, Vassos, Argyrou
Epidemiology and Culture by Trostle, James A.
Epidemiology and Culture by Trostle, James A., James a., Trostle
The Cambridge Companion to Modern Irish Culture by
No One Cries for the Dead: Tamil Dirges, Rowdy Songs, and Graveyard Petitions by Clark-Decès, Isabelle
Free Culture: The Nature and Future of Creativity by Lessig, Lawrence
Sista Talk: The Personal and the Pedagogical by Brock, Rochelle
Strategies of Sex and Survival in Female Hamadryas Baboons: Through a Female Lens by Swedell, Larissa
Memories of State: Politics, History, and Collective Identity in Modern Iraq by Davis, Eric
Men, Women and Property in England, 1780-1870 by Morris, R. J.
Bonds of Civility by Ikegami, Eiko
Bonds of Civility: Aesthetic Networks and the Political Origins of Japanese Culture by Ikegami, Eiko
Securing a Place: Small-Scale Artisans in Modern Indonesia by Morrell, Elizabeth
Life and Teachings of Zoroaster the Great Persian by Whitney, Loren Harper
The Language of the Land: The Mapuche of Chile and Argentina by Ray, Leslie A.
The Classic Myths in English Literature and in Art by Gayley, Charles Mills
Ancient Life in the American Southwest by Hewett, Edgar L.
The Sexual Life of Savages in North-Western Melanesia by Malinowski, Bronislaw
Myths Of China And Japan by MacKenzie, Donald A.
The ABC and XYZ of Bee Culture by Root, A. I., Root, E. R.
Cults, Customs And Superstitions Of India by Oman, John
The Ideals Of The East With Special Reference To The Art Of Japan by Okakura, Kakuzo
Myths And Legends Beyond Our Borders by Skinner, Charles M.
Myths Of China And Japan by MacKenzie, Donald A.
War On The White Slave Trade by Bell, Ernest A.
The American Indian: An Introduction To The Anthropology Of The New World by Wissler, Clark
Letters and Notes on the Manners, Customs and Condition of the North American Indians by Catlin, George
Indians of the Yosemite Valley and Vicinity: Their History, Customs and Traditions by Clark, Galen
The Chechens: A Handbook by Jaimoukha, Amjad
Fashion and Modernity by Evans, Caroline
Manhood and American Political Culture in the Cold War by Cuordileone, K. a.
Visions of Paradise: Primordial Titles and Mesoamerican History in Cuernavaca by Haskett, Robert
Ageing Without Children: European and Asian Perspectives on Elderly Access to Support Networks by
The American Discovery of Tradition, 1865-1942 by Clark, Michael D.
Fashion and Modernity by Evans, Caroline
Rural Resources and Local Livelihoods in Africa by Na, Na
Ageing Without Children: European and Asian Perspectives on Elderly Access to Support Networks by
Troubles with Turtles: Cultural Understandings of the Environment on a Greek Island by Theodossopoulos, Dimitris
The Encircled Serpent a Study of Serpent Symbolism in All Countries and Ages by Howey, M. Oldfield
Native Languages of the Southeastern United States by
Hominid Individual in Context: Archaeological Investigations of Lower and Middle Palaeolithic Landscapes, Locales and Artefacts by
The Encircled Serpent: A Study of Serpent Symbolism in All Countries and Ages by Howey, M. Oldfield
Staff Planning in a Time of Demographic Change by Whitmell, Vicki L.
Industrial Archaeology: Future Directions by
Industrial Archaeology: Future Directions by
Learning Capoeira: Lessons in Cunning from an Afro-Brazilian Art by Downey, Greg
Learning Capoeira: Lessons in Cunning from an Afro-Brazilian Art by Downey, Greg
Partial Connections by Strathern, Marilyn
Social Space and Governance in Urban China: The Danwei System from Origins to Reform by Bray, David
Communications and Multimedia Security: 8th Ifip Tc-6 Tc-11 Conference on Communications and Multimedia Security, Sept. 15-18, 2004, Windermere, the L by
Nation-Building and Minority Politics in Post-Socialist States: Interests, Influence, and Identities in Estonia and Latvia by Galbreath, David
Muslim Networks from Hajj to Hip Hop by
Anthropology Through a Double Lens: Public and Personal Worlds in Human Theory by Linger, Daniel Touro
The American South in a Global World by
Questioning Gypsy Identity: Ethnic Narratives in Britain and America by Belton, Brian A.
The Cambridge Companion to Modern Irish Culture by
High Theory/Low Culture by Brottman, M.
High Theory/Low Culture by Brottman, M.
The Historical Evolution of World-Systems by Chase-Dunn, C., Anderson, E.
Islam Obscured: The Rhetoric of Anthropological Representation by Varisco, D.
National Differences, Global Similarities: World Culture and the Future of Schooling by Letendre, Gerald, Baker, David P.
The Selfish Meme by Distin, Kate
The Metaphysics of Apes: Negotiating the Animal-Human Boundary by Corbey, Raymond H. a.
The Metaphysics of Apes: Negotiating the Animal-Human Boundary by Corbey, Raymond H. a.
Class Acts: An Anthropology of Urban Workers and Their Union by Durrenberger, E. Paul, Erem, Suzan
Die Dynamik Organisierter Beschäftigungsförderung: Eine Qualitative Evaluation by Bode, Ingo
Economic and Political Contention in Comparative Perspective by Kousis, Maria, Tilly, Charles
Class Acts: An Anthropology of Urban Workers and Their Union by Durrenberger, E. Paul, Erem, Suzan
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