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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Anthropology in 2006

The Mysteries of Britain - Secret Rites and Traditions of Ancient Britain Restored by Spence, L.
The Finnish Immigrant Experience in North America, 1880-2000: Studies in Cultural Geography by Roinila, Mika
Navigating Youth, Generating Adulthood by
Cross-Cultural Communication: Concepts, Cases and Challenges by
Property and Equality: Volume I: Ritualization, Sharing, Egalitarianism by
Reversal of Aging: Resetting the Pineal Clock (Fourth Stromboli Conference on Aging and Cancer), Volume 1057 by
Therapeutic Oligonucleotides: Transcriptional and Translational Strategies for Silencing Gene Expression, Volume 1058 by
Anthropology and Sexual Morality: A Theoretical Investigation by Salazar, Carles
Diasporas Within and Without Africa by Manger, Lief, Assal, Munzoul
From Dust to Ashes: Cremation and the British Way of Death by Jupp, P.
Public Policy and Ethnicity: The Politics of Ethnic Boundary Making by Openshaw, Roger
Sociological Cultural Studies: Reflexivity and Positivity in the Human Sciences by McLennan, G.
Cultural Studies' Affective Voices by Gregg, M.
Inequality, Poverty and Well-Being by
Identity as Ideology: Understanding Ethnicity and Nationalism by Malesevic, S.
Cultural Influences on Economic Analysis Cultural Influences on Economic Analysis: Theory and Empirical Evidence Theory and Empirical Evidence by Guo, R.
Negotiating Gendered Identities at Work: Place, Space and Time by Halford, S.
Transcultural Europe: Cultural Policy in a Changing Europe by
Culture and Context in World Politics by Lawson, Stephanie
Mura Solwata Kosker: We Saltwater Women by Gaffney, Ellie
Being Indian in Hueyapan by Friedlander, J.
Buddhism in World Cultures: Comparative Perspectives by Berkwitz, Stephen
Anthropology and Sexual Morality: A Theoretical Investigation by Salazar, Carles
Skulls to the Living, Bread to the Dead: The Day of the Dead in Mexico and Beyond by Brandes, Stanley
The Incas: New Perspectives by McEwan, Gordon Francis
Cultural Creativity in the Early English Renaissance: Popular Culture in Town and Country by Salter, E.
Go-betweens and the Colonization of Brazil: 1500-1600 by Metcalf, Alida C.
Insects and Human Life by Morris, Brian
Two Crows Denies It: A History of Controversy in Omaha Sociology by Barnes, R. H.
The Story of the Gypsies (History of the Romany) by Bercovici, Konrad
Property and Equality: Volume II: Encapsulation, Commercialization, Discrimination by
White Metropolis: Race, Ethnicity, and Religion in Dallas, 1841-2001 by Phillips, Michael
Women by Women: 50 Years of Women's Photography in South Africa by
Katanga Evenkis in the 20th Century and the Ordering of Their Life-World by Sirina, Anna A.
Patterns of Culture by Benedict, Ruth
The Chrysanthemum and the Sword by Benedict, Ruth
Knowing Places: The Inuinnait, Landscapes, and the Environment by Collignon, Béatrice
Behavioral Ecology and the Transition to Agriculture: Volume 1 by
Purgatory and Utopia: A Mazahua Indian Village of Mexico by Iwanska, Alicja
Living Islam: Muslim Religious Experience in Pakistan's North-West Frontier by Marsden, Magnus
The Third Chimpanzee: The Evolution and Future of the Human Animal by Diamond, Jared M.
Powers of the Secular Modern: Talal Asad and His Interlocutors by
Powers of the Secular Modern: Talal Asad and His Interlocutors by
Folklore in British Literature: Naming and Narrating in Women's Fiction, 1750-1880 by Wakefield, Sarah R.
Genres of Recollection: Archival Poetics and Modern Greece by Papalias, P.
Genres of Recollection: Archival Poetics and Modern Greece by Papalias, P.
Sex And Sex Worship by Wall
Nachituti's Gift: Economy, Society, and Environment in Central Africa by Gordon, David M.
Language and Power: Exploring Political Cultures in Indonesia by Anderson, Benedict R. O'g
Passages: Predictable Crises of Adult Life by Sheehy, Gail
Zuerst Die Freunde, Dann Die Frau: Verantwortungen Jemenitischer Männer Gegenüber Ihren Familien by Hitz, Florian
Chinese Houses: The Architectural Heritage of a Nation by Knapp, Ronald G.
Critical Perspectives on Activity: Explorations Across Education, Work, and Everyday Life by
Black, Brown, Yellow, and Left: Radical Activism in Los Angeles Volume 19 by Pulido, Laura
Paris, London und die europaeische Provinz: Die fruehen Modejournale 1770-1830 by Ackermann, Astrid
Narrating Motherhood(s), Breaking the Silence: Other Mothers, Other Voices by
Empire at the Margins: Culture, Ethnicity, and Frontier in Early Modern China Volume 28 by
Kaiso!: Writings by and about Katherine Dunham by
Pop Culture India! Media, Arts, and Lifestyle by Kasbekar, Asha
The Anthropology of the State: A Reader by
Muslim Youth: Tensions And Transitions In Tajikistan by Harris, Colette
The Anthropology of the State: A Reader by
Eye Contact: Photographing Indigenous Australians by Lydon, Jane
Myths of Modernity: Peonage and Patriarchy in Nicaragua by Dore, Elizabeth
Ritual in the Bronze Age Aegean: The Minoan Peak Sanctuaries by Kyriakidis, Evangelos
Two Vagabonds In Languedoc by Gordon, Jan, Gordon, Cora J.
Finer Cooking: Dishes For by Boulestin
An Archaeology of Colonial Identity: Power and Material Culture in the Dwars Valley, South Africa by Lucas, Gavin
Eagles, Donkeys, and Butterflies: An Anthropological Study of Brazil's Animal Game by
Squaddies: Portrait of a Subculture by Hockey, John
Slow Living by Parkins, Wendy, Craig, Geoffrey
Italian Cultural Studies by
Questions of Method in Cultural Studies by
Cultures of Technology and the Quest for Innovation by
Cultures of Technology and the Quest for Innovation by
World Anthropologies: Disciplinary Transformations within Systems of Power by
Pachangas: Borderlands Music, U.S. Politics, and Transnational Marketing by Dorsey, Margaret E.
Women in Tibet: Past and Present by
Methods in Cultural Studies by
Culture and Customs of Botswana by Denbow, James, Thebe, Phenyo C.
Test Tubes and Dragon Scales by Basil, George P.
Morocco: Globalization and Its Consequences by Cohen, Shana, Jaidi, Larabi
World Anthropologies: Disciplinary Transformations within Systems of Power by
Religious Identity and Political Destiny: 'Hindutva' in the Culture of Ethnicism by Reddy, Deepa S.
New World, First Nations: Native Peoples of Mesoamerica and the Andes Under Colonial Rule by Cahill, David
Women in Tibet: Past and Present by
God's Lovers by Biegman
Debating Humankind's Place in Nature, 1860-2000: The Nature of Paleoanthropology by Delisle, Richard G.
The Demographic Revolution in Modern Egypt by Robinson, Warren C., El-Zanaty, Fatma H.
Morocco: Globalization and Its Consequences by Cohen, Shana, Jaidi, Larabi
Sensible Objects: Colonialism, Museums and Material Culture by
Borders and Healers: Brokering Therapeutic Resources in Southeast Africa by
Muscle Development in Drosophilia by Sink, Helen
Feminist Anthropology: A Reader by
Food in the Ancient World by Hill, Shaun, Wilkins, John
Food in the Ancient World by Wilkins, John, Hill, Shaun
Canadian Cultural Poesis: Essays on Canadian Culture by
Political Systems of Highland Burma: A Study of Kachin Social Structure by Leach, Edmund Ronald
Facing Total War: German Society, 1914-1918 by Kocka, J'Urgen
On the Margins - Us Americans in a Border Town to Mexico by Wilm, Johannes
Tanana and Chandalar: The Alaska Field Journals of Robert A. McKennan by
Nachituti's Gift: Economy, Society, and Environment in Central Africa by Gordon, David M.
Women and Authority in Early Modern Spain: The Peasants of Galicia by Poska, Allyson M.
New Cosmopolitanisms: South Asians in the Us by
Complex Ethnic Households in America by
Exile and Return Among the East Timorese by Wise, Amanda
From Egypt to Mesopotamia: A Study of Predynastic Trade Routes Volume 4 by Mark, Samuel
Sacred Bull, Holy Cow: A Cultural Study of Civilization's Most Important Animal by Sharpes, Donald K.
Thinking About Dementia: Culture, Loss, and the Anthropology of Senility by Leibing, Annette
Contested Tongues: Language Politics and Cultural Correction in Ukraine by Bilaniuk, Laada
Only Hope: Coming of Age Under China's One-Child Policy by Fong, Vanessa L.
Culture Troubles: Politics and the Interpretation of Meaning by Chabal, Patrick, Daloz, Jean-Pascal
Tattoo: Secrets of a Strange Art by Parry, Albert
Jam Book by Byron, May
Sharing the Dream: White Males in a Multicultural America by Pulera, Dominic J.
Discovering Nature: Globalization and Environmental Culture in China and Taiwan by Weller, Robert P.
Never Drank the Kool-Aid: Essays by Toure
The Emasculation of Men in America: 50 Reasons Why Males are No Longer Men by Bray, William E.
A Curriculum of Repression: A Pedagogy of Racial History in the United States by Kharem, Haroon
Eating the Black Body: Miscegenation as Sexual Consumption in African American Literature and Culture by Thompson, Carlyle V.
Everyday Arias: An Operatic Ethnography by Atkinson, Paul
Ethnic Realignments: A Comparative Study of Government Influences on Identity by Hoddie, Matthew
Discovering Nature by Weller, Robert P.
Beauty and the Monster. Discursive and Figurative Representations of the Parental Couple from Giotto to Tiepolo. by Accati, Luisa
Observing America's Jews by Sklare, Marshall
Journey of Song: Public Life and Morality in Cameroon by Ignatowski, Clare A.
Returning to the Teachings: Exploring Aboriginal Justice by Ross, Rupert
Circumpolar Lives and Livelihood: A Comparative Ethnoarchaeology of Gender and Subsistence by
A New Look at Thai AIDS: Perspectives from the Margin by Fordham, Graham
Remapping Knowledge: Intercultural Studies for a Global Age by Spariosu, Mihai I.
Postsocialism: Politics and Emotions in Central and Eastern Europe by
Culture and Customs of the Baltic States by Ph D., Kevin C. O'Connor
Feminist Anthropology: A Reader by
Guide to United States Popular Culture by
Living with Globalization by Hopper, Paul
Living with Globalization by Hopper, Paul
Think Global, Fear Local: Sex, Violence, and Anxiety in Contemporary Japan by Leheny, David
Blossoms on the Olive Tree: Israeli and Palestinian Women Working for Peace by Powers, Janet
Culture and Customs of Ireland by Scanlan, Margaret
Culture and Customs of Liberia by Olukoju, Ayodeji
The Emergence of Culture: The Evolution of a Uniquely Human Way of Life by Chase, Philip
Tall Shadows: Interviews with Israeli Arabs by Bakovic, Smadar
The Ruby Slippers, Madonna's Bra, and Einstein's Brain: The Locations of America's Pop Culture Artifacts by Epting, Chris
Heart of Beirut: Reclaiming the Bourj by Khalaf, Samir
The Politics of Egalitarianism: Theory and Practice by
The Politics of Egalitarianism: Theory and Practice by
Techniques, Technology and Civilization by
Nubian Ceremonial Life: Studies in Islamic Syncretism and Cultural Change by
Anthropology of Art by
Anthropology of Art by
Hopi Stories of Witchcraft, Shamanism, and Magic by Gary, Ken, Malotki, Ekkehart
Jews, Race, and Environment by Fishberg, Maurice
Ethnic Realignment: A Comparative Study of Government Influences on Identity by Hoddie, Matthew
Corrupt Histories by
Intelligence in Nature: An Inquiry Into Knowledge by Narby, Jeremy
The Home Life Of The Ancient Egyptians by Scott, Nora E.
Church And Culture In The Middle Ages 350-814 by Schnurer, Gustav
Studies In Cheremis Folklore V1 by Sebeok, Thomas A.
Folklore Of Other Lands by Soule, Robert C., Selvi, Arthur M., Kahn, Lothar
Man, God and Magic: The Culture, Religious Beliefs and Practices of Prehistoric Man by Lissner, Ivar
Myths Of The Hero: With 105 Illustrations by Goodrich, Norma Lorre
The Creation of Woman: A Psychoanalytic Inquiry Into the Myth of Eve by Reik, Theodor
National Narcissism: The intersection of the nationalist cult and gender in Hungary by Weaver, Eric Beckett
The Myths of the Rhine by Saintine, Xavier B.
The Names Of The Gods In The Kiche Myths: Central America by Brinton, Daniel G.
The Culture Of The Soul Among Western Nations by Ramanathan, P.
Hindu Manners, Customs And Ceremonies by DuBois, Abbe J. a.
A Missionary's Journey: The Gentle Teacher's Letters from Kyoto by Spencer, Dorothy
Of Alien Kings and Perpetual Kin: Contradiction and Ambiguity in Ruwund (Lunda) Symbolic Thought by Palmeirim, Manuela
Kant: Anthropology from a Pragmatic Point of View by
Religious Identity and Political Destiny: 'Hindutva' in the Culture of Ethnicism by Reddy, Deepa S.
Dedovshchina in the Post-Soviet Military. Hazing of Russian Army Conscripts in a Comparative Perspective. With a foreword by Dale Herspring by
The Telengits of Southern Siberia: Landscape, Religion and Knowledge in Motion by Halemba, Agnieszka
Blues for New Orleans: Mardi Gras and America's Creole Soul by Abrahams, Roger
Strategies and Norms in a Changing Matrilineal Society: Descent, Succession and Inheritance Among the Toka of Zambia by Ladislav, Holy, Holy, Ladislav
Stas and Stella's Mostly Traditional Polish Wedding by Urbanczyk, Ronald
Nature, Ritual, and Society in Japan's Ryukyu Islands by Røkkum, Arne
Golden Arches East: McDonald's in East Asia by
Golden Arches East: McDonald's in East Asia, Second Edition by
The Revenge of Hatpin Mary: Women, Professional Wrestling and Fan Culture in the 1950s by Dell, Chad
Kay Pacha: Cultivating earth and water in the Andes by
Rural Women in Urban China: Gender, Migration, and Social Change by Jacka, Tamara
Ethos and Identity: Three Studies in Ethnicity by Epstein, A. L.
Democratization Through the Looking-glass by
Reinigungsrituale aus Kizzuwatna by Strauß, Rita
Indigenous Education and Empowerment: International Perspectives by
Tradition as Truth and Communication: A Cognitive Description of Traditional Discourse by Boyer, Pascal
Bartered Brides: Politics, Gender and Marriage in an Afghan Tribal Society by Nancy, Tapper, Tapper, Nancy
People of the Sea: Identity and Descent Among the Vezo of Madagascar by Rita, Astuti, Astuti, Rita
Polish Refugees and the Polish American Immigration and Relief Committee by Cisek, Janusz
An Enchanted Modern: Gender and Public Piety in Shi'i Lebanon by Deeb, Lara
Mind, Body and Culture: Anthropology and the Biological Interface by Samuel, Geoffrey
Kant: Anthropology from a Pragmatic Point of View by
Models and Interpretations: Selected Essays by J. a., Barnes, Barnes, J. a.
The Sacred Void: Spatial Images of Work and Ritual Among the Giriama of Kenya by Parkin, David
The Duel in Early Modern England: Civility, Politeness and Honour by Peltonen, Markku
Rituals in Parliaments: Political, Anthropological and Historical Perspectives on Europe and the United States by
Collective Rights of Indigenous Peoples: Identity-Based Movement of Plain Indigenous in Taiwan by Hsieh, Jolan
Where Men Hide by Twitchell, James B.
Los Espiritus De Venezuela: Un Viaje Dentro Del Mundo Oculto De Magia Y Espirtus De Venezuela by Donnelly, Margaret
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