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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Anthropology in 2012

The Journey from Eden: The Peopling of the World by Fagan, Brian M.
After Mabo: Interpreting Indigenous Traditions by Rowse, Tim
Peopled Landscapes: Archaeological and Biogeographic Approaches to Landscapes by
Kurma XI, a Middle Holocene Hunter-Gatherer Cemetery on Lake Baikal, Siberia: Archaeological and Osteological Materials by
The Anthropology of Alternative Medicine by Ross, Anamaria Iosif
People and Their Pasts: Public History Today by
German Images of the Self and the Other: Nationalist, Colonialist and Anti-Semitic Discourse, 1871-1918 by Rash, F.
Pentecostalism and Development: Churches, Ngos and Social Change in Africa by
Preservation and National Belonging in Eastern Germany: Heritage Fetishism and Redeeming Germanness by James, J.
Whiteness, Class and the Legacies of Empire: On Home Ground by Tyler, K.
The Politics of Culture: The Case for Universalism by Mirza, M.
Narratives of Place, Belonging and Language: An Intercultural Perspective by Loparo, Kenneth A.
Mediating Cultural Diversity in a Globalized Public Space by
Women and the Media in Asia: The Precarious Self by
History, Memory and Migration: Perceptions of the Past and the Politics of Incorporation by Glynn, Irial
Fishing for Fairness: Poverty, Morality and Marine Resource Regulation in the Philippines by Fabinyi, Michael
Sociability and Cosmopolitanism: Social Bonds on the Fringes of the Enlightenment by
The Struggle in Black and Brown: African American and Mexican American Relations During the Civil Rights Era by
Mapping Cultures: Place, Practice, Performance by
Creativity and Cultural Production: Issues for Media Practice by McIntyre, P.
Tales from the Yucatan Jungle: Life in a Mayan Village by Ellingson, Kristine
The Modern Neighbors of Tutankhamun: History, Life, and Work in the Villages of the Theban West Bank by Spek, Kees Van Der
Foodscapes, Foodfields, and Identities in the Yucatán by Ayora-Diaz, Steffan Igor
Desert Roots: Journey of an Iranian Immigrant Family by Shavarini, Mitra K.
Identity Politics and the New Genetics: Re/Creating Categories of Difference and Belonging by
The Anthropology of Alternative Medicine by Ross, Anamaria Iosif
Art, Ethnography and the Life of Objects: Paris, C.1925-35 by Kelly, Julia
Sephardic Jews in America: A Diasporic History by Ben-Ur, Aviva
Talking Tools: Faces of Aboriginal Oral Tradition in Contemporary Society by Scott, Patrick
Sex, Family & Fertility in Haiti by Schwartz Ph. D., Timothy T.
Primate Mind: Built to Connect with Other Minds by
Café d'Afrique: A Personal Discovery by Van Der Eecken, Tineke
Between One and One Another by Jackson, Michael
Volksgeist as Method and Ethic: Essays in Boasian Ethnography and the German Anthropological Tradition by Hammond, Paul
Between One and One Another by Jackson, Michael
BOOM! - a baby boomer memoir, 1947-2022 by Polhemus, Ted
Rainforest Warriors: Human Rights on Trial by Price, Richard
Politische Ursachen und ökonomische Folgen der Kollektivierung in der brandenburgischen Landwirtschaft: Mit einer Fallstudie über die Spreewaldgemeind by Matzk, Martin
Culture and Customs of Mali by Schulz, Dorothea
Handbook of Tourism and Quality-Of-Life Research: Enhancing the Lives of Tourists and Residents of Host Communities by
The Archaeology of Antislavery Resistance by Weik, Terrance M.
Stories from the Skeleton: Behavioral Reconstruction in Human Osteology by Jurmain, Robert
Demonizing the Other: Antisemitism, Racism and Xenophobia by
The Cultural Return: Volume 7 by Hegeman, Susan
Subversive Spiritualities: How Rituals Enact the World by Apffel-Marglin, Frdrique, Apffel-Marglin, Fraedaerique, Apffel-Marglin, Frederique
Indian hieroglyphs: Invention of writing by Kalyanaraman, S.
Cultures and Societies in a Changing World by Griswold, Wendy
The Culture of Markets by Wherry, Frederick F.
The Culture of Markets by Wherry, Frederick F.
How Eskimos Keep Their Babies Warm: And Other Adventures in Parenting (from Argentina to Tanzania and Everywhere in Between) by Hopgood, Mei-Ling
Endocrine Fgfs and Klothos by
A Jewish Voice from Ottoman Salonica: The Ladino Memoir of Sa'adi Besalel A-Levi by
Aspiring to Home: South Asians in America by Mani, Bakirathi
Aspiring to Home: South Asians in America by Mani, Bakirathi
Gender, Livelihoods and Migration in Africa by Dugbazah, Justina
Gender, Livelihoods and Migration in Africa by Dugbazah, Justina
Parasites, Worms, and the Human Body in Religion and Culture by
Execution: A History of Capital Punishment in Britain by Webb, Simon
Education, Community Engagement and Sustainable Development: Negotiating Environmental Knowledge in Monteverde, Costa Rica by Blum, Nicole
Unfinished Gestures: Devadasis, Memory, and Modernity in South India by Soneji, Davesh
Memory and Conflict in Lebanon: Remembering and Forgetting the Past by Larkin, Craig
Chimpanzees of the Lakeshore by Nishida, Toshisada
The Hide of My Tongue: Ax L'óot' Doogú by Prescott, Vivian Faith
Sterben: Dimensionen Eines Anthropologischen Grundphänomens by
The Mental and the Material by Godelier, Maurice
The Postcolonial and Imperial Experience in American Transcendentalism by Paryz, M.
The Postcolonial and Imperial Experience in American Transcendentalism by Paryz, M.
Food by
Food by
Chinese Chicago: Race, Transnational Migration, and Community Since 1870 by Ling, Huping
Die antiken Olympischen Spiele als Referenzrahmen für die modernen Olympischen Spiele: Klischees, Stereotypen und reale kulturhistorische Bezüge (Körp by Unterberger, Martina
Chinese Chicago: Race, Transnational Migration, and Community Since 1870 by Ling, Huping
'To Be Truly British We Must Be Anti-German': New Zealand, Enemy Aliens and the Great War Experience, 1914-1919 by Francis, Andrew
Radiation Exposure and Occupational Risks by
Carbanion Chemistry by Bates, R., Ogle, C. a.
Primate Vocal Communication by
Advances in Mutagenesis Research by
Maya Medicine: Traditional Healing in Yucatán by Kunow, Marianna Appel
Les Saints Des Derviches Tourneurs 2 Volume Paperback Set by
Colonial Expeditions to the Interior of California Central Valley, 1800-1820 by Cook, S. F.
Les Saints Des Derviches Tourneurs by
Les Saints Des Derviches Tourneurs by
The (Dis)information Age: The Persistence of Ignorance by Mohammed, Shaheed Nick
Ferry Tales: Mobility, Place, and Time on Canada's West Coast by Vannini, Phillip
Ferry Tales: Mobility, Place, and Time on Canada's West Coast by Vannini, Phillip
Nonunilineal Descent Groups: In Northwestern North America by Grossman, Daniel A.
Forensic Anthropology Training Manual by Burns, Karen Ramey
Interpreting Art in Museums and Galleries by Whitehead, Christopher
Akkreditierung ALS Mikropolitik: Zur Wirkung Neuer Steuerungsinstrumente an Deutschen Hochschulen by Kaufmann, Benedict
Die Kunst in Der Gesellschaft by Müller-Jentsch, Walther
Zukunftsgenese: Theorien Des Zukünftigen Sozialen Wandels by
Ethnographic Fieldwork 2e by
Zwischen Sozialer Verantwortung Und Ökonomischer Vernunft: Unternehmensethische Impulse Für Die Sozialwirtschaft by Ahlrichs, Rolf
The Slaw and the Slow Cooked: Culture and Barbecue in the Mid-South by
The Slaw and the Slow Cooked: Culture and Barbecue in the Mid-South by
Vertrauen Und Kooperation in Der Arbeitswelt by
Mother/Country: Politics of the Personal in the Fiction of Colm Tóibín by Costello-Sullivan, Kathleen
The Shark Warrior of Alewai: A Phenomenology of Melanesian Identity by Van Heekeren, Deborah
Notes on the Cognitive Texture of an Oral Mind: Kitawa, a Melanesian Culture by Scoditti, Giancarlo M. G.
Growing Up With Girl Power: Girlhood On Screen and in Everyday Life by Hains, Rebecca
Telling Stories in the Face of Danger: Language Renewal in Native American Communities by
An Archaeology of Images: Iconology and Cosmology in Iron Age and Roman Europe by Aldhouse Green, Miranda
Claude L?vi-Strauss: The Father of Modern Anthropology by Wilcken, Patrick
Sombreros and Motorcycles in a Newer South: The Politics of Aesthetics in South Carolina's Tourism Industry by King, P. Nicole
Tristes Tropiques by Levi-Strauss, Claude
Feminism, Culture and Embodied Practice: The Rhetorics of Comparison by Pedwell, Carolyn
The Sexual Life of Savages In North-Western Melanesia; An Ethnographic Account of Courtship, Marriage and Family Life Among the Natives of the Trobria by Malinowski, Bronislaw
Jews in the East European Borderlands: Essays in Honor of John D. Klier by
An Account of the Manners of the German Inhabitants of Pennsylvania. by Rush, Benjamin
The Mirage of China: Anti-Humanism, Narcissism, and Corporeality of the Contemporary World by Liu, Xin
Beyond the Nation: Diasporic Filipino Literature and Queer Reading by Ponce, Martin Joseph
Islands and Britishness: A Global Perspective by
Commodity Activism: Cultural Resistance in Neoliberal Times by
Politics of Innocence: Hutu Identity, Conflict and Camp Life by Turner, Simon
Clifford Geertz in Morocco by
Recollections of the Inhabitants, Localities, Superstitions, and KuKlux Outrages of the Carolinas.: By a "Carpet-Bagger" Who Was Born and Lived There by Green, John Patterson
Pursuit of Unity: A Political History of the American South by Perman, Michael
Commodity Activism: Cultural Resistance in Neoliberal Times by
Religion and Culture: Contemporary Practices and Perspectives by Hecht, Richard D., Biondo, Vincent F.
The Book of Tea by Okakura, Kakuzo
Hypersexuality and Headscarves: Race, Sex, and Citizenship in the New Germany by Partridge, Damani J.
Blue Jeans: The Art of the Ordinary by Miller, Daniel, Woodward, Sophie
The New Media Nation: Indigenous Peoples and Global Communication by Alia, Valerie
Beyond the Nation: Diasporic Filipino Literature and Queer Reading by Ponce, Martin Joseph
Tuff City: Urban Change and Contested Space in Central Naples by Dines, Nick
Dismantling the Dream Factory: Gender, German Cinema, and the Postwar Quest for a New Film Language by Baer, Hester
Saltwater Sociality: A Melanesian Island Ethnography by Schneider, Katharina
Landscape, Process and Power: Re-Evaluating Traditional Environmental Knowledge by
We Are Our Language: An Ethnography of Language Revitalization in a Northern Athabaskan Community by Meek, Barbra A.
The Religion of the Tempasuk Dusuns of North Borneo by Evans, I. H. N.
The Origin of Man by Read, Carveth
Faith and Race in American Political Life by
Deconstruction After 9/11 by McQuillan, Martin
Die Interdependenz der Ordnungen- Entwicklungszusammenarbeit als interkulturelles Diskursfeld: Zur Bedeutung der Kultur im Entwicklungsdiskurs und als by Kampmann, Susanne
The Mongwande Snake Cult: A Case Study in Contextualization by Moen, Sveinung Johnson
"Welcome I can say always" Die Kara Südwestäthiopiens und ihre Sicht auf den Tourismus in Korcho by Brückner, Nadine
Muslim Families in Global Senegal: Money Takes Care of Shame by Buggenhagen, Beth A.
Orientalists, Propagandists, and Ilustrados: Filipino Scholarship and the End of Spanish Colonialism by Thomas, Megan C.
Marktwirtschaften Unter Dem Druck Globalisierter Finanzmärkte: Finanzsysteme Und Corporate-Governance-Strukturen in Deutschland Und Italien by Furch, David
A History of Armenia by Kurkjian, Vahan M.
Transnational Sport: Gender, Media, and Global Korea by Joo, Rachael Miyung
The Science of Racism: And Everything Else the "Progressive" Left Doesn't Want You to Know, including, Exposing Liberal Lies and Dispelling A by Valiga, Russ
Landscape, Process and Power: Re-Evaluating Traditional Environmental Knowledge by
Communitas: The Anthropology of Collective Joy by Turner, E.
After Camp: Portraits in Midcentury Japanese American Life and Politics by Robinson, Greg
Virgin and Veteran Readings of Ulysses by Norris, M.
Communitas: The Anthropology of Collective Joy by Turner, E.
Fingerprints and Behavior: A Text on Fingerprints and Behavioral Corespondences by Campbell, Edward D.
The New Media Nation: Indigenous Peoples and Global Communication by
Theater of State: Parliament and Political Culture in Early Stuart England by Kyle, Chris
Gifts: A Study in Comparative Law by Hyland, Richard
Bad Souls: Madness and Responsibility in Modern Greece by Davis, Elizabeth Anne
Staging Neuropsychiatric Disorders: Implications for Etiopathogenesis and Treatment by
Reading Vietnam Amid the War on Terror by Hawkins, T.
Listening to Color: Blacks and Whites in Aberdeen, North Carolina by McKeithen, Anne
Reading Vietnam Amid the War on Terror by Hawkins, T.
Questioning French Secularism: Gender Politics and Islam in a Parisian Suburb by Selby, Jennifer
From Modern Production to Imagined Primitive: The Social World of Coffee from Papua New Guinea by West, Paige
Leitfaden für Kooperationen Theater & Schule - II Handreichungen Schulen by Jene-Ackermann, Lilo
Archaeological Ceramic Materials: Origin and Utilization by Druc, Isabelle C., Velde, Bruce
Peoples of the Roman World by Boatwright, Mary T.
Myths and Songs from the South Pacific by Gill, William Wyatt
The Dynamics of Social Capital and Civic Engagement in Asia by
Peoples of the Roman World by Boatwright, Mary T.
A Cultural Approach to Interpersonal Communication: Essential Readings by
Los Mayas y La Entrada a la Quinta Dimension by Moys N., Dilzik, Moysen, Dilzik
Los Mayas y La Entrada a la Quinta Dimension by Moysen, Dilzik, Moys N., Dilzik
Cluster Analysis: Survey and Evaluation of Techniques by Bynen, E. J.
Faces around the World: A Cultural Encyclopedia of the Human Face by Demello, Margo
The Politics of Resource Extraction: Indigenous Peoples, Multinational Corporations and the State by
The Human Birth Defect: On the Origins of Human Unhappiness, and Its Cure. by Kelleher, William J.
Some Thoughts on Hitler and Other Essays by Vinson, Irmin
Some Thoughts on Hitler and Other Essays by Vinson, Irmin
At Home with the Diplomats: Inside a European Foreign Ministry by Neumann, Iver B.
The Origin of Civilisation and the Primitive Condition of Man by Lubbock, John
At Home with the Diplomats by Neumann, Iver B.
Haiti: The God of Tough Places, the Lord of Burnt Men by Frechette, Richard
Breakup 2.0: Disconnecting Over New Media by Gershon, Ilana M.
The Whale House of the Chilkat, and in the Time That Was by Emmons, George T., Thorne, J. Frederic
The Anthropology of Writing: Understanding Textually Mediated Worlds by
True History of the Ghost: And All about Metempsychosis by Pepper, John Henry
Witch, Warlock, and Magician: Historical Sketches of Magic and Witchcraft in England and Scotland by Adams, W. H. Davenport
Man and His Superstitions by Read, Carveth
The Book of Wonderful Characters by Wilson, Henry, Caulfield, James
Discordant Development: Global Capitalism and the Struggle for Connection in Bangladesh by Gardner, Katy
Bodies of Evidence: The Practice of Queer Oral History by
Researches into the Early History of Mankind by Tylor, Edward B.
The Radical Choice and Moral Theory: Through Communicative Argumentation to Phenomenological Subjectivity by Zhenming Zhai
Flows of Faith: Religious Reach and Community in Asia and the Pacific by
Sharing Sacred Spaces in the Mediterranean: Christians, Muslims, and Jews at Shrines and Sanctuaries by
Slavery, Smallholding and Tourism: Social Transformations in the British Virgin Islands by O'Neal, Michael E.
Growing Up With Girl Power: Girlhood On Screen and in Everyday Life by Hains, Rebecca
Cultural Analysis: The Work of Peter L. Berger, Mary Douglas, Michel Foucault, and Jürgen Habermas by Hunter, James Davison, Bergesen, Albert J., Wuthnow, Robert
Foucault and Education: Disciplines and Knowledge by
Gated Communities in China: Class, Privilege and the Moral Politics of the Good Life by Pow, Choon-Piew
The Cash Dividend: The Rise of Cash Transfer Programs in Sub-Saharan Africa by T. Moore, Charity M., Garcia, Marito, Moore, Charity
The Ethics of Cultural Appropriation by
Dancing Through History: In Search of the Stories That Define Canada by Henry, Lori
The Huguenots: Their Settlements, Churches, and Industries in England and Ireland. by Smiles, Samuel, Jr.
The Huguenots: Their Settlements, Churches, and Industries in England and Ireland. by Smiles, Samuel Jr.
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