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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Anthropology in 2017

Boxed Cards Unexpected Loss Life's Journeys by
Food and Society: Principles and Paradoxes by Lucal, Betsy, Guptill, Amy E., Copelton, Denise A.
The Basque Moment: Egalitarianism and Traditional Basque Society by
A Man Called AITA by Errea, Joan
Archipelago of Care: Filipino Migrants and Global Networks by McKay, Deirdre
Food Research: Nutritional Anthropology and Archaeological Methods by
The Patient Multiple: An Ethnography of Healthcare and Decision-Making in Bhutan by Taee, Jonathan
Space and Mobility in Palestine by Peteet, Julie
Rights to Public Space: Law, Culture, and Gentrification in the American West by Langegger, Sig
Romantic Love in Cultural Contexts by Karandashev, Victor
Biological Measures of Human Experience Across the Lifespan: Making Visible the Invisible by
An Ethnography: Discovering the Hidden Identity of the Banilejos by Elazar-Demota M. a., Yehonatan
Caste, Entrepreneurship and the Illusions of Tradition: Branding the Potters of Kolkata by Heierstad, Geir
John of God: The Globalization of Brazilian Faith Healing by Rocha, Cristina
Oxford Handbook of Philosophy and Race by
The Ministry of Nostalgia: Consuming Austerity by Hatherley, Owen
Visions of Empire: Patriotism, Popular Culture and the City, 1870-1939 by Beaven, Brad
Maya and Catholic Cultures in Crisis by Early, John D.
How to Hygge: The Nordic Secrets to a Happy Life by Johansen, Signe
Racism, Sexism, Power and Ideology by Guillaumin, Colette
Cultural Politics and Asian Values by Barr, Michael D.
The Arc of Life: Evolution and Health Across the Life Course by
Gandhi in a Canadian Context: Relationships Between Mahatma Gandhi and Canada by
Playful Memories: The Autofictional Turn in Post-Dictatorship Argentina by Blejmar, Jordana
Reconstructing Organization: The Loungification of Society by O'Doherty, Damian P.
Cosmopolitics: The Collected Papers of the Open Anthropology Cooperative, Volume I by Shaffner, Justin
Facetten deutsch-koreanischer Beziehungen: 130 Jahre gemeinsame Geschichte by
Farewell to Modernism: On Human Devolution in the Twenty-First Century by Kanth, Rajani
Speaking in Cod Tongues: A Canadian Culinary Journey by Newman, Lenore
Events Marketing Management: A Consumer Perspective by Reic, Ivna
Sozialpädagogik Und Menschenbild: Bestimmung Und Bestimmbarkeit Der Sozialpädagogik ALS Denk- Und Handlungsform by Ried, Christoph
Der Schwierige Umgang Mit Ns-Raubkunst: Eine Analyse Aus Rechtlicher Perspektive Am Beispiel Des Schwabinger Kunstfundes by Rosenkranz, Benjamin
Third Party Sex Work and Pimps in the Age of Anti-Trafficking by
Intergenerational Consequences of Lifestyle Migration: German-Speaking Immigrants in New Zealand by Wohlfart, Irmengard K.
The God Who Grieves by Johnson, Bishop F. Josephus (Joey), II
The American Exception, Volume 2 by Lechner, Frank J.
Ethnografie Und Deutung: Gruppensupervision ALS Methode Reflexiven Forschens by
East German Intellectuals and the Unification of Germany: An Ethnographic View by Bednarz, Dan
Mixed Race Identities in Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific Islands by
Visuality, Emotions and Minority Culture: Feeling Ethnic by
The Collected Oz Volume Two by
A Journey to the Western Islands of Scotland by Johnson, Samuel
Purity and Danger Now: New Perspectives by
Critical Anthropological Engagements in Human Alterity and Difference by
The Tapestry of Culture: An Introduction to Cultural Anthropology, Tenth Edition by Rosman, Abraham, Rubel, Paula G., Weisgrau, Maxine
Fashioning Memory: Vintage Style and Youth Culture by Jenss, Heike
Tax Incentives for the Creative Industries by
The Tapestry of Culture: An Introduction to Cultural Anthropology, Tenth Edition by Weisgrau, Maxine, Rosman, Abraham, Rubel, Paula G.
Social Myths and Collective Imaginaries by Bouchard, Gerard, Les Editions Du Boreal
Veena Dhanammal: The Making of a Legend by Subramanian, Lakshmi
Seeking Home: Marginalization and Representation in Appalachian Literature and Song by
The Economy of Hope by
Space and Mobility in Palestine by Peteet, Julie
Pathways That Changed Myanmar by Mullen, Matthew
Emancipatory Politics: A Critique by Feuchtwang, Stephan
Orientalizing the Jew: Religion, Culture, and Imperialism in Nineteenth-Century France by Kalman, Julie
Work--Life Balance by Arenofsky, Janice
You Do Not Belong Here: Partition Diaspora in the Brahmaputra Valley: The Bengali Hindus (Memories of Their Trauma, Rehabilitation and Resettl by Pathak, Moushumi Dutta
Prairie Mosaic: An Ethic Atlas of Rural North Dakota by Sherman, William
Orientalizing the Jew: Religion, Culture, and Imperialism in Nineteenth-Century France by Kalman, Julie
Neocitizenship: Political Culture After Democracy by Cherniavsky, Eva
Neocitizenship: Political Culture After Democracy by Cherniavsky, Eva
The Art of Connection: Risk, Mobility, and the Crafting of Transparency in Coastal Kenya by Mahoney, Dillon
The Creature with Ideas and Power by Sheehan, John
The Technocratic Antarctic by O'Reilly, Jessica
Sounds, Societies, Significations: Numanistic Approaches to Music by
Body and Affect in the Intercultural Encounter by Devisch, René
The Art of Connection: Risk, Mobility, and the Crafting of Transparency in Coastal Kenya by Mahoney, Dillon
Technocratic Antarctic: An Ethnography of Scientific Expertise and Environmental Governance by O'Reilly, Jessica
Setting the Table: Ceramics, Dining, and Cultural Exchange in Andalucía and La Florida by Ness, Kathryn L.
Dressing the Part: Power, Dress, Gender, and Representation in the Pre-Columbian Americas by
The Creature with Ideas and Power: An Investigation of Anthropology and Human Culture by Sheehan, John
Albion's People: English Society 1714-1815 by Rule, John
Cultural Anthropology: A Perspective on the Human Condition by Lavenda, Robert H., Schultz, Emily A.
Representing Irish Religious Histories: Historiography, Ideology and Practice by
The Akan Doctrine of God: A Fragment of Gold Coast Ethics and Religion by Danquah, J. B.
Historical Urban Landscape by Sonkoly, Gábor
Anthropology in the Mining Industry: Community Relations After Bougainville's Civil War by Cochrane, Glynn
Peoples of the Horn of Africa (Somali, Afar and Saho): North Eastern Africa Part I by Lewis, I. M.
Questions of Consciousness by
Sharia Dynamics: Islamic Law and Sociopolitical Processes by
Propagation of the Houbara Bustard by
Searching for an Autoethnographic Ethic by Andrew, Stephen
Subjects of Modernity: Time-Space, Disciplines, Margins by Dube, Saurabh
Krausism and the Spanish Avant-Garde: The Impact of Philosophy on National Culture by Rubio, Christian
Anthropology of Los Angeles: Place and Agency in an Urban Setting by
Collecting, Ordering, Governing: Anthropology, Museums, and Liberal Government by Bennett, Tony
Collecting, Ordering, Governing: Anthropology, Museums, and Liberal Government by Bennett, Tony
Mobilities of Knowledge by
Strange Fruit of the Black Pacific: Imperialism's Racial Justice and Its Fugitives by Schleitwiler, Vince
Health Policy in a Time of Crisis: Abortion, Austerity, and Access by Ostrach, Bayla
Redefining Japaneseness: Japanese Americans in the Ancestral Homeland by Yamashiro, Jane H.
Broken Chains and Subverted Plans: Ethnicity, Race, and Commodities by Fennell, Christopher C.
An Incurable Past: Nasser's Egypt Then and Now by Belli, Mériam N.
To Fool the Rain: Haiti's Poor and their Pathway to a Better Life by Werlin, Steven, Farmer, Paul
To Fool the Rain: Haiti's Poor and their Pathway to a Better Life by Werlin, Steven
The Anthropology of Catholicism: A Reader by
The Anthropology of Catholicism: A Reader by
The Life and Times of Sherlock Holmes: Essays on Victorian England, Volume 1 by Sherwood-Fabre, Liese
Bound Feet, Young Hands: Tracking the Demise of Footbinding in Village China by Bossen, Laurel, Gates, Hill
Searching for an Autoethnographic Ethic by Andrew, Stephen
Heritage Tourism in China: Modernity, Identity and Sustainability by Yan, Hongliang
Australians in Shanghai: Race, Rights and Nation in Treaty Port China by Loy-Wilson, Sophie
Left-Handed in an Islamic World: An Anthropologist's Journey into the Middle East by Mason, John P.
Unwrapping Tongan Barkcloth: Encounters, Creativity and Female Agency by Veys, Fanny Wonu
Return to Odessa by Wiens, Harold N.
Return to Odessa by Wiens, Harold N.
Paleoanthropology of the Balkans and Anatolia: Human Evolution and Its Context by
The History of Chivalry or Knighthood and Its Times: Volume II by Mills, Charles
The Tragedy of the Assyrian Minority in Iraq by Stafford, R. S.
Inventing Indigenous Knowledge: Archaeology, Rural Development and the Raised Field Rehabilitation Project in Bolivia by Swartley, Lynn
The Modern Cook: A Practical Guide to the Culinary Art in All Its Branches by Francatelli, Charles Elme
Last Genro by Omura
Du mouvement des races humaines by Esquiros, Alphonse
Des études sur l'histoire des races by Esquiros, Alphonse
Feast, Famine or Fighting?: Multiple Pathways to Social Complexity by
The Social History Of Chivalry by Cornish, F.
The Subject of Prostitution: Sex Work, Law and Social Theory by Scoular, Jane
Max Weber by Turner, Stephen P.
Music and the Middle Class: The Social Structure of Concert Life in London, Paris and Vienna between 1830 and 1848 by Weber, William
White Settlers: Impact/Cultural by Jedrej, Charles, Nuttall, Mark
George Sand and Frederick Chopin in Majorca by Sand, George
Autobiography Of A Chinese Girl by Ping-Ying, Hsieh
Island Nights' Entertainments by Stevenson
Language and Gender: Interdisciplinary Perspectives by Mills, Sara
Urban Planning and Everyday Urbanisation: A Case Study on Bahir Dar, Ethiopia by Appelhans, Nadine
Hawaii: The Past, Present and Future of Its Island by Hopkins, Manley
Foods by Smith, Edward
The Control of Oil: East-West Rivalry in the Persian Gulf by Kayal
Iconic Places in Central Asia: The Moral Geography of Dams, Pastures and Holy Sites by Féaux de la Croix, Jeanne
A Student Guide to Man's Selection: Charles Darwin's Theory of Creation, Evolution, and Intelligent Design by Watson, Marc, Angle, Barbara
Das Geld: Band 1ökonomie Des Geldes - Kooperation Und Akkumulation by Reifner, Udo
Health and Wealth on the Bosnian Market: Intimate Debt by Jasarevic, Larisa
Kitawa: The Thinking Hand and the Making Mind by Scoditti, G. M. G.
Israel and Its Palestinian Citizens: Ethnic Privileges in the Jewish State by
Health and Wealth on the Bosnian Market: Intimate Debt by Jasarevic, Larisa
Carta Etnica I: Sociedades Wichi by Palmer, John Hillary, de la Cruz, Luis Maria, Barua, Guadalupe
de la Estupidez a la Locura / From Stupidity to Insanity by Eco, Umberto
A Meeting of Masks: Status, Power and Hierarchy in Bangkok by Vorng, Sophorntavy
Branding as Communication by Barnes, Susan B.
Reading Into Cultural Studies by Barker, Martin, Beezer, Anne
Language and Peace by Wenden, Anita L., Schäffne, Christina
Colonized Bodies, Worlds Transformed: Toward A Global Bioarchaeology of Contact and Colonialism by
Magicians of the Gods: Updated and Expanded Edition - Sequel to the International Bestseller Fingerprints of the Gods by Hancock, Graham
Hospital-Based Health Technology Assessment: The Next Frontier for Health Technology Assessment by
Diaspora as Cultures of Cooperation: Global and Local Perspectives by
Contemporary Turkey at a Glance II: Turkey Transformed? Power, History, Culture by
Captivity of the Oatman Girls: Being an Interesting Narrative of Life Among the Apache and Mohave Indians by Stratton, R. B.
Contact Sport: A Survival Manual for Cross-Cultural Engagement by Reichert, Richard, Reichert, Richard Paul
Literary Celebrity in Canada by York, Lorraine
The Neoliberal Landscape and the Rise of Islamist Capital in Turkey by
Shaping Taxpayers: Values in Action at the Swedish Tax Agency by Larsen, Lotta Björklund
Making Citizens: Political Socialization Research and Beyond by Wasburn, Philo C., Adkins Covert, Tawnya J.
The Sociology of Speed by
Distributed Agency by
Land of the Shaman: Rituals and Lore of Siberia: Rituals and Lore of Siberia by Balzer, Marjorie Mandelstam
Crusoe's Footprints: Cultural Studies in Britain and America by Brantlinger, Patrick
Food Culture: Anthropology, Linguistics and Food Studies by
Anthropology and Public Service: The UK Experience by
Israel and its Palestinian Citizens by
Home: A Very Short Introduction by Fox, Michael Allen
Coffee Culture: Local Experiences, Global Connections by Tucker, Catherine M.
Digital Humanities: Eine Einführung by
Coffee Culture: Local Experiences, Global Connections by Tucker, Catherine M.
Analytical Chemistry for Cultural Heritage by
The Textual Life of Savants: Ethnography, Iceland, and the Linguistic Turn by Pálsson, Gisli
White: Twentieth Anniversary Edition by Dyer, Richard
Introduction to Physical Anthropology by Kilgore, Lynn, Trevathan, Wenda, Jurmain, Robert
Tourism and Memories of Home: Migrants, Displaced People, Exiles and Diasporic Communities by
Tourism and Memories of Home: Migrants, Displaced People, Exiles and Diasporic Communities by
El Estado mágico: Naturaleza, dinero y modernidad en Venezuela by Coronil Imber, Fernando
Osseous Projectile Weaponry: Towards an Understanding of Pleistocene Cultural Variability by
Alternative Tourism in Budapest: Class, Culture, and Identity in a Postsocialist City by Hill, Susan E.
Das Geld by Reifner, Udo
Popobawa: Tanzanian Talk, Global Misreadings by Thompson, Katrina Daly
Popobawa: Tanzanian Talk, Global Misreadings by Thompson, Katrina Daly
Das Geld: Band 2 Soziologie Des Geldes - Heuristik Und Mythos by Reifner, Udo
Das Geld: Band 3 Recht Des Geldes - Regulierung Und Gerechtigkeit by Reifner, Udo
The Road: An Ethnography of (Im)Mobility, Space, and Cross-Border Infrastructures in the Balkans by Dalakoglou, Dimitris
Antisemitism and the Left: On the Return of the Jewish Question by Fine, Robert, Spencer, Philip
Carnival in Louisiana: Celebrating Mardi Gras from the French Quarter to the Red River by Costello, Brian J.
Images of Africa: Creation, Negotiation and Subversion by
Historisch-Genetische Theorie Der Kultur: Instabile Welten - Zur Prozessualen Logik Im Kulturellen Wandel by Dux, Günter
Routes and Rites to the City: Mobility, Diversity and Religious Space in Johannesburg by
Paradoxes of Green: Landscapes of a City-State by Doherty, Gareth
After Monte Albán: Transformation and Negotiation in Oaxaca, Mexico by
Islam and the Americas by
Paradoxes of Green: Landscapes of a City-State by Doherty, Gareth
Mexico and the Spanish Conquest by Hassig, Ross
Anatomy of Love: A Natural History of Mating, Marriage, and Why We Stray by Fisher, Helen
Du Croisement des races humaines by De Quatrefages, Armand
The New Southern European Diaspora: Youth, Unemployment, and Migration by Ricucci, Roberta
The Extreme in Contemporary Culture: States of Vulnerability by Nayar, Pramod K.
Among the Wild Tribes of the Afghan Frontier - A Record of Sixteen Years' Close Intercourse with the Natives of the Indian Marches by Pennell, T. L.
Slavs in Post-Nazi Austria: Carinthian Slovenes and the Politics of Assimilation, 1945-1960 by Knight, Robert
Fashion and Everyday Life: London and New York by Buckley, Cheryl, Clark, Hazel
Food and Multiculture: A Sensory Ethnography of East London by Rhys-Taylor, Alex
Writing and Performing Female Identity in Italian Culture by
Reimagineering the Nation: Essays on Twenty-First-Century Sweden by
Water and Soil in Holy Matrimony?: A smallholder farmer's innovative agricultural practices for adapting to climate in rural Zimbabwe by Mabeza, Christopher Munyaradzi
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