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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Anthropology in 2019

Etxe Roxenia by Petitte, Michelle
Australianuak: Basques in the Antipodes by Douglass, William A.
Swahili Muslim Publics and Postcolonial Experience by Kresse, Kai
Oxford Handbook of Philosophy and Race by
Ashis Nandy: A Life in Dissent by
Islam & Human Ideology by El-Zeyn
Monetising the Dividual Self: The Emergence of the Lifestyle Blog and Influencers in Malaysia by Hopkins, Julian
Being Bedouin Around Petra: Life at a World Heritage Site in the Twenty-First Century by Bille, Mikkel
Religious Journeys in India: Pilgrims, Tourists, and Travelers by
Origin of Ethnography in Japan by Kawada, Minoru
Iraq from Manadate Independence by Main
Culture: How to Make It Work in a World of Hybrids by Agar, Michael H.
Culture: How to Make It Work in a World of Hybrids by Agar, Michael H.
Politics of Scale: New Directions in Critical Heritage Studies by
Nicaragua - Culture Smart!: The Essential Guide to Customs & Culture by Maddicks, Russell, Culture Smart!
Water and Power in Past Societies by
Anthropology and Civilizational Analysis: Eurasian Explorations by
Protestant Christianity in the Indian Diaspora: Abjected Identities, Evangelical Relations, and Pentecostal Visions by Goh, Robbie B. H.
Happiness and the Good Life in Japan by
Punk Culture in Contemporary China by Xiao, Jian
Negotiating Femininities in the Neoliberal Night-Time Economy: Too Much of a Girl? by Nicholls, Emily
Linguistic Ethnography of a Multilingual Call Center: London Calling by Woydack, Johanna
Competing Values in Archaeological Heritage by
Televising Restoration Spain: History and Fiction in Twenty-First-Century Costume Dramas by
Living Mantra: Mantra, Deity, and Visionary Experience Today by Rao, Mani
The Realizations of the Self by
The American Civil War in the Shaping of British Democracy by Kinser, Brent E.
Islamic World View by Choudhury
Populism Around the World: A Comparative Perspective by
Imagining Africa: Whiteness and the Western Gaze by Gabay, Clive
Passive Aggressive Racism in the System of White Supremacy by Scott, Phillip
Comparison in Anthropology by Candea, Matei
Global Perspectives on the Origins of Agriculture in East Asia by
Philippine Cinema and the Cultural Economy of Distribution by Lim, Michael Kho
James Bond Uncovered by
Organizational Transition and Systematic Governance: Labor Relations in Enterprises by Qu, Jingdong, Fu, Chunhui, Wen, Xiang
Insight Into Acquired Brain Injury: Factors for Feeling and Faring Better by Durham, Christine, Ramcharan, Paul
Not Just a Laughing Matter: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Political Humor in China by
Film Tourism in Asia: Evolution, Transformation, and Trajectory by
The Cinema of Muhammad Malas: Visions of a Syrian Auteur by Alkassim, Samirah, Andary, Nezar
Property and Persuasion: Essays on the History, Theory, and Rhetoric of Ownership by Rose, Carol M.
Language Ideology and Order in Rising China by Zhou, Minglang
The Lost Ethnographies: Methodological Insights from Projects That Never Were by
Etat, Religions et Genre en Afrique Occidentale et Centrale by
Voices from the Delaware Big House Ceremony by Grumet, Robert S.
Displacing Caravaggio: Art, Media, and Humanitarian Visual Culture by Zucconi, Francesco
Of Sand or Soil: Genealogy and Tribal Belonging in Saudi Arabia by Samin, Nadav
Humanitarianism and Mass Migration: Confronting the World Crisis by
Humanitarianism and Mass Migration: Confronting the World Crisis by
The Gray Zone: Sovereignty, Human Smuggling, and Undercover Police Investigation in Europe by Feldman, Gregory
Tribes of the Northern Territories of the Gold Coast: Western Africa Part V by Manoukian, Madeline
The Ewe-Speaking People of Togoland and the Gold Coast: Western Africa Part VI by Manoukian, Madeline
Peoples of the Plateau Area of Northern Nigeria: Western Africa Part VII by Gunn, Harold D.
The Tiv of Central Nigeria: Western Africa Part VIII by Bohannan, Laura, Bohannan, Paul
Coastal Bantu of the Cameroons: Western Africa Part XI by Ardener, Edwin
The Benin Kingdom and the Edo-Speaking Peoples of South-Western Nigeria: Western Africa Part XIII by Bradbury, R. E.
The Wolof of Senegambia: Western Africa Part XIV by Gamble, David P.
Peoples of the Middle Niger Region Northern Nigeria: Western Africa Part XV by Gunn, Harold, Conant, F. P.
Les Bira et les Peuplades Limitrophes: Central Africa Belgian Congo Part II by Van Geluwe, H.
Anthropological Perspectives on Rural Mexico by Alcántara, Cynthia Hewitt de
The Gray Zone: Sovereignty, Human Smuggling, and Undercover Police Investigation in Europe by Feldman, Gregory
Peoples of the Lake Nyasa Region: East Central Africa Part I by Tew, Mary
The Coastal Tribes of the North-Eastern Bantu (Pokomo, Nyika, Teita): East Central Africa Part III by Prins, A. H. J.
The Nilotes of the Sudan and Uganda: East Central Africa Part IV by Butt, Audrey
The Kikuyu and Kamba of Kenya: East Central Africa Part V by Middleton, John, Kershaw, Greet
The Northern Nilo-Hamites: East Central Africa Part VI by Huntingford, G. W. B.
The Central Nilo-Hamites: East Central Africa Part VII by Gulliver, Pamela, Gulliver, P. H.
The Southern Nilo-Hamites: East Central Africa Part VIII by Huntingford, G. W. B.
The Azande and Related Peoples of the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan and Belgian Congo: East Central Africa Part IX by Butt, Audrey, Baxter, P. T. W.
The Gisu of Uganda: East Central Africa Part X by La Fontaine, J. S.
The Eastern Lacustrine Bantu (Ganda, Soga): East Central Africa Part XI by Fallers, Margaret Chave
The Western Lacustrine Bantu (Nyoro, Toro, Nyankore, Kiga, Haya and Zinza with Sections on the Amba and Konjo): East Central Africa Part XIII by Taylor, Brian K.
Les Anciens Royaumes de la Zone Interlacustre Meriodionale (Rwanda, Burundi, Buha): East Central Africa Part XIV by D'Hertefelt, M., Trouwborst, A., Scherer, J.
The Fipa and Related Peoples of South-West Tanzania and North-East Zambia: East Central Africa Part XV by Willis, Roy G.
The Matrilineal Peoples of Eastern Tanzania (Zaramo, Luguru, Kaguru, Ngulu): East Central Africa Part XVI by Beidelman, T. O.
The Peoples of Greater Unyamwezi, Tanzania (Nyamwezi, Sukuma, Sumbwa, Kimbu, Konongo): East Central Africa Part XVII by Abrahams, R. G.
The Chagga and Meru of Tanzania: East Central Africa Part XVIII by Moore, Sally Falk, Puritt, Paul
The Galla of Ethiopia; The Kingdoms of Kafa and Janjero: North Eastern Africa Part II by Huntingford, G. W. B.
Peoples of South-West Ethiopia and Its Borderland: North Eastern Africa Part III by Cerulli, Ernesta
The Central Ethiopians, Amhara, Tigriňa and Related Peoples: North Eastern Africa Part IV by Shack, William A.
The Swazi: Southern Africa Part I by Kuper, Hilda
Pagan Peoples of the Central Area of Northern Nigeria: Western Africa Part XII by Gunn, Harold
The Swahili-Speaking Peoples of Zanzibar and the East African Coast (Arabs, Shirazi and Swahili): East Central Africa Part XII by Prins, A. H. J.
The Southern Sotho: Southern Africa Part II by Sheddick, V. G. J.
The Shona and Ndebele of Southern Rhodesia: Southern Africa Part IV by Van Velsen, J., Kuper, Hilda, Hughes, A. J. B.
The Southern Lunda and Related Peoples (Northern Rhodesia, Belgian Congo, Angola): West Central Africa Part I by McCulloch, Merran
The Ovimbundu of Angola: West Central Africa Part II by McCulloch, Merran
The Lozi Peoples of North-Western Rhodesia: West Central Africa Part III by Turner, V. W.
The Ila-Tonga Peoples of North-Western Rhodesia: West Central Africa Part IV by Jaspan, M. A.
Akan and Ga-Adangme Peoples: Western Africa Part I by Manoukian, Madeline
Peoples of Sierra Leone: Western Africa Part II by McCulloch, Merran
The Ibo and Ibibio-Speaking Peoples of South-Eastern Nigeria: Western Africa Part III by Jones, G. I., Forde, Daryll
The Yoruba-Speaking Peoples of South-Western Nigeria: Western Africa Part IV by Forde, Daryll
Smell and History: A Reader by
Eating Traditional Food: Politics, identity and practices by
Mobility and Cosmopolitanism: Complicating the interaction between aspiration and practice by
Ethnographic Inquiry and Lived Experience: An Epistemological Critique by Ho, Wing-Chung
Cultural Encounters and Emergent Practices in Conflict Resolution Capacity-Building by
Architecture, Urban Space and War: The Destruction and Reconstruction of Sarajevo by Ristic, Mirjana
Weird Fiction in Britain 1880-1939 by Machin, James
Attitudes, Aspirations and Welfare: Social Policy Directions in Uncertain Times by
Spielarten der Populaerkultur: Kinder- und Jugendliteratur und -medien im Feld des Populaeren by
Praxeologie Der Politik: Die Politische Theorie Pierre Bourdieus by Gros, Lucas
Transmission Processes of Religious Knowledge and Ritual Practice in Alevism between Innovation and Reconstruction by
Interpreter-Mediated Interactions of the Courtroom: A Naturally Occurring Data Based Study by Biernacka, Agnieszka
Peoples of the Niger-Benue Confluence (The Nupe. The Igbira. The Igala. The Idioma-speaking Peoples): Western Africa Part X by Forde, Daryll
Peoples of the Horn of Africa (Somali, Afar and Saho): North Eastern Africa Part I by Lewis, I. M.
Peoples of the Central Cameroons (Tikar. Bamum and Bamileke. Banen, Bafia and Balom): Western Africa Part IX by McCulloch, Merran, Littlewood, Margaret, Dugast, I.
Food Consumption in the City: Practices and Patterns in Urban Asia and the Pacific by
The Calling of Social Thought: Rediscovering the Work of Edward Shils by
Detachment: Essays on the Limits of Relational Thinking by
Über die Komödie als Filmgenre am Beispiel von "Brust oder Keule" by Konchakivska, Julia
Living with Chronic Disease: Measuring Important Patient-Reported Outcomes by Salek, Sam, Kamudoni, Paul, Johns, Nutjaree
Secular Bodies, Affects and Emotions: European Configurations by
Medical Materialities: Toward a Material Culture of Medical Anthropology by
Nantgarw and Swansea Porcelains: An Analytical Perspective by Edwards, Howell G. M.
Marginalisation and Events by
Luck, Fate and Fortune: Antiquity and Its Legacy by Eidinow, Esther
Luck, Fate and Fortune: Antiquity and Its Legacy by Eidinow, Esther
Politics of Human Network in African Conflicts: Kamajor/the CDF in Sierra Leone by Okano, Hideyuki
Race: Antiquity and Its Legacy by McCoskey, Denise Eileen
Making Dinner: How American Home Cooks Produce and Make Meaning Out of the Evening Meal by Livert, David, Rawlins, Roblyn
Death: Antiquity and Its Legacy by Erasmo, Mario
Systemic Collapse and Renewal: How Race and Capital Came to Destroy Meaning and Civility in America and Foreshadow the Coming Economic Depression by
The Paranormal Surrounds Us: Psychic Phenomena in Literature, Culture and Psychoanalysis by Reichbart, Richard
Celebrity and Youth: Mediated Audiences, Fame Aspirations, and Identity Formation by
The Looking Machine: Essays on Cinema, Anthropology and Documentary Filmmaking by Macdougall, David
A Green History of the Welfare State by Fitzpatrick, Tony
Limn Number 10: Chokepoints by Middleton, Townsend
A Fine Line: Painkillers and Pleasure in the Age of Anxiety by Dertadian, George C.
Fabricating Transnational Capitalism: A Collaborative Ethnography of Italian-Chinese Global Fashion by Rofel, Lisa
Fabricating Transnational Capitalism: A Collaborative Ethnography of Italian-Chinese Global Fashion by Yanagisako, Sylvia J., Rofel, Lisa
The Man Who Became a Caribou by Frank, Kenneth, Mishler, Craig
The Looking Machine: Essays on Cinema, Anthropology and Documentary Filmmaking by Macdougall, David
Urban Spaces in Contemporary Latin American Literature by
Postcolonial Portuguese Migration to Angola: Migrants or Masters? by Åkesson, Lisa
The Subaltern Indian Woman: Domination and Social Degradation by
Food Culture, Consumption and Society by Corvo, Paolo
Food Anxiety in Globalising Vietnam by
On the Word of a Jew: Religion, Reliability, and the Dynamics of Trust by
Transnational Lives in Global Cities: A Multi-Sited Study of Chinese Singaporean Migrants by Plüss, Caroline
Constructions of Victimhood: Remembering the Victims of State Socialism in Germany by Clarke, David
Historizität Und Sozialität in Der Sozioökonomischen Bildung by
On the Word of a Jew: Religion, Reliability, and the Dynamics of Trust by
The Story of Shit by Dekkers, Midas
The Middle and Upper Paleolithic Archeology of the Levant and Beyond by
Systemic Collapse and Renewal: How Race and Capital Came to Destroy Meaning and Civility in America and Foreshadow the Coming Economic Depression by
Anthropogenic Rivers: The Production of Uncertainty in Lao Hydropower by Whitington, Jerome
Currencies of Imagination: Channeling Money and Chasing Mobility in Vietnam by Small, Ivan V.
Universal Citizenship: Latina/o Studies at the Limits of Identity by Guzmán, R. Andrés
Currencies of Imagination: Channeling Money and Chasing Mobility in Vietnam by Small, Ivan V.
Pregnant in the Time of Ebola: Women and Their Children in the 2013-2015 West African Epidemic by
Moving Sounds: A Cultural History of the Car Radio by
Transmitted Wounds: Media and the Mediation of Trauma by Pinchevski, Amit
Kulturpublikumsforschung: Grundlagen Und Methoden by Glogner-Pilz, Patrick
Celebrity and Youth: Mediated Audiences, Fame Aspirations, and Identity Formation by
Interdisziplinäre Rechtsforschung: Eine Einführung in Die Geistes- Und Sozialwissenschaftliche Befassung Mit Dem Recht Und Seiner PRAXIS by
Vernetzt Und Verbunden - Koordinationsprobleme Im Mehrebenensystem Der Arbeitnehmervertretung by
Situated Meaning: Inside and Outside in Japanese Self, Society, and Language by
Hanging Without a Rope: Narrative Experience in Colonial and Postcolonial Karoland by Steedly, Mary Margaret
Situated Meaning: Inside and Outside in Japanese Self, Society, and Language by
Intimacies of Violence in the Settler Colony: Economies of Dispossession Around the Pacific Rim by
Initiatives of Regional Integration in Asia in Comparative Perspective: Concepts, Contents and Prospects by
Petroleum Development and Environmental Conflict in Aotearoa New Zealand: Texas of the South Pacific by Loomis, Terrence M.
Hanging Without a Rope: Narrative Experience in Colonial and Postcolonial Karoland by Steedly, Mary Margaret
Anthropogenic Rivers: The Production of Uncertainty in Lao Hydropower by Whitington, Jerome
Sweet Home Chicago?: Mexican Migration and the Question of Belonging and Return by Bedorf, Franziska
Colonialism, Community, and Heritage in Native New England by Hart, Siobhan M.
Moving Sounds: A Cultural History of the Car Radio by
Taiwan Cinema, Memory, and Modernity by Chang, Ivy I-Chu
The British Horseracing Film: Representations of the 'Sport of Kings' in British Cinema by Glynn, Stephen
Die Spur Der Macht Im Verhältnis Der Geschlechter: Über Den Ursprung Der Ungleichheit Zwischen Frau Und Mann by Dux, Günter
Oppression and Resistance in Africa and the Diaspora by
How To Create Cultures: How Climate Influences The Cultures You Create - A Reference For Writers, Gamers And Amateur Geographers! by Laurens, Amy
Landscape Lab: Drawing, Perception and Design for the Next Landscape Models by Bianconi, Fabio, Filippucci, Marco
Civilising Citizens in Post-Mao China: Understanding the Rhetoric of Suzhi by Lin, Delia
Popular Politics and the Quest for Justice in Contemporary China by
China's Rise and the Chinese Overseas by
Critical Essays on Twin Peaks: The Return by
Antike Kampfsportarten als Vorbild für den Film "Fight Club" von David Fincher: Die Darstellung von Gewalt innerhalb einer zivilisierten Gesellschaft by Armbrust, Ulli
Making a Living, Making a Life: Work, Meaning and Self-Identity by James, Sara
A hundred merry tales: The earliest English jest-book by Hazlitt, William Carew
Japan & Corea by Loti
Romance Of A Great Writer by D'Auvergne, Edward B.
Flashback: Drugs and Dealing in the Golden Age of the London Rave Scene by Ward, Jennifer
Infrastructure Development and Ape Conservation: Volume 3 by
The Foundations of American Jewish Liberalism by Wald, Kenneth D.
Seawomen of Iceland: Survival on the Edge by Willson, Margaret
Afropolitanism: Reboot by
Migrant and Diasporic Film and Filmmaking in New Zealand by
The Englishized Subject: Postcolonial Writings in Hong Kong, Singapore and Malaysia by Tam, Kwok-Kan
Alevism between Standardisation and Plurality: Negotiating Texts, Sources and Cultural Heritage by
Von Klassischer Verwaltung Zu Public Governance: Rolle Von Verwaltungsparadigmen in Reformen Des Öffentlichen Rechnungswesens by Polzer, Tobias
Symbols of Nations and Nationalism: Celebrating Nationhood by Elgenius, Gabriella
Individualized Care: Theory, Measurement, Research and Practice by
Health Care Transformation in Contemporary China: Moral Experience in a Socialist Neoliberal Polity by Tu, Jiong
Feasible Management of Archaeological Heritage Sites Open to Tourism by
Film in the Anthropocene: Philosophy, Ecology, and Cybernetics by White, Daniel
Perpetual Suspects: A Critical Race Theory of Black and Mixed-Race Experiences of Policing by Long, Lisa J.
Cultural Heritage and International Law: Objects, Means and Ends of International Protection by
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