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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Anthropology in 2021

Introducing the Anthropology of Islam by Kreinath, Jens
A Passion for Sicilians: World Around Danilo Dolci by Mangione, Jerre
Bharatiya Jeevan Drishti by Kishore, Braj Kuthiala
Access to Justice Beyond the State Courts: A Solution to the Crisis of Justice in Burundi? by Niyonkuru, Aimé-Parfait
Design Anthropology in Context: An Introduction to Design Materiality and Collaborative Thinking by Drazin, Adam
Till Kingdom Come: Medieval Hinduism in the Modern Himalaya by Ohri, Lokesh
Randomness, Statistics, and Emergence by McShane, Philip
The Changing Global Order: Challenges and Prospects by
Cosmopolitan Civility: Global-Local Reflections with Fred Dallmayr by
Bringing the Nation Back In: Cosmopolitanism, Nationalism, and the Struggle to Define a New Politics by
Varieties of American Sufism: Islam, Sufi Orders, and Authority in a Time of Transition by
Social Change in the Pacific Isl by Robillard
Ceremony Men: Making Ethnography and the Return of the Strehlow Collection by Gibson, Jason M.
Ethical Approaches to Human Remains: A Global Challenge in Bioarchaeology and Forensic Anthropology by
From Situated Selves to the Self: Conversion and Personhood among Roman Catholics in Tokyo by Omori, Hisako
Postcolonialism: A Very Short Introduction by Young, Robert J. C.
Urban Migrants in Rural Japan: Between Agency and Anomie in a Post-growth Society by Klien, Susanne
Introducing the Anthropology of Islam by Kreinath, Jens
Counting as a Qualitative Method: Grappling with the Reliability Issue in Ethnographic Research by Fife, Wayne
Lecciones de Filosofía de la Liberación: Obras selectas 9 by Dussel, Enrique
Collective Care: Indigenous Motherhood, Family, and HIV/AIDS by Downe, Pamela
Animals as Legal Beings: Contesting Anthropocentric Legal Orders by Deckha, Maneesha
Focal Impulse Theory: Musical Expression, Meter, and the Body by Ito, John Paul
Focal Impulse Theory: Musical Expression, Meter, and the Body by Ito, John Paul
Reimagining Money: Kenya in the Digital Finance Revolution by Kusimba, Sibel
When Politics Meets Bureaucracy: Rules, Norms, Conformity and Cheating by Lo, Christian
Arc of the Journeyman: Afghan Migrants in England Volume 3 by Khan, Nichola
Robert Eisler and the Magic of the Combinatory Mind: The Forgotten Life of a 20th-Century Austrian Polymath by Collins, Brian
A Social History of Sheffield Boxing, Volume II: Scrap Merchants, 1970-2020 by Armstrong, Gary, Bell, Matthew
Intergenerational Transmission and Economic Self-Sufficiency by
Reimagining Money: Kenya in the Digital Finance Revolution by Kusimba, Sibel
Revolting Things: An Archaeology of Shameful Histories and Repulsive Realities by Mullins, Paul R.
Poppa Too by Anthony, Michael
Los evangelios chaqueños: Misiones y estrategias indígenas en el Siglo XX by López, Alejandro, Córdoba, Lorena
Urban Inequalities: Ethnographically Informed Reflections by
Una antropología alterada por la alteridad: Entrevistas a Philippe Descola by Tola, Florencia, Descola, Philippe
Healing Power: Living Traditions, Global Interactions by
Das Paradoxe in "Pensées" von Blaise Pascal. Forderung nach Totalität oder Ausdruck christlich-religiösen Sendungsbewusstseins? by Weigel, Stefanie
Simultaneous Identities: Language, Education, and the Nepali Nation by Pradhan, Uma
Progress in French Tourism Geographies: Inhabiting Touristic Worlds by
Evolution of a Taboo: Pigs and People in the Ancient Near East by Price, Max D.
The Invention of Humanity by Stuurman
Insanity and Sanctity in Byzantium by Rotman
Cultures of Milk by Wiley
Keynes & Aidley's Nerve and Muscle by Huang, Christopher L. -H
Keynes & Aidley's Nerve and Muscle by Huang, Christopher L. -H
Gran Chaco: ontologías, poder, afectividad by Cardin, Lorena, Medrano, Celeste, Tola, Florencia
El teatro chaqueño de las crueldades: memorias qom de la violencia y el poder by Suarez, Valentín, Tola, Florencia
Spacing Debt: Obligations, Violence, and Endurance in Ramallah, Palestine by Harker, Christopher
The Future of Fallout, and Other Episodes in Radioactive World-Making by Masco, Joseph
Social Patterns in Australian Literature by Moore, T. Inglis
We Are Here: Politics of Aboriginal Land Tenure by
Elders, Shades, and Women: Ceremonial Change in Lango, Uganda by Curley, Richard T.
Elders, Shades, and Women: Ceremonial Change in Lango, Uganda by Curley, Richard T.
Japan's Invisible Race: Caste in Culture and Personality by Wagatsuma, Hiroshi, De Vos, George
Japan's Invisible Race: Caste in Culture and Personality by Wagatsuma, Hiroshi, De Vos, George
Testing Testing: Social Consequences of the Examined Life by Hanson, F. Allan
Trust within Learning by Thornburg, Devin
Japan's New Middle Class: The Salary Man and His Family in a Tokyo Suburb by Vogel, Ezra F.
Punk, Fanzines and DIY Cultures in a Global World: Fast, Furious and Xerox by
The Theatrical Spectaculum: An Anthropological Theory by Gamliel, Tova
Contaminations and Ethnographic Fictions: Southern Crossings by Hemer, Oscar
Return Migrants in Hong Kong, Singapore and Israel: Choices, Stresses and Coping by Chan, Kwok-Bun, Chan, Wai-Wan Vivien
The Invisible Code: Honor and Sentiment in Postrevolutionary France, 1814-1848 by Reddy, William M.
American-Spanish Semantics by Kany, Charles E.
The Invisible Code: Honor and Sentiment in Postrevolutionary France, 1814-1848 by Reddy, William M.
Changing the Rules: The Politics of Liberalization and the Urban Informal Economy in Tanzania by Tripp, Aili Mari
Golden Ages, Dark Ages: Imagining the Past in Anthropology and History by
Divine Passions: The Social Construction of Emotion in India by
Spacing Debt: Obligations, Violence, and Endurance in Ramallah, Palestine by Harker, Christopher
Chemical Heroes: Pharmacological Supersoldiers in the Us Military by Bickford, Andrew
Chemical Heroes: Pharmacological Supersoldiers in the Us Military by Bickford, Andrew
Language, Charisma, and Creativity: The Ritual Life of a Religious Movement by Csordas, Thomas J.
Land and Social Change in East Nepal: A Study of Hindu-Tribal Relations by Caplan, Lionel
The Future of Fallout, and Other Episodes in Radioactive World-Making by Masco, Joseph
Learning Among Neanderthals and Palaeolithic Modern Humans: Archaeological Evidence by
Social Mentality in Contemporary China by
Biomedicine, Healing and Modernity in Rural Bangladesh by Shah, MD Faruk
Tales About England, Scotland, Ireland, And Wales by Parley, Peter
The Sacrifice To The Morning Star By The Skidi Pawnee by Linton, Ralph
Juvenile Philosophy: Containing Amusing And Instructive Discourses On Hogarth'S Prints Of Tne Industrious And Idle Apprentices; Analogy Bet by Springsguth, Samuel, Corbould, Richard
Observations On Popular Antiquities, Chiefly Illustrating The Origin Of Our Vulgar Customs, Ceremonies And Superstitions (Volume I) by Ellis, Henry, Brand, John
Essai sur le don: Forme et raison de l'échange dans les sociétés archaïques by Mauss, Marcel
Growing Up in Walltown, Italy: An Ethnographic Account of Early Childhood Education and Care in an Italian Town by Gobbo, Francesca
Monumental Harm: Reckoning with Jim Crow Era Confederate Monuments by Hartley, Roger C.
Ludics: Play as Humanistic Inquiry by
Contemporary History of Cantonese Migrants in Yokohama Chinatown: A Case Study of Shatenki and the XIE Family by Wong, Yee Lam Elim, Lim, Tai Wei
Craft Learning as Perceptual Transformation: Getting 'The Feel' in the Wooden Boat Workshop by Martin, Tom
European Dispute Over the Concept of Man: A Study in Political Anthropology by Gierycz, Michal
Alif 40: Mapping New Directions in the Humanities by
Beyond the Synagogue: Jewish Nostalgia as Religious Practice by Gross, Rachel B.
Reflexiones dislocadas: Pensamientos políticos y filosóficos qom by Tola, Florencia, Francia, Timoteo
Forest, Field, and Fallow: Selections by William M. Denevan by
Dialogical Multiplication: Principles for an Indigenous Psychology by Guimarães, Danilo Silva
Border Images, Border Narratives: The Political Aesthetics of Boundaries and Crossings by
Unlocking the Love-Lock: The History and Heritage of a Contemporary Custom by Houlbrook, Ceri
Anthropology and Ethnography Are Not Equivalent: Reorienting Anthropology for the Future by
Imagining Bosnian Muslims in Central Europe: Representations, Transfers and Exchanges by
Tropological Thought and Action: Essays on the Poetics of Imagination by
Embodying Borders: A Migrant's Right to Health, Universal Rights and Local Policies by
A Cultural History of the Disneyland Theme Parks: Middle Class Kingdoms by Mittermeier, Sabrina
Indonesian Pluralities: Islam, Citizenship, and Democracy by
Manifold Destiny: Arabs at an American Crossroads of Exceptional Rule by Karam, John Tofik
Manifold Destiny: Arabs at an American Crossroads of Exceptional Rule by Karam, John Tofik
Indonesian Pluralities: Islam, Citizenship, and Democracy by
Collaborative Anthropology Today by
Collaborative Anthropology Today by
Tourism Paradoxes: Contradictions, Controversies and Challenges by
Heirs of the Vikings: History and Identity in Normandy and England, C.950-C.1015 by Cross, Katherine
Tourism Paradoxes: Contradictions, Controversies and Challenges by
Reworking Japan by Gagné, Nana Okura
Lands of the Future: Anthropological Perspectives on Pastoralism, Land Deals and Tropes of Modernity in Eastern Africa by
Humanity's Last Stand: Confronting Global Catastrophe by Schuller, Mark
Posthumanism in Digital Culture: Cyborgs, Gods and Fandom by McMillan, Callum T. F.
Knowledge for Justice: An Ethnic Studies Reader by
Indigenous Knowledge in Taiwan and Beyond by
Culture, Environment and Health in the Yucatan Peninsula: A Human Ecology Perspective by
Unequal Lives: Gender, Race and Class in the Western Pacific by
The Dream in Western Culture by Parman, Susan
Alleviative Objects: Intersectional Entanglement and Progressive Racism in Caribbean Art by Frohnapfel, David
Locating the Mobile: Understanding Mundane Locative Media Practice in Households by Hjorth, Larissa, Horst, Heather, Pink, Sarah
Cultural Translation of Management Philosophy in Asian Companies: Its Emergence, Transmission, and Diffusion in the Global Era by
Sacred Sites and Sacred Stories Across Cultures: Transmission of Oral Tradition, Myth, and Religiosity by
Origins of the Changos by Martinas, Dumitru
The Mwindo Epic from the Banyanga by
Waiting - A Project in Conversation: A Project in Conversation by
Wilmington's Lie (Winner of the 2021 Pulitzer Prize): The Murderous Coup of 1898 and the Rise of White Supremacy by Zucchino, David
Unlocking the Love-Lock: The History and Heritage of a Contemporary Custom by Houlbrook, Ceri
Zara Yaad Karo Qurbani: Shaheedon Ke Ansune Sapne by Dr Rishi Acharya
Doing Visual Ethnography by Pink, Sarah
Doing Visual Ethnography by Pink, Sarah
Stories on Coupons: All 2 of Us Understood by MacLeod, Caroline
Bihu Festivals: All-inclusive elucidations by Dr Pradip Neog
Siebenbuergen als Erfahrungsraum: Studien zur deutschsprachigen Literatur, Presse und Schule by
Artistic Expressions and the Great War, A Hundred Years On by
Prehistoric Maritime Cultures and Seafaring in East Asia by
Rapid Ethnographies by Vindrola-Padros, Cecilia
Rapid Ethnographies by Vindrola-Padros, Cecilia
Bigfoot Beyond Belief: A Study in Cultural Anthropology of What People Believe About Bigfoot/Sasquatch by Eby, Sharon
Ruinas jesuíticas, paisajes de la memoria: El patrimonio cultural de los antiguos pueblos de guaraníes by Von Thüngen, Maximiliano
Reflexive Ethnographic Practice: Three Generations of Social Researchers in One Place by
The Miracle of You: A Five-Step Plan to Create A Life of Vitality & Greatness by Shofroth, Laura
Why Language Documentation Matters by Chelliah, Shobhana L.
A Study of Dragons of Eastern Europe by Aveela, Ronesa
A Study of Dragons of Eastern Europe by Aveela, Ronesa
Secret Societies in Detroit by Loomis, Bill
The Palgrave Handbook of Holocaust Literature and Culture by
Secret Societies in Detroit by Loomis, Bill
Being Hungarian in Cleveland: Maintaining Language, Culture, and Traditions by Szentkiralyi, Endre
Entre cumbres y selvas. Primeros viajes a los Andes, el Chaco y la Amazonia (1901-1905) by Nordenskiöld, Erland
Indigenous Geographies in the Yucatan: Learning from the Responsibility-Based Maya Environmental Ethos by Sioui, Miguel
Nobody's Normal: How Culture Created the Stigma of Mental Illness by Grinker, Roy Richard
Remaking the Urban: Heritage and Transformation in Nelson Mandela Bay by Roux, Naomi
The Hundred Years' War on Palestine: A History of Settler Colonialism and Resistance, 1917-2017 by Khalidi, Rashid
Proxemics and the Architecture of Social Interaction by Busbea, Larry D.
El Acuario Humano: Una iniciación a la antropología by Martí, Josep
Epidemiological Change and Chronic Disease in Sub-Saharan Africa: Social and historical perspectives by
Red Army and Society: A Sociology of the Soviet Military by Jones, Ellen
Discovering Joy: Ten Years in North Korea by Yoon, Joy
Biscuits (Assorted) by Robins, Jenny
Good Data in Business and Professional Discourse Research and Teaching: Further Explorations by
On the Digital Semiosphere: Culture, Media and Science for the Anthropocene by Ojamaa, Maarja, Hartley, John, Ibrus, Indrek
Embracing Biological Humanism: Abandoning the Idea of God by Orr, Norman
Embracing Biological Humanism: Abandoning the Idea of God by Orr, Norman
Who Intervenes?: Ethnic Conflict and Interstate Crisis by Taydas, Zeynep, Carment, David, James, Patrick
Human Trafficking and the Feminization of Poverty: Structural Violence in Cambodia by Shimazaki, Yuko
Indentured and Post-Indentured Experiences of Women in the Indian Diaspora by
The Films of Kore-Eda Hirokazu: An Elemental Cinema by Ehrlich, Linda C.
A Literary Anthropology of Migration and Belonging: Roots, Routes, and Rhizomes by
Herring and People of the North Pacific: Sustaining a Keystone Species by Moss, Madonna L., Thornton, Thomas F.
The Invisible Community: Being South Asian in Quebec by
The Philosophy of Lines: From Art Nouveau to Cyberspace by Botz-Bornstein, Thorsten
Indigenous Research of Land, Self, and Spirit by
The Science of Satyug: Class, Charisma, and Vedic Revivalism in the All World Gayatri Pariwar by Heifetz, Daniel
African Food Systems in Crisis: Part Two: Contending with Change by
Compendio de sitios arqueológicos aborígenes con presencia de restos humanos en Cuba by Morales Valdés, Dany, Fernández Ortega, Racso, González Herrera, Ulises
Transborder Media Spaces: Ayuujk Videomaking Between Mexico and the Us by Kummels, Ingrid
The Oxford Handbook of African American Language by Lanehart, Sonja
African Food Systems in Crisis: Part One: Microperspectives by
The National Frame: Art and State Violence in Turkey and Germany by Karaca, Banu
Valentine's Day Coloring Book About Love: A fun Animals Coloring Activity for kids Monster, Cat, Mermaid in love Unicorn, Dinosaur, by Publishing, Abido
Empire's Endgame: Racism and the British State by
Black Knowledges/Black Struggles: Essays in Critical Epistemology by
Contested Antiquity: Archaeological Heritage and Social Conflict in Modern Greece and Cyprus by
Contested Antiquity: Archaeological Heritage and Social Conflict in Modern Greece and Cyprus by
Matchmaking in Middle Class India: Beyond Arranged and Love Marriage by Bhandari, Parul
How to Feel: The Science and Meaning of Touch by Subramanian, Sushma
The National Frame: Art and State Violence in Turkey and Germany by Karaca, Banu
Rhetoric and Social Relations: Dialectics of Bonding and Contestation by
The Lonely Century: How to Restore Human Connection in a World That's Pulling Apart by Hertz, Noreena
Everyday Life In The Holy Land by Neil, James
Performance and Knowledge by
Experiencing Materiality: Museum Perspectives by Gamberi, Valentina
Performance and Knowledge by
Microintervention Strategies: What You Can Do to Disarm and Dismantle Individual and Systemic Racism and Bias by Calle, Cassandra Z., Mendez, Narolyn, Sue, Derald Wing
Cómo analizar a las personas: Analiza rápidamente a las personas, el lenguaje corporal y los tipos de personalidades by Pacheco, Rodrigo
Edina Asafo: Company Posts in Transition; Past, Present and Future by Bentum, Samuel A.
The Inclusionary Turn in Latin American Democracies by
Thanatologie: Eine Historisch-Anthropologische Orientierung by Herrmann, Bernd
Russian Central Asia in the Works of Nikolai Karazin, 1842-1908: Ambivalent Triumph by Andreeva, Elena
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