• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Anthropology in 2022

Sensory Biology by Smutzer, Gregory
Amazonian Kichwa of the Curaray River: Kinship and History in the Western Amazon by Reeve, Mary-Elizabeth
Gendered Lives: Global Issues by
A Goddess in Motion: Visual Creativity in the Cult of María Lionza by Canals, Roger
"Our Relations...the Mixed Bloods": Indigenous Transformation and Dispossession in the Western Great Lakes by Nesper, Larry
The Seasons: Philosophical, Literary, and Environmental Perspectives by
The Early Bronze Age in Western Anatolia by
Christ Returns from the Jungle: Ayahuasca Religion as Mystical Healing by Blainey, Marc G.
The Archaeology of Inequality: Tracing the Archaeological Record by
'Doing' Church: avoiding traditionalism by Napier, K. B.
Incompleteness: Donald Trump, Populism and Citizenship by Nyamnjoh, Francis B.
Contemporary Indigenous Cosmologies and Pragmatics by
Essays on Antisemitism, Anti-Zionism, and the Left by Amery, Jean
The Artisans: A Vanishing Chinese Village by Fuyu, Shen
Elders' Cultural Knowledges and the Question of Black/ African Indigeneity in Education by Erger, Grace, Dei, George J. Sefa, Karanja, Wambui
The End of Burnout: Why Work Drains Us and How to Build Better Lives by Malesic, Jonathan
An Answer for Everything: 200 Infographics to Explain the World by Delayed Gratification
Extracting Honduras: Resource Exploitation, Displacement, and Forced Migration by Phillips, James J.
A Historical Archaeology of Early Spanish Colonial Urbanism in Central America by Fowler, William R.
Clutter: An Untidy History by Howard, Jennifer
Essays on Antisemitism, Anti-Zionism, and the Left by Amery, Jean
Una escuela como ésta: Etnografía de experiencias educativas en un movimiento social by Caisso, Lucía
Esperanto Revolutionaries and Geeks: Language Politics, Digital Media and the Making of an International Community by Fians, Guilherme
Collective Biologies: Healing Social Ills Through Sexual Health Research in Mexico by Wentzell, Emily a.
Boundaries of Care: Community Health Workers in the United States by Logan, Ryan I.
Handbuch Körpersoziologie 2: Forschungsfelder Und Methodische Zugänge by
A Social History of Sheffield Boxing, Volume II: Scrap Merchants, 1970-2020 by Armstrong, Gary, Bell, Matthew
Architectural Heritage in the Western Azerbaijan Province of Iran: Evidence of an Intertwining of Cultures by
Mitos y leyendas de El Salvador by Nipolan, Omar
Morir Chingón: Previsión Para El Final De La Vida by España, F. P. Ramírez
Trump, tamales y la familia americana by Donnelly, Margaret
Trump, tamales y la familia americana by Donnelly, Margaret
Progress in French Tourism Geographies: Inhabiting Touristic Worlds by
Urban Inequalities: Ethnographically Informed Reflections by
Return Migrants in Hong Kong, Singapore and Israel: Choices, Stresses and Coping by Chan, Wai-Wan Vivien, Chan, Kwok-Bun
Displacement Among Sri Lankan Tamil Migrants: The Diasporic Search for Home in the Aftermath of War by Chattoraj, Diotima
Producing Islam(s) in Canada: On Knowledge, Positionality, and Politics by
Staged Otherness: Ethnic Shows in Central and Eastern Europe, 1850-1939 by
Racial Legacies: Jung, Politics and Culture by Brewster, Fanny, Morgan, Helen
Moves--Spaces--Places: The Life Worlds of Jamaican Women in Montreal, an Ethnography by Johnson, Lisa
Suburban Socialism: (Or Barbarism) by Durose, Oly
Continent in Dust: Experiments in a Chinese Weather System Volume 10 by Zee, Jerry C.
The End of Money: The Story of Bitcoin, Cryptocurrencies and the Blockchain Revolution by New Scientist
Future Shock by Toffler, Alvin
Continent in Dust: Experiments in a Chinese Weather System Volume 10 by Zee, Jerry C.
Imaginaries of Migration: Life Stories of Mexican Migrants in Germany by García, Yolanda López
Hate in the Homeland: The New Global Far Right by Miller-Idriss, Cynthia
Healing at the Periphery: Ethnographies of Tibetan Medicine in India by
European Dispute Over the Concept of Man: A Study in Political Anthropology by Gierycz, Michal
Ludics: Play as Humanistic Inquiry by
Craft Learning as Perceptual Transformation: Getting 'The Feel' in the Wooden Boat Workshop by Martin, Tom
Contemporary History of Cantonese Migrants in Yokohama Chinatown: A Case Study of Shatenki and the XIE Family by Lim, Tai Wei, Wong, Yee Lam Elim
Food and Identity in Nineteenth and Twentieth Century Ghana: Food, Fights, and Regionalism by Simpson Miller, Brandi
Anthropologies of Global Maternal and Reproductive Health: From Policy Spaces to Sites of Practice by
Healing at the Periphery: Ethnographies of Tibetan Medicine in India by
Anthropologies of Global Maternal and Reproductive Health: From Policy Spaces to Sites of Practice by
The Smart Neanderthal: Bird Catching, Cave Art, and the Cognitive Revolution by Finlayson, Clive
Forest, Field, and Fallow: Selections by William M. Denevan by
Conserving Stone Heritage: Traditional and Innovative Materials and Techniques by
Research Methods in Linguistic Anthropology by
Sonic Histories of Occupation: Experiencing Sound and Empire in a Global Context by
Football by Yakich, Mark
Sticker by Hoke, Henry
In the Midst of Radicalism: Mexican American Moderates During the Chicano Movement, 1960-1978 Volume 3 by San Miguel, Guadalupe
The Anthropology of Resource Extraction by
The Anthropology of Resource Extraction by
Collective Biologies: Healing Social Ills Through Sexual Health Research in Mexico by Wentzell, Emily a.
Feeding the Hustle: Free Food & Care Inside the Tech Industry by Dart, Jesse
Archaeology, Copper, and Complexity in the Middle Atlantic Region by Lattanzi, Gregory Denis
Françoise Héritier by Gaillard, Gérald
The Forest People Without a Forest: Development Paradoxes, Belonging and Participation of the Baka in East Cameroon by Lueong, Glory M.
An Urban Future for Sápmi?: Indigenous Urbanization in the Nordic States and Russia by
Entrepreneurs of Identity: The Islamic State's Symbolic Repertoire by Günther, Christoph
Françoise Héritier by Gaillard, Gérald
Mediated Lives: Waiting and Hope Among Iraqi Refugees in Jordan by Twigt, Mirjam
Migration in the Making of the Gulf Space: Social, Political, and Cultural Dimensions by
Emerging Technologies and Museums: Mediating Difficult Heritage by
Radical Resilience: Athenian Topographies of Precarity and Possibility by Alexandrakis, Othon
Radical Resilience: Athenian Topographies of Precarity and Possibility by Alexandrakis, Othon
Indigenous Knowledge in Taiwan and Beyond by
Socially Engaged Public Art in East Asia: Space, Place, and Community in Action by
The Boer In Peace And War by Mann, Arthur M.
Producing Islam(s) in Canada: On Knowledge, Positionality, and Politics by
Wives and Wanderers in a New Guinea Highlands Society: Women's lives in the Wahgi Valley by Reay, Marie Olive
Shoshone-Paiute Reliance on Fish and Other Riparian Resources by Walker, Mary Jane, Graves, Pamela
My Hedgehogs by Garba, Mohammed Sani
Childbirth in South Asia: Old Challenges and New Paradoxes by
Embracing Change: Knowledge, Continuity, and Social Representations by Contarello, Alberta
Archery Rules by F. a. Hinrichs, Charles
The Boy's Hakluyt: English Voyages of Adventure and Discovery by Hakluyt, Richard, M. Bacon, Edwin
The Boy's Own Book of Indoor Games and Recreations; A Popular Encyclopædia for Boys by Stansfeld Hicks, C., Nevil Maskelyne, John
Mix-Design and Application of Hydraulic Grouts for Masonry Strengthening by Miltiadou-Fezans, Androniki, Tassios, Theodosios P.
Nudism in a Cold Climate: The Visual Culture of Naturists in Mid-20th Century Britain by Pollen, Annebella
Our Search For Meaning: A Humanistic Anthology for Applied Liberal Arts and Sciences by Schoenberg, Phillip, Oubre, Katherine
Ten Lives, Ten Demands: Life-And-Death Stories, and a Black Activist's Blueprint for Racial Justice by Jones, Solomon
Reconstructing Lives: Victims of War in the Middle East and Médecins Sans Frontières by Kovacic, Vanja
Work: A Deep History, from the Stone Age to the Age of Robots by Suzman, James
Land: How the Hunger for Ownership Shaped the Modern World by Winchester, Simon
Dress Codes: How the Laws of Fashion Made History by Thompson Ford, Richard
Politics and Racism Beyond Nations: A Multidisciplinary Approach to Crises by Linstroth, J. P.
Sacred Sites and Sacred Stories Across Cultures: Transmission of Oral Tradition, Myth, and Religiosity by
Geographies of Encounter: The Making and Unmaking of Multi-Religious Spaces by
Theories of Institutions by Jupille, Joseph, Caporaso, James A.
Feeding Chilapa by Kyle, Chris
Essays on Women in Western Esotericism: Beyond Seeresses and Sea Priestesses by
(Un)Doing Diabetes: Representation, Disability, Culture by
A Case of Culture: How Cultural Brokers Bridge Divides in Healthcare by Nandipati, Snigdha
Relational Anthropology for Contemporary Economics: A Multidisciplinary Approach by
Relational Anthropology for Contemporary Economics: A Multidisciplinary Approach by
The Formation of Latin American Nations: From Late Antiquity to Early Modernity by Ward, Thomas
Valentine's Day Traditions in Boston by Sammarco, Anthony
Subversive Archaism: Troubling Traditionalists and the Politics of National Heritage by Herzfeld, Michael
Subversive Archaism: Troubling Traditionalists and the Politics of National Heritage by Herzfeld, Michael
Rainforest Capitalism: Power and Masculinity in a Congolese Timber Concession by Hendriks, Thomas
Rainforest Capitalism: Power and Masculinity in a Congolese Timber Concession by Hendriks, Thomas
Eastern Cherokee Stories: A Living Oral Tradition and Its Cultural Continuance by Muse Isaacs, Sandra
Experiments of the Mind: From the Cognitive Psychology Lab to the World of Facebook and Twitter by Martin, Emily
The Dark Side of Reform: Exploring the Impact of Public Policy on Racial Equity by Carter, Niambi
Race: A Philosophical Introduction by Taylor, Paul C.
Experiments of the Mind: From the Cognitive Psychology Lab to the World of Facebook and Twitter by Martin, Emily
Religion Evolving: Cultural, Cognitive, and Ecological Dynamics by Purzycki, Benjamin Grant, Sosis, Richard
Reclaiming Economics for Future Generations by Scott, Nicola, Ambler, Lucy, Earle, Joe
Repatriation of Sacred Indigenous Cultural Heritage and the Law: Lessons from the United States and Canada by Tünsmeyer, Vanessa
The World as Culture: Cultivation of the Soul to the Cosmic Whole by Schafer, D. Paul
The Relationship People: Mediating Love and Marriage in Twenty-First Century Japan by Alpert, Erika R.
Humour and the Performance of Power in South Asia: Anxiety, Laughter and Politics in Unstable Times by
Humour and the Performance of Power in South Asia: Anxiety, Laughter and Politics in Unstable Times by
The Bloomsbury Handbook of the Cultural and Cognitive Aesthetics of Religion by
Thinking with Soils: Material Politics and Social Theory by
Culinary Nationalism in Asia by
Power and Informality in Urban Africa: Ethnographic Perspectives by
Fragmented Identities of Nigeria: Sociopolitical and Economic Crises by
Good Data in Business and Professional Discourse Research and Teaching: Further Explorations by
Cattle, Women, and Wells: Managing Household Survival in the Sahel by Toulmin, Camilla
Making Women Pay: Microfinance in Urban India by Radhakrishnan, Smitha
Artisan and Handicraft Entrepreneurs: Past, Present, and Future by
Forests as Fuel: Energy, Landscape, Climate, and Race in the U.S. South by Brosius, J. Peter, Hitchner, Sarah, Schelhas, John
Making Women Pay: Microfinance in Urban India by Radhakrishnan, Smitha
The Natural Theology of Evolution by Shearman, J. N.
The Nation Form in the Global Age: Ethnographic Perspectives by
The Nation Form in the Global Age: Ethnographic Perspectives by
The First Rocky Mountaineers: Coloradans Before Colorado by Kornfeld, Marcel
Race: A Philosophical Introduction by Taylor, Paul C.
Nigeria: More Years Eaten By the Locusts by Ehusani, George
Mass Panic and Social Attachment: The Dynamics of Human Behavior by Mawson, Anthony R.
Specialty Food, Market Culture, and Daily Life in Early Modern Japan: Regulating and Deregulating the Market in Edo, 1780-1870 by Shimizu, Akira
A Deal They Can't Resist: Adaptive Accumulation and American Public Policy by Loeppky, Rodney
Empire and Popular Culture: Volume II by
Chinese Traditional Theatre and Male Dan: Social Power, Cultural Change and Gender Relations by Chao, Guo
Women and Tourist Work in Jamaica: Seven Miles of Sandy Beach by Bolles, Augusta Lynn
Creation - Transformation - Theology: International Congress of the European Society for Catholic Theology (August 2021 - Osnabrück / Germany) by Lit Verlag
Corona - Was uns die Pandemie lehren kann: Diagnosen, Erfahrungen und Kraftquellen für die Zukunft by Bernhardt, Christoph, Hardtmuth, Thomas, Hueck, Christoph
Les Élus Parfaits: une Aventure Transatlantique / The Perfect Elect: A Transatlantic Adventure the 'Sharp' Documents: Volume 2 by Bernheim, Alain, Gonet, Jean-Pierre
Rubbish Belongs to the Poor: Hygienic Enclosure and the Waste Commons by O'Hare, Patrick
In Search of Lost Time: Europe Before the Holocaust: Jewish Quarterly 247 by
China in Argentina: Ethnographies of a Global Expansion by
I Am Not Your Negro: A Docalogue by
Single Mothers and the State's Embrace: Reproductive Agency in Vietnam by Phinney, Harriet M.
Against Automation Mythologies: Business Science Fiction and the Ruse of the Robots by Ramirez, J. Jesse
Migration and Urban Transition in India: A Development Perspective by
Gothic Sovereignty: Street Gangs and Statecraft in Honduras by Carter, Jon Horne
Black Lives, White Lives: Three Decades of Race Relations in America by Blauner, Bob
Every Nation Has Its Dish: Black Bodies and Black Food in Twentieth-Century America by Wallach, Jennifer Jensen
Utopia and Modernity in China: Contradictions in Tradition by
The Political Sociology of Emotions: Essays on Trauma and Ressentiment by Demertzis, Nicolas
Honjok: The South Korean Method of Living Happily with Ourselves by Lazzaris, Silvia, An, Jade Jeongso
Passionate Animals: Emotions, Animal Ethics, and Moral Pragmatics by Cojocaru, Mara-Daria
Menergy: San Francisco's Gay Disco Sound by Niebur, Louis
Racecraft: The Soul of Inequality in American Life by Fields, Barbara J., Fields, Karen E.
Why We Love: The New Science Behind Our Closest Relationships by Machin, Anna
How to Be Normal: Essays by Christman, Phil
Lazy, Crazy, and Disgusting: Stigma and the Undoing of Global Health by Brewis, Alexandra, Wutich, Amber
The Philosophy of Lines: From Art Nouveau to Cyberspace by Botz-Bornstein, Thorsten
The Politics of Fandom: Conflicts That Divide Communities by Mueller, Hannah
Conservation Practices in Museums: For Researchers and Museum Professionals by Kamba, Nobuyuki
Race in Post-Fascist Italy by Patriarca, Silvana
Assyrians in Modern Iraq by Benjamen, Alda
Representing Homelessness by
Russian Central Asia in the Works of Nikolai Karazin, 1842-1908: Ambivalent Triumph by Andreeva, Elena
An Autoethnography of Becoming A Qualitative Researcher: A Dialogic View of Academic Development by Grant, Alec, Klevan, Trude
An Autoethnography of Becoming a Qualitative Researcher: A Dialogic View of Academic Development by Klevan, Trude, Grant, Alec
Archaeology of Piedra Museo Locality: An Open Window to the Early Population of Patagonia by
Rural Workers, Sindicatos and Collective Bargaining in Rio Grande Do Sul by Carbonai, Davide
Art and Nuclear Power: The Role of Culture in the Environmental Debate by Volkmar, Anna
Asking Questions about Cultural Anthropology: A Concise Introduction by Welsch, Robert L., Vivanco, Luis a.
Omelette: Food, Love, Chaos and Other Conversations by Ware, Jessie
Antarcticness: Inspirations and imaginaries by
Return of a Native: Learning from the Land by Ware, Vron
Rethinking Reintegration and Veteran Identity: A New Consciousness by Hunniecutt, Jeni Ruth
Life; To be Given Back Again to Whence it Came: A Pilgrimage Through Prolonged Grief, Confronting Grief Illiteracy and Healing Loss Using the Art of S by Mathew, Linita
Life; To be Given Back Again to Whence it Came: A Pilgrimage Through Prolonged Grief, Confronting Grief Illiteracy and Healing Loss Using the Art of S by Mathew, Linita
The Colonial and National Formations of the National College of Arts, Lahore, Circa 1870s to 1960s by Tarar, Nadeem Omar
Immigrants from Madurapura: A Collection of Ola-leaf Manuscripts in Sri Lanka (Sinhala and English) by Bandaranayake, Bandara
Archaeology: The Basics by Fagan, Brian M., Durrani, Nadia
American Shtetl: The Making of Kiryas Joel, a Hasidic Village in Upstate New York by Stolzenberg, Nomi M., Myers, David N.
Against Civility: The Hidden Racism in Our Obsession with Civility by Zamalin, Alex
Shimmer: Flying Fox Exuberance in Worlds of Peril by Rose, Deborah Bird
Shimmer: Flying Fox Exuberance in Worlds of Peril by Rose, Deborah Bird
Archaeology: The Basics by Durrani, Nadia, Fagan, Brian M.
Secrets of the Sprakkar: Iceland's Extraordinary Women and How They Are Changing the World by Reid, Eliza
See More