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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Anthropology in 2025

Matter Out of Place: Anthropological Explorations of Bodies, Dirt and Morality by
Invisible Faces and Hidden Stories: Narratives of Vulnerable Populations and Their Caregivers by
Articulate Necrographies: Comparative Perspectives on the Voices and Silences of the Dead by
Terrorism and the Pandemic: Weaponizing of Covid-19 by Gunaratna, Rohan, Petho-Kiss, Katalin
Making Multiple Babies: Anticipatory Regimes of Assisted Reproduction by Wu, Chia-Ling
Girls Take Action: Activism Networks By, For, and with Girls and Young Women by
Les amis africains et les questions d'argent: Observations depuis l'Afrique by Maranz, David E.
Remnants of Partition: 21 Objects from a Continent Divided by Malhotra, Aanchal
Belonging in Unhomely Homelands: Internal Displacement and Gendered Nationalism Among Kosovo Serbs by Grujic, Marija
Resituating Crisis: Silencing and Voicing Crisis in Everyday Life by
Nighttime Breastfeeding: An American Cultural Dilemma by Tomori, Cecília
Value and Worthlessness: The Rise of the Populist Right and Other Disruptions in the Anthropology of Capitalism by Kalb, Don
Public Land and Democracy in America: Understanding Conflict Over Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument by Brugger, Julie
Public Land and Democracy in America: Understanding Conflict Over Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument by Brugger, Julie
Desert Entanglements: The Making of the Badiya by Sahrawi Refugees of Western Sahara by Volpato, Gabriele
Military Families, Political Violence, and Transitional Justice in Argentina: Perpetrators Within? by Natale, Eleonora
HISPANITAS Numéro 3, Décembre 2023: Actes du Colloque International de Libreville en hommage à Gisèle AVOME MBA, 29-30 juin 2023 by Mba Obame, Sylverin, Ada Ondo, Danielle, Obame Endamne, Wilfried
Anglo-Burmese Culture: Letters from my mother by Jacobs, Merle Audrey
Muslim Women's Lived Experiences and Intersectional Identities: A Global Perspective by
André Leroi-Gourhan on Technology: A Selection of Writings from the 1930s to the 1960s by Leroi-Gourhan, André
Fragile Heritage in Chinese Ruralities: Enacting Architectural Tools to Valorize Historical Palimpsests by Semprebon, Gerardo
La déconstruction primordiale: Nous en sommes tous capables by Prezman, Anthony
Cultural Linguistics and (Re)conceptualized Tradition: Past in Present by
The Myth of the Werewolf by Bartra, Roger
My Kwanzaa Journal: A Year-Long Celebration by Rita Burke, Sam And
Etiquette: in Society, in Business, in Politics and at Home by Post, Emily
Domination and the Arts of Resistance: Hidden Transcripts by Scott, James C.
Undoing Modernity: Linguistics, Higher Education, and Indigeneity in Yucatan by Rhodes, Catherine R.
Black France, White Europe: Youth, Race, and Belonging in the Postwar Era by Marker, Emily
Crafting a Tibetan Terroir: Winemaking in Shangri-La by Galipeau, Brendan A.
Afrodiasporic Identities in Germany: Life-Stories of Millennial Women by Wojczewski, Silvia
Celestial Empire: The Emergence of Chinese Science Fiction by Isaacson, Nathaniel
Crafting a Tibetan Terroir: Winemaking in Shangri-La by Galipeau, Brendan A.
Living with Wolves: Affects, Feelings and Sentiments in Human-Wolf-Coexistence by Gieser, Thorsten
After Work: Japanese Silver Backpackers in Malaysia by Shakuto, Shiori
After Work: Japanese Silver Backpackers in Malaysia by Shakuto, Shiori
Defending Rumba in Havana: The Sacred and the Black Corporeal Undercommons by Berry, Maya J.
Undoing Modernity: Linguistics, Higher Education, and Indigeneity in Yucatan by Rhodes, Catherine R.
The Bright Side: How Optimists Change the World, and How You Can Be One by Paul-Choudhury, Sumit
The Bright Side: How Optimists Change the World, and How You Can Be One by Paul-Choudhury, Sumit
Defending Rumba in Havana: The Sacred and the Black Corporeal Undercommons by Berry, Maya J.
The Age of Deer: Trouble and Kinship with Our Wild Neighbors by Howsare, Erika
The Hidden Hand of Underwater Cultural Heritage: Submerged Intelligence for Global Omens by Perez-Alvaro, Elena
Justice and Restitution in Post-Nazi Romania by Ionescu, Stefan Cristian
Pub by Howell, Philip
The New Israelis by Weingrod, Alex
Creativity in a Time of Covid-19 by
Claiming Citizenship: Race, Religion, and Political Mobilization Among New Americans by Kurien, Prema
Second Sapiens: The Rise of the Planetary Mind and The Future of Humanity by Dawlabani, Said Elias
Primitive Culture - Volume One: Researches into the development of mythology, philosophy, religion, language, art, and custom (Fourth Edition) by Tylor, Edward Burnett
18th International Brick and Block Masonry Conference: Proceedings of Ib2mac 2024 - Volume 1 by
Blood in the Face (Revised New Edition): White Nationalism from the Birth of a Nation to the Age of Trump by Ridgeway, James
Knowledge Models and Dissemination for Sustainable Development: Italian UNESCO Chairs on the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Goals by
The Archaeology of Early Colonial Manila: A Hybrid City in Global History by Hsieh, Ellen
American Apocalypse: The Six Far-Right Groups Waging War on Democracy by Steinzor, Rena
Was Menschen Verbindet: Sozialer Klimawandel Durch Neue Wertschätzung by Petzolt, Cristina, Petzolt, Stephan, Althauser, Natalja
Monuments and Memory: Archaeological Perspectives on Commemoration by
Our Emotions and Culture: How Modern Life Changes Us by McCarthy, E. Doyle
Blood in the Face (Revised New Edition): White Nationalism from the Birth of a Nation to the Age of Trump by Ridgeway, James
Our Emotions and Culture: How Modern Life Changes Us by McCarthy, E. Doyle
Generations: The Real Differences Between Gen Z, Millennials, Gen X, Boomers, and Silents--And What They Mean for America's Future by Twenge, Jean M.
Staging the Promises: Everyday Future-Making in a Serbian Industrial Town by Jovanovic, Deana
Fragile Kinships: Child Welfare and Well-Being in Japan by Goldfarb, Kathryn E.
Seeing Style: How Style Orients Phenopractices Across Action, Media, Space, and Time by Woermann, Niklas
Fragile Kinships: Child Welfare and Well-Being in Japan by Goldfarb, Kathryn E.
Animal People: Moral Subjects in the Work of Animal Protection by Reed, Adam
Staging the Promises: Everyday Future-Making in a Serbian Industrial Town by Jovanovic, Deana
Animal People: Moral Subjects in the Work of Animal Protection by Reed, Adam
Dreams of Presence: A Geographical Theory of Culture by Rose, Mitch
The Wisdom of Ifá: An Ancient Paradigm for the Twenty-First Century and Beyond by
Mobile City: Emerging Media, Space, and Sociality in Contemporary Berlin by Kraemer, Jordan H.
Politics of Tranquility: The Material and Mundane Lives of Buddhist Nuns in Post-Mao Tibet by Cho, Yasmin
Historieta Doble: A Graphic History of Participatory Action Research by Rappaport, Joanne, Pérez Altais, Pablo, Flórez G., Lina
Mobile City: Emerging Media, Space, and Sociality in Contemporary Berlin by Kraemer, Jordan H.
Politics of Tranquility: The Material and Mundane Lives of Buddhist Nuns in Post-Mao Tibet by Cho, Yasmin
Neo-Victorian Cultural Collections of Disability: Interdisciplinary Interventions by Logan-Smith, Louise
Ethnographical Survey of the Miskito and Sumu Indians of Honduras and Nicaragua by Conzemius, Eduard
Anthropocide: An Essay in Green Cultural Criminology by McGregor, Rafe
Heritage in Eight Acts: International Themes by
Parallel Lives: An Empirical Exploration of the Concept of Generation by Goina, Calin
Handbook on Intangible Cultural Practices as Global Strategies for the Future: Twenty Years of the UNESCO Convention on Safeguarding Intangible Cultur by
Fragmente Der Arbeitsweltlichen Identität: Subjektivierungsweisen Postmoderner Arbeitswirklichkeiten by Teubner, Erik
Wild and Wonderful: An Ethnography of English Naturalists by Manceron, Vanessa
The Trouble with Ancient DNA: Telling Stories of the Past with Genomic Science by Källén, Anna
The Trouble with Ancient DNA: Telling Stories of the Past with Genomic Science by Källén, Anna
Divination, Oracles & Omens by Aroney, Michelle, Zeitlyn, David
The Tales Teeth Tell: Development, Evolution, Behavior by Smith, Tanya M.
Social Welfare Policy in a Changing World by Palley, Elizabeth S., Shdaimah, Corey S., Lane, Shannon R.
Feeling at Home: Transforming the Politics of Housing by Gotby, Alva
Tabus Und Tabubrüche ALS Symptome Gesellschaftlicher Verhältnisse by
Citizenship Utopias in the Global South: The Emergent Forms of Activism in an Era of Disillusionment by
In the Malay World by Mizanur Rahman, Gazi
Questioning Migrants by Naqvi, Tahir H.
Black and Brown Education in America by Driver, Persis, Hadi-Tabassum, Samina
Gender Equity: Global Policies and Perspectives on Advancing Social Justice by
The Liberty Bell and Its Legacy: An Encyclopedia of an American Icon in U.S. History and Culture by Vile, John R.
The Porous Museum: The Politics of Art, Rupture and Recycling in Modern Romania by Nicolescu, Gabriela
The Cost of Living Crisis: Temporality, Provisioning, and Austerity in a Northern English City by Wood, Natalie
Whiteness In Puerto Rico: Translation at a Loss by Gil, Guillermo Rebollo
Loren Eiseley's Writing across the Nature and Culture Divide by Cheng, Qianqian
The Verbal Art of Mobility in West Africa by Sweet, Nikolas
The Verbal Art of Mobility in West Africa by Sweet, Nikolas
Race and Ethnicity: Sociology in Action by
The Development of Evolutionary Genetics: From Early Ideas on Evolution to the Modern Synthesis by Gorroochurn, Prakash
Hill End by Mayne, Alan
Cadence of Life: The Impact of the Seventh-Day Adventist Religion on the Everyday Life of the Massai People by Orero, Sheila Aketch
Norms and Standards for Language Resources Protection in China by Center for the Protection and Research of Language Resources
The Word Order Typology of Minority Languages in Southern China: A Cross-Linguistic Perspective by Li, Yunbing
Racism and Identity in a Xenophobic World: A Post-Pandemic Perspective by Ertorer, Secil E.
(Fremd-)Sprache Und Qualitative Sozialforschung: Forschungsstrategien in Mehrsprachig-Interkulturellen Kontexten by Kazzazi, Kerstin, Wintzer, Jeannine, Bading, Cornelia
The Words of Robotics: From Movement Perception to Natural Language by Pieters, Céline
Correlative Archaeology by Arakawa, Fumi
Food, Language, and Society by Tsujimura, Natsuko
Satirical Tibet: The Politics of Humor in Contemporary Amdo by Thurston, Timothy
Silence about Race?: Reconfigurations of Racism in Contemporary Europe by
The Anthropology of White Supremacy: A Reader by
Subterranean Explorations: The Unfinished Promise of Geothermal Energy in the Chilean Andes by Fonck, Martín
The Social Life of the Mall: Working and Dwelling in Urban Argentina by Reiffen, Franziska
Ethnography and Folklore in Print: Cross-Genre Explorations of Nineteenth-Century Social Knowledge by
We are Coast Salish by Hundley, James M.
Shaped by Vegetal Matters: Phyto-Influence on Humans, Other Animals, and Place by Oriel, Elizabeth
The Future of the Humanities: Perspectives from South Asian Cultural Studies by
The Violence of Love: Race, Family, and Adoption in the United States Volume 74 by Myers, Kit W.
Necropolitics of the Ordinary: Death and Grieving in Contemporary Singapore by Toulson, Ruth E.
Satirical Tibet: The Politics of Humor in Contemporary Amdo by Thurston, Timothy
Production and Exchange in Eurasia: In Commemoration of Zeng Lingyi Volume 99 by
The Anthropology of White Supremacy: A Reader by
Necropolitics of the Ordinary: Death and Grieving in Contemporary Singapore by Toulson, Ruth E.
Arctic State Identity: Geography, History, and Geopolitical Relations by Medby, Ingrid A.
Behind Closed Doors by Thévoz, Seth Alexander
Decolonizing Anthropology: An Introduction by Venkatesan, Soumhya
Decolonizing Anthropology: An Introduction by Venkatesan, Soumhya
Understanding Cultural Landscape at Great Zimbabwe: Realms of Power by Sinamai, Ashton
Queer Anthropology: Anthropological Insights by Murray, David a. B.
An Ethnography of Care Work Across Borders: Foreign Intimacy by Arieli, Daniella
Early Ethnography in the American Arctic: Tristes Arctiques by Hastrup, Kirsten
Tijeras Pueblo at the Crossroads: Archaeology, Cultural Heritage, and Public Education by
Lakshmi's Footprints and Paisley Patterns: Perspectives on Scoto-Indian Literary and Cultural Interrelations by
Football, Gambling, and Everyday Life in Zimbabwe by
Human Sacrifice and Value: Revisiting the Limits of Sacred Violence from an Archaeological and Anthropological Perspective by
Dynamics of Drug Addiction and Abuse in India by Ghuman, Ranjit Singh, Singh, Jatinder, Kaur, Gurinder
Ladak: Physical, Statistical and Historical with Notices of the Surrounding Countries by Cunningham, Alexander
Eating Religiously: Food and Faith in the 21st Century by
If Rain Doesn't Come: An Anthropological Study of Drought and Human Ecology in Western Rajasthan by Fisher, R. J.
The Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Groups in India: Privileges and Pedicaments by
Affectus: A Journey on the Outside of Life by Yanai, Tadashi, Nishii, Ryoko
The Feminine Sacred in South Asia by Tambs-Lyche, Harald
Foodways in the Twentieth-Century City by Lopes, Maria-Aparecida, Zuleta, María Cecilia
The Poet's Song: 'Folk' and its Cultural Politics in South Asia by Basu, Priyanka
Queer Anthropology: Anthropological Insights by Murray, David a. B.
Bamboo in Vietnam: An Anthropological and Historical Approach by Trọng Hiếu, Đinh, Poisson, Emmanuel
Foodways in the Twentieth-Century City by Lopes, Maria-Aparecida, Zuleta, María Cecilia
Rifian Society, Culture and Politics in Mediterranean Morocco by Festini Cucco, Stefan
A New Grammar of Dyirbal by Dixon, R. M. W.
Exploring Ethnography of Outer Space: Methods and Perspectives by
Exploring Ethnography of Outer Space: Methods and Perspectives by
Economic Knowledge in Crisis: Economists and the State in the Late Soviet Union by Kirtchik, Olessia
(Re-)Mythisierungen Des Waldes in Zeiten Des Digitalen?: Eine Literarische Und Kulturhistorische Spurensuche by
Migration in the Making of the Gulf Space: Social, Political, and Cultural Dimensions by
Sentient Ecologies: Xenophobic Imaginaries of Landscape by
Agent of Change: The Deposition and Manipulation of Ash in the Past by
Colonial Intervention and Destabilization of African Identities: Contours of Trusteeship and Organized Infantilism in Sub-Saharan Africa by Mfum-Mensah, Obed
Illness and Enlightenment: Exploring Tibetan Perspectives on Madness in Text and Everyday Life by Deane, Susannah
Ethnographies of Deservingness: Unpacking Ideologies of Distribution and Inequality by
Towards a British Natyam: Creating a British Classical Indian Dance Tradition by Gorringe, Magdalen
Reconsidering the Letter to the Ephesians in Ancient Context by
Resettled Iraqi Refugees in the United States: War, Refuge, Belonging, Participation, and Protest by Keyel, Jared
Traveling Models and Practical Norms: The Misadventures of Social Engineering in Africa and Beyond by Sardan, Jean-Pierre Olivier de
Representations of "Japanese Nature": A Historical Overview by Ohnuki-Tierney, Emiko
Queer and Trans Life: Anthropological Futures by
Representations of "Japanese Nature": A Historical Overview by Ohnuki-Tierney, Emiko
18th International Brick and Block Masonry Conference: Proceedings of Ib2mac 2024--Volume 2 by
Decolonizing Ukraine: The Indigenous People of Crimea and Pathways to Freedom by Uehling, Greta Lynn
Decolonizing Ukraine: The Indigenous People of Crimea and Pathways to Freedom by Uehling, Greta Lynn
The Duplex Nature of Indigeneity: Navigating Identity in the Ahuehuepan Diaspora by Schryer, Frans J.
The Colonial and National Formations of the National College of Arts, Lahore, Circa 1870s to 1960s by Tarar, Nadeem Omar
Pandemic Genres: Imagining Politics in a Time of AIDS by Hoad, Neville Wallace
Speech Acts by Kapur, Geeta
Cities Untold: Negotiating Spatial Practices and Imaginations by
Revolution Within: Nampudiri Women as Agents of Social Reform in Kerala by Anandi, T. K.
Animals, Robots, Gods: Adventures in the Moral Imagination by Keane, Webb
Ritual, Discourse, and Community in Cuban Santería: Speaking a Sacred World by Wirtz, Kristina
A Theory of Everyone: The New Science of Who We Are, How We Got Here, and Where We're Going by Muthukrishna, Michael
To Stand with Palestine: Transnational Resistance and Political Evolution in the United States by Dana, Karam
To Stand with Palestine: Transnational Resistance and Political Evolution in the United States by Dana, Karam
Telomeres: Biomarkers of a Healthy Life and Successful Aging by
Theoretical Study of Ethnogeography by Guan, Yanbo
Forms of Inequality and the Legitimacy of Governance, Volume One by
Shaping Space and Mobilities in Contemporary Walking Narratives by
Britishness Abroad: Transnational Movements and Imperial Cultures by
Ludwig Giesz: Philosophische Spaziergänge: Vorsichtige Antworten Auf Die Frage, Wie Man Sich Denn Im Leben Einzurichten Hätte by Giesz, Ludwig
Insights Into Chinese Culture by Lang, Ye, Liangzhi, Zhu
The Oxford Guide to the Atlantic Languages of West Africa by
Legacy and Innovation: Integrating Cultural Heritage Conservation with Contemporary Tourism Management by
Bangladesh-China Connectivity: History, Trade and Diplomacy, and Society by
Freedoms of Speech: Anthropological Perspectives on Language, Ethics, and Power by
View from the Traveller Site: Architecture That Begins Where the House Ends by Hoare, Anna
Carceral Citizens: Labor and Confinement in Puerto Rico by Parker, Caroline M.
Carceral Citizens: Labor and Confinement in Puerto Rico by Parker, Caroline M.
Gemeinsam Autonom Sein: Personen in Co-Performance Mit Autonomer Technik by Schöttler, Christiane
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