• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Applications in 1996

Netscape(tm) for Macintosh(r): A Hands-On Configuration and Set-Up Guide for Popular Web Browsers by Raucci, Richard
Transforming Organisations Through Groupware: Lotus Notes in Action by
The New Writing Environment: Writers at Work in a World of Technology by
Applied Wavelet Analysis with S-Plus by Bruce, Andrew, Gao, Hong-Ye
Polynomial Algorithms in Computer Algebra by Winkler, Franz
Vorgehensmodell der Deutschen Telekom by Tannenbaum, Klaus-G, Pullwitt, Sabine
Herausforderung Telekooperation: Einsatzerfahrungen Und Lösungsansätze Für Ökonomische Und Ökologische, Technische Und Soziale Fragen Unserer Gesellsc by
Introduction to Scientific Programming by Zachary, Joseph L.
The Maple(r) O.D.E. Lab Book by Redfern, Darren, Chandler, Edgar
The New Research Frontiers of Communications Policy by
Computer Simulation in Operations Management by Boronico, Jess, Klafehn, Keith, Weinroth, Jay
Object-Oriented Modeling by
Behavioral Synthesis and Component Reuse with VHDL by Hong Ding, Kission, Polen, Jerraya, Ahmed Amine
Hardware-Software Co-Synthesis of Distributed Embedded Systems by Ti-Yen Yen, Wolf, Wayne
Fault Tolerance for Microcomputers: The Application Oriented Paradigm by McMillin, Bruce M.
Developing Business Applications with Openstep(tm) by Gervae, Nik, Clark, Peter