• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Applications in 2002

How to Do Everything with Your Blackberry by
Quantum Methods with Mathematica(r) by Feagin, James F.
Scaling Microsoft Exchange 2000: Create and Optimize High-Performance Exchange Messaging Systems by Bijaoui, Pierre
PageMaker(R) 7: The Complete Reference by
Monte Carlo and Quasi-Monte Carlo Methods 2000: Proceedings of a Conference Held at Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong Sar, China, November 27 - by
Integration von Fremdsystemen an SAP R/3 mit dem SAP Business Connector bei der Firma PPE by Bastek, Marno
Software Frameworks and Embedded Control Systems by Pasetti, Alessandro
Data Fusion and Perception by
Evaluation von Java Data Objects by Uhlig, Martin
Using Excel in the Classroom by Howell, Dusti D., Morrow, Jean, Summerville, Jennifer B.
Finite Elements Using Maple: A Symbolic Programming Approach by Portela, Artur, Charafi, A.
Using Excel in the Classroom by Howell, Dusti D., Morrow, Jean, Summerville, Jennifer B.
Betriebliche Umweltinformationssysteme: Analyse und Evaluierung ausgewählter Systeme by Heckmann, Wilhelm
Analyse und Vergleich von Applikations-Servern und ihren zugrundeliegenden Technologien by Fellner, Klaus
Business Computing: Grundlagen Und Standardsoftware by Falkowski, Bernd-Jürgen
Programmierung mit Servlets und Applets in Java: Am Beispiel der grafischen Darstellung von Prozessdaten by Ziegler, Alexander
Nutzung einer Datenbank mit Java-Servlets by Wollenhaupt, Michael
How to Do Everything with PowerPoint(R) (2002) by
Management- und Web Services-Architekturen: Konzeption und Realisierung eines Überwachungssystems für Bankperipheriegeräte by Zacharias, Roger
Managing Systems Migrations and Upgrades: Demystifying the Technology Puzzle by Breakfield, Charles, Burkey, Roxanne E.
The Microwave Way to Software Project Management by de Baar, Bas
How to Do Everything with Photoshop (R) 7 by McCanna, Laurie
Einsatzmöglichkeiten der Markierungssprache XML: Betrachtung des aktuellen Entwicklungsstandes by Benz, Alexander
Special Edition Using Crystal Enterprise 8.5 by Lucas, Steve
Foundations of Statistical Analyses and Applications with SAS by Falk, Michael, Marohn, Frank, Tewes, Bernward
Das Mupad Tutorium: Deutsche Ausgabe by Oevel, Walter, Gerhard, J., Creutzig, Christopher
Einsatz aktueller XML/XSL- Technologien im Rahmen der objektorientierten Entwicklung von Internet Applikationen by Pohle, Nikolaus
Photoshop 7 (R): Tips and Techniques by Willard, Wendy
Microsoft Project Central: The Complete Reference by Zhang, Qimao
Evaluation and Comparison of CORBA (Object Request Broker) Implementations by Gelbmann, Roland
Evaluierung des Selbstrettungsprinzips in Straßen- und Eisenbahntunnels: Anhand zweier Beispiele by Esberger, Walter
CoVis 3: Visual Representaion of three-dimensional Data and Functions of two Variables by Merkert, Danyel
Enterprise Application Integration: Prototypentwicklung mit DirXML by Pischke, Peter Lutz
Microsoft Project Server 2002 by Zhang, Qimao
Compstat: Proceedings in Computational Statistics by
Writing Excel Macros with VBA by Steven Roman, Phd
Agentenunterstützte E-Business Verhandlungsplattform by Steinlechner, Manfred
Elements of Computational Statistics by Gentle, James E.
Modern Applied Statistics with S by Venables, W. N., Ripley, B. D.
Quicken (R) 2003: The Official Guide (2003) (2003) by Langer, Maria
Process Control: A First Course with MATLAB by Chau, Pao C.
Inbetriebnahme und Erprobung des SIMATIC S7-Tools "Web Navigator" by Steinhart, Andreas
Videostreaming über drahtlose Netzwerke by Roth, Markus
Developments in Robust Statistics: International Conference on Robust Statistics 2001 by
Microsoft Outlook Programming: Jumpstart for Administrators, Developers, and Power Users by Mosher, Sue
The SAP Consultant Handbook by Reed, Jon, Doane, Michael
Intelligent Information Systems 2002: Proceedings of the Iis' 2002 Symposium, Sopot, Poland, June 3-6, 2002 by
Working with Groupware: Understanding and Evaluating Collaboration Technology by Andriessen, J. H. Erik
SAP Bw Certification: A Business Information Warehouse Study Guide by Roze, Catherine M.
Farb- und Formanalyse von Stimmlippen in digitalen laryngoskopischen Bildern by Palm, Christoph
Interaktive Visualisierung von Netzwerken am Beispiel von Lernobjekten by Kantwerk, Boris
Crystal Reports 9: The Complete Reference by Peck, George
Declarative Logic-Programming Components for Information Agents by Fink, Michael
Smart Business Systems for the Optimized Organization by Thierauf, Robert J., Jaques, Elliott J., Hoctor, James J.