• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Applications in 2008

Microsoft (R) Office 2007 Business Intelligence: Reporting, Analysis, and Measurement from the Desktop by Harts, Doug
Over 50 Killer Ideas for Delivering Successful Projects by Morreale, Richard
Quantum Computing: From Linear Algebra to Physical Realizations by Ohmi, Tetsuo, Nakahara, Mikio
Die Aufgabenbearbeitung in Gruppen mit einem Learning Management System. Konzepte und Umsetzungsmöglichkeiten mit Moodle by Hösl, Johannes
QuickBooks 2008: The Missing Manual by Biafore, Bonnie
Videoüberwachung und der biometrische Reisepass: Chancen und Risiken by Schäuble, Karin
Entwicklung und Evaluierung von Architekturkonzepten für E-Business-Transaktionszentren unter Berücksichtigung gegebener Standards und Schnittstellen by Meffert, Klaus
Administration eines Teams von Bildarbeitern - eine Dokumentation für das Fach "Betriebssysteme II" by Rachbauer, Tamara
AIMMS 3.8 - Language Reference by Roelofs, Marcel, Bisschop, Johannes
AIMMS 3.8 - User's Guide by Roelofs, Marcel, Bisschop, Johannes
SAP Solution Manager Interview Questions: SAP Solution Manager Certification Review by Sanchez-Clark, Terry
Entwicklung eines Fahrzeugsimulators für die Durchführung von Last- und Funktionstests in einem rechnergestützten Betriebsleitsystem by Klemenz, Florian
Handbook of Research on Ubiquitous Computing Technology for Real Time Enterprises by
Artificial Intelligence for Advanced Problem Solving Techniques by
Secrets to a Successful Commercial Software (Cots) Implementation by Berg, Nick
Secrets to a Successful Commercial Software (Cots) Implementation by Berg, Nick
Diverging Mobilities: Devolution, Transport and Policy Innovation by
Genetische Algorithmen zur Parameteroptimierung von Simulationsmodellen am Beispiel einer "Grünen Welle" entlang einer Hauptverkehrsstraße by Hartmann, Holger
Risking Code - The Dilemmas and Possibilities of Software Art by Bunt, Brogan
Entwicklung eines Suchalgorithmus für das Information Retrieval by Schutt, Andreas
Entwicklung von Handelssystemen mit der Genetischen Programmierung: Grundlagen und Fallbeispiel by Hartmann, Holger
Techniques and Tools for the Design and Implementation of Enterprise Information Systems by
Pro Excel 2007 VBA by DeMarco, Jim
Evaluierung des Content Management Systems eZ Publish: Dokumentation für das Fach "Contentmanagementsysteme" by Rachbauer, Tamara
Data Manipulation with R by Spector, Phil
Process Mapping and Simulation for Software Projects by Koppensteiner, Sonja
Digital Signal Processing Matlab by Quinquis
SAP Security Interview Questions, Answers, and Explanations: SAP Security Interview Questions by Equity Press, Equity Press, Press
Switching to the Mac: The Missing Manual, Leopard Edition by Pogue, David
Context-Aware Notification in Global Software Development by Eckhard, Benedikt
Objektorientierte Systemanalyse by Heinrich, Gert, Mairon, Klaus
Microsoft Nav Interview Questions: Unofficial Microsoft Navision Business Solution Certification Review by Clark, Terry
SAP Web Dynpro for ABAP Interview Questions: WD-ABAP Interview Questions, Answers, and Explanations: Unoffical Web Dynpro for ABAP: Unofficial SAP Web by Clark, Terry, Sapcookbook, Equity Press, Press
Extending a process-centred SEE by context-specific knowlegde delivery by Könnecker, Arne
Laserpointer-Kamera-System mit hoher Zeigeeffektivität und -effizienz by Pilz, Mario
Horizons of Combinatorics by
Google Apps for Dummies by Teeter, Ryan, Barksdale, Karl
Office 2008 for Macintosh: The Missing Manual by Elferdink, Jim
Making Things Happen: Mastering Project Management by Berkun, Scott
KI in Interaktiven Systemen - Lernende Wörterbücher und lehrende Käfer by Klein, Raimund
Computer and Information Science by
Enterprise Resource Planning for Global Economies: Managerial Issues and Challenges by
Software Process Improvement for Small and Medium Enterprises: Techniques and Case Studies by
Crystal Reports 2008 for Dummies by Taylor, Allen G.
Excel in VB.NET Programming Interview Questions: Advanced Excel Programming Interview Questions, Answers, and Explanations in VB.NET by Clark, Terry
Sage Tutorial: Www.Sagemath.Org by Stein, William, Joyner, David
Wissensrepräsentation by Stock, Mechtild, Stock, Wolfgang G.
Methodik zur Informations- und Datenmodellierung in IT-Service-Management-Prozessen: Die ITIL(R)-Prozesse 'service level management' und 'configuratio by Scherer, Alexander Nicolaus
Office and SharePoint 2007 User's Guide: Integrating SharePoint with Excel, Outlook, Access and Word by Antonovich, Michael
Web 2.0 - Eine Empirische Bestandsaufnahme by
Usabilty Driven Development by Jäger, Jens
Transfer von EDV-gestützten Qualitätssicherungskonzepten im arabischen Raum by Al-Khouri, Issam
Management von Netzwerken mit Novell Z.E.N. works(TM) by Büttner, Ricardo
Securing Windows Server 2008: Prevent Attacks from Outside and Inside Your Organization by Tiensivu, Aaron
Electronic Voting Systems Outside of Lectures by Nielsen, Niels Bech
SAP Business Objects Interview Questions: Business Objects Certification Review by Sapcookbook
The Best Damn Windows Server 2008 Book Period by Piltzecker, Anthony
Project Management Websites by Thomas, James
An Evaluation of Orthodontic Practice Management Software by Choi, Howard
Vergleich bestehender MPEG-7-Annotierungstools by Lefin, Nikolaus
Simplified Building Energy Modeling Tool for Architects: Simplified Software Tool for Architects and Energy Efficient Building Design Professionals by Chaisuparasmikul, Pongsak
Healthcare Information Systems and Informatics: Research and Practices by
Systematisches Testen als analytische Qualitätssicherungsmaßnahme im Software-Entwicklungsprozess (Stand 1995) by Sieck, Ingrid
Microsoft Dynamics Crm 4 for Dummies by Lee, David, Weiss, Scott, Scott, Joel
Advances in Data Mining: Medical Applications, E-Commerce, Marketing, and Theoretical Aspects by
Web Information Systems and Technologies: Third International Conference, WEBIST 2007, Barcelona, Spain, March 3-6, 2007, Revised Selected Papers by
Pull Workflows in a JDF Environment by Böger, Niels
Eliminating waste in software projects: Effective knowledge management by using web based collaboration technology: The enterprise 2.0 concept applied by Dahlke, Frederik
History of Computing and Education 3 (Hce3): Ifip 20th World Computer Congress, Proceedings of the Third Ifip Conference on the History of Computing a by
New Frontiers for Entertainment Computing: Ifip 20th World Computer Congress, First Ifip Entertainment Computing Symposium (Ecs 2008), September 7-10, by
Microsoft Word for Publishing Professionals by Lyon, Jack M.
MATLAB for Beginners: A Gentle Approach by Kattan, Peter
Software for Data Analysis: Programming with R by Chambers, John
Profikurs Microsoft Dynamics Nav: Einführung - Souveräne Anwendung - Optimierter Einsatz Im Unternehmen by El-Assal, Samir, Diffenderfer, Paul M.
Embedded Multiprocessor System-on-Chip for Access Network Processing by Bamakhrama, Mohamed
Feature-Diagramme und Variabilität by Marr, Stefan
Parallel Computing - Systemarchitekturen und Methoden der Programmierung by Körbler, Sigrid
Secure Socket Layer (SSL) - Sicherheit im Internet by Exner, Andre
Server-Virtualisierung und Konsolidierung im Rechenzentrumsbetrieb: Dargestellt am Beispiel des praktischen Einsatzes von VMware im Rechenzentrum des by Balmes, Frank
MDA auf Basis Open Source: Abwicklung eines Pilotprojektes für einen Geschäftsvorfall einer Versicherung mit MDA auf Basis von Open Source by Keefer, Andreas
Entwicklung eines Lern- und Präsentationsmoduls für moderne Softwareprodukte by Böttger, Ronny
Designing Storage for Exchange 2007 SP1 by Bolmen
Introductory Statistics with R by Dalgaard, Peter
IT-Management by Stoll, Stefan
A Weighting Scheme for Security Patterns Using Mobile Agents by Walker, Jessie
Entwurf eines leistungsbezogenen Abrechnungssystems für eine Software-Realisierung: Kosten- und Leistungsrechnung im Krankenhaus by Hoffmann, Dieter
Sprechaktbasierte Kooperationsunterstützungssyteme by Kopka, Christian
Building a GUI Test Automation Framework Using the Data Model by Alsmadi, Izzat
Selected Readings on Strategic Information Systems by
Excel 2007 Charts Made Easy by Frye, Doug, Frye, Curt, Jacobs, Kathy
Radar Signal Analysis and Processing Using MATLAB by Mahafza, Bassem R.
Business Prozess Reengineering: Eine praxisorientierte Sicht by Pescholl, Andreas
PROC SQL by Example: Using SQL Within SAS by Schreier, Howard
Simulated Annealing by
Intelligenter Austausch von Daten in Private Area Networks by Peters, Andre
Automated Multi-Camera Surveillance: Algorithms and Practice by Javed, Omar, Shah, Mubarak
Programmieren Mit R by Ligges, Uwe
Potentialanalyse: Einsatz eines Dokumenten Management Systems (DMS) im Vertrieb eines Großunternehmens by Stern, Christopher Anton
Funktionsweise und Performancemessungen des LINUX O(1)-Schedulers by Zschach, Alexander
Semantic Grid: Model, Methodology, and Applications by Wu, Zhaohui, Chen, Huajun
Slide: Ology: The Art and Science of Creating Great Presentations by Duarte, Nancy
Management Operationaler It- Und Prozess-Risiken: Methoden Für Eine Risikobewältigungsstrategie by Thies, Karlheinz H. W.
Oracle Crm on Demand Reporting by Lairson, Michael D.
PowerPoint 2007 Graphics & Animation Made Easy by Zavala, Michelle, Slack, Sally
Green It: Reduce Your Information System's Environmental Impact While Adding to the Bottom Line by Elsenpeter, Robert C., Velte, Toby, Velte, Anthony
Entwicklung eines Standardkonzepts zur Erstellung interaktiver Tutorials für die Viamedici Software GmbH: E-Learning mit Author-it, Adobe Captivate & by Uhrig, Martin
Modellbasierte Formalisierung von Anforderungen für eingebettete Systeme im Automotive-Bereich by Fleischmann, Andreas
Modeling with Data: Tools and Techniques for Scientific Computing by Klemens, Ben
QuickBooks 2009 the Official Guide by Ivens, Kathy
Excel 2007 Macros Made Easy by Perry, Gail
Encyclopedia of Cybercrime by
SugarCRM For Dummies by Fredricks, Karen S.
Ambient Intelligence - ein Überblick by Bai, Jiakang
Codes and Ciphers - A History of Cryptography by D'Agapeyeff, Alexander
Entwicklung eines objektorientierten Client-Server-Systems zur Verteilung von Renderprozessen unter besonderer Berücksichtigung von Userinteraktionen by Wedewardt, Daniel
Volume Rendering by Kim, Jusub
Pro Office 2007 Development with VSTO by Anderson, Ty
Web Security Testing Cookbook: Systematic Techniques to Find Problems Fast by Walther, Ben, Hope, Paco
(re)Searching the Digital Bauhaus by
Cyber Sign Offs by Murr, Hugh, Nigtures, Sid
Self-Service in the Internet Age: Expectations and Experiences by
Advances in Government Enterprise Architecture by
PeopleSoft Developer's Guide for Peopletools & Peoplecode by Doolittle, Judi
Advanced Agent-Based Environmental Management Systems by
Entwicklung und Einsatz von Rich Internet Applikationen in kommerziellen Bereichen by Steller, Marcus
Aspekte des barrierefreien Betriebs von TYPO3 mit dem Schwerpunkt der Pflege von Inhalten by Arens, Robert
Ein einfach benutzbares mobiles Navigationssystem für Fußgänger by Schumann, Alewtina
Discrete Mathematics for Computing by Grossman, Peter
Implementierung einer erweiterbaren Anwendung zur sprachübergreifenden Metadaten- und Volltextsuche in einer serviceorientierten Architektur by Quadt, Florian
Analyse von Varianten der Mensch-Computer-Kommunikation by Schmidmayr, Johannes
Practical Guide to Project Scope Management by Narayana, Shyamkumar