• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Arabic in 2010

The Essentials of the Class of the Strong Verb in Arabic by Akesson, Joyce
The Syntax of Arabic by Benmamoun, Elabbas, Choueiri, Lina, Aoun, Joseph E.
The Syntax of Arabic by Benmamoun, Elabbas, Choueiri, Lina, Aoun, Joseph E.
Wanderings In Arabia V1 (1908) by Doughty, Charles Montagu
First Arabic Reader bilingual for speakers of English by Salama, Saher Ahmed
An Arabic-English Dictionary on a New System by Salmone, Habib Anthony
Chansons Populaires Arabes: En Dialecte Du Caire (1893) by
Mantic Uttair: Ou Le Langage Des Oiseaux (1857) by
Diwan Des Abu Nowas, Part 1: Die Weinlieder (1861) by
Neu-Persische Chrestomathie, Part 1-2 (1881) by Grunert, Max
Ibn Akil's Commentar Zur Alfijja Des Ibn Malik: Aus Dem Arabischen Zum Ersten Male Bersetzt (1852) by
The Analytical Approach For Teaching The Arabic Language To People Speaking The English Language by Amro, Tawfiq Yousef
Oxford Essential Arabic Dictionary by Oxford Languages
A Study of the Assimilation and Substitution in Arabic by Akesson, Joyce
Arabische Sprichworter Und Redensarten (1878) by Socin, Albert
Anecdotes Musulmanes Texte Arabe Ou Cours D'Arabe Elementaire (1847) by Cherbonneau, Auguste
The Persian Metres by Elwell-Sutton, Elwell-Sutton, L. P.
The Phonological Changes due to the Hamza and Weak Consonant in Arabic by Akesson, Joyce
Colloquial Palestinian Arabic: An Introduction to the Spoken Dialect by Isleem, Nasser M.
Early Babylonian Letters From Larsa (1917) by Lutz, Henry Frederick
Lughatuna Al-Fusha: Book One: A New Course in Modern Standard Arabic [With CD (Audio) and DVD] by Louis, Samia
Modern Standard Arabic: For Beginners by Zaki, Yolanda
Languages of the Ancient Near East by Kouwenberg, N. J. C.
The Basics & Intricacies of Arabic Morphology by Akesson, Joyce
Nuzi Texts and Their Uses as Historical Evidence by Maidman, M. P., Maidman, Maynard Paul
The Basics & Intricacies of Arabic Morphology by Akesson, Joyce
An Arabic-English Lexicon: Derived from the Best and the Most Copious Eastern Sources - Book I. Part 7. by Lane, Edward William
A Study of Arabic Phonology by Akesson, Joyce
Introduction to Arabic Natural Language Processing by Habash, Nizar Y.
Kalaam Gamiil, Volume 1: An Intensive Course in Egyptian Colloquial Arabic by Massoud, Suzanne, Al-Tonsi, Abbas, Al-Sawi, Laila
English-Arabic Dictionary: For The Use Of Both Travelers And Students by Steingass, Francis Joseph
Mantic Uttair: Ou Le Langage Des Oiseaux (1857) by
Dottrina Cristiana (1797) by Bellarmino, Roberto Francesco Romolo
Mahommed: The Great Arabian (1912) by Townsend, Meredith White
Compendium Libri Kitab Al-Boldan (1885) by Al-Hamadhani, Ibn Al Fakih
Hidayut Ool Islam In Arabic And Hindoostanee V1 (1804) by Gilchrist, John Borthwick
Gawalikis Almuarrab: Nach Der Leydener Handschrift, Mit Erlauterungen (1867) by Jawaliki, Mauhub Ibn Ahmad Al
Chansons Populaires Arabes: En Dialecte Du Caire (1893) by
Abulfathi Annales Samaritani: Quos Arabice Edidit Cum Prolegomenis Latine Vertit Et Commentario (1865) by
Neu-Persische Chrestomathie, Part 1-2 (1881) by Grunert, Max
An Arabic Version Of The Epistles Of St. Paul To The Romans, Corinthians, Galatians: With Part Of The Epistle To The Ephesians (1894) by
Historia Chalifatus Al-Motacimi Ex Cod. Arabico (1849) by Matthiessen, C. Sandenbergh
Chrestomathia Arabica (1853) by Arnold, Friedrich August
L'Alfiiah: Tradotta E Commentata (1898) by Votto, Errico
Swahili Hymn Book: In Arabic Character (1898) by Society Promoting Christian Knowledge
The Arab (1857) by James Challen and Sons Publisher
Wanderings In Arabia V1 (1908) by Doughty, Charles Montagu
Specimen E Literis Orientalibus: Exhibens Kitabo'l-Boldan (1861) by Ja'qub, Ahmed Ibn Abi, Juynboll, T. G. J.
Liturgiae Ecclesiae Anglicanae (1826) by Pococke, Edward
Anonyme Arabische Chronik V11: Vermuthlich Das Buch Der Verwandtschaft Und Geschichte Der Adligen (1883) by
Dix Anciens Traites De Philologie Arabe (1908) by
Diwan Des Abu Nowas, Part 1: Die Weinlieder (1861) by
Die Alfije Des Ibn Muti: Nach Den Handschriften Von Berlin, Escorial Und Leiden (1900) by
Araby (1904) by Hutten, Betsey Riddle
Idumaea: With A Survey Of Arabia And The Arabians (1799) by The Religious Tract Society
In Araby Orion by Thompson, Edward
Abulkasim Ein Bagdader Sittenbild (1902) by Alazdi, Muhammad I.
Anecdotes Musulmanes Texte Arabe Ou Cours D'Arabe Elementaire (1847) by Cherbonneau, Auguste
Arabische Sprichworter Und Redensarten (1878) by Socin, Albert
Mantic Uttair: Ou Le Langage Des Oiseaux (1857) by
Arabic Primer: Consisting Of 180 Short Sentences Containing Thirty Primary Words, Prepared According To The Vocal System Of Studying by Cotton, Arthur
Arabic Grammar Of The Written Language (1922) by Thatcher, G. W.
Early Babylonian Letters From Larsa (1917) by Lutz, Henry Frederick
Arabic Proverbs Or The Manners And Customs Of The Modern Egyptians Illustrated From Their Proverbial Sayings Current At Cairo by
English-Arabic Dictionary: For The Use Of Both Travelers And Students by Steingass, Francis Joseph
La Version Arabe De Kalilah Et Dimnah (1905) by Ibn-Al-Muqaffa, Abdallah
La Version Arabe De Kalilah Et Dimnah (1905) by Ibn-Al-Muqaffa, Abdallah
Le Coran V1: Traduit De L'Arabe (1783) by Savary, Claude Etienne
Ichwan-Oos-Suffa: In The Original Arabic (1812) by Yumunee, Ahmud-Bin-Moohummud
Lettera Pastorale (1830) by Abukaram, Pietro
Beidhawii Commentarius In Coranum V2: Ex Codd. Parisiensibus Dresdensibus Et Lipsiensibus (1848) by
Der Sprachstoff Der Brasilianischen Grammatik Des Luis Figueira Nach Der Ausgabe Von 1687 (1899) by Platzmann, Julius
Arabic Proverbs Or The Manners And Customs Of The Modern Egyptians Illustrated From Their Proverbial Sayings Current At Cairo by
In Araby Orion by Thompson, Edward
A Commentary On Ten Ancient Arabic Poems (1894) by Al-Tibrizi, Yahya Ibn Ali
Guide De La Conversation Francaise-Arabe (1846) by Delaporte, J. Honorat
Lataifo L-Maarif (1867) by Tha'alibi, Abd Al-Malik Ibn Mu?ammad
A Commentary On Ten Ancient Arabic Poems (1894) by Al-Tibrizi, Yahya Ibn Ali
Writing and Literacy in the World of Ancient Israel: Epigraphic Evidence from the Iron Age by Rollston, Chris a.
A Short Reference Grammar of Moroccan Arabic by Harrell, Richard S.
Modern Standard Arabic Grammar: A Concise Guide by Hassanein, Azza
Issues in the Structure of Arabic Clauses and Words by Fassi Fehri, A.