• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Arabic in 2012

Lughatuna Al-Fusha: Book Two: A New Course in Modern Standard Arabic by Louis, Samia
Most Probably: Epistemic Modality in Old Babylonian by Wasserman, Nathan
The Mysterious Ritual Enclosed In the Phaistos Disc and the Kernos Stone by Rio, Roberta
1st Grade learning Arabic Language Step - By - Step Approach Workbook Part 1 Third Edition: This book has everything you need to know to teach First G by Samawe (Mba), Nargis, Tommalieh (Phd), Fakhri
The Poetical Works of Beha-Ed-Din Zoheir of Egypt 2 Part Set: With a Metrical English Translation, Notes and Introduction by
Novel Techniques for Dialectal Arabic Speech Recognition by Gruhn, Rainer, Minker, Wolfgang, Elmahdy, Mohamed
Arabic Love Poetry from the Desert: Majnun Leyla, Arabic Text, Commentary and Translations by Akesson, Joyce
Arabic Calligraphy Made Easy for the Madinah [Medinah] Arabic Course for Children by
DeArabizing Arabia: Tracing Western Scholarship on the History of the Arabs and Arabic Language and Script by Abulhab, Saad D.
Arabic Language and Linguistics by
1st Grade learning Arabic Language Step - By - Step Approach Workbook Part 2, Third Edition: This book has everything you need to teach children the A by Hujeer, Majeda, Tommalieh, Fakhri
The Top 1,300 Words for Understanding Media Arabic by Kendall, Elisabeth
Dictionnaire Arabe (Éd.1849) by Farhât, Germanos
10000 Arabic Verbs by Shaffique, Mohammed
Uktub Al-'Arabiya: Advanced Writing Skills in Modern Standard Arabic by Hassanein, Azza
The Afroasiatic Languages by
A Student Grammar of Turkish by Ketrez, F. Nihan
A Student Grammar of Turkish by Ketrez, F. Nihan
Egyptian Colloquial Arabic Verbs: Conjugation Tables and Grammar by Aldrich, Matthew
New Inscriptions and Seals Relating to the Biblical World by Lubetski, Meir
Studies in the Historical Syntax of Aramaic by Pat-El, Na'ama
Alkalima: Método para el aprendizaje rápido de la lengua árabe by Labrass, Houssain
The Royal Inscriptions of Sennacherib, King of Assyria (704-681 Bc), Part 1 by Novotny, Jamie, Grayson, A. Kirk
The Routledge Introduction to Qur'anic Arabic by Younes, Munther
The Routledge Introduction to Qur'anic Arabic by Younes, Munther
Maltese by Azzopardi-Alexander, Marie, Borg, Albert
So That the Poem Remains: Arabic Poems by Lebanese-American Youssef Abdul Samad, Selected and Translated by Ghada Alatrash by Abdul Samad, Youssef
Pmp Arabic Vocabulary by Wightwick
Arabic Pronouns and Prepositions by Haidar, Otared
Egyptian Colloquial Arabic Verbs: Exercise Book by Aldrich, Matthew
Sufism in the Contemporary Arabic Novel by Elmarsafy, Ziad
Essential Arabic: Speak Arabic with Confidence! (Arabic Phrasebook & Dictionary) by Mansouri, Fethi
Glossary of Arabic terms (An Islamic dictionary) by Fathi, Saul Silas
Developing Writing Skills in Arabic by Ben Amor, Taoufik
Mr. Nighthingale (Arabic Edition) by Omid, Ghazal
Pahlavi Texts by
Pahlavi Texts by
Pahlavi Texts 5 Volume Set by West, Edward William
Pahlavi Texts - Volume 1 by
Pahlavi Texts - Volume 2 by
Pahlavi Texts - Volume 4 by
Al-'Arabiyya: Journal of the American Association of Teachers of Arabic, Volume 44 and 45, Volume 44 and 45 by
The Olive Tree Dictionary: A Transliterated Dictionary of Conversational Arabic by Elihay, Yohanan