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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Arabic in 2019

Step by Step: Arabic Writing Workbooks: Level 6 - Verbs by Elkhadragy, N.
Practice Makes Perfect Arabic Verb Tenses, 2nd Edition by Wightwick, Jane
Arabic Corpus Linguistics by
A Multi-Locus Analysis of Arabic Negation: Micro-Variation in Southern Levantine, Gulf and Standard Arabic by Alqassas, Ahmad
Conversational Arabic Quick and Easy: Sudanese Dialect by Nitzany, Yatir
A brief plan to teach Arabic: MSA & Dialects by Jasim, Atheel M.
Learning Quranic Arabic for Complete Beginners: A Step by Step Self-Teaching Guide to the Arabic Language of the Quran by Hawramani, Ikram
Manuel d'Ecriture Et de Prononciation Arabes by Nacereddine, Abdallah
Conversational Arabic Quick and Easy: Saudi Gulf Dialect by Nitzany, Yatir
Arabic Second Language Learning and Effects of Input, Transfer, and Typology by Alhawary, Mohammad T.
Arabic Second Language Learning and Effects of Input, Transfer, and Typology by Alhawary, Mohammad T.
Manuel de Conversation by Nacereddine, Abdallah
Transivity Causatn & Passivizatn by Saad
Conversational Arabic Quick and Easy: Saudi Najdi Dialect by Nitzany, Yatir
Colloquial Levantine Arabic by Nassra, Khaled
Crocodile Beach English-Arabic Bilingual Reader by Al Attar, Faisal, Hassall, Susan
Egyptian Arabic: Easy Stories with English Translations Volume 1 by Nagel, Donovan
Teach Yourself Spoken Arabic by Nassra, Omar, Nassra, Khaled
Conjunctions and Interjections in Modern Standard Arabic by Ramadan, Abdulkareem Said
Conjunctions and Interjections in Modern Standard Arabic by Ramadan, Abdulkareem Said
The Semitic Languages by
أغانى تعليمية للأطفال با by Koky
Berlitz Picture Dictionary Arabic by Publishing, Berlitz
Most Common Expressions You Will Need While You Are In Morocco: This short book will help you interact and communicate with locals in Moroccan Arabic by Allali, Ahmad
The Greening of Machiavelli: The Evolution of International Environmental Politics by Brenton, Tony
ABC الشخصية للأطفال - ABC of Personality for Kids: با& by Koky
كلماتى الأساسية بالإنجل& by Koky
Van Alif tot Arabisch niveau 2: Je eerste woordjes by Van Alif Tot Arabisch, Team
ABC فروع العلم للأطفال بالع&#1 by Koky
قاموس الحيوانات المصورل& by Koky
The Arabic Classroom: Context, Text and Learners by
The Arabic Classroom: Context, Text and Learners by
Spatial Analysis in Geomorphology by
Arabic Script in Motion: A Theory of Temporal Text-Based Art by Khajavi, M. Javad
Introduction to Modern Arabic by Ziyadeh, Farhat Jacob, Winder, Richard Bayly
ماذا فقد؟؟؟ ما هذا !! لتنمي&#1 by Ammar, Amira Karam
Introduction to Modern Arabic by Winder, Richard Bayly, Ziyadeh, Farhat Jacob
Oxford Handbook of Arabic Linguistics by Owens, Jonathan
Collins Arabic Visual Dictionary by Collins Dictionaries
English Arabic 50 Animals Vocabulary Activities Workbook for Kids: 4 in 1 reading writing tracing and coloring worksheets by Nyman, Irene
Grammarians and Grammatical Theory in the Medieval Arabic Tradition by Baalbaki, Ramzi
The Poetry of Arab Women from the Pre-Islamic Age to Andalusia by Elmeligi, Wessam
Francais Arabe Facile Vocabulaire les Animaux: De base Français Arabe fiche de vocabulaire pour les enfants a1 a2 b1 b2 c1 c2 ce1 ce2 cm1 cm2 by LaFond, Florence
Deutsch Albanisch Üben Sie Einfaches Vokabular Mit Bildern: Verbessern Deutsch Albanisch basis Tiervokabular a1 a2 b1 b2 c1 c2 Buch für Kinder by Dresdner, Sophia
Deutsch Arabisch Üben Sie Einfaches Vokabular Mit Bildern: Verbessern Deutsch Arabisch basis Tiervokabular a1 a2 b1 b2 c1 c2 Buch für Kinder by Dresdner, Sophia
Español Arábica Vocabulario Basico Animales para Niños: Vocabulario en Espanol Arabica de preescolar kínder primer Segundo Tercero grado by Goncalves, Lara
Español Albanés Vocabulario Basico Animales para Niños: Vocabulario en Espanol Albanes de preescolar kínder primer Segundo Tercero grado by Goncalves, Lara
Italiano Albanese Imparare Bilingue Animali Vocabolario con Immagini: Italian albanian dizionario per bambini delle elementari a1 a2 ba b2 c1 c2 by Trentini, Adolfa
Prénoms arabes by Al-Hakkak, Ghalib
English Arabic Practice Alphabet ABCD letters with Cartoon Pictures: ممارسة الحرو&#1 by Hill, Betty
How To Learn Arabic Fast: Read and Write the Arabic Alphabet by Alchemy, Madeleine
Exploring the Cognitive Processes of Simultaneous Interpreting: English-Arabic-English Dynamics by El-Zawawy, Amr M.
Arabic Translation Across Discourses by
Arabic Translation Across Discourses by
Amazing Arabic KG1 by Al Bazili, Abdusamad Yousif, Al-Bazili, Jameel Yousif, Al-Ezzi, Mabkhoot Mohammed
Volume 1: Arabic-English Dictionary: The Hans Wehr Dictionary of Modern Written Arabic. Fourth Edition. by Wehr, Hans
Volume 2: Arabic-English Dictionary: The Hans Wehr Dictionary of Modern Written Arabic. Fourth Edition. by Wehr, Hans
Volume 1: Arabic-English Dictionary: The Hans Wehr Dictionary of Modern Written Arabic. Fourth Edition. by Wehr, Hans
Volume 2: Arabic-English Dictionary: The Hans Wehr Dictionary of Modern Written Arabic. Fourth Edition. by Wehr, Hans
Amazing Arabic KG2 by Al Bazili, Abdusamad Yousif, Al-Bazili, Jameel Yousif, Al-Ezzi, Mabkhoot Mohammed
Conversational Arabic Quick and Easy: Egyptian Arabic by Yatir, Nitzany
Conversational Arabic Quick and Easy: Lebanese Dialect by Yatir, Nitzany
Conversational Arabic Quick and Easy: Jordanian Dialect by Nitzany, Yatir
Classical Syriac by Akopian, Arman
Conversational Arabic Quick and Easy: The Most Innovative Technique to Learn and Study the Classical Arabic Language. by Nitzany, Yatir
Conversational Arabic Quick and Easy: Emirati Dialect by Nitzany, Yatir
Conversational Arabic Quick and Easy: Palestinian Dialect by Nitzany, Yatir
English - Arabic Bilingual First Top 624 Words Educational Activity Book for Kids: Easy vocabulary learning flashcards best for infants babies toddler by Owens, Penny
Conversational Arabic Quick and Easy: Iraqi Dialect by Nitzany, Yatir
Conversational Arabic Quick and Easy: Syrian Dialect by Nitzany, Yatir
Conversational Arabic Quick and Easy: Libyan Dialect by Nitzany, Yatir
Conversational Arabic Quick and Easy: Saudi Hejazi Dialect by Nitzany, Yatir
Conversational Arabic Quick and Easy: Moroccan Dialect by Nitzany, Yatir
Conversational Arabic Quick and Easy: Algerian Dialect by Nitzany, Yatir
Conversational Arabic Quick and Easy: Yemeni Dialect by Nitzany, Yatir
Conversational Arabic Quick and Easy: Tunisian Dialect by Nitzany, Yatir
Conversational Arabic Quick and Easy: Omani Arabic Dialect by Nitzany, Yatir
Conversational Arabic Quick and Easy: Kuwaiti Dialect by Nitzany, Yatir
Conversational Arabic Quick and Easy: Qatari Dialect by Nitzany, Yatir
Conversational Arabic Quick and Easy: Bahraini Dialect by Nitzany, Yatir
Conversational Arabic Quick and Easy - North African Dialects: Egyptian Arabic, Libyan Arabic, Moroccan Dialect, Tunisian Dialect, Algerian Dialect. by Nitzany, Yatir
Conversational Arabic Quick and Easy: The Spoken Arabic of the State of Israel by Nitzany, Yatir
Conversational Arabic Quick and Easy - LEVANTINE ARABIC BOXSET 1-4: Lebanese Arabic Dialect, Syrian Arabic Dialect, Palestinian Arabic Dialect, Jordan by Nitzany, Yatir
English Albanian 500 Flashcards with Pictures for Babies: Learning homeschool frequency words flash cards for child toddlers preschool kindergarten an by Brighter, Julie
English Arabic 500 Flashcards with Pictures for Babies: Learning homeschool frequency words flash cards for child toddlers preschool kindergarten and by Brighter, Julie
Situational Egyptian Arabic 1: Kalaam Kull Yoom by Aldrich, Matthew, Abou El Nour, Alaa
Situational Egyptian Arabic 2: Kalaam Kull Yoom by Abou El Nour, Alaa, Aldrich, Matthew
Conversational Arabic Quick and Easy: Saudi Gulf Dialect by Yatir, Nitzany
Conversational Arabic Quick and Easy: Saudi Najdi Dialect by Nitzany, Yatir
Al-Kitaab Fii Tacallum Al-Carabiyya Part Two: Textbook for Intermediate Arabic with Website, Third Edition, Teacher's Edition by Al-Batal, Mahmoud, Al-Tonsi, Abbas, Brustad, Kristen
Collins Arabic Dictionary: Gem Edition by Collins Dictionaries
The spoken Arabic of Egypt by Selden Willmore, J.
Arabic manual. A colloquial handbook in the Syrian dialect, for the use of visitors to Syria and Palestine, containing a simplified grammar, a compreh by E. Crow, F.
The Sociopragmatics of Attitude Datives in Levantine Arabic by Haddad, Youssef A.
An English-Arabic vocabulary of the modern and colloquial Arabic of Egypt by Spiro, Socrates
Conversational Arabic Quick and Easy: Sudanese Dialect by Nitzany, Yatir
The Syriac Dot: A Short History by Kiraz, George Anton
Van Alif tot Arabisch niveau 3: Een stevige basis by Van Alif Tot Arabisch, Team
The modern Egyptian dialect of Arabic, a grammar, with exercises, reading lessions and glossaries, from the German of Dr. K. Vollers, with numerous ad by K. Vollers, C. Burkitt, F.
Egyptian self-taught (Arabic) with English phonetic pronunciation by A. Thimm, C.
Arabic self-taught (Syrian) with English phonetic pronunciation by Odeh, N., Hassan, A.
Lebanese 101: The Easy Way to Learn Lebanese Arabic: The Ultimate Guide to Become a Lebanese by Matar, Ali
Natakallam `Arabi: Hablemos árabe by Marco Criscuolo
Conversational Arabic Quick and Easy: Saudi Series: Najdi Dialect, Hijazi Dialect, Saudi Gulf Arabic Dialect by Nitzany, Yatir
Conversational Arabic Quick and Easy: Gulf Series; Emirati, Saudi Gulf Dialect, Qatari, Kuwaiti, Bahraini, Omani Arabic Dialects by Nitzany, Yatir
Rudiments of the Arabic-vulgar of Morocco by Lerchundi, Joseph
The Morphophonological Development of the Classical Aramaic Verb by Malone, Joseph L.
Arabic Alphabet: The easy way by Hassan, Ayman
Situational Levantine Arabic 1: Haki Kill Yoom by Housseiny, Rita, Abou El Nour, Alaa, Aldrich, Matthew
Situational Levantine Arabic 2: Haki Kill Yoom by Housseiny, Rita, Abou El Nour, Alaa, Aldrich, Matthew
My Cat Is Missing: For Arabic Language Students by Ataya, Saif
Instant Arabic: It is enough to start speaking Arabic by Ahmad, Fa
The Philosopher Responds: An Intellectual Correspondence from the Tenth Century, Volume One by Al-Tawḥīdī, Abū Ḥayyān, Miskawayh, Abū ʿalī
The Philosopher Responds: An Intellectual Correspondence from the Tenth Century, Volume Two by Al-Tawḥīdī, Abū Ḥayyān, Miskawayh, Abū ʿalī
Survival Arabic Phrasebook & Dictionary: How to Communicate Without Fuss or Fear Instantly! (Completely Revised and Expanded with New Manga Illustrati by Mansouri, Fethi, Gharsa, Yamina
Arabic grammar; paradigms, literature, exercises and glossary by A. Socin
Design principles and Guide of Adobe Illustrator in Arabic: مبادئ التصميم &#16 by Farooq, Muhammad
Arabic in Modern Hebrew Texts: The Stylistics of Exophonic Writing by Ahmed, Mohamed A. H.
Arabic language Simplified: Starters level in 20 hours or less by Akhourshiedah, Mozn Shaker
The Syriac and Arabic Lexicon of Hasan Bar Bahlul (He-Mim) by Kozah, Mario, Kiraz, George Anton
The Syriac and Arabic Lexicon of Hasan Bar Bahlul (Nun-Taw) by Kozah, Mario, Kiraz, George Anton
The Syriac and Arabic Lexicon of Hasan Bar Bahlul (Olaph-Dolath) by Kiraz, George Anton, Kozah, Mario
L'arabe c'est facile Niveau 5 by Educatif, Trésor
Arabic Character Writing for Dummies by Massey, Keith, Ferré, Damien
Key to the Arabic grammar of the written language by W. Thatcher, G.
My First Alif Baa Taa: Arabic Language Alphabet Book For Babies, Toddlers & Kids Ages 1 - 3 (Paperback): Great Gift For Bilingual Parents, Ar by Press, Kawkabnour
Uprising in Tahrir Square: An Interactive Toolkit for Advanced Arabic Classrooms by Berrahmoun, Abdelkader
Alif Baa Taa: Animals: Arabic Language Alphabet Book For Babies, Toddlers & Kids Ages 1 - 3 (Paperback): Great Gift For Bilingual Pa by Press, Kawkabnour
SEO For Beginners 2020: Learn and Develop a Strategy for Search Engine Optimisation and Grow Your Business With Google by Knight, James
Alif Baa Taa Letter Tracing For Preschoolers: A Fun Book To Practice Hand Writing In Arabic For Pre-K, Kindergarten And Kids Ages 3 - 6: Coloring Page by Press, Kawkabnour
Arabic Idioms: A Corpus Based Study by Abdou, Ashraf
I Spy With My Little Eye: From Alif To Yaa: Arabic-English Bilingual Fun Game Book For Toddlers & Kids Ages 2 - 5 (Paperback): Great Gift For Pa by Press, Kawkabnour
Al-'Arabiyya: Journal of the American Association of Teachers of Arabic, Volume 52, Volume 52 by
Al Arqam, Al Ashkaal, Al Alwan: Numbers, Shapes & Colors: Arabic Language Educational Book For Babies, Toddlers & Kids Ages 2 - 5 (Paperback): Great G by Press, Kawkabnour
My First 100 Arabic Words: Fruits, Vegetables, Animals, Insects, Vehicles, Shapes, Body Parts, Colors: Arabic Language Educational Book For Babie by Press, Kawkabnour
Arabische Schrijf Beheersen by Gafur, Mohamed Aslam