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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Arabic in 2023

The (Un)Translatability of Qur'anic Idiomatic Phrasal Verbs: A Contrastive Linguistic Study by Aldahesh, Ali Yunis
B'ajlom ii Nkotz'i'j Publications' Guide to Arabic by Chigüela, Sandra, G. R., Mateo
Samir and His Brown Trousers: An Elementary-Level Modern Standard Arabic Reader by Yaghy, Habeeb
Arabic for the Very Beginners: From Zero to Hero: An Interactive Book with audio and video by Elaskary, Mohamed
Random Modern Standard Arabic A2 (Book 1) by Aldrich, Matthew
Random Modern Standard Arabic A2 (Book 2) by Aldrich, Matthew
Random Modern Standard Arabic B1 (Book 1) by Aldrich, Matthew
Random Modern Standard Arabic B1 (Book 2) by Aldrich, Matthew
Random Modern Standard Arabic A1 (Book 2) by Aldrich, Matthew
Random Modern Standard Arabic A1 (Book 1) by Aldrich, Matthew
Random Egyptian Arabic A1 (Book 2) by Aldrich, Matthew
Random Egyptian Arabic A1 (Book 1) by Aldrich, Matthew
Random Modern Standard Arabic B2 (Book 1) by Aldrich, Matthew
Random Modern Standard Arabic B2 (Book 2) by Aldrich, Matthew
Random Egyptian Arabic A2 (Book 2) by Aldrich, Matthew
Random Egyptian Arabic A2 (Book 1) by Aldrich, Matthew
Random Egyptian Arabic B1 (Book 2) by Aldrich, Matthew
Random Egyptian Arabic B1 (Book 1) by Aldrich, Matthew
A Reader in Syriac Based on the Entertaining Stories of Gregory Bar ʿEbrāyā by Hayes, John
Random Egyptian Arabic B2 (Book 1) by Aldrich, Matthew
Random Egyptian Arabic B2 (Book 2) by Aldrich, Matthew
240 phrases à composer en arabe !: Niveau Âjourroûmiyyah by Arabe Correct
Książka ze slownictwem arabskim: Podejście oparte na zagadnieniach by Languages, Pinhok
Step-By-Step Arabic Language by Beshqoy, Nisreen
Short Vowels in Arabic by Alhawamdeh, Raja
Arabic Grammar: (Sukoon, Tanween, and Shaddah) by Alhawamdeh, Raja
Arabic-English-Arabic Literary Translation: Issues and Strategies by Elimam, Ahmed Saleh
La Langue Arabe Dans l'Europe Humaniste: 1500-1550 by Picherot, Emilie
La Langue Arabe Dans l'Europe Humaniste: 1500-1550 by Picherot, Emilie
We are the Arabic Alphabet by Jones, Eman
Let's Learn Some Arabic: English To Arabic Picture Book For Kids With 250 Of The Most Common Words By Theme by Musa, Ibrahim
Learn Arabic from Scratch by Hammouda, Nermein
From the Treasures of Arabic Morphology - من كنوز الصرف by Muhammad, Maulana Ebrahim
100 Sudanese Verbs for Beginners: All You Need to Master Verbs in Sudanese Arabic by Dafaalla, Fakhradin Ahmed, Elharith J., Waleed
Upper Intermediate Arabic Through Discussion: 20 Lessons on Contemporary Topics with Integrated Skills and Fluency-Building Activities for MSA Learner by Sullivan, Nevenka Korica
Mabadi al-Arabiyya Volume 1 by Al-Shartuni, Rasheed
Arabic-English-Arabic Literary Translation: Issues and Strategies by Elimam, Ahmed Saleh
Media Arabic for Beginners: A Coursebook for Understanding Arabic News by Al-Sawi, Laila, Yacout, Shahira
Mabadi al-Arabiyya Volume 2 by Al-Shartuni, Rasheed
B'ajlom ii Nkotz'i'j Publications' Maltese Phrasebook: Ideal for Traveling to Malta by G. R., Mateo, Chigüela, Sandra
Contemporary Arab World: Literary and Linguistic Issues by
Mastering Arabic Vocabulary: For Beginner to Intermediate Learners of Modern Standard Arabic by Sirhan, Nadia R.
Mastering Arabic Vocabulary: For Beginner to Intermediate Learners of Modern Standard Arabic by Sirhan, Nadia R.
Islamic Education (Part one) by Alhawamdeh, Raja
Linguistic Response to the Taboo of Death in Egyptian Arabic by Zawrotna, Magdalena
2 In 1: Learn The Arabic Alphabet, Increase Your Vocabulary, And Master The Basics For Kids by Musa, Ibrahim
Bound By Words - ما وسعني قوله: Arabic Essays on Literature and Contemporary Issues by Attia, Mena
Islamic Education (Part 2) by Alhawamdeh, Raja
La Guía Completa de Árabe Levantino: الدَّليل الشّامِل by Ayaseh, Mohammad K.
Islamic Education (Part 3) by Alhawamdeh, Raja
Islamic Education Part 4 by Alhawamdeh, Raja
Analysing English-Arabic Machine Translation: Google Translate, Microsoft Translator and Sakhr by Almahasees, Zakaryia
Short Stories in Arabic for Beginners and Intermediate Learners: A2-B1, Arabic-English Dual Language by Saleh, Taslim
Women's Contemporary Readings of Medieval (and Modern) Arabic Philosophy by
'Arabiyyat Al-Naas (Part One): An Introductory Course in Arabic by Younes, Munther, Weatherspoon, Makda G., Saliba Foster, Maha
'Arabiyyat Al-Naas (Part One): An Introductory Course in Arabic by Younes, Munther, Weatherspoon, Makda G., Saliba Foster, Maha
From the Treasures of Arabic Morphology - من كنوز الصرف by Publications, Ha-Meem
Jakut Zu Deutsch Sprachführer - Alltägliche gebräuchliche Wörter und Ausdrücke by Publishing, Ps
Recueil De Textes Pour L'étude De L'arabe Parlé... by Anonymous
Grammaire Arabe À L'usage Des Élèves De L'ecole Spéciale Des Langues Orientales Vivantes...... by
Praktisches Handbuch Der Neu-Arabischen Sprache, Erster Theil by Wahrmund, Adolf
Mots Usuels De La Langue Arabe by Eidenschenk
Der Sprachgebrauch des Maimonides: Ein lexikalischer und grammatischer Beitrag zur Kenntnis des Metttelarabischen. 1. Teil by
Al-Surah min al-Sihah by Jawhar, Isml Ibn Ammd
Alfiyya: Ou, La quintessence de la grammaire arabe, ouvrage de Djémal-Eddin Mohammed, connu sous le nom d'Ebn-Malec by Silvestre De Sacy, A. 1758-1838
L'arabe Tel Qu'll Est: Études Algériennes & Tunisiennes by Robert, Achille
L'Arabe Moderne Étudié Dans les Journaux et les Piéces Officielles by Washington-Serruys
Principes de L'idiome Arabe en Usage à Alger by Delaporte, J. Honorat
Compendio Da Grammatica Arabica Abbreviado: Claro E Mais Facil Para A Intelligenza Da Mesma Lingua by Sousa, João de
Praktisches Handbuch Der Neu-Arabischen Sprache; Volume 3 by Wahrmund, Adolf
Elementary Arabic by A, Nicholson Reynold
Arabischer Dragoman: Grammatik, Phrasensammlung Und Wörterbuch Der Neu-arabischen Sprache. Ein Vademecum Für Reisende In Aegypten, Palästin by Wolff, Philipp
Chrestomathia Arabica Grammatica Historica: In Usum Scholarum Arabicarum Ex Codicibus Ineditis by Freytag, Georg Wilhelm
L'arabe Pratique by Anonymous
Al-Surah min al-Sihah by Jawhar, Isml Ibn Ammd
Johann David Michaelis arabische Grammatik, nebst einer arabischen Chrestomathie. by Michaelis, Johann David
L'Arabe Moderne by Washington-Serruys
Grammaire Arabe; Volume 2 by Machuel, Louis
Johann David Michaelis arabische Grammatik, nebst einer arabischen Chrestomathie. by Michaelis, Johann David
English-arabic Vocabulary And Dialogues For The Use Of The Army And Navy by
Petit Dictionnaire Arabe-français Et Français-arabe by
A Vocabulary Of Vernacular Egyptian Arabic by Tylor, Joseph John
Die sieben Mu'allakt. Text, vollständiges Wörterverzeichniss, deutscher und arabischer Commentar bearb. von Ludwig Abel by Abel, Ludwig
Geo. Henrici Aug. Ewald Grammatica Critica Linguae Arabicae, Cum Brevi Metrorum Doctrina by Ewald, Heinrich
A Grammar of the Arabic Language: Intended More Especially for the Use of Young Men Preparing for the East India Civil Service; and Also for the Use o by Forbes, Duncan
Die sieben Mu'allakt. Text, vollständiges Wörterverzeichniss, deutscher und arabischer Commentar bearb. von Ludwig Abel by Abel, Ludwig
A Vocabulary Of Vernacular Egyptian Arabic by Tylor, Joseph John
Arabum Proverbia: A Meidanio Collectorum Proverbiorum Pars Posterior, Volume 2... by Freytag, Georg Wilhelm
Grammatica Arabica by Erpenius, Thomas, Schultens, Albert
Éléments De Grammaire Arabe, Par Un Père De La Cie De Jésus [j. Blin].... by Blin, Jules
Brevis, Clara, Facilis Ac Iucunda, Non Solum Arabicam Linguam, Sed Etiam Hodiernam Persicam, Cui Tota Fere Arabica Intermixta Est, Addiscendi Methodus by Vieyra, Antonio
Arabic Primer: Consisting of 180 Short Sentences Containing 30 Primary Words by Cotton, Arthur
Le Premier Livre De L'arabisant Ou Méthode Courte Et Facile Pour Apprendre À Lire L'arabe Sans Professeur Et En Peu De Temps Accompagnée De La Clef Et by Harfouch, Joseph
Arabic Syntax: Chiefly Selected From The Hidayut-oon-nuhvi, A Treatise On Syntax In The Original Arabic by Beresford, Henry B.
Dictionnaire Arabe-francais... by Kazimirski, A. De Biberstein
Petit Dictionnaire Arabe-français Et Français-arabe by
Études Sur Les Dialectes De L'arabic Méridionale; Volume 1 by Landberg, Carlo
Kurzgefasste Grammatik der arabischen Sprache. by Sprache, Arabische
Grammatica Arabica Breviter In Usum Scholarum Academicarum: Adiuncta Est Brevis Chrestomathia... by Cool, P., Roorda, Taco
Grammatik der Arabischen Sprache. Dritte Auflage by Caspari, Carl Paul
Développemens Des Principes De La Langue Arabe Moderne: Suivis D'un Recueil De Phrases, De Traductions Interlinéaires, De Proverbes Arabes Et D'un Ess by Herbin, Auguste-François-Julien
Notiz Über Das Arabische Buch: : Nebst Proben Derselben Arabisch Und Deutsch... by Nauwerck, Karl
Praktische Grammatik der neu-arabischen Sprache, Erster Theil by Wahrmund, Adolf
Institutiones Grammaticae Arabicae... by Aryda, Antonius
Instructed Second Language Acquisition of Arabic: Contextualized Input, Output, and Conversational Form-Focused Instruction of Agreement Asymmetries by Azaz, Mahmoud
Instructed Second Language Acquisition of Arabic: Contextualized Input, Output, and Conversational Form-Focused Instruction of Agreement Asymmetries by Azaz, Mahmoud
Spoken Lebanese: A Phonetic Textbook (New Edition) by Feghali, Maksoud N.
Arabic Genre Pedagogy: Teaching, Learning, and Assessing in Context by Abdel-Malek, Myriam
Teaching Arabic as a Foreign Language: Techniques for Developing Language Skills and Grammar by Alhawary, Mohammad T.
Teaching Arabic as a Foreign Language: Techniques for Developing Language Skills and Grammar by Alhawary, Mohammad T.
Urdu Made Simple Basic Language Lessons by E, Elio
From Reading to Writing, Volume 1: An Intermediate to Advanced Course for Arabic Heritage Learners by Al-Tonsi, Abbas, Al-Ashiri, Mahmoud
From Ibn Sina to Sindbad: A Guided Reader to Classics of Arabic Literature by Dimeo, David, Hassan, Inas
History and Development of the Arabic Language: Volume 1 by
History and Development of the Arabic Language: Volume 2 by
Anthology of Arabic Discourse on Translation by
Arabic Primary Sentence Builders - Absolute Beginners: Arabic Sentence Builders - Primary by Viñales, Dylan, Conti, Gianfranco
The Arabic Companion's Guide To Writing: A Step-By-Step Approach by Nacef, Chawki
Mu'allim Thani in Uthmanic Script: Book for learning to read The Holy Qur'an by Ibn Abdulahad, Ikrom Mirkomilov
Etudes Des Theories Des Grammairiens Arabes, Morphologie Et Phonologie by Bohas, Georges, Guillaume, Jean-Patrick
Modern Standard Arabic by Abboud, Peter F., McCarus, Ernest N., Attieh, Aman
Al-'Arabiyya: Journal of the American Association of Teachers of Arabic, Volume 55-56, Volume 55-56 by
Lonely Planet Moroccan Arabic Phrasebook & Dictionary by Andjar, Bichr, Bacon, Dan, Benchehda, Abdennabi
The Most Magic Word by Moran, William L.
Tajweed: A Beginner's Guide to Quranic Recitation by Mhani, Souad
The Most Magic Word by Moran, William L.
Lonely Planet Egyptian Arabic Phrasebook & Dictionary by Lonely Planet
Mallephana Rabba: Aramaic Studies in Honor of Edward M. Cook by
Yallā Part One by Nancekivell, David, Gohar, Shokry
Yallā Part Two by Gohar, Shokry, Nancekivell, David
Yallā Part One by Gohar, Shokry, Nancekivell, David
Yallā Part Two by Gohar, Shokry, Nancekivell, David