• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Archaeology in 1977

The Loss of the Verenigde Oostindische Compagnie Jacht VERGULDE DRAECK, Western Australia 1656, Part ii: historical background and excavation report . by Green, Jeremy N.
The Earlier Neolithic of Southern England and its Continental Background by Whittle, A. W. R.
Gatcombe: The excavation and study of a Romano-British villa estate, 1967-1976 by Branigan, Keith
Coinage in Medieval Scotland (1100-1600): The Second Oxford Symposium on Coinage and Monetary History by
The Loss of the Verenigde Oostindische Compagnie Jacht VERGULDE DRAECK, Western Australia 1656, Part i: historical background and excavation report .. by Green, Jeremy N.
The Urban Saint in Early Byzantine Social History by Seiber, Julia
The Origins of Maya Civilization by
Die Gräber Der Älteren Ockergrabkultur Zwischen Dnepr Und Karpaten by Häusler, Alexander
Über Landwirtschaft: Ein Lehr- Und Handbuch Der Gesamten Acker- Und Viehwirtschaft Aus Dem 1. Jahrhundert U. Z. by Columella
Von Den Anfängen Bis Zum 2. Jahrhundert Unserer Zeitrechnung by
Die Gräber Der Älteren Ockergrabkultur Zwischen Dnepr Und Karpaten by Häusler, Alexander
The Typology of the Early Codex by Turner, Eric G.
Edwardian Monetary Affairs (1279-1344): A Symposium held in Oxford August 1976 by
Ancient Mesopotamia: Portrait of a Dead Civilization by Oppenheim, A. Leo
Studies in Celtic Survival by
The Metrology of the Roman Silver Coinage Part II: from Nerva to Commodus by Walker, D. R.
Archaeology and Anthropology-Areas of Mutual Interest by
Bronze Age Spearheads from Berkshire, Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire by Ehrenberg, Margaret R.
The Art and Archaeology of Pashash by Grieder, Terence
Typologie et Préhistoire de l'Asturien du Portugal / The Asturian in Portugal - Typology and Chronology by Maury, Jean
The Aes Coinage of Emporion by Villaronga, Leandre
The Fifth Century A.D. Treasure from Pietroasa, Romania, in the light of recent research by Harhoiu, Radu
Roman Lead Coffins and Ossuaria in Britain by Toller, Hugh
Bronze Boar Figurines in Iron Age and Roman Britain by Foster, Jennifer
Australia's Oldest Wreck: The historical background and archaeological analysis of the wreck of the English East India Company's ship Trial lost by Green, Jeremy N.
The Episode of Carausius and Allectus: the Literary and Numismatic Evidence by Shiel, Norman
Sources and Techniques in Boat Archaeology: Papers based on those presented to a Symposium at Greenwich in September 1976, together with edited discus by
Beakers in Britain and Europe - Four Studies: Contributions to a Symposium organised by the Munro Lectureship Committee, Edinburgh University by
Roman Pottery Studies in Britain and Beyond: Papers presented to John Gillam, July 1977 by
The Chronology of the Early Iron Age in the Socialist Republic of Serbia by Vasic, Rastko
The Animal Remains from Four Sites in the Kermanshah Valley, Iran - Asiab, Sarab, Dehsavar and Siahbid: The faunal evolution, environmental changes an by Bökönyi, S.
Natural Environment and Human Settlement in Prehistoric Greece, Part ii: based on original fieldwork by Bintliff, John L.
The Late Copper Age Coţofeni Culture of South-East Europe by Roman, Petre
Ancient Coinage, Part i by Zograph, A. N.
Ancient Coinage, Part ii by Zograph, A. N.
Merovingian Archaeology of South-west Gaul, Volume I by James, Edward
Merovingian Archaeology of South-west Gaul, Volume II by James, Edward
Natural Environment and Human Settlement in Prehistoric Greece, Part i: based on original fieldwork by Bintliff, John L.
Roman Life and Art in Britain, Part i: A celebration in honour of the eightieth birthday of Jocelyn Toynbee by
Roman Life and Art in Britain, Part ii: A celebration in honour of the eightieth birthday of Jocelyn Toynbee by
World Prehistory: In New Perspective by Clark, Grahame
Roman Lamps from Ulpia Traiana Sarmizegetusa by Nemeş, Emil, Alicu, Dorin
The Medieval Moated Sites of South-Eastern Ireland: Counties Carlow, Kilkenny, Tipperary and Wexford by Barry, Terence B.
Archäologie ALS Geschichtswissenschaft: Studien Und Untersuchungen by
Monte Irsi, Southern Italy. The Canadian Excavations in the Iron Age and Roman Sites, 1971-1972 by