• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Archaeology in 1980

Unkar Delta by Chapman, Richard C., Schwartz, Douglas W., Kepp, Jane
The Area of the South Libyan Desert by
Von Der Archäologischen Quelle Zur Historischen Aussage by
Spatial Analysis in Archaeology by Orton, Clive, Hodder, Ian
Experimental Determination of Stone Tool Uses: A Microwear Analysis by Keeley, Lawrence H.
The Neolithic Settlement at Rast: (South-West Oltenia, Romania) by Dumitrescu, Vladimir
Social Patterns in Yorkshire Prehistory 3500-750 B.C. by Pierpoint, Stephen
The Coinage of Chersonesus: IV Century B.C. -XII Century A.D. by Anokhin, V. A.
Roman Frontier Studies 1979 XII, Part i by
Roman Frontier Studies 1979 XII, Part ii by
The Flint Arrowheads of the British Isles, Part i by Green, H. Stephen
The Flint Arrowheads of the British Isles, Part ii by Green, H. Stephen
Roman Frontier Studies 1979 XII, Part iii by
Living Archaeology by Gould, R. A., Gould
Temples, Churches and Religion: Recent Research in Roman Britain, Part ii: with a Gazetteer of Romano-Celtic Temples in Continental Europe by
Eiserne römische Werkzeuge, Teil i: Studien zur römischen Werkzeugkunde in Italien und den nördlichen Provinzen des Imperium Romanum by Gaitzsch, Wolfgang
Eiserne römische Werkzeuge, Teil ii: Studien zur römischen Werkzeugkunde in Italien und den nördlichen Provinzen des Imperium Romanum by Gaitzsch, Wolfgang
Imperial Revenue, Expenditure and Monetary Policy in the Fourth Century A.D.: The Fifth Oxford Symposium on Coinage and Monetary History by
The Archaeology of the Clay Tobacco Pipe III: Britain - the North and West by
The Development of Prehistoric Mining and Metallurgy in Anatolia, Part i by de Jesus, Prentiss S.
Iron Age Promontory Forts in the Northern Isles by Lamb, R. G.
The Niger Delta: Aspects of its Prehistoric Economy and Culture by Nzewunwa, Nwanna
La Campagne à l'époque romaine dans le Centre de la Gaule / Rural Settlement in Central Gaul in the Roman Period, Part i: Villas, vici et by Leday, Alain
La Campagne à l'époque romaine dans le Centre de la Gaule / Rural Settlement in Central Gaul in the Roman Period, Part ii: Villas, vici et by Leday, Alain
The Development of Prehistoric Mining and Metallurgy in Anatolia, Part ii by de Jesus, Prentiss S.
Temples, Churches and Religion: Recent Research in Roman Britain, Part i: with a Gazetteer of Romano-Celtic Temples in Continental Europe by
The Geography of Augustinian Settlement in Medieval England and Wales, Part i by Robinson, David M.
The Geography of Augustinian Settlement in Medieval England and Wales, Part ii by Robinson, David M.
Pre-Classical Pottery of Eastern Anatolia: Based on a survey by Charles Burney of sites along the Euphrates and around Lake Van by Russell, H. F.
Studies on Cosmatesque Pavements by Glass, Dorothy F.
La Nécropole de Frénouville, Part i: Étude d'une population de la fin du IIIe à la fin du VIIe siècle. i Essai de synthèse by Pilet, Christian
La Nécropole de Frénouville, Part ii: Étude d'une population de la fin du IIIe à la fin du VIIe siècle by Pilet, Christian
La Nécropole de Frénouville, Part iii: Étude d'une population de la fin du IIIe à la fin du VIIe siècle. iii Planches by Pilet, Christian
Saxo Grammaticus, Danorum Regum Heroumque Historia Books X-XVI: The text of the first edition with translation and commentary in three volumes, Vol I- by Christiansen, Eric
The East Carpathian Area of Romania in the V-XI Centuries A.D. by Teodor, Dan Gh
Anglo-Saxon Cemeteries 1979: The Fourth Anglo-Saxon Symposium at Oxford by
Megalithic Rings: Plans and Data for 229 Monuments in Britain by Burl, A., Thom, A., Thom, A. S.
Aşvan Kale: Keban Rescue Excavations, Eastern Anatolia. I. The Hellenistic, Roman and Islamic Sites by Mitchell, Stephen
Tijeras Canyon: Analyses of the Past by
Stylistic Variation in Prehistoric Ceramics: Design Analysis in the American Southwest by Plog, Stephen
Earlier Than You Think: A Personal View of Man in America by Carter, George F.
The Initial Magdalenian in France, Part i by Hemingway, M. F.
The Initial Magdalenian in France, Part ii by Hemingway, M. F.
Cross-Channel Relations in the Later Bronze Age, Part i: Relations between Britain, North-Eastern France and the Low Countries during the Later Bronze by O'Connor, Brendan
Cross-Channel Relations in the Later Bronze Age, Part ii: Relations between Britain, North-Eastern France and the Low Countries during the Later Bronz by O'Connor, Brendan
The Army in Roman Dobrudja by Aricescu, Andrei
Limes Scythiae: Topographical and stratigraphical research on the late Roman fortifications on the Lower Danube by Scorpan, C.
The Pottery Industry of Stamford, Lincolnshire, c.A.D. 850-1250: Its Manufacture, Trade and Relationship with Continental Wares, with a Classification by Kilmurry, Kathy
Studies in the Auxilia of the Roman Army from Augustus to Trajan by Holder, Paul A.
Cemeteries of the First Millennium B.C. at Deve Hüyük, near Carchemish, salvaged by T. E. Lawrence and C. L. Woolley in 1913: (with a catalogue raison by Moorey, P. R. S.
The Neolithic Settlement of Southern Poland by Kruk, Janusz
The Archaeology of the Clay Tobacco Pipe IV by
Settlement and Society in the British Later Bronze Age, Part i by
Settlement and Society in the British Later Bronze Age, Part ii by
Prehistoric Investigations in the Region of Jenne, Mali, Part i: A Study in the Development of Urbanism in the Sahel. Part i-Archaeological and Histor by Keech McIntosh, Susan, McIntosh, Roderick J.
Prehistoric Investigations in the Region of Jenne, Mali, Part ii: A Study in the Development of Urbanism in the Sahel. Part ii-The Regional Survey and by McIntosh, Roderick J., Keech McIntosh, Susan
L'Art Pariétal de la Grotte Du Roc Saint-Cirq by Dams, Lya
The Capital of Kush 1: Meroe Excavations 1965-1972: Folders by Shinnie, Peter L., Bradley, Rebecca J.