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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Archaeology in 1981

Saxo Grammaticus Danorum Regum Heroumque Historia Books X-XVI, Part ii: The text of the first edition with translation and commentary in three volumes by Christiansen, Eric
Saxo Grammaticus Danorum Regum Heroumque Historia Books X-XVI, Part i: The text of the first edition with translation and commentary in three volumes. by Christiansen, Eric
The Nymphaeum of Kafizin by Mitford, Terence B.
Settlement Patterns in the Iron Age of Zululand by Hall, Martin
Mitteleuropäische Bronzezeit: Beiträge Zur Archäologie Und Geschichte. 24.-26. April 1975 in Dresden by
The River Qoueiq, Northern Syria, and its Catchment, Part i: Studies arising from the Tell Rifa'at Survey 1977-79 by
The River Qoueiq, Northern Syria, and its Catchment, Part ii: Studies arising from the Tell Rifa'at Survey 1977-79 by
Coin Hoards in Yugoslavia by Mirnik, I. A.
Man and Environment in South-West Ireland, 4000 B.C.-A.D. 800: A Study of Man's Impact on the Development of Soil and Vegetation by Lynch, Ann
Economic Archaeology: Towards an Integration of Ecological and Social Approaches by
Off-Site Archaeology and Human Adaptation in Eastern Africa: An Analysis of Regional Artefact Density in the Amboseli, Southern Kenya by Foley, Robert
Charles the Bald-Court and Kingdom: Papers based on a Colloquium held in London in April 1979 by
Archaeology and Italian Society: Prehistoric, Roman and Medieval Studies by
Rebirth and Afterlife: A study of the transmutation of some pagan imagery in early Christian funerary art by Murray, Sister Charles
Environmental Aspects of Coasts and Islands by
The Prehistoric Rock Art of Southern Scotland (except Argyll and Galloway) by Morris, Ronald W. B.
Archaeology of the Rivas Region, Nicaragua by Healy, Paul
The Environment of Man: the Iron Age to the Anglo-Saxon Period by
Astronomy and Society in Britain during the period 4000-1500 B.C. by
The Brigg 'Raft' and her Prehistoric Environment by
The Roman West in the Third Century, Part i: Contributions from Archaeology and History by
The Roman West in the Third Century, Part ii: Contributions from Archaeology and History by
Out of Etruria: Etruscan Influence North and South by Bonfante, Larissa
Tîrpeşti: From Prehistory to History in Eastern Romania by Marinescu-Bîlcu, Silvia
Exchange and Production Systems in Californian Prehistory: The Results of Hydration Dating and Chemical Characterization of Obsidian Sources by Ericson, Jonathon E.
Archaeological Studies of Pacific Stone Resources by
Roman Roads and Milestones of Asia Minor: Fasc. 1-The Pilgrim's Road by French, David
The Archaeology of the Clay Tobacco Pipe V, Part i: Europe 2 by
The Archaeology of the Clay Tobacco Pipe V, Part ii: Europe 2 by
Récentes recherches en archéologie gallo-romaine et paléochrétienne sur Lyon et sa région by
The Vanishing Past: Studies in Medieval Art, Liturgy and Metrology Presented to Christopher Hohler by
Later Pleistocene Cultural Adaptations in Sudanese Nubia by Mukhtar El Amin, Yousif
Anglo-Saxon Studies in Archaeology and History 2 by
Evolution of the system of defence works in Roman Dacia by Cătăniciu, Ioana Bogdan
Columbanus and Merovingian Monasticism by
Hillfort and Hill-top Settlement in Somerset in the First to Eighth Centuries A.D. by Burrow, Ian
The Vinča culture of South-East Europe, Part i by Chapman, John
The Vinca culture of South-East Europe, Part ii by Chapman, John
Burial Practices in Iron Age Britain, Part i: A Discussion and Gazetteer of the Evidence c. 700 B.C.-A.D. 43 by Whimster, Rowan
Burial Practices in Iron Age Britain, Part ii: A Discussion and Gazetteer of the Evidence c. 700 B.C.-A.D. 43 by Whimster, Rowan
From Forager to Farmer in the Boreal Zone, Part i: Reconstructing economic patterns through catchment analysis in prehistoric Finland by Zvelebil, Marek
From Forager to Farmer in the Boreal Zone, Part ii: Reconstructing economic patterns through catchment analysis in prehistoric Finland by Zvelebil, Marek
The Powers of Presence: Consciousness, Myth, and Affecting Presence by Armstrong, Robert Plant
Homo Erectus: Papers in Honor of Davidson Black by
Roman Pottery Research in Britain and North-West Europe, Part i: Papers presented to Graham Webster by
Roman Pottery Research in Britain and North-West Europe, Part ii: Papers presented to Graham Webster by
Enamel-working in Iron Age, Roman and Sub-Roman Britain: The Products and Techniques by Bateson, J. D.
The Lower and Middle Palaeolithic in Sussex by Woodcock, Andrew
Production and Distribution: A Ceramic Viewpoint by Howard, Hilary, Morris, Elaine L.
Medieval Moated Sites in North-West Europe by
Anglo-Saxon Landscapes of the West Midlands: the Charter Evidence by Hooke, Della
The Excavation of a Bronze Age Cemetery on Knighton Heath, Dorset by Petersen, Fredric F.
The Archaeology of the Clay Tobacco Pipe VI: Pipes and kilns in the London region by
Anglo-Saxon Amulets and Curing-stones by Meaney, Audrey L.
Mitteleuropäische Bronzezeit: Beiträge Zur Archäologie Und Geschichte by
Archäologische Denkmale Und Umweltgestaltung by
Viking-Age Coinage in the Northern Lands, Part i: The Sixth Oxford Symposium on Coinage and Monetary History by
Viking-Age Coinage in the Northern Lands, Part ii: The Sixth Oxford Symposium on Coinage and Monetary History by