• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Archaeology in 1982

Early Neolithic Subsistence and Settlement in the Polish Lowlands by Bogucki, Peter I.
The Snyders Mounds and Five Other Mound Groups in Calhoun County, Illinois: Volume 13 by Titterington, Paul F., Braun, David P., Griffin, James B.
Digging Up Bones by Brothwell, Don R.
Annual Bibliography of Indian Archaeology: Volume XXII for the Years 1967-1969 by
The Early Iron Age in the Paris Basin, Part ii: Hallstatt C and D by Freidin, Nicholas
Palaeoclimates, Palaeoenvironments and Human Communities in the Eastern Mediterranean Region in Later Prehistory, Part i by
Palaeoclimates, Palaeoenvironments and Human Communities in the Eastern Mediterranean Region in Later Prehistory, Part ii by
Structural Reconstruction: Approaches to the interpretation of the excavated remains of buildings by
Social and Religious Organization in Bronze Age Denmark: An Analysis of Ritual Hoard Finds by Levy, Janet E.
Medieval Lazio: Studies in architecture, painting and ceramics by Osborne, John, Whitehouse, David, Andrews, David
Iran: Iron Age I by Medvedskaya, I. N.
Funerary Monuments in Dacia Superior and Dacia Porolissensis by Ţeposu Marinescu, Lucia
Woodworking Techniques before A.D.1500: Papers presented to a Symposium at Greenwich in September, 1980, together with edited discussion by
The Alalakh Cylinder Seals: A new catalogue of the actual seals excavated by Sir Leonard Woolley at Tell Atchana, and from neighbouring sites on t by Collon, Dominique
The Coritani: Some Aspects of the Iron Age Tribe and the Roman Civitas by Whitwell, J. B.
Regional Epigraphic Catalogues of Asia Minor II: The Ankara District. The Inscriptions of North Galatia by Mitchell, Stephen
The Early Iron Age in the Paris Basin, Part i: Hallstatt C and D by Freidin, Nicholas
The Ancient Future of the Itza: The Book of Chilam Balam of Tizimin by
Symbolism Social Relations and the Interpretation of Mortuary Remains by Pader, Ellen-Jane
Ancient Greek Architects at Work: Problems of Structure and Design by Coulton, J. J.
The Archaeology Workbook by Daniels, Steve, David, Nicholas
Archaeology as Human Ecology: Method and Theory for a Contextual Approach by Butzer, Karl W.
A Zooarchaeological Study of the Roman North-western Provinces by Luff, Rosemary-Margaret
Prehistoric Village Archaeology in South-Eastern Turkey: The eighth millennium B.C. site at Çayönü - its chipped and ground stone industries and fauna by
Roman Provincial Wall Painting of the Western Empire by
Roman Roads in Judaea I: The Legio-Scythopolis Road by Isaac, Benjamin, Roll, Israel
The Middle Neolithic in Southern France: Chasséen Farming and Culture Process by Phillips, Patricia
Studies in the Iron Age of Hungary by Vörös, I., Gabler, D., Patek, E.
The 'Weather-God' in Hittite Anatolia: An examination of the archaeological and textual sources by Deighton, Hilary J.
Russian coins of the X-XI Centuries A.D.: Recent research and a corpus in commemoration of the millenary of the earliest Russian coinage by Sotnikova, M. P., Spasski, I. G.
Archaeological Aspects of Woodland Ecology by
The Neolithic Period in the Sudan, c. 6000-2500 B.C. by Mohammed-Ali, Abbas S.
Charters and Custumals of the Abbey of Holy Trinity Caen by
The Cambridge Ancient History by
The Roman Military Defence of the British Provinces in its Later Phases by Welsby, Derek a.
Waffen in germanischen Gräbern der älteren römischen Kaiserzeit südlich der Ostsee by Weski, Timm
Prehistoric and Roman Archaeology of North-East Yorkshire by
The Early Church in Western Britain and Ireland: Studies presented to C.A. Ralegh Radford arising from a conference organised in his honour by the Dev by
The Neolithic and Bronze Age Cultures of the Middle and Upper Trent Basin by Vine, Philip M.
Romano-Saxon Pottery by Roberts, William I., IV
Concordia Apostolorum: Christian Propaganda at Rome in the Fourth and Fifth Centuries - A Study in Early Christian Iconography and lconology by Huskinson, J. M.
The Archaeology of the Clay Tobacco Pipe VII by
The Romano-British Countryside, Part i: Studies in Rural Settlement and Economy by
The Romano-British Countryside, Part ii: Studies in Rural Settlement and Economy by
Ceramics, Chronology, and Community Patterns: An Archaeological Study at Moundville by
The Transition from Lower to Middle Palaeolithic and the Origin of Modern Man: International Symposium to commemorate the 50th anniversary of excavati by
Crusader Art in the Twelfth Century by
Balearic Prehistoric Ecology and Culture, Part ii by Waldren, William H.
Balearic Prehistoric Ecology and Culture, Part iii by Waldren, William H.
Proportion and Structure of the Human Figure in Byzantine Wall-Painting and Mosaic by Winfield, June, Winfield, David
Ageing and Sexing Animal Bones from Archaeological Sites by
Balearic Prehistoric Ecology and Culture, Part i by Waldren, William H.
1981 by Hermann, Werner
Beaker Domestic Sites, Part i: A study of the domestic pottery of the late third and early second millennia B.C. in the British Isles by Gibson, Alex M.
Beaker Domestic Sites, Part ii: A study of the domestic pottery of the late third and early second millennia B.C. in the British Isles by Gibson, Alex M.
Grog-tempered 'Belgic' Pottery of South-eastern England, Part i by Thompson, Isobel
Grog-tempered 'Belgic' Pottery of South-eastern England, Part ii by Thompson, Isobel
Grog-tempered 'Belgic' Pottery of South-eastern England, Part iii by Thompson, Isobel