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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Archaeology in 1985

New Perspectives on Etruria and Early Rome: In Honor of Richard Daniel de Puma by
Trademarks on Greek Vases by Johnston, Alan W.
Ancient Near Eastern Cylinder Seals from the Marcopoli Collection by Teissier, Beatrice
Prehistoric Intensive Agriculture in the Tropics, Part i by
Inkawasi - the New Cuzco: Cañete, Lunahuaná, Peru by Hyslop, John
Materials and Manufacture in Ancient Mesopotamia: The evidence of Archaeology and Art. Metals and metalwork, glazed materials and glass by Moorey, P. R. S.
La signification culturelle des industries lithiques: Actes du Colloque de Liège du 3 au 7 octobre 1984 by
The Medieval Brickmaking Industry in England 1400-1450 by Smith, Terence Paul
The Lowland Maya Postclassic by
Comparative Studies in the Archaeology of Colonialism by
Prehistoric Intensive Agriculture in the Tropics, Part ii by
Early Man and the Cosmos by Hadingham, Evan
The Roman Soldier: Power Invested, Promise Unfulfilled by Watson, G. R.
Social Adaptation to Food Stress: A Prehistoric Southwestern Example by Minnis, Paul E.
Wonderful Ethiopians of the Ancient Cushite Empire by Houston, Drusilla Dunjee
Nohmul-A Prehistoric Maya Community in Belize, Part i: Excavations 1973-1983 by Hammond, Norman
Nohmul-A Prehistoric Maya Community in Belize, Part ii: Excavations 1973-1983 by Hammond, Norman
Agios Petros: A Neolithic site in the Northern Sporades - Aegean Relationships during the Neolithic of the 5th Millennium by Efstratiou, Nikos
Papers in Italian Archaeology IV: The Cambridge Conference. Part ii - Prehistory by
Papers in Italian Archaeology IV: The Cambridge Conference. Part iv - Classical and Medieval Archaeology by
Le Berry à l'âge du Fer HaC - La Tène II: précédé du Catalogue des collections de l'âge du Fer du Musée de Bourges by Willaume, Martine
Harbour Archaeology: Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Ancient Mediterranean Harbours, Caesarea Maritima, 24 -28.6.83 by
Fisher-Hunters and Neolithic Pastoralists in East Turkana, Kenya by Webster Barthelme, John
Postmedieval Boat and Ship Archaeology: Papers based on those presented to an International Symposium on Boat and Ship Archaeology in Stockholm in 198 by
Excavations at Xunantunich and Pomona Belize in 1959-1960: A ceremonial centre and an earthen mound of the Maya Classic period by MacKie, Euan W.
Papers in Italian Archaeology IV: The Cambridge Conference. Part iii - Patterns in Protohistory by
Papers in Italian Archaeology IV: The Cambridge Conference. Part I - The Human Landscape by
Aspects of Inca Architecture, Part i: Description, function and chronology by Kendall, Ann
Aspects of Inca Architecture, Part ii: Description, function and chronology by Kendall, Ann
The Comparative History of Urban Origins in Non-Roman Europe, Part i: Ireland, Wales, Denmark, Germany, Poland and Russia from the Ninth to the Thirte by
The Comparative History of Urban Origins in Non-Roman Europe, Part ii: Ireland, Wales, Denmark, Germany, Poland and Russia from the Ninth to the Thirt by
Urbanization in the World Economy by
Carthage and Her Remains by Davis, Nathan
Racial and Cultural Minorities: An Analysis of Prejudice and Discrimination by Simpson, George Eaton, Yinger, J. Milton
The American Experience with Alcohol: Contrasting Cultural Perspectives by
Palaeoenvironmental Investigations: Research Design, Methods and Data Analysis by
The Origin and Function of the Earthen Long Barrows of Northern Europe by Midgley, Magdalena S.
Castro: Eine Ortswüstung in Tuszien. Archäologische Feldforschungen in einer mittelalterlichen Stadtruine in Italien by Gardner-McTaggart, H. B.
Survey of Medieval Castles of Anatolia I: Kütahya by Foss, Clive
The Golan: A profile of a region during the Roman and Byzantine periods by Urman, Dan
Palaeobiological Investigations: Research Design, Methods and Data Analysis by
The Ubaid Period in Iraq, Part i: Recent excavations in the Hamrin region by Abboud Jasim, Sabah
The Ubaid Period in Iraq, Part ii: Recent excavations in the Hamrin region by Abboud Jasim, Sabah
The Later Prehistory of Anatolia, Part i: The Late Chalcolithic and Early Bronze Age by Yakar, Jak
The Later Prehistory of Anatolia, Part ii: The Late Chalcolithic and Early Bronze Age by Yakar, Jak
Supplement to the Handbook of Middle American Indians, Volume 3: Literatures by
Interpreting the Landscape: Landscape Archaeology and Local History by Aston, Michael
The Production and Distribution of Roman Military Equipment: Proceedings of the Second Roman Military Equipment Research Seminar by
Fin du Rubané, céramique du Limbourg et post-Rubané, Livre i: Le néolithique le plus ancien en Bassin Parisien et en Hainaut by Constantin, Claude
Fin du Rubané, céramique du Limbourg et post-Rubané, Livre ii: Le néolithique le plus ancien en Bassin Parisien et en Hainaut by Constantin, Claude
Holocene Settlement in North Syria: Résultats de deux prospections archéologiques effectuées dans la région du nahr Sajour et sur le haut Euphrate syr by
Peinture murale en Gaule: Actes des séminaires AFPMA 1982 -1983 - 1er et 2 mai 1982 à Lisieux 21 et 22 mai 1983 à Bordeaux by
En Shadud: Salvage Excavations at a Farming Community in the Jezreel Valley, Israel by Braun, Eliot
Marshfield - Ironmongers Piece Excavations 1982-3: An Iron Age and Romano-British Settlement in the South Cotswolds by Blockley, Kevin
Current Issues in Archaeological Computing by
Amphoras from the 1970 Excavations at Colchester Sheepen by Sealey, Paul R.
Upland Settlement in Britain: The Second Millennium B.C. and after by
Archaeological Investigations in the Yap Islands, Micronesia: First Millenium B.C. to the Present Day by Intoh, Michiko, Leach, Foss
The Moneyer and the Mint in the reign of Edward the Confessor 1042-1066, Part i by Freeman, Anthony
The Moneyer and the Mint in the reign of Edward the Confessor 1042-1066, Part ii by Freeman, Anthony
Town and Country in Roman Tripolitania: Papers in honour of Olwen Hackett by
Mexica Buried Offerings: A Historical and Contextual Analysis by Nagao, Debra
Characterising Local Southeastern Spanish Populations of 3000-1500 B.C. by Walker, M. J.
The Early Neolithic Funnel-Beaker Culture in South-west Scania, Sweden: Social and Economic Change 3000-2500 B.C. by Larsson, Mats
L'Acheuléen Récent Évolué de Syrie by Muhesen, Sultan
The Festival Cycle of the Aztec Codex Borbonicus by Couch, N. C. Christopher
Ritual and Religion in Iron Age Britain, Part ii by Wait, G. a.
Ritual and Religion in Iron Age Britain, Part i by Wait, G. a.
Ägypter Und Meroiten Im Dodekaschoinos: Untersuchungen Zur Typologie Und Bedeutung Der Demotischen Graffiti by Burkhardt, Adelheid
Bezirke Cottbus, Dresden, Karl-Marx-Stadt, Leipzig. Tafel Teil: Caqfgddr-B, Lieferung 4 by
Bezirke Cottbus, Dresden, Karl-Marx-Stadt, Leipzig. Textband: Caqfgddr-B, Lieferung 4 by
The Archaeology of the Clay Tobacco Pipe IX, Part i: More Pipes from the Midlands and Southern England by
The Archaeology of the Clay Tobacco Pipe IX, Part ii: More Pipes from the Midlands and Southern England by
Sir Aurel Stein's Limes Report, Part I: The full text of M. A. Stein's unpublished Limes Report (his aerial and ground reconnaissances in Iraq and Tra by
Sir Aurel Stein's Limes Report, Part II: The full text of M. A. Stein's unpublished Limes Report (his aerial and ground reconnaissances in Iraq and Tr by
Humberside Medieval Pottery, Part i: an illustrated catalogue of Saxon and medieval domestic assemblages from North Lincolnshire and its surrounding r by Hayfield, Colin
Humberside Medieval Pottery, Part ii: an illustrated catalogue of Saxon and medieval domestic assemblages from North Lincolnshire and its surrounding by Hayfield, Colin