• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Archaeology in 1986

Late Lowland Maya Civilization: Classic to Postclassic by
L'art rupestre préhistorique des massifs centraux sahariens by Muzzolini, Alfred
Studies in Ancient Greek Topography, Part V by Pritchett, W. Kendrick
The English Settlements by Myres, J. N. L.
The End of the Paleolithic in the Old World by
The Hunters of Combe Grenal: Approaches to Middle Paleolithic Subsistence in Europe by Chase, Philip G.
Archaeology and Place-Names in the Fifth and Sixth Centuries by Copley, Gordon
Adobe Walls: The History and Archaeology of the 1874 Trading Post by Baker, T. Lindsay, Harrison, Billy R.
The Mound Builders by Silverberg, Robert
Supplement to the Handbook of Middle American Indians, Volume 4: Ethnohistory by
Studies in the History of the Roman Province of Arabia: The Northern Sector by MacAdam, Henry Innes
Ἱzbet Ṣarṭah: An Early Iron Age Site near Rosh Haᶝayin, Israel by Finkelstein, Israel
Ksar Akil Lebanon, Part i: A Technological and Typological Analysis of the Transitional and Early Upper Palaeolithic Levels of Ksar Akil and Abu by Azoury, Ingrid
Ksar Akil Lebanon, Part ii: A Technological and Typological Analysis of the Transitional and Early Upper Palaeolithic Levels of Ksar Akil and Abu by Azoury, Ingrid
Indian Rock Art of the Southwest by Schaafsma, Polly
East of the Jordan by Merrill, Selah
The Southeast Maya Periphery by
Archaeology at the Interface: Studies in Archaeology's Relationships with History, Geography, Biology and Physical Science by
Food, Diet, and Population at Prehistoric Arroyo Hondo Pueblo, New Mexico by Wetterstrom, Wilma
Heaven Born Merida and Its Destiny: The Book of Chilam Balam of Chumayel by Edmonson, Munro S.
Technologie du Débitage à Mureybet, Syrie, Part i: 9e-8e millénaire. Part i-Texte by Calley, Sylvie
Technologie du Débitage à Mureybet, Syrie, Part ii: 9e-8e millénaire. Part ii-Illustrations by Calley, Sylvie
Discourse and Behavior by Bilmes, J.
Prehistoric Life on the Mississippi Floodplain: Stone Tool Use, Settlement Organization, and Subsistence Practices at the Labras Lake Site, Illinois by Yerkes, Richard W.
Roman Imports in the Lower Don Basin by Raev, Boris A.
Postmesolithische Funde aus Höhlen und Abris am Beispiel des Südlichen Riesrandgebiets by Weissmüller, Wolfgang
Boksee 1 A (Schleswig-Holstein): Ein mesolithischer Fundplatz an der Wende Boreal/Atlantikum by Tillmann, Andreas
The Balearic Pentapartite Division of Prehistory: Radiocarbon and other age determination inventories by Waldren, William H.
Early Hominid Scavenging Opportunities by Blumenschine, Robert J.
Dereivka: A Settlement and Cemetery of Copper Age Horse Keepers on the Middle Dnieper by Yakolevich Telegin, Dmitriy
Stable Carbon Isotopes and Prehistoric Diets by Sealy, Judith
Studies in the Upper Palaeolithic of Britain and Northwest Europe by Roe, Derek A.
Die eisernen Agrargeräte der Römischen Kaiserzeit in Österreich: Studien zur römischen Agrartechnologie in Rätien, Noricum und Pannonien by Pohanka, Reinhard
Early Medieval Sculpture in Britain and Ireland by
Exploratory Human Craniometry of Recent Eskaleutian Regional Groups from the Western Arctic and Subarctic of North America: A new approach to populati by Heathcote, Gary M.
Prehistoric Occupation of a Marginal Environment: An Archaeological Survey near Kharga Oasis in The Western Desert of Egypt by
Late Roman and Byzantine Catacombs and Related Burial Places in the Maltese Islands by Buhagiar, Mario
Zur Theoriediskussion in der Prähistorischen Archäologie Großbritanniens: Ein forschungsgeschichtlicher Überblick über die Jahre 1968-1982 by Wolfram, Sabine
The North Syrian Late Epipaleolithic: The earliest occupation at Tell Abu Hureyra in the context of the Levantine Late Epipaleolithic by Olszewski, Deborah
Lewan and the Bannu Basin: Excavation and survey of sites and environments in North West Pakistan - Cambridge-Peshawar Universities Joint Expedit by
Quantitative Aspects of Bronze Age Metalwork in Western Poland: Long-distance Exchange and Social Organization by Stępniak, Tomasz P.
Stone Age Sites in the Making: Experiments in the Formation and Transformation of Archaeological Occurrences by Schick, Kathy Diane
The Lexden Tumulus: A re-appraisal of an Iron Age burial from Colchester, Essex by Foster, Jennifer
The Defence of the Roman and Byzantine East, Part i: Proceedings of a colloquium held at the University of Sheffield in April 1986 by
The Defence of the Roman and Byzantine East, Part ii: Proceedings of a colloquium held at the University of Sheffield in April 1986 by
Landscape and Pattern, Part i: An Archaeological Survey of Samaria 800 B.C.E. - 636 C.E. by Dar, Shimon
Landscape and Pattern, Part ii: An Archaeological Survey of Samaria 800 B.C.E. - 636 C.E. by Dar, Shimon, Shimon Dar with a Historical Commenta
The Acheulean of the Yiron Plateau, Israel by Ohel, Milla Y.
Bacchus in Roman Britain, Volume i: The Evidence for His Cult by Hutchinson, Valerie J.
Bacchus in Roman Britain, Volume ii: The Evidence for His Cult by Hutchinson, Valerie J.
Symbolic Notation of Teotihuacan: Elements of writing in a Mesoamerican culture of the Classic period by Langley, James C.
The Oxyrhynchus Papyri LIII by Egypt Exploration Society
The Culture of Ancient Ferghana: VI century B.C.-VI century A.D. by Gorbunova, N. G.
1985 by
1984 by
The Wolvercote Channel Handaxe Assemblage: A Comparative Study by Tyldesley, Joyce A.
The Late Chalcolithic to Early Bronze I Transition in Palestine and Transjordan by Hanbury-Tenison, J. W.
Ernährungsmöglichkeiten und Ernährungsgewohnheite prähistorischer Bevölkerungen by Caselitz, Peter
Phasenkartierung des mitteleuropäischen Neolithikums: Chronologie und Chorologie by Raetzel-Fabian, Dirk
Representations of Animals in Sanctuaries of Artemis and other Olympian Deities, Part i by Bevan, Elinor
Representations of Animals in Sanctuaries of Artemis and other Olympian Deities, Part ii by Bevan, Elinor
Cerámica Prehispánica Norperuana, Part i: Estudio de la Cerámica Chimú de la Colección del Museo de América de Madrid by Martínez, Cruz
Der Meroitische Staat 1: Untersuchungen Und Urkunden Zur Geschichte Des Sudan Im Altertum by Török, László
Upper Teesdale: the archaeology of a North Pennine Valley by Coggins, D.
The Metallography of Early Ferrous Edge Tools and Edged Weapons by Gilmour, B. J. J., Tylecote, R. F.
Prehistory of the Priest Rapids - Wanapum Region Columbia River, Washington, Part i by Greengo, Robert E.
Prehistory of the Priest Rapids - Wanapum Region Columbia River, Washington, Part ii by Greengo, Robert E.
Prehistory of the Priest Rapids - Wanapum Region Columbia River, Washington, Part iii by Greengo, Robert E.
The Lower Maeander Flood Plain, Part i by Marchese, Ronald T.
The Lower Maeander Flood Plain, Part ii by Marchese, Ronald T.
The Paleoeconomy of the Central Balkans (Serbia), Part i: A Zooarchaeological Perspective on the Late Neolithic and Bronze Age, (ca. 4500-1000 B.C.) by Greenfield, Haskel J.
The Paleoeconomy of the Central Balkans (Serbia), Part ii: A Zooarchaeological Perspective on the Late Neolithic and Bronze Age, (ca. 4500-1000 B.C.) by Greenfield, Haskel J.
Cerámica Prehispánica Norperuana, Part ii: Estudio de la Cerámica Chimú de la Colección del Museo de América de Madrid by Martínez, Cruz