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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Archaeology in 1987

Socio-Economic Differentiation in the Neolithic Sudan by Haaland, Randi
The Mediaeval Utrecht Boat: history and evaluation of one of the first nautical archaeological excavations ... by Vlek, Robert
The City of Gaza in the Roman and Byzantine Periods by Glucker, Carol A. M.
Proyecto Gatas: Sociedad y Economía en el Sudeste de España c.2500-800 a.n.e. - 1, La Prospección Arqueoecológica by
Studies in the Neolithic and Urban Revolutions: The V. Gordon Childe Colloquium, Mexico, 1986 by
The bout coupé Handaxe: A typological problem by Tyldesley, Joyce A.
Natural Formation Processes and the Archaeological Record by
Behavioral Ecology and Hunter-Gatherer Foraging: An example from the Great Basin by Simms, Steven R.
Coinage and Administration in the Athenian and Persian Empires: The Ninth Oxford Symposium on Coinage and Monetary History by
1986 by
1986 by
Die Mittelalterlichen Siedlungen by Wendel, Michael, Angelova, Stefka, Gomolka-Fuchs, Gudrun
Stone Tool Use at Cerros: The Ethnoarchaeological and Use-Wear Evidence by Lewenstein, Suzanne M.
Studies in palaeoeconomy and environment in South West England by
Mesolithic Adaptations on the Lower Danube: Vlasac and the Iron Gates Gorge by Prinz, Beth
Interaction on the Southeast Mesoamerican Frontier, Part i: Prehistoric and Historic Honduras and El Salvador by
Interaction on the Southeast Mesoamerican Frontier, Part ii: Prehistoric and Historic Honduras and El Salvador by
Roman Military Equipment - The Accoutrements of War: Proceedings of the Third Roman Military Equipment Research Seminar by
Divine Headdresses of Mesopotamia in the Early Dynastic Period by Furlong, Iris
Bell Beakers of the Western Mediterranean, Part ii: Definition, Interpretation, Theory and New Site Data. The Oxford International Conference 1986 by
Bell Beakers of the Western Mediterranean, Part i: Definition, Interpretation, Theory and New Site Data. The Oxford International Conference 1986 by
The Coinage of the Roman World in the Late Republic: Proceedings of a colloquium held at the British Museum in September 1985 by
Consumer Choice in Historical Archaeology by
Cherokee Archeology: A Study of the Appalachian Summit by Keel, Bennie C.
Palmyra and Zenobia by Wright, William
Macanché Island, El Petén, Guatemala: Excavations, Pottery, and Artifacts by Rice, Prudence M.
Shiqmim I, Part i: Studies Concerning Chalcolithic Societies in the Northern Negev Desert, Israel (1982-1984). Text by
Shiqmim I, Part ii: Studies Concerning Chalcolithic Societies in the Northern Negev Desert, Israel (1982-1984). Figures and Plates by
At the Edge, Part i: Terminal Pleistocene Hunter-Gatherers in the Negev and Sinai by Goring-Morris, A. Nigel
Die Wagenbestattungen der späten Hallstattzeit und der Latènezeit im Gebiet westlich des Rheins by Van Endert, Dorothea
An Archaeological Survey of the Parish of Wharram Percy, East Yorkshire: 1. The Evolution of the Roman Landscape by Hayfield, Colin
Collectors and Foragers: Subsistence-Settlement System Change in the Central Canadian Arctic, A.D.1000-1960 by Savelle, James M.
Two Industries in Roman Lusitania: Mining and Garum Production by Edmondson, J. C.
The Chemical Analysis of Prehistoric Bones: A paleodietary and ecoarcheological study of Bronze Age West-Friesland by Runia, L. T.
At the Edge, Part ii: Terminal Pleistocene Hunter-Gatherers in the Negev and Sinai by Goring-Morris, A. Nigel
The Roman Villas of South-East England by Black, E. W.
Archaeology of Aboriginal Culture Change in the Interior Southeast: Depopulation During the Early Historic Period by Smith, Marvin T.
Copies of the Fel Temp Reparatio Coinage in Britain: a study of their chronology and archaeological significance including gazetteers of hoards and si by Brickstock, R. J.
Egypt, Israel, Sinai Archaeology by Rainey, Anson F.
Theoretical Approaches to Artefacts, Settlement and Society, Part i: Studies in honour of Mats P. Malmer by
Theoretical Approaches to Artefacts, Settlement and Society, Part ii: Studies in honour of Mats P. Malmer by
Mesopotamian Architecture and Town Planning, Part i: from the Mesolithic to the end of the Proto-historic Period c.10,000-3,500 B.C. by Kubba, Shamil A. a.
Mesopotamian Architecture and Town Planning, Part ii: from the Mesolithic to the end of the Proto-historic Period c.10,000-3,500 B.C. by Kubba, Shamil A. a.
Archaeology and Environment in the Libyan Sahara: The excavations in the Tadrart Acacus, 1978- 1983 by
The Archaeology of the Clay Tobacco Pipe X: Scotland by
Magistratische Reprãsentation im rõmischen Relief, Part i: Studien zu standes- und statusbezeichnenden Szenen by Ronke, Jutta
Magistratische Reprãsentation im rõmischen Relief, Part ii: Studien zu standes- und statusbezeichnenden Szenen by Ronke, Jutta
Magistratische Reprãsentation im rõmischen Relief, Part iii: Studien zu standes- und statusbezeichnenden Szenen by Ronke, Jutta
Mycenaean Trade and Interaction in the West Central Mediterranean 1600-1000 B.C. by Smith, Thyrza R.
The Micali Painter and His Followers by Spivey, Nigel Jonathan
Iron Age Coinage in South-East England, Part i: The Archaeological Context by Haselgrove, Colin
Iron Age Coinage in South-East England, Part ii: The Archaeological Context by Haselgrove, Colin
Extra-Mural Areas of Romano-British Towns by Esmonde Cleary, Simon
Later Stone Age Settlement Patterns in the Sandveld of the South-Western Cape Province, South Africa by Manhire, Anthony
Die Gürtelschnallen: der Römischen Kaiserzeit und der frühen Völkerwanderungszeit im mitteleuropäischen Barbaricum by Madyda-Legutko, Renata
Marine Shell Trade and Classic Teotihuacan by Kolb, Charles C.
Engraved Magdalenian Plaquettes: a regional and stylistic analysis of stone, bone and antler plaquettes from Upper Palaeolithic sites in France and Ca by Sieveking, Ann
Studies in Nuragic Archaeology: Village Excavations at Nuraghe Urpes and Nuraghe Toscono in West-Central Sardinia by
A Bibliography of the City Coinage of Palestine: From the 2nd century B.C. to the 3rd century A.D. by Stein, Alla, Kindler, Arie
Zum Problem der geschlectsspezifischen Bestattungen in der Römischen Kaiserzeit: Ein Beitrag zur Forschungsgeschichte und Methode by Breitsprecher, Ute
Die Urnenfelderzeitliche Siedlung von Dietfurt/Oberpfalz by Rind, Michael M.
The Early Farmers of Transkei, Southern Africa: Before A.D. 1870 by Feely, J. M.
Later Stone Age Hunters and Gatherers of the Southern Transvaal: Social and ecological interpretation by Wadley, Lyn
Coinage in Ninth-century Northumbria: The Tenth Oxford Symposium on Coinage and Monetary History by
Neolithic Cemeteries and Populations in the Dnieper Basin by Ya Telegin, D., Potekhina, I. D.
L'Art paléolithique de la Grotte de Nerja (Malaga, Espagne) by Dams, Lya
Roman Amphorae from the Amber Route in Western Pannonia by Bezeczky, Tamás
Studies in Sardinian Archaeology III: Nuragic Sardinia and the Mycenaean World by
Spheroids and Battered Stones in the African Early and Middle Stone Age by Willoughby, Pamela R.
Roadside Settlements in Lowland Roman Britain: A Gazetteer and Study of their Origins, Growth and Decline, Property Boundaries and Cemeteries by Finch Smith, Roger
Excavaciones de un Sitio Preclásico en San Mateo Etlatongo Nochixtlán, Oaxaca, México by Zárate, Roberto
Variabilité de l'Industrie lithique au Moustérien: approche fonctionnelle sur quelques gisements français by Beyries, Sylvie
Lithics and Subsistence in North-Eastern England: Aspects of the prehistoric archaeology of the Wear Valley, Co. Durham, from the Mesolithic to the Br by Young, Robert
Applications of Tree-ring Studies: Current Research in Dendrochronology and Related Subjects by
Bu, Gurness and the Brochs of Orkney: Part II - Gurness by Bell, Bernard, Hedges, John W., Smith, Beverley
Bu, Gurness and the Brochs of Orkney: Part III - The Brochs of Orkney by Hedges, John W., Bell, Bernard
The Later Stone Age of the Drakensberg Range and its Foothills by Opperman, H.
The Early Medieval Pottery Industry at al-Basra, Morocco by Benco, Nancy L.
La Necrópolis de Las Cogotas. Volumen I - Ajuares: Revisión de los materiales de la necrópolis de la Segunda Edad del Hierro en la Cuenca del Duero (E by Kurtz, William S.
Spatial Patterns in Magdalenian Open Air Sites from the Isle Valley, Southwestern France by Koetje, Todd A.
The Myth of Marsyas in the Roman Visual Arts: An Iconographic Study by Rawson, Piers B.
Chronologies du Proche Orient / Chronologies in the Near East, Part i: Relative Chronologies and Absolute Chronology, 16,000-4,000 B.P.. C.N.R.S. Inte by
Chronologies du Proche Orient / Chronologies in the Near East, Part ii: Relative Chronologies and Absolute Chronology, 16,000-4,000 B.P.. C.N.R.S. Int by
The Later Prehistory of Northern England, Part i: Cumbria, Northumberland and Durham from the Neolithic to the Late Bronze Age by Annable, Rosemary
The Later Prehistory of Northern England, Part ii: Cumbria, Northumberland and Durham from the Neolithic to the Late Bronze Age by Annable, Rosemary
The Later Prehistory of Northern England, Part iii: Cumbria, Northumberland and Durham from the Neolithic to the Late Bronze Age by Annable, Rosemary
Pragmatic Archaeology - Theory in Crisis? by
Predicting Archaeological Sites from Environmental Variables: A Mathematical Model for the Sierra Nevada Foothills, California by Pilgram, Tom
Las cerámicas africanas de la ciudad romana de Baetulo (Hispania Tarraconensis) by Aquilué Abadías, Javier
Le Centre-Ouest de la France au IVème millénaire av. J.C. by Cassen, Serge
L'area aurunca nel quadro dell'Italia centromeridionale Testimonianze archeologiche di età arcaica by Talamo, Pierfrancesco
Papers in the Prehistory of the Western Cape, South Africa, Part i by
Papers in the Prehistory of the Western Cape, South Africa, Part ii by
Maya Ceramics, Part ii: Papers from the 1985 Maya Ceramic Conference by
Nelson Bay Cave, Cape Province, South Africa, Part i: The Holocene Levels by Inskeep, R. R.
Nelson Bay Cave, Cape Province, South Africa, Part ii: The Holocene Levels by Inskeep, R. R.
Pre-Hispanic Agricultural Fields in the Andean Region, Part i by
Stone Axe Morphology and Distribution in Neolithic Britain, Part ii by Chappell, Sylvia
Freswick Links, Caithness, Part ii: A re-appraisal of the Late Norse site in its context by Batey, Colleen E.
Ksar Akil Lebanon by Bergman, C. A.
Henge Monuments and Related Sites of Great Britain: Air Photographic Evidence and Catalogue by Lee, G. E., Harding, A. F.
Cylinder Seals from the Collections of the Aleppo Museum, Syrian Arab Republic: 1. Seals of Unknown Provenience by Hitchcock, Louise, Hammade, Hamido
Lithic Analysis and Later British Prehistory: Some problems and approaches by
The Capsian of North Africa: Stylistic Variation in Stone Tool Assemblages by Sheppard, Peter J.
L'art rupestre du Fezzan septentrional (Libye): Widyan Zreda et Tarut (Wadi esh-Shati) by Le Quellec, Jean-Loïc
Early Farming Communities in Scotland, Part i by Hunt, David
Early Farming Communities in Scotland, Part ii by Hunt, David
The Roman Frontier in Central Jordan, Part i by
The Roman Frontier in Central Jordan, Part ii by
The Early Christian Cross Slabs, Pillar Stones and Related Monuments of County Galway, Ireland, Part i by Higgins, J. G.
The Early Christian Cross Slabs, Pillar Stones and Related Monuments of County Galway, Ireland, Part ii by Higgins, J. G.
Le Chalcolitique moyen entre la Seine et le Rhin inférieur, Tome i: Etude synthétique du rituel funéraire by Burnez-Lanotte, Laurence
Le Chalcolitique moyen entre la Seine et le Rhin inférieur, Tome ii: Etude synthétique du rituel funéraire by Burnez-Lanotte, Laurence
Le Chalcolitique moyen entre la Seine et le Rhin inférieur, Tome iii: Etude synthétique du rituel funéraire by Burnez-Lanotte, Laurence
Maya Ceramics, Part i: Papers from the 1985 Maya Ceramic Conference by
Pre-Hispanic Agricultural Fields in the Andean Region, Part ii by
Stone Axe Morphology and Distribution in Neolithic Britain, Part i by Chappell, Sylvia
Freswick Links, Caithness, Part i: A re-appraisal of the Late Norse site in its context by Batey, Colleen E.
The Significance of Form and Decoration of Anglo-Saxon Cremation Urns by Richards, J. D.
1987 by
Corpus of Ancient Brooches in Britain: by the late Mark Reginald Hull. Pre-Roman Bow Brooches (PBB) by Hawkes, C. F. C., Hull, M. R.