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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Archaeology in 1989

Hellenistic Palestine: Settlement Patterns and City Planning, 337-31 B.C.E. by Arav, Rami
The Beginnings of Agriculture by
Néolithisations: Proche et Moyen Orient, Méditerranée orientale, Nord de l'Afrique, Europe méridionale, Chine, Amérique du Sud by
Plant Domestication in the Middle Nile Basin: An Archaeoethnobotanical Case Study by Abdel-Magid, Anwar
Analysis and Publication of Ceramics: The Computer Data-Base in Archaeology by
To the Euphrates and Beyond: Archaeological Studies in Honour of Maurits N van Loon by Curvers, H. H., Akkermans, P. M. M. G., Haex, O. M. C.
La Galgada, Peru: A Preceramic Culture in Transition by Mendoza, Alberto Bueno, Smith, C. Earle, Grieder, Terence
The Seacraft of Prehistory by Johnstone, Paul
1988 by
1988 by
1988 by
1988 by
1988 by
1988 by
Current Paleoethnobotany: Analytical Methods and Cultural Interpretations of Archaeological Plant Remains by
Les Industries Lithiques Taillées de Franchthi (Argolide, Grèce), Volume 1: Présentation Générale Et Industries Paléolithiques, Fascicle 3 by Perlès, Catherine
Diets and Crafts in Towns: The evidence of animal remains from the Roman to the Post-Medieval periods by
Bronze-und eisenzeitliche Besiedlung in den Rheinischen Lößbörden: Archäologische Siedlungsmuster im Braunkohlengebiet by Simons, Angela
Barbarians and Romans in North-West Europe: From the later Republic to late Antiquity by
The Maddle Farm Project: An integrated survey of Prehistoric and Roman landscapes on the Berkshire Downs by Gaffney, Vincent, Tingle, Martin
Excavations at Tell Sabi Abyad: Prehistoric investigations in the Balikh Valley, northern Syria by
Migrations in Prehistory by Rouse, Irving
Crime and Custom in Savage Society by Malinowski, Bronislaw
The Archaeology of Rural Monasteries by
Fishermen, Hunters and Herders: Zooarchaeology in the Fayum, Egypt (ea. 8200- 5000 bp) by Brewer, Douglas J.
Prehistoric Stress in Australian Aborigines: A Palaeopathological Study of a Hunter-Gatherer Population by Webb, Stephen
The Harbours of Caesarea Maritima, Part i: Results of the Caesarea Ancient Harbour Excavation Project, 1980-1985 - The Site and the Excavations by Raban, Avner
The Harbours of Caesarea Maritima, Part ii: Results of the Caesarea Ancient Harbour Excavation Project, 1980-1985 - The Site and the Excavations by Raban, Avner
Early Ireland by O'Kelly, Michael J., Michael J., O'Kelly
From Foraging to Agriculture: The Levant at the End of the Ice Age by Henry, Donald O.
Fishing Sites of North and East Africa in the Late Pleistocene and Holocene by Moore Stewart, Kathlyn
The English Settlements by Myres, J. N. L.
Conservation Today: Conservation in Britain since 1975 by Pearce, David
Dark Age Economics: Origins of Towns and Trade, A.D.600-1000 by Hodges, Richard
The Archaeology of Mainland Southeast Asia: From 10,000 B.C. to the Fall of Angkor by Higham, Charles
The Meeting: Gatherings in Organizations and Communities by Schwartzman, H. B.
Wooden Artefacts from Medieval Novgorod, Part ii: Illustrations by Kolchin, B. a.
Caersws Vicus, Powys: Excavations at the Old Primary School 1985-86 by Britnell, Jenny
Wooden Artefacts from Medieval Novgorod, Part i: Text by Kolchin, B. a.
Saxon Shore: A Handbook by
Landscape and Townscape in the South West by
The Evolution of the Polynesian Chiefdoms by Kirch, Patrick Vinton, Patrick Vinton, Kirch
Marine Molluscan Remains from Franchthi Cave: Fascicle 4, Excavations at Franchthi Cave, Greece by Shackleton, Judith C.
An Early Christian Chapel and Burial Ground on the Isle of Ensay, Outer Hebrides, Scotland with a study of the skeletal remains by Miles, A. E. W.
The Historical Archaeology of Northern Caria: A Study in Cultural Adaptations by Marchese, Ronald T.
The Unexcavated Buildings of Sardis by Vann, Robert Lindley
Metal Weapons of the Early and Middle Bronze Ages in Syria-Palestine, Part I by Philip, Graham
Metal Weapons of the Early and Middle Bronze Ages in Syria-Palestine, Part II by Philip, Graham
Frühmittelalterliche Grabfunde beiderseits der unteren Mosel by Back, Ulrich
On the Edge of Splendor: Exploring Grand Canyon's Human Past by Schwartz, Douglas W.
Ireland in Prehistory by Eogan, George, Herity, Michael
The Next Archaeology Workbook by David, Nicholas, Driver, Jonathan
Rome and the Barbarians in Central and Eastern Europe, Part i: 1st Century B.C. - 1st Century A.D. The End of the La Tène Period by Shchukin, Mark B.
Rome and the Barbarians in Central and Eastern Europe, Part ii: 1st Century B.C. - 1st Century A.D. The Beginning of the Early Roman Period by Shchukin, Mark B.
Hazor, Israel: An Urban Community of the 8th Century B.C.E. by Geva, Shulamit
The Excluded Past: Archaeology in Education by
Studien zu germanischen Schilden der Spätlatène - und der römischen Kaiserzeit im freien Germanien, Teil ii by Zieling, Norbert
Studien zu germanischen Schilden der Spätlatène - und der römischen Kaiserzeit im freien Germanien, Teil iii by Zieling, Norbert
Armamento, Guerra y Sociedad en la Necrópolis Ibérica de "El Cabecico del Tesoro" (Murcia, España), Volumen i by Quesada Sanz, Fernando
Armamento, Guerra y Sociedad en la Necrópolis Ibérica de "El Cabecico del Tesoro" (Murcia, España), Volumen ii by Quesada Sanz, Fernando
Los puñales de tipo Mte. Bernorio-Miraveche, Volumen i: Un arma de la Segunda Edad del Hierro en Cuenca del Duero by Griño, Beatriz de
Los puñales de tipo Mte. Bernorio-Miraveche, Volumen ii: Un arma de la Segunda Edad del Hierro en Cuenca del Duero by Griño, Beatriz de
Studien zu vertikalen sozialen Strukturen, Teil i: Eine Analyse der Grabfunde der jüngeren Bronzezeit in Dänemark by Freudenberg, Mechtild
Studien zu vertikalen sozialen Strukturen, Teil ii: Eine Analyse der Grabfunde der jüngeren Bronzezeit in Dänemark by Freudenberg, Mechtild
The North of Britannia and the North-West of Hispania: An Epigraphic Comparison by Cepas, Adela
Interpreting the Function of Stone Tools: The quantification and computerisation of microwear analysis by Grace, Roger
Midlands Prehistory: Some recent and current researches into the prehistory of central England by
Das Totenritual, geprägt durch Jenseitsvorstellungen und Gesellschaftsrealität: Theorie des Totenrituals eines kupferzeitlichen Friedhofs zu Tiszapolg by Meisenheimer, Marita
The Geography of Power by Bekker-Nielsen, Tønnes
Time and Calendars in the Inca Empire by
Preclassic Maya Burials at Cuello, Belize by Robin, Cynthia
Upper Palaeolithic Osseous Artifacts from Britain and Belgium: An Inventory and Technological Description by McComb, Patricia
Cavum Antrum Phrygiae by Clayton Fant, J.
Prehistoric Hunter-Fishers of Varangerfjord, Northeastern Norway: Reconstruction of settlement and subsistence during the Younger Stone Age by Renouf, M. A. P.
The loss of the Verenigde Oostindische Compagnie retourschip BATAVIA, Western Australia 1629: An excavation report and catalogue of artefacts by Green, Jeremy N.
El Espacio de la Coerción: La Transición al Estado en las Campiñas del Alto Guadalquivir (España), 3000-1500 a.C. by Nocete, Francisco
Natufian and Protoneolithic Bone Tools: The Manufacture and Use of Bone Implements in the Zagros and the Levant by Campana, Douglas V.
Pentre Farm, Flint, 1976-81: An official building in the Roman lead mining district by Blockley, Kevin, Musson, Chris, O'Leary, T. J.
Investigations in South Levantine Prehistory / Préhistoire du Sud-Levant by
Holocene Settlement in the Western Cape, South Africa by Hubbard, Nicola N.
Approaches to Swedish Prehistory: A spectrum of problems and perspectives in contemporary research by
Ringschmuck mit Tierkopfenden in der Germania Libera by Verma, Eva M.
Prehistoric Maya Community and Settlement Atnohmul, Belize by Pyburn, K. Anne
Höhlenfundplätze im Raum Peggau - Deutschfeistriz, Steiermark, Österreich: Tropfsteinhöhle, Kat.Nr. 2784/3, Grabungen 1986-87 by
A Technological and Typological Analysis of Upper Palaeolithic Stone Industries of Epirius, Northwestern Greece by Adam, Eugenia
Ceramic Ecology, 1988: Current Research on Ceramic Materials by
Conchas prehispánicas en México by Díez, Lourdes Suárez
The Imagination of Matter by
Excavations at Non Pa Kluay, Northeast Thailand by Wilen, Richard N.
The Damascus Gate, Jerusalem: Excavations by C. -M. Bennett and J.B. Hennessy at the Damascus Gate, Jerusalem, 1964-66 by Wightman, G. J.
Un complément des données sur les sociétés rubanées: l'Industrie osseuse à Cuiry-lés-Chaudardes by Sidéra, Isabelle
Techniques d'Échantillonnage et Analyse Spatiale: Le campement épipaléolithique de Nadaouiyeh 2 (El Kowm, Syrie) by Cauvin, Marie-Claire, Coqueugnoit, Eric
Prestatyn 1984-5: An Iron Age Farmstead and Romano-British Industrial Settlement in North Wales by Blockley, Kevin
The Nature of Wari by
Nālandā Mahāviharā: A study of an Indian Pāla Period Buddhist site and British historical archaeology, 1861 - 1938 by Stewart, Mary L.
A Postcranial Guide to Domestic, Neo-Natal and Juvenile Mammals: The Identification and Aging of Old World Species by Amorosi, Thomas
The Bronze Age Necropolis at Kibbutz Haborea, Israel by Meyerhof, Ezra L.
Archaeology and Settlement in Upper Nubia in the 1st Millenium A.D. by Edwards, David N.
Prehistoric Settlement and Subsistence in the Kaduna Valley, Nigeria by Aiyedun, Kolawole David, Shaw, Thurstan
The Early Mediaeval Archaeology of Croatia, A.D. 600-900 by Evans, Huw M. a.
Breaking the Stony Silence by
Formal Variation in Australian Spear and Spearthrower Technology by Cundy, B. J.
The Early Roman Frontier in the Upper Rhine Area by Okun, Marcia L.
Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology 1989 by
Spiral Decoration in Early Bronze Age Scandinavia: A technical and qualitative analysis and study of production by Herner, Elisabeth
Les timbres amphoriques de l'Apulie républicaine: Documents pour une histoire économique et sociale by Desy, Philippe
Descifre de las Escrituras Mesoamericanas, Volumen i: códices, pinturas, estatuas, cerámica by
Descifre de las Escrituras Mesoamericanas, Volumen ii: códices, pinturas, estatuas, cerámica by
Studien zu germanischen Schilden der Spätlatène - und der römischen Kaiserzeit im freien Germanien, Teil i by Zieling, Norbert
An Athenian Trireme Reconstructed: The British sea trails of Olympias, 1987 by
The Archaeology of Doncaster, Part ii by Magilton, J. R., C. Hayfield, C., Buckland, P. C.
Early Ceramic Population Lifeways and Adaptive Strategies in the Caribbean by
From Cornwall to Caithness: Some Aspects of British Field Archaeology: Papers presented to Norman V. Quinnell by
L'urbanisation de la Palestine à l'âge du Bronze ancien, Part I: Bilan et perspectives des recherches actuelles. Actes du Colloque d'Emmaüs (20-24 oct by
L'urbanisation de la Palestine à l'âge du Bronze ancien, Part II: Bilan et perspectives des recherches actuelles. Actes du Colloque d'Emmaüs (20-24 oc by
Relaciones interculturales en el área ecuatorial del Pácifico durante la época precolombina by
Formative Settlement Patterns on the Pacific Coast of Guatemala by Bove, Frederick J.
The Eagle, the Cactus, the Rock by Heyden, Doris
Iron Age Pottery Production in the Hunsrück-Eifel-Kultur of Germany by Nicholson, Paul T.
1989: Jahresinhaltsverzeichnis by
1988 by
Ancient Synagogues in Israel: Third - Seventh century C.E. by
Die Felsreliefs im Rauhen Kilikien by Durugönül, Serra
Pleistocene and Palaeolithic Investigations in the Soan Valley, Northern Pakistan by Halim, M. A., Rendell, H. M., Dennell, R. W.
People and Culture in Change, Part i: Proceedings of the Second Symposium on Upper Palaeolithic, Mesolithic and Neolithic Populations of Europe and th by
People and Culture in Change, Part ii: Proceedings of the Second Symposium on Upper Palaeolithic, Mesolithic and Neolithic Populations of Europe and t by
Ecology, Settlement and History in the Osmore Drainage, Peru, Part i by
Ecology, Settlement and History in the Osmore Drainage, Peru, Part ii by
La Colonización Griega en Sicilia, Tomo I: Griegos, Indígenas y Púnicos en la Sicilia Arcaica-Interacción y Aculturación by Domínguez, Adolfo J.
The Eastern Frontier of the Roman Empire, Part i: Proceedings of a colloquium held at Ankara in September 1988 by
The Eastern Frontier of the Roman Empire, Part ii: Proceedings of a colloquium held at Ankara in September 1988 by
Stone Circles of Britain, Part ii: Taxonomic and distributional analyses and a catalogue of sites in England, Scotland and Wales by Barnatt, John
Studia Meroitica 1984: Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference for Meroitic Studies Rome 1984 by
Introduction to Old Nubian by Browne, Gerald M.
Ear-Rings in Roman Britain by Allason-Jones, Lindsay
Experiments in Lithic Technology by
The Barracks of the Roman Army from the 1st to 3rd Centuries A.D., Part i by Davison, David P.
The Barracks of the Roman Army from the 1st to 3rd Centuries A.D., Part ii by Davison, David P.
The Hammer on the Rock, Part i by
The Hammer on the Rock, Part ii by
The Roman Fort at Ács-Vaspuszta (Hungary) on the Danubian limes, Part i by
The Roman Fort at Ács-Vaspuszta (Hungary) on the Danubian limes, Part ii by
Análisis y Clasificación de la Cerámica de un Sitio Maya del Clásico: Yaxchilán, México by López Varela, Sandra L.
The Predynastic Lithic Industries of Upper Egypt, Part i: A comparative study of the lithic traditions of Badari, Nagada and Hierakonpolis by Holmes, Diane L.
The Predynastic Lithic Industries of Upper Egypt, Part ii: A comparative study of the lithic traditions of Badari, Nagada and Hierakonpolis by Holmes, Diane L.
The Bronze Age - Iron Age Transition in Europe, Part i: Aspects of continuity and change in European societies c.1200 to 500 B.C. by
The Bronze Age - Iron Age Transition in Europe, Part ii: Aspects of continuity and change in European societies c.1200 to 500 B.C. by
French Romanesque and Islam, Part ii: Andalusian elements in French architectural decoration c.1030-1180. Part ii Illustrations by Watson, Katherine
La Colonización Griega en Sicilia, Tomo II: Griegos, Indígenas y Púnicos en la Sicilia Arcaica-Interacción y Aculturación by Domínguez, Adolfo J.
Stone Circles of Britain, Part i: Taxonomic and distributional analyses and a catalogue of sites in England, Scotland and Wales by Barnatt, John
Art, Death and Social Order: The Mortuary Arts of Pre-Conquest Central Panama by Briggs, Peter S.
Maritime Trade between China and the West: An Archaeological Study of the Ceramics from Siraf (Persian Gulf), 8th to 15th centuries A.D. by Tampoe, Moira
Coins and Archaeology: MARG. Medieval Archaeology Research Group. Proceedings of the First Meeting at Isegran, Norway 1988 by
French Romanesque and Islam, Part i: Andalusian elements in French architectural decoration c.1030-1180. Part i Text by Watson, Katherine