• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Archaeology in 1995

The Sea of Galilee Boat: An Extraordinary 2000 Year Old Discovery by Wachsmann, Shelley
Hunter-Gatherer Mortuary Practices During the Central Texas Archaic by Bement, Leland C.
Interpreting Archaeology: Finding Meaning in the Past by
Sagalassos III: Report on the Fourth Excavation Campaign of 1993 by
Style, Society, and Person: Archaeological and Ethnological Perspectives by
Regional Approaches to Mortuary Analysis by
A Greek Countryside: The Southern Argolid from Prehistory to the Present Day by Van Andel, Tjeerd, Runnels, Curtis, Jameson, Michael
Easter Island: Island of Enigmas by Dos Passos, John
Indian Mounds of Wisconsin by Birmingham, Robert A.
Lost Cities of the Ancient Southeast by O'Connor, Mallory M.
Daidalos and the Origins of Greek Art by Morris, Sarah P.
Puerto Real: The Archaeology of a Sixteenth-Century Spanish Town in Hispaniola by
Theory in Archaeology: A World Perspective by
The Archaeology of Animals by Davis, Simon J. M.
Photography in Archaeology and Conservation by Dorrell, Peter G.
Diversity and Complexity in Prehistoric Maritime Societies: A Gulf of Maine Perspective by Bourque, Bruce J.
Frühkretische Siegel: Ansätze für eine Interpretation der sozial-politischen Entwicklung auf Kreta während der Frühbronzezeit by Sbonias, Kostas
Il Mediterraneo Occidentale fra XIV ed VIII secolo a.C. / The West Mediterranean between the 14th and 8th Centuries B.C.: Cerchie minerarie e metallur by Giardino, Claudio
Theory and Practice in Archaeology by Hodder, Ian
Siscia Pannonia Superior: Finds and Metalwork Production. Terra Sigillata. by Makjanic, Rajka, Kosčevic, Remza
Europe Between Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages: Recent archaeological and historical research in Western and Southern Europe by
On Collecting: An Investigation into Collecting in the European Tradition by Pearce, Susan
Acknowledging Consumption by
Collecting in a Consumer Society by Belk, Russell W.
Digging Through Darkness: Chronicles of an Archaeologist by Schrire, Carmel
Archaeology in the Lowland American Tropics by
The Surname Detective: Investigating Surname Distribution in England Since 1086 by Rogers, Colin
Grand Mound by Budak, Michael K.
Foundations of Social Inequality by
Chesapeake Prehistory: Old Traditions, New Directions by Dent Jr, Richard J.
Stone Tools & Society by Edmonds, Mark
The Destruction of Sodom, Gomorrah, and Jericho: Geological, Climatological, and Archaeological Background by Neev, Emery, Neev, David, Emery, K. O.
The Orion Mystery: Unlocking the Secrets of the Pyramids by Bauval, Robert, Gilbert, Adrian
Ancient Greek Agriculture: An Introduction by Skydsgaard, Jens Erik, Isager, Signe
Prehistoric Cultural Ecology and Evolution: Insights from Southern Jordan by Henry, Donald O.
Images from the Underworld: Naj Tunich and the Tradition of Maya Cave Painting by Stone, Andrea J.
A Slice Through Time: Dendrochronology and Precision Dating by Baillie, M. G. L.
International Directory of Museum Training: Programs and practices of the museum profession by Edson, Gary
Snapshots of the Past by Fagan, Brian M.
Metalworking in Africa South of the Sahara: An Annotated Bibliography by Lawal, Ibironke O.
Domination and Resistance by
The Limits of Settlement Growth by Fletcher, Roland
The Archaeology of Early Historic South Asia: The Emergence of Cities and States by Allchin, F. Raymond, Allchin, Frank Raymond
The Operation of Internal Labor Markets: Staffing Practices and Vacancy Chains by Pinfield, Lawrence T.
Cahokia's Countryside by Mehrer, Mark W.
Flowerdew Hundred by Deetz, Patricia Scott
Studies in Crime: An Introduction to Forensic Archaeology by Knupfer, Geoffrey, Heron, Carol, Hunter, John
After Empire: Towards an Ethnology of Europe's Barbarians by
Managing Archaeology by
Centre and Periphery: Comparative Studies in Archaeology by
Artifact & Assemblage: The Finds from a Regional Survey of the Southern Argolid, Greece: Vol I: The Prehistoric & Early Iron Age Pottery & th by
Chambered Cairns of Sutherland: The Structures & Their Contents by Henshall, Audrey S., Ritchie, J. N. Graham
Managing Quality Cultural Tourism by Boniface, Priscilla
Soldier and Society in Roman Egypt: A Social History by Alston, Richard
The Origins of Complex Societies in Late Prehistoric Iberia by Lillios, Katina T.
The Origins of Complex Societies in Late Prehistoric Iberia by Lillios, Katina T.
English Castles: A Guide by Counties by Pettifer, Adrian
The Archaeology of Human Ancestry: Power, Sex and Tradition by
The Classical Archaeology of Greece: Experiences of the Discipline by Shanks, Michael
Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology 1993 by
Cultural Change and the Epipalaeolithic of Palestine by Fellner, Robert O.
Different Iron Ages: Studies on the Iron Age in Temperate Europe by
From Stone Age to Iron Age: A Study from Sogn, western Norway by Prescott, Christopher
Town-planning and Population in Ulpia Traiana Sarmizegetusa by Alicu, Dorin, Paki, Adela
Archaeological Investigations in Central Colombia by Olsen Bruhns, Karen
The Illusion of Riches: Scale, resolution and explanation in Tasmanian Pleistocene human behaviour by Cosgrove, Richard
Evidence for Christianity in Roman Britain: The small-finds by Mawer, C. F.
The Taxonomy of Ground Stone Woodworking Tools by MacKie, Quentin
A Fundamental Basalt Flake Analysis: Based on experimentally-produced and used flakes as well as the prehistoric Waikalua material by Deunert, Boris
The Maglemose Culture: The reconstruction of the social organization of a mesolithic culture in Northern Europe by Grøn, Ole
Prey Movements and Settlement Patterns During the Upper Palaeolithic in Southwestern France by Burke, Ariane M.
Classification and Interpretation of Marine Shell Artifacts from Western Mexico by Novella, Robert A.
A Gazetteer of Sites in Lesbos by Spencer, Nigel
Spanish Medieval Ceramics in Spain and the British Isles: Cerámica medieval española en España y en las Islas Británicas by
Animals in the Urban Landscape in the Wake of the Middle Ages: A case study from Vác, Hungary by Miklós, Zsuzsa, Gyulai, Ferenc, Bartosiewicz, László
Cursus Publicus: The Infrastructure of government in Roman Britain by Black, E. W.
Ritual and Rubbish in the Iron Age of Wessex by Hill, J. D.
Neolithic Communities of the Channel Islands by Patton, Mark
Trade in the Western Mediterranean, AD 400-700 - The ceramic evidence by Reynolds, Paul
The Divine Rider in the Art of the Western Roman Empire by Mackintosh, Marjorie
La Transcaucasie au Néolithique et au Chalcolithique by Chataigner, Christine
Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology 1994 by
Ritual, Rites and Religion in Prehistory, Volume I by
Ritual, Rites and Religion in Prehistory, Volume II by
The Towers of Ras al-Khaimah by Kennet, Derek
Prehistory of the Southern Manabí Coast, Ecuador. López Viejo by Currie, Elizabeth J.