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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Archaeology in 1996

Chinese Civilization in the Making, 1766-221 BC by Li, Jun
Bronze Und Silber: Papyrologische Beiträge Zur Geschichte Der Währung Im Ptolemäischen Und Römischen Ägypten Bis Zum 2. Jahrhundert N. Ch by Maresch, Klaus
Archaeology Africa by Hall, Martin
Documenting Localities by Cox, Richard J.
The Third Intermediate Period in Egypt, 1100-650bc by Kitchen, Kenneth
Last Hunters, First Farmers: New Perspectives on the Prehistoric Transition to Agriculture by
Excavations in Castletown, Isle of Man, 1989-1992 by
Indian Ocean In Antiquity by Reade, Julian
Cultural Identity and Archaeology: The Construction of European Communities by
An Archaeology of Capitalism by Johnson, Matthew
The Treasures of the Parthenon and Erechtheion by Harris, Diane
Nationalism, Politics and the Practice of Archaeology by
Stone Tools: Theoretical Insights Into Human Prehistory by
A Historical Archaeology of the Modern World by Orser Jr, Charles E.
Household Conversion Narratives in Acts: Pattern and Interpretation by Matson, David
Lost Cities of Atlantis, Ancient Europe & the Mediterranean by Childress, David Hatcher
Archaeological and Historical Aspects of West-European Societies: Album Amicorum André Van Doorselaer by
Nationalism, Politics and the Practice of Archaeology by
Emergent Complexity: The Evolution of Intermediate Societies by Arnold, Jeanne E.
Egyptian Mummies: Unraveling the Secrets of an Ancient Art by Brier, Bob
Time Detectives: How Archaeologist Use Technology to Recapture the Past by Fagan, Brian
The Red and the Black: Studies in Greek Pottery by Sparkes, Brian a.
The Red and the Black: Studies in Greek Pottery by Sparkes, Brian A.
Classic Maya Political History: Hieroglyphic and Archaeological Evidence by
In Search of Ancient North America: An Archaeological Journey to Forgotten Cultures by Pringle, Heather
The Archaeology of Early Rome and Latium by Holloway, Ross R.
The Archaeology of Early Medieval Ireland by Edwards, Nancy
Human Mummies: A Global Survey of Their Status and the Techniques of Conservation by
Museums: A Place to Work: Planning Museum Careers by
Archaeology in British Towns: From the Emperor Claudius to the Black Death by Ottaway, Patrick
Kentucky Archaeology by
The Archaeology of Wealth: Consumer Behavior in English America by Gibb, James G.
Le Bronze Ancien dans les Cyclades et en Crète: Les relations entre les deux régions. Influence de la Grèce Continentale by Karantzali, Efi
La Campaniforme en France: Analyse de la céramique d'accompagnement by Besse, Marie
The End of Paganism in the North-Western Provinces of the Roman Empire: The example of the Mithras cult by Sauer, Eberhard
Islands in Time: Island Sociogeography and Mediterranean Prehistory by Patton, Mark
The Bronze Age of Southeast Asia by Higham, Charles
Europe in the Neolithic: The Creation of New Worlds by Whittle, Alasdair
Humans at the End of the Ice Age: The Archaeology of the Pleistocene--Holocene Transition by
The Roman Remains of Southern France: A Guide Book by Bromwich, James
Excavations at 16-20 Church Street, Bawtry, South Yorkshire by Cumberpatch, C. G., Dunkley, J. a.
Settlement Patterns in Hertfordshire: A review of the typology and function of enclosures in the Iron Age and Roman landscape by Hunn, J. R.
The Excavation of a Late Prehistoric and Romano-British Settlement at Thornwell Farm, Chepstow, Gwent, 1992 by Hughes, Gwilym
The Archaeology of the Clay Tobacco Pipe XIV: The Development of the Clay Tobacco Pipe Kiln in the British Isles by Peacey, Allan
Anthropology, Space, and Geographic Information Systems by
Human Evolution, Language and Mind: A Psychological and Archaeological Inquiry by Noble, William
Houses and Society in Pompeii and Herculaneum by Wallace-Hadrill, Andrew
Case Studies in Human Ecology by
Case Studies in Human Ecology by
Culture Change and the New Technology: An Archaeology of the Early American Industrial Era by Shackel, Paul A.
In Small Things Forgotten: An Archaeology of Early American Life by Deetz, James
Bayesian Approach to Intrepreting Archaeological Data by Buck, Caitlin E., Litton, Cliff D., Cavanagh, William G.
Below the Temple Mount in Jerusalem: A sourcebook on the cisterns, subterranean chambers and conduits of the Ḥaram al-Sharīf by Gibson, Shimon, Jacobson, David M.
The Chaco Anasazi: Sociopolitical Evolution in the Prehistoric Southwest by Sebastian, Lynne
The Abandonment of Settlements and Regions: Ethnoarchaeological and Archaeological Approaches by
Architecture and Power in the Ancient Andes: The Archaeology of Public Buildings by Moore, Jerry D.
Villagers of the Maros: A Portrait of an Early Bronze Age Society by O'Shea, John M.
Hunters Between East and West: The Paleolithic of Moravia by Lozek, Vojen, Vlcek, Emanuel, Svoboda, Jiri
Gender and Archaeology by
Archaeology of the Mid-Holocene Southeast by
Prehistoric Japan: New Perspectives On Insular East Asia by Imamura, Keiji
Daily Life of the Egyptian Gods: Images of the Commune by Meeks, Dimitri, Favard-Meeks, Christine
Darwinian Archaeologies by
Daily Life of the Egyptian Gods: Images of the Commune by Favard-Meeks, Christine, Meeks, Dimitri
Starting an Archives by Yakel, Elizabeth
Chinese Civilization in the Making, 1766 221 BC by Li, Jun
An Archaeological Guide to Northern Central America Belize, Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador by Kelly, Joyce
Emergence and Change in Early Urban Societies by
Jewish Apocalyptic and Its History by Sacchi, Paolo
Stone Tools and Mobility in the Illinois Valley: From Hunter-Gatherer Camps to Agricultural Villages by Odell, George H.
Stone Tools and Mobility in the Illinois Valley: From Hunter-Gatherer Camps to Agricultural Villages by Odell, George H.
The Iron Gates Mesolithic by Radovanovic, Ivana
The Iron Gates Mesolithic by Radovanovic, Ivana
Images of the Recent Past: Readings in Historical Archaeology by Orser, Charles E.
The Origins of Agriculture in Europe by Thorpe, I. J.
Death and Burial in Medieval England 1066-1550 by Daniell, Christopher
Non-Flint Stone Tools and the Palaeolithic Occupation of the Iberian Peninsula by
La Isla de Malta en Época Fenicia y Púnica by Vidal González, Pablo
From Tool Use to Site Function: Use-wear analysis in some Final Upper Palaeolithic sites in the Basque country by Ibáñez Estévez, Juan José, González Urquijo, Jesús Emilio
A Study of Microscopic Polish on Flint Implements by Levi Sala, Irene
Roman Republican Castrametation: A reappraisal of historical and archaeological sources by Pamment Salvatore, John
Lithic Analysis in Southwestern France: Middle Paleolithic assemblages from the site of La Quina by Bierwirth, Susan L.
The Judean Pillar-Figurines and the Archaeology of Asherah by Kletter, Raz
Excavations in Cowbridge, South Glamorgan, 1977-1988 by
The Architectural Ornament of Diocletian's Palace at Split by McNally, Sheila
The Early Iron Age of Slovenia by Mason, Philip
Modern Archaeology and its Reflection in the Value System of Contemporary Culture: Based on anthropological/archaeological research conducted in Austr by Deunert, Boris
Between River and Barrow: A reappraisal of Bronze Age metalwork found in the province of East-Flanders (Belgium) by Verlaeckt, Koen
Roman Roads in Judaea II: The Jaffa-Jerusalem roads by Isaac, Benjamin, Roll, Israel, Fischer, Moshe
Gardens of Italy and the Western Provinces of the Roman Empire: From the 4th century BC to the 4th century AD by Farrar, Linda
Cronología de la Prehistoria Reciente de la Península Ibérica y Baleares (c.2800-900 cal ANE) by MICó, Rafael, Lull, Vicente, Castro Martínez, Pedro V.
Victory of Propaganda: The dynastic aspect of the Imperial propaganda of the Severi: the literary and archaeological evidence AD 193-235 by Baharal, Drora
Production et signification de la céramique campaniforme à la fin du 3ème millénaire av. J.-C. dans le Sud et le Centre-Ouest de la France et en Suiss by Convertini, Fabien
Unit Sizes in the Late Roman Army by Coello, Terence
The Archaeology of the Meroitic State: New perspectives on its social and political organisation by Edwards, David N.
Stability and Change: Socio-political development in North Mesopotamia and South-East Anatolia 4000-2700 B.C. by Lupton, Alan
Dressel 20 Inscriptions from Britain and the Consumption of Spanish Olive Oil: With a catalogue of stamps by Funari, Pedro Paulo a.
External Contacts and the Economy of Late-Roman and Post-Roman Britain by
Sub-Roman Britain (AD 400-600): A gazetteer of sites by Snyder, Christopher A.
Spätbronzezeitliche Bestattungen auf Kreta by Löwe, Wanda
Minoischer Schmuck by Effinger, Maria
State Formation in Egypt: Chronology and society by Wilkinson, Toby A. H.
Zabid Project Pottery Manual 1995: Pre-Islamic and Islamic Ceramics from the Zabid area, North Yemen by Keall, Edward, Ciuk, Christopher
L'habitat privé en Palestine au Bronze Moyen et au Bronze Récent by Foucault-Forest, Chantal
The Ancient Harbour and Anchorage at Dor, Israel: Results of the underwater surveys 1976 - 1991 by Kingsley, Sean A., Raveh, Kurt
Limatambo: Archaeology, history and the regional societies of Inca Cusco by Heffernan, Ken
Islam, Archaeology and History: Gao Region (Mali) ca. AD 900 - 1250 by Insoll, Timothy
Spatial Patterning among Animal Bones in Settlement Archaeology: An English regional exploration by Wilson, Bob
Communication and Commerce along the Western Sealanes AD 400-800 by Wooding, Jonathan M.