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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Archaeology in 1997

The Tomb of Simut (Kyky): Theban Tomb 409 at Qurnah by Negm, Maged
The Penguin Historical Atlas of Ancient Egypt by Manley, Bill
The Pyramid Builders of Ancient Egypt: A Modern Investigation of Pharaoh's Workforce by David, Rosalie, David, A. Rosalie
Time, Process and Structured Transformation in Archaeology by
The Cultural Life of Images: Visual Representation in Archaeology by
Cycles of the Sun, Mysteries of the Moon: The Calendar in Mesoamerican Civilization by Malmström, Vincent H.
How Writing Came about by Schmandt-Besserat, Denise
Principles of Geoarchaeology: A North American Perspective by Waters, Michael R.
Presenting Archaeology to the Public: Digging for Truths by
The Texture of Industry: An Archaeological View of the Industrialization of North America by Gordon, Robert B., Malone, Patrick M.
Les Grottes de Murabbaat (Textes) by
Sagalassos IV: Report on the Survey and Excavation Campaigns of 1994 and 1995 by
Mesopotamian Civilization: Environmental Change and Social Justice by Potts, D. T.
A Biohistory of 19th-Century Afro-Americans: The Burial Remains of a Philadelphia Cemetery by Rankin-Hill, Lesley M.
In Remembrance: Archaeology and Death by Unknown
Continent of Hunter-Gatherers: New Perspectives in Australian Prehistory by Lourandos, Harry
Cowboys and Cave Dwellers: Basketmaker Archaeology of Utah's Grand Gulch by Williamson, Ray a., Blackburn, Fred M.
An Archaeology of the Early Anglo-Saxon Kingdoms by Arnold, C. J.
An Archaeology of the Early Anglo-Saxon Kingdoms by Arnold, C. J.
Greek Painted Pottery by **Decd**, R. M. Cook, Cook, R. M.
Greek Painted Pottery by Cook, R. M., **Decd**, R. M. Cook
Gender and Material Culture: The Archaeology of Religious Women by Gilchrist, Roberta
Managing Museums and Galleries by Fopp, Michael
Social Construction of the Past: Representation as Power by
Qumran Cave 4: XIII: The Damascus Document (4q266-273) by
The Riddle of the Pacific by Brown, John MacMillan
The Archaeology of Ethnicity: Constructing Identities in the Past and Present by Jones, Siân
The Archaeology of Ethnicity: Constructing Identities in the Past and Present by Jones, Siân
Native Americans and Archaeologists: Stepping Stones to Common Ground by
In Search of the Old Ones by Roberts, David
Alluvial Geoarchaeology: Floodplain Archaeology and Environmental Change by Brown, A. G., Brown, Tony
Architecture and Order: Approaches to Social Space by
The Cities of Ancient Mexico: Reconstructing a Lost World by Sabloff, Jeremy A.
An Illustrated Dictionary of the Gods and Symbols of Ancient Mexico and the Maya by Taube, Karl, Miller, Mary Ellen
Women In Human Evolution by
Women In Human Evolution by
The Archaeology of Argyll by Ritchie, J. N. Graham
Paleoindian Geoarchaeology of the Southern High Plains by Holliday, Vance T.
Egypt in the Age of the Pyramids by Andreu, Guillemette
Museum Ethics: Theory and Practice by
Egypt in the Age of the Pyramids: American Politics and International Security by Andreu, Guillemette
Egypt's Legacy: The Archetypes of Western Civilization: 3000 to 30 BC by Rice, Michael
Southwestern Minnesota Archaelogy by Anfinson, Scott
The Romano-British Villa at Castle Copse, Great Bedwyn by
The Message of the Sphinx: A Quest for the Hidden Legacy of Mankind by Hancock, Graham, Bauval, Robert
From the Baltic to the Black Sea: Studies in Medieval Archaeology by
The Rise and Fall of Culture History by Lyman, R. Lee, O'Brien, Michael J., Dunnell, Robert C.
Mississippian Political Economy by Muller, Jon
The Rise and Fall of Culture History by Dunnell, Robert C., Lyman, R. Lee, O'Brien, Michael J.
Mississippian Political Economy by Muller, Jon
Lordship and the Landscape: A documentary and archaeological study of the Honor of Dudley c. 1066-1322 by Hunt, John
Late Pleistocene Deer Fossils from Corbeddu Cave: Implications for human colonization of the island of Sardinia by Klein Hofmeijer, Gerard
A History of Knowles & Son: Oxford builders for 200 years 1797-1997 by Sturdy, David
Archaeology of Northern Florida, A. D. 200-900: The McKeithen Weeden Island Culture by Cordell, Ann S., Milanich, Jerald T., Knight, Vernon J.
Featherless Chickens, Laughing Women, and Serious Stories by Thomas, Jeannie B.
Americanist Culture History: Fundamentals of Time, Space, and Form by
Americanist Culture History: Fundamentals of Time, Space, and Form by Lyman, R. Lee
Economy and Society in Prehistoric Europe: Changing Perspectives by Sherratt, A.
Masonic Antiquities of the Orient Unveiled by Redding, Moses W.
The Wisdom of the Bones: In Search of Human Origins by Walker, Alan, Shipman, Pat
Mummies and Mortuary Monuments: A Postprocessual Prehistory of Central Andean Social Organization by Isbell, William H.
The Caddo Nation: Archaeological and Ethnohistoric Perspectives by Perttula, Timothy K.
Handbook for British and Irish Archaeology: Sources and Resources by Lavell, Cherry
The Classical Archaeology of Greece: Experiences of the Discipline by Shanks, Michael
The Virginia Adventure: Roanoke to James Towne by Noël Hume, Ivor
Projectile Technology by
Anasazi Architecture and American Design by
The Stones Cry Out: How Archaeology Reveals the Truth of the Bible by Price, Randall
High Definition Archaeology: Threads Through the Past: World Archaeology Volume 29 Issue 2 by
Chronometric Dating in Archaeology by
Archaeology and the Capitalist World System: A Study from Russian America by Crowell, Aron L.
East Greek Pottery by DuPont, Pierre, Cook, R. M.
Material Culture and Mass Consumption by Miller, Daniel
Ur III Period (2112-2004 Bc) by Frayne, Douglas
Geological Methods for Archaeology by Herz, Norman
Museo Pio Clementino - Cortile Ottagono by Andreae, Bernard, Anger, Klaus, Granino, M. G.
The Politics of Display: Museums, Science, Culture by
The Politics of Display: Museums, Science, Culture by
The Earliest Recorded Bridge at Rochester by Flight, Colin
The Recessed Platforms of Argyll, Bute and Inverness by Rennie, Elizabeth B.
A Summary Catalogue of the Continental Archaeological Collections (Roman Iron Age, Migration Period, Early Medieval) by Lloyd, Mary, MacGregor, Arthur, Flora, Holly
Recherches archéologiques sur la capitale de l'empire de Ghana: Etude d'un secteur d'habitat à Koumbi Saleh, Mauritanie. Campagnes II-III-IV-V (1975-1 by Berthier, Sophie
The Archaeology of the St. Neots to Duxford Gas Pipeline 1994 by
A Study of the Impact of Imparkment on the Social Landscape of Cambridgeshire and Huntingdonshire from c1080 to 1760 by Way, Twigs
Hunting Strategies in Central Europe During the Last Glacial Maximum by West, Dixie
The Final Analysis of Weights from Port Royal, Jamaica by Smith, C. Wayne
Use Wear Analysis on Bone and Antler Tools of the Mackenzie Inuit by Lemoine, Genevieve M.
Ala-Jalve: Spatial, technological, and behavioral analyses of the lithic assemblage from a Stone Age-Early Metal Age site in Utsj by Rankama, Tuija
Agricultural Changes at Euphrates and Steppe Sites in the Mid-8th to the 6th Millennium B.C. by De Moulins, Dominique
Medieval Grave Slabs of County Tipperary, 1200 - 1600 A.D. by Maher, Denise
'Home is Where the Hearth is': The Spatial Organisation of the Upper Palaeolithic Rockshelter Occupations at Klithi and Kastritsa in Northwest Greece by Galanidou, Nena
The Prehistory of the Upper Churchill River Basin, Saskatchewan, Canada by Millar, James F. V.
Early Human Adaptation in the Northern Hemisphere and the Implications of Taphonomy by Stopp, Marianne P.
Charlemagne's Months and their Bavarian Labors: The politics of the Seasons in the Carolingian Empire by Hammer, Carl I.
Modelling the Effects of Tillage Processes on Artefact Distributions in the Ploughzone: A simulation study of tillage-induced pattern formation by Boismier, W. A.
Excavations at Old Kandahar in Afghanistan 1976-1978: Conducted on behalf of the Society for South Asian Studies (Society for Afghan Studies). Stratig by Helms, Svend W.
The Human Use of Caves by
Settlements at Skaill, Deerness, Orkney: Excavations by Peter Gelling of the Prehistoric, Pictish, Viking and Later Periods, 1963-1981 by Buteux, Simon
Population, Land Use and Settlement on Punic Malta: A contextual analysis of the burial evidence by Said-Zammit, George A.
Evidence for Christianity in Roman Southern Pannonia (Northern Croatia): A catalogue of finds and sites by Migotti, Branka
The Neolithic Culture of the Isle of Man: A study of the sites and pottery by Burrow, Stephen
The Roman Domestic Architecture of Northern Italy by George, Michele
Römer und Germanen - Nachbarn über Jahrhunderte: Beiträge der gemeinsamen Sitzung der Arbeitsgemeinschaften 'Römische Archäologie' und 'Römische Kaise by
Die Bildersprache minoischer und mykenischer Siegel by Wohlfeil, Jutta Beate
Recent Developments in the History and Archaeology of Central Greece by
The Adriatic Islands Project. Contact, Commerce and Colonialism 6000 BC - AD 600. Volume 1: The Archaeological Heritage of Hvar, Croatia by Kirigin, Branko, Petric, Marinko, Gaffney, Vincent
Migrations and Invasions in Archaeological Explanation by
Wine drinking in Oxford 1640-1850 by Banks, Fay
The Image of Orpheus in Roman Mosaic by Jesnick, Ilona Julia
Alexandrian and Alexandria-Influenced Mould-Made Lamps of the Hellenistic Period by Mlynarczyk, Jolanta
Mesolithic Forest Hunters in Ukrainian Polessye by Zaliznyak, Leonid
L'habitat traditionnel à 'Aima: Enquête ethnoarchéologique dans un village jordanien by Biewers, Michèle
Studies in Maritime Archaeology by McGrail, Seán
L'axe rhodano-jurassien dans le problème des relations sud-nord au Néolithique ancien by Manen, Claire
La Grotte Ouest du Portel, Ariège, France: Restes fauniques et stratégies de chasse dans le Pléistocène supérieur pyrénéen by Gardeisen, Armelle
Semiotics of Landscape: Archaeology of Mind by