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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Archaeology in 1999

The Excavation Near Wijnaldum by Besteman, J. C., Bos, J. M., Besteman J C
Attische Grabreliefs by Himmelmann, Nikolaus
Paleoenvironmental Reconstruction in Arid Lands by
Beyond the Map: Archaeology and Spatial Technologies by
The Hidden History of the Human Race: The Condensed Edition of Forbidden Archeology by Cremo, Michael A., Thompson, Richard L.
The Cosmos of Khnumhotep II at Beni Hasan by Kamrin, Janice
Egyptian Heaven and Hell by Budge, E. A.
The Indigenous People of the Caribbean: The Father of Cuban Ballet by
The Archaeology of the Iberians by Ruiz, Arturo, Ruiz, Artie, Molinos, Manuel
Sicily Before History: An Archeological Survey from the Paleolithic to the Iron Age by Leighton, Robert
Sicily Before History: An Archeological Survey from the Paleolithic to the Iron Age by Leighton, Robert
The Archaeology of Islam by Insoll, Timothy
Archaeology of Islam by Insoll, Timothy
The Archaeology of Rock-Art by
Historical Archaeologies of Capitalism by
After the Pyramids: The Valley of the Kings and Beyond by Dodson, Aidan
Paul's Paradigmatic I: Personal Example as Literary Strategy by Dodd, Brian
La Néolithisation de l'ouest de la France: Caractérisation des industries lithique by Marchand, Grégor
Finding the Walls of Troy: Frank Calvert and Heinrich Schliemann at Hisarlik by Allen, Susan Heuck
Canaanites: Volume 2 by Tubb, Jonathan N.
Manifesting Power: Gender and the Interpretation of Power in Archaeology by
Manifesting Power: Gender and the Interpretation of Power in Archaeology by
Ancestral Geographies of the Neolithic: Landscapes, Monuments and Memory by Edmonds, Mark
Risk Assessment for Object Conservation by Ashley-Smith, Jonathan
Ancestral Geographies of the Neolithic: Landscapes, Monuments and Memory by Edmonds, Mark
Early Dynastic Egypt by Wilkinson, Toby A. H.
The Material Life of Human Beings: Artifacts, Behavior and Communication by Schiffer, Michael Brian
Archaeological Process by Hodder, Ian
The Neolithic Flint Mines of England by Field, David, Topping, Peter, Barber, Martyn
Race and Affluence: An Archaeology of African America and Consumer Culture by Mullins, Paul R.
Shells in Aegean Prehistory by Karali, Lilian
From Black Land to Fifth Sun: The Science of Sacred Sites by Fagan, Brian M.
Wege in Die Antike: Kleine Einführung in Die Archäologie Und Die Altertumswissenschaft by Henderson, John, Bahn, Paul, Beard, Mary
Archaeology and Language III: Artefacts, Languages and Texts by
Managing the Historic Rural Landscape by
Managing the Historic Rural Landscape by
History of Ancient Egypt by Hornung, Erik
History of Ancient Egypt by Hornung, Erik
Making Places in the Prehistoric World: Themes in Settlement Archaeology by Bruck, Joanna, Goodman, Melissa
Making Places in the Prehistor by Bruck, Joanna, Goodman, Melissa
Archaeological Perspectives on the Origins of Modern Humans: A View from the Levant by Kaufman, Daniel
Thundering Zeus: The Making of Hellenistic Bactria Volume 32 by Holt, Frank L.
Leadership Strategies, Economic Activity, and Interregional Interaction: Social Complexity in Northeast China by Shelach, Gideon
Who's Who in the Ancient Near East by Leick, Gwendolyn
History of Ancient Egypt: Translated by David Lorton by Hornung, Erik
Who's Who in Ancient Egypt by Rice, Michael
Hidden Lives: The Archaeology of Slave Life at Thomas Jefferson's Poplar Forest by Heath, Barbara J.
The Code of Kings: The Language of Seven Sacred Maya Temples and Tombs by Mathews, Peter, Schele, Linda
Ancient Mesopotamia by Pollock, Susan
Ancient Mesopotamia by Pollock, Susan, Susan, Pollock
The Road to Ubar: Finding the Atlantis of the Sands by Clapp, Nicholas
Prehispanic metallurgy and votive offerings in the Eastern Cordillera Colombia by Lleras-Pérez, Roberto
Understanding the Neolithic by Thomas, Julian
Understanding the Neolithic by Thomas, Julian
The Origins of Agriculture in Europe by Thorpe, I. J.
The Constructed Past: Experimental Archaeology, Education and the Public by
The Archaeological Northeast by Sassaman, Kenneth, Levine, Mary Ann, Nassaney, Michael
An Archaeology of Manners: The Polite World of the Merchant Elite of Colonial Massachusetts by Goodwin, Lorinda B. R.
The Exploitation of Plant Resources in Ancient Africa by
Ancient Mesopotamian Materials and Industries: The Archaeological Evidence by Moorey, P. R. S.
Corn in Clay: Maize Paleoethnobotany in Pre-Columbian Art by Eubanks, Mary W.
Franchthi Neolithic Pottery, Volume 2: The Later Neolithic Ceramic Phases 3 to 5 by Vitelli, Karen D.
Grasshopper Pueblo: A Story of Archaeology and Ancient Life by Whittlesey, Stephanie, Reid, Jefferson
History of Baalbek by Alouf, Michel M.
Studien zu dem kaiserzeitlichen Quellopferfund von Bad Pyrmont by Teegen, Wolf-Rüdiger
The Çatalhöyük Flint and Obsidian Industry: Technology and Typology in Context by Conolly, James
Etruscan Settlement, Society and Material Culture in Central Coastal Etruria by Perkins, Philip
Faunal Extinction in an Island Society: Pygmy Hippopotamus Hunters of Cyprus by Simmons, Alan H.
Seriation, Stratigraphy, and Index Fossils: The Backbone of Archaeological Dating by O'Brien, Michael J., Lyman, R. Lee
From Language To Communication by Ellis, Donald G.
Managing Historic Sites and Buildings: Reconciling Presentation and Preservation by
Bereavement and Commemoration by Tarlow, Sarah
Bereavement and Commemoration by Tarlow, Sarah
I, Too, Am America: Archaeological Studies of African-American Life by
Meaning and Ideology in Historical Archaeology: Style, Social Identity, and Capitalism in an Australian Town by Burke, Heather
Archaeology and Folklore by
Zooarchaeology of the Pleistocene/Holocene Boundary: Proceedings of a Symposium Held at the 8th Congress of the International Council for Archeo Zoolo by Driver, Jonathan C.
Anthropology and Archaeology: A Changing Relationship by Gosden, Chris
Time and Archaeology by
Time before History: The Archaeology of North Carolina by Ward, H. Trawick, Davis, R. P. Stephen
Human Impact on Ancient Environments by Redman, Charles L.
Analytical Profiles of Drug Substances and Excipients: Volume 26 by
Managing Historic Sites and Buildings: Reconciling Presentation and Preservation by
Landscapes of Neolithic Ireland by Cooney, Gabriel
Landscapes of Neolithic Ireland by Cooney, Gabriel
Anthropology, Development and Modernities: Exploring Discourse, Counter-Tendencies and Violence by
Anthropology, Development and Modernities: Exploring Discourse, Counter-Tendencies and Violence by
Gender and Archaeology: Contesting the Past by Gilchrist, Roberta
Gender and Archaeology: Contesting the Past by Gilchrist, Roberta
Archaeologies Landscape by
King Arthur: The Truth Behind the Legend by Castleden, Rodney
A History of Settlement in Ireland by
The Moche by Bawden, Garth
Landscape Transformations and the Archaeology of Impact: Social Disruption and State Formation in Southern Africa by Perry, Warren R.
Archaeological Method and Theory: An Encyclopedia by
Encyclopedia of Human Evolution and Prehistory: Second Edition by
Folsom Lithic Technology: Explorations in Structure and Variation by
Folsom Lithic Technology: Explorations in Structure and Variation by
Archaeology in Latin America by
The Origins and Development of African Livestock: Archaeology, Genetics, Linguistics and Ethnography by
The Palaeontological Association Field Guide to Fossils, Fossils of the Rhaetian Penarth Group by
The Origins of Human Society by Bogucki, Peter
The Palaeolithic Societies of Europe by Gamble, Clive
Prehistoric Combs of Antler and Bone, Volume I by Tuohy, Tina
Prehistoric Combs of Antler and Bone, Volume II by Tuohy, Tina
Pilgrims in Stone: Stone images from the Gallo-Roman sanctuary of Fontes Sequanae by Aldhouse Green, Miranda J.
Technologie de l'ivoire au Paléolithique supérieur: Caractérisation physico-chimique du matériau et analyse fonctionnelle des outils de transformation by Christensen, Marianne
Bronze Age Metalwork in Northern East Anglia: A study of its distribution and interpretation by Pendleton, Colin F.
El Poblamiento de Montaña en el Sector Central de la Cordillera Cantábrica (España): Fuentes escritas y arqueológicas. El ejemplo de la comarca de La by Diez Castillo, Agustín, Cisneros Cunchillos, Miguel, Aja Sánchez, José Ramón
Ethnohistoric Archaeology of the Mukogodo in North-Central Kenya: Hunter-gatherer subsistence and the transition to pastoralism in secondary settings by Mutundu, Kennedy K.
Late La Tène Pottery of the Nene and Welland Valleys, Northamptonshire: With particular reference to Channel-rim Jars by Friendship-Taylor, R. M.
Politics, Religion, and Cylinder Seals: A Study of Mesopotamian Symbolism in the Second Millennium B.C. by Nijhowne, Jeanne
The Transition from Foraging to Farming and the Origin of Agriculture in China by Lie Dan Lu, Tracey
The Iron Age Settlement at 'Ain Dara, Syria: Survey and Soundings by Zimansky, Paul E., Stone, Elizabeth C.
Castulo, Jaén, España, II: El conjunto arquitectónico del Olivar by Martínez, José María Blázquez, Pérez, María Paz García-Gelabert
La II Edad del Hierro en Segovia (España): Estudio arqueológico del territorio y la cultura material de los pueblos preromanos by Barrio Martín, Joaquín
Arqueología del contacto hispano indígena: Un estudio de cambios y continuidades en las Sierras Centrales de Argentina by Laguens, Andrés G.
Cuatro estudios sobre el AE2 teodosiano y su circulación en Hispania by Figuerola, Miguel
Funerary Ritual and Symbolism: An Interdisciplinary Interpretation of Burial Practices in Late Iron Age Finland by Shepherd, Deborah J.
The Archaeology of the Clay Tobacco Pipe XV: The Kaolin Clay Tobacco Pipe Collection from Port Royal, Jamaica by Fox, Georgia L.
The Role of the Traditional Mediterranean Diet in the Development of Minoan Crete: Archaeological, Nutritional and Biochemical Evidence by Riley, F. R.
El incastellamento en el territorio de la ciudad de Luca (Toscana): Poder y territorio entre la Alta Edad Media y el siglo XII by Quirós Castillo, Juan Antonio
The Archaeology of Complex Societies in Southeastern Pacific Coastal Guatemala - A Regional GIS Approach by Estrada Belli, Francisco
Le crâne d'Homo sapiens en Eurasie - croissance et variation depuis 100 000 ans by Coqueugniot, Hélène
Theoretical and Quantitative Approaches to the Study of Mortuary Practice by McHugh, Feldore
Archaeology in Bath by Davenport, Peter
Early and Middle Bronze Age Pottery from the Volga-Don Steppe: A catalogue of pottery from the Volgograd Regional History and Cultural Museum by Jones-Bley, Karlene
'Uyuni Préhispanique' by Lecoq, Patrice
The Adriatic Islands Project Volume 2 - The Archaeological Heritage of the Island of Brač, Croatia by Kirigin, Branko, Stančič, Zoran, Vujnovic, Niksa
Piedra a Piedra: Historia de la construcción del Paleolítico en la Península Ibérica by Estévez, Jordi, Vila, Assumpció
Kulubnarti III: The Cemeteries by Adams, Nettie K., Van Gerven, Dennis P., Adams, William Y.
Prehistoric Agriculture in Southern Spain during the Neolithic and the Bronze Age: The application of ethnographic models by Peña-Chocarro, Leonor
The Archaeology of Infancy and Infant Death by Scott, Eleanor
Preferred Economies: The nature of the subsistence base throughout mainland Britain during prehistory by Richmond, Andrew
Anuradhapura: The British-Sri Lankan Excavations at Anuradhapura Salgaha Watta 2. Volume I: The Site by Coningham, Robin
Obtención de metales en la Prehistoria de la Península Ibérica by Gómez Ramos, Pablo
L'espace domestique en Mésopotamie de la IIIe dynastie d'Ur à l'époque paléo-babylonienne, Volume I by Battini-Villard, Laura
L'espace domestique en Mésopotamie de la IIIe dynastie d'Ur à l'époque paléo-babylonienne, Volume II by Battini-Villard, Laura
Los Orígenes de la Estratificación Social by Sanjuán, Leonardo García
The Material Culture of Steamboat Passengers: Archaeological Evidence from the Missouri River by Corbin, Annalies
Texts and Monuments: A study of ten Anglo-Saxon churches of the pre-Viking period by Pickles, Christopher
The Historical Archaeology of Buenos Aires: A City at the End of the World by Schávelzon, Daniel
Domestic Architecture and Power: The Historical Archaeology of Colonial Ecuador by Jamieson, Ross W.
Methodology of Geophysical Research in Archaeology by Hasek, Vladimír
The Eastern Wing of the Fertile Crescent: Late prehistory of Greater Mesopotamian lithic industries by Kozlowski, Stefan Karol
The Emergence of Food Production in Ethiopia by Barnett, Tertia
A Study of Inscribed Material from Roman Britain: An inquiry into some aspects of literacy in Romano-British society by Raybould, Marilynne E.
Animal Husbandry Regimes in Iron Age Britain: A comparative study of faunal assemblages from British Iron Age sites by Hambleton, Ellen
Culverwell Mesolithic Habitation Site, Isle of Portland, Dorset: Excavation report and research studies by Palmer, Susann
Classicism to Neo-classicism: Essays dedicated to Gertrud Seidmann by
Exchange and Cultural Interactions by Pydyn, Andrzej
Case Studies in Archaeology and World Religion by
Les premiers temples de Mésopotamie: (4e et 3e millénaires) by Forest, Jean-Daniel
Colonia - municipium - vicus: Struktur und Entwicklung städtischer Siedlungen in Noricum, Rätien und Obergermanien by
Rock Art as Social Representation by
Approche taphonomique des restes humains: Le cas des Mésolithiques de la grotte des Perrats et le problème du cannibalisme en préhistoire récente euro by Boulestin, Bruno
Lao Pako: A Late Prehistoric Site on the Nâm Ngum River in Laos by Karlström, Anna, Källén, Anna
Échanges et contacts le long du Nil et de la Mer Rouge dans l'époque protohistorique (IIIe et IIe millénaires avant J.-C.): Une synthèse préliminaire by Manzo, Andrea
Les industries à galets aménagés du littoral sud-armoricain (France) au Paléolithique inférieur: Étude techno-typologique, rapports avec l'Acheuléen e by Molines, Nathalie
Potrero de Guadelupe: Anthropologie Funéraire d'Une Communauté Pré-Tarasque Du Nord Du Michoacán, Mexique by Pereira, Grégory
The Urban Economy during the Early Dominate: Pottery evidence from the Palatine Hill by Peña, J. Theodore
Mesolithic Northern England: Environment, population and settlement by Spikins, Penny
Recent Archaeological Research on the Isle of Man by
New Techniques for Old Times - CAA 98: Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology by
L'espace domestique maya: Une approche ethnoarchéologique au Yucatan (Mexique) by de Pierrebourg, Fabienne
Stamp Seals from the Collections of the Aleppo Museum, Syrian Arab Republic by Nunn, Astrid, Hammade, Hamido
A Landscape Archaeological Study of the Mesolithic-Neolithic in the Milfield Basin, Northumberland by Waddington, Clive
Estabilidad y conflicto civil en la guerra del Peloponeso: Las sociedades corintia y argiva by Fornis, César
Production and Exchange of Bifacial Flaked Stone Artifacts during the Portuguese Chalcolithic by Forenbaher, Staso
Die Befunde der Insula 39 in der Colonia Ulpia Traiana (Xanten) by Kraus, Kerstin
Taille et conformation crânienne chez les Hominidés de la fin du Pléistocène: Contributions de la morphométrie géométrique au débat sur l'origine de l by Frieß, Martin
The Palaeolithic of the Hampshire Basin: A regional model of hominid behaviour during the Middle Pleistocene by Hosfield, Robert
From the Ground Up: Beyond Gender Theory in Archaeology by
L'Amérique du Sud: Des chasseurs-cueilleurs à l'Empire Inca by
Grave Matters by
Sumaqa: A Roman and Byzantine Jewish village on Mount Carmel, Israel by Dar, Shimon
La Edad del Hierro en el Sistema Ibérico Central, España by Arenas Esteban, Jesús Alberto
La Cerámica Protohistórica a Torno de Mallorca (s. VI-I a.C.) by Guerrero Ayuso, Víctor M.
Sociétés Préhistoriques Et Megalithes Dans Le Nord-Ouest de la République Centrafricaine by Zangato, Étienne
Metals in Antiquity by
Here They Once Stood: The Tragic End of the Apalachee Missions by Boyd, Mark F.
Von der Rundhütte zum Kaufmannshaus, Band I by Schachner, Andreas
Von der Rundhütte zum Kaufmannshaus, Band II by Schachner, Andreas
Diving up the Human Past: Perspectives of maritime archaeology, with specific reference to developments in South Africa until 1996 by Werz, Bruno E. J. S.
Contribution à l'étude de L'Atérien du nord mauritanien by Pasty, Jean-François
Nestor's Wine Cups: Investigating Ceramic Manufacture and Exchange in a Late Bronze Age "Mycenaean" State by Galaty, Michael L.
Rohstoff, Form und Funktion: Fünf Studien zum Neolithikum Mitteleuropas by Winiger, Josef
Les armatures de sagaies magdaléniennes en matière dure animale dans les Pyrénées by Bertrand, Anne
Heroenkulte in homerischer Zeit by Deoudi, Maria
Arte, arquitectura y arqueología en el grupo Ah Canul de la ciudad maya yucateca de Oxkintok by Vidal Lorenzo, Cristina
The Balkans in Later Prehistory: Periodization, Chronology and Cultural Development by Nikolova, Lolita