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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Archaeology in 2000

Cavidades en Extremadura (España): Patrimonio natural y arqueológico by Fernández Valdés, José María, Algaba Suárez, Milagros, Collado Giraldo, Hipólito
Approches du comportement au Moustérien by Otte, Marcel
Radiocarbon Dating New Zealand Prehistory Using Marine Shell by Schmidt, Matthew
La Segunda Edad del Hierro en el Centro de la Península Ibérica: Un estudio de Arqueología Espacial en la Mesa de Ocaña, Toledo, España by Urbina Martínez, Dionisio
Aprovisionamiento e Intercambio: Análisis petrológico del utillaje pulimentado en la Prehistoria Reciente del País Valenciano (España) by Orozco-Köhler, Teresa
The Artificial Islets / Crannogs of the Central Inner Hebrides by Holley, Mark W.
The Collecting of Origins: Collectors and Collections of Italian Prehistory and the Cultural Transformation of Value (1550-1999) by Skeates, Robin
Espacios de producción y uso de los útiles de piedra tallada del Neolítico: El poblado de "Los Castillejos de Las Peñas de Los Gitanos" (Granada, Espa by Sánchez Romero, Margarita
Middle Palaeolithic Occupation and Technology in Northwestern Greece: The Evidence from Open-Air Sites by Papagianni, Dimitra
Mediterranean Pottery in Wessex Households (13th to 17th Centuries) by Gutiérrez, Alejandra
El Campaniforme en La Meseta Central de la Península Ibérica (c. 2500-2000 AC.) by Garrido-Pena, Rafael
Cultos Marítimos y Religiosidad de Navegantes en el Mundo Griego Antiguo by Recio, Mirella Romero
Ethno-Archaeology in Jenné, Mali: Craft and status among smiths, potters and masons by LaViolette, Adria
Lithic Technology of Neolithic Syria by Nishiaki, Yoshihiro
Tierdarstellungen der prähistorischen Metallzeiten in Bayern by Wagner, Manuela
Saxon Settlement and Earlier Remains at Friars Oak, Hassocks, West Sussex by Butler, Chris
Reconnaître des tactiques d'exploitation du milieu au Paléolithique Moyen: La contribution de l'analyse fonctionnelle - Etude fonctionnelle des indust by Lemorini, Cristina
Hunter-Gatherers and Farmers: An enduring Frontier in the Caledon Valley, South Africa by Thorp, Carolyn R.
Human Ecology and Neolithic Transition in Eastern County Donegal, Ireland: The Lough Swilly Archaeological Survey by Kimball, Michael J.
Hellenistic, Roman and Byzantine Settlement Patterns of the Coast Lands of Western Rough Cilicia by Blanton, Richard E.
Les au-delàs aztèques by Ragot, Nathalie
Central Inuit Household Economies by Henshaw, Anne Stevens
The Nature of Difference by Tomásková, Silvia
The Sunday Christ: Sabbatarianism in English medieval wall painting by Reiss, Athene
Estudio introductorio del léxico de las inscripciones de Chichén Itzá, Yucatán, México by García Campillo, José Miguel
An Archaeology of Social Identity: Guildhalls in York, c. 1350-1630 by Giles, Katherine
Sense and Nonsense in Homer: A consideration of the inconsistencies and incoherencies in the texts of the Iliad and the Odyssey by Wilson, John
Cohors 2: The evidence for and a short history of the auxiliary infantry units of the Imperial Roman Army by Spaul, John
The Construction of the Roman Legionary Fortress at Inchtuthil by Shirley, Elizabeth A. M.
Copper and Bronze Metallurgy in Late Prehistoric Xinjiang: Its cultural context and relationship with neighbouring regions by Mei, Jianjun
An Index of Ancient Egyptian Titles, Epithets and Phrases of the Old Kingdom Volume I by Jones, Dilwyn
The Forts on Hadrian's Wall: A comparative analysis of the form and construction of some buildings by Taylor, David J. a.
Sinai: Excavations and Studies by Meshel, Ze'ev
Archaeology of the Mississippian Culture: A Research Guide by Peregrine, Peter N.
Vergleichen als archäologische Methode: Analogien in den Archäologien - Mit Beiträgen einer Tagung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Theorie (T-AG) und einer Ko by
Vitreous Materials at Amarna: The production of glass and faience in 18th Dynasty Egypt by Shortland, Andrew J.
Virtual Reality in Archaeology: Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology by
The Prehistory and Early History of Atlantic Europe by
Distinctive Beads in Ancient India by Jyotsna, Maurya
Late Helladic Simple Graves: A study of Mycenaean burial customs by Lewartowski, Kazimierz
The Foreign Relations of the "Hyksos": A neutron activation study of Middle Bronze Age pottery from the Eastern Mediterranean by McGovern, Patrick E.
Archaeology and Entomology in the Eastern Mediterranean: Research into the history of insect synanthropy in Greece and Egypt by Panagiotakopulu, Eva
Identity, Commemoration and the Art of Dying Well: Exploring the Relationship between the Ars Moriendi Tradition and the Material Culture of Death in by Owen, Kirsty
Caa 96: Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology 1996 by
Northern Pasts: Interpretations of the Later Prehistory of Northern England and Southern Scotland by
Tell Rijim, Iraq: The Middle Bronze Age Layers by Koliński, Rafal
Hadrian's Wall: Some Aspects of its Post-Roman Influence on the Landscape by Whitworth, Alan Michael
The Late Roman Transition in the North: Papers from the Roman Archaeology Conference, Durham 1999 by
Les structures de l'habitat rural protohistorique dans le sud-ouest de l'Angleterre et le nord-ouest de la France by Arbousse Bastide, Tristan
Sphragides: Die gravierten Fingerringe des Hellenismus by Gerring, Britta
Les salines préhispaniques du bassin de Sayula (Occident du Mexique): Milieu et techniques by Liot, Catherine
Toward Modern Humans: The Yabrudian and Micoquian 400-50 k-years ago by
Die Gesichtskrüge der römischen Nordwestprovinzen by Dövener, Franziska
The Settlement Patterns in the Jordan Valley in the Mid- to Late Islamic Period by Kareem, Jum'a Mahmoud H.
El Chagueite, Jalapa: El Perído Formativo En El Oriente de Guatemala by Ichon, Alain, Grignon, Rita
Minster Churches in the Dorset Landscape by Hall, Teresa Anne
Bones, Boats, & Bison: Archeology and the First Colonization of Western North America by Dixon, E. James
An Index of Ancient Egyptian Titles, Epithets and Phrases of the Old Kingdom Volume II by Jones, Dilwyn
U.K. Chapter of Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology by
Sheaths and Scabbards in England AD400-1100 by Cameron, Esther A.
Star Gods of the Maya: Astronomy in Art, Folklore, and Calendars by Milbrath, Susan
Une approche des enclos du nord de la Bretagne by Arbousse Bastide, Tristan
Interpreting Long-term Trends in the Transition to Farming: Reconsidering the Nodwell Site, Ontario, Canada by Rankin, Lisa
Dogs Through Time: An Archaeological Perspective by
The Mesolithic Hunters of the Trentino: A Case Study in Hunter-Gatherer Settlement and Subsistence from Northern Italy by Clark, Royston
Archaeological Field Survey of the Neolithic and Chalcolithic Settlement Sites in Kyrenia District, North Cyprus by Şevketoğlu, Müge
Methodological Aspects of Iranian Archaeology - Past and Present by Niknami, Kamal Aldin
Prélude à l'agriculture dans le Nord-Est américain: Le site Hector Trudel et les stratégies de subsistance entre 500 et 1000 de notre ère dans la vall by Cossette, Evelyne
"Landscapes of Lordship": Norman Castles and the Countryside in Medieval Norfolk, 1066 - 1200 by Liddiard, Robert
Bahr 'as Shâm: La Presenza Musulmana nel Tirreno Centrale e Settentrionale nell'Alto Medioevo by del Lungo, Stefano
Luminous Debris: Reflecting on Vestige in Provence and Languedoc by Sobin, Gustaf
Noah's Flood: The New Scientific Discoveries about the Event That Changed History by Pitman, Walter, Ryan, William
The Lost Civilizations of the Stone Age by Rudgley, Richard
Reading the Body by
The Archaeological Northeast by Sassaman, Kenneth, Levine, Mary Ann, Nassaney, Michael
Stories in Red and Black: Pictorial Histories of the Aztecs and Mixtecs by Boone, Elizabeth Hill
Riddle of the Bones: Politics, Science, Race, and the Story of Kennewick Man by Downey, Roger
Castles in Ireland: Feudal Power in a Gaelic World by McNeill, T. E.
An Archaeology of Natural Places by Bradley, Richard
Agency in Archaeology by Dobres, Marcia-Anne, Robb, John
Dynamics in Human and Primate Societies: Agent-Based Modeling of Social and Spatial Processes by
An Archaeology of Natural Places by Bradley, Richard
The Frail Social Body: Pornography, Homosexuality, and Other Fantasies in Interwar France Volume 36 by Dean, Carolyn J.
Federal Planning and Historic Places: The Section 106 Process by King, Thomas F.
Agency in Archaeology by Robb, John, Dobres, Marcia-Anne
Fragmentation in Archaeology: People, Places and Broken Objects in the Prehistory of South Eastern Europe by Chapman, John
Urbanism, Archaeology and Trade: Further Observations on the Gao Region (Mali). The 1996 Fieldseason Results by Insoll, Timothy
Depositional History of Franchthi Cave: Stratigraphy, Sedimentology, and Chronology, Fascicle 12 by Farrand, William R.
Great House Communities across the Chacoan Landscape by
Applying Evolutionary Archaeology: A Systematic Approach by Lyman, R. Lee, O'Brien, Michael J.
Applying Evolutionary Archaeology: A Systematic Approach by O'Brien, Michael J., Lyman, R. Lee
Excavations on the Island of Pseira, Crete by Seager, Richard B.
Cahokia: Domination and Ideology in the Mississippian World by
The Ancient Civilizations of Mesoamerica: A Reader by
Metaphor and Material Culture by Tilley, Christopher
Ancient Egyptian Materials and Technology by
The Mummies of Urumchi by Barber, Elizabeth Wayland
Exploration of Ancient Key Dwellers' Remains on the Gulf Coast of Florida by Cushing, Frank H.
Encyclopedic Dictionary of Archaeology by Kipfer, Barbara Ann
Science and Technology in Historic Preservation by
Townships to Farmsteads: Rural Settlement Studies in Scotland, England and Wales by
The Mason and His Mark: Masons' Marks in the Medieval Irish Archbishoprics of Cashel and Dublin by Hourihane, Colum
Excavations in Eastern Crete Vrokastro by Hall, E. H.
Third Palestine: A Regional Study in Byzantine Urbanization by Gutwein, Kenneth C.
Technology of the Gods: The Incredible Sciences of the Ancients by Childress, David Hatcher
Exploration of the Etowah Site in Georgia: The Etowah Papers by Moorehead, Warren King
Matter, Materiality and Modern Culture by
Matter, Materiality and Modern Culture by
From Mounds to Mammoths: A Field Guide to Oklahoma Prehistory, Second Edition by Gilbert, Claudette Marie, Brooks, Robert L.
Sampling in Archaeology by Orton, Clive
The Priests of Ancient Egypt by Sauneron, Serge
Akhenaten: History, Fantasy and Ancient Egypt by Montserrat, Dominic
Byzantine Libya and the March of the Arabs towards the West of North Africa by Christides, Vassilios
The Deceased's Life Cycle Rituals in Nepal: Present Cremation Burials for the Interpretations of the Past by Oestigaard, Terje
Technology, Style and Society: Contributions to the Innovations between the Alps and the Black Sea in Prehistory by
Man: 12,000 Years Under the Sea, a Story of Underwater Archaeology by Burgess, Robert F.
The Man Who Rode Sharks by Royal, William R.
Between the Lines: The Mystery of the Giant Ground Drawings of Ancient Nasca, Peru by Aveni, Anthony F.
Sampling in Archaeology by Orton, Clive
European Societies in the Bronze Age by A. F., Harding, Harding, A. F.
Le Mésolithique Moyen du Nord-Cotentin, Basse-Normandie, France by Marcigny, Cyril, Ghesquière, Emmanuel, Lefèvre, Philippe
Stone Age Living Spaces in Western Norway by Nærøy, Arne Johan
Dolly's Creek: An Archaeology of a Victorian Goldfields Community by Lawrence, Susan
Technology and Social Agency: Outlining a Practice Framework for Archaeology by Dobres, Marcia-Anne
Spanish Colonial Silver Coins in the Florida Collection by Craig, Alan K.
Debating the Archaeological Heritage by Skeates, Robin
Roman Weapons, Tools, Bronze Equipment and Brooches from Neuss - Novaesium Excavations 1955-1972 by Simpson, Grace
Early and Middle Pleistocene Hominid Behaviour in Northern China by Keates, S. G.
Modern Analytical Methods in Art and Archeology by
The Archaeology of Ancient Sicily by Holloway, R. Ross
Life in Neolithic Farming Communities: Social Organization, Identity, and Differentiation by
Cultural Evolution: Contemporary Viewpoints by
The Seminole Indians of Florida by Maccauley, Clay
A Smith in Lindsey: The Anglo-Saxon Grave at Tattershall Thorpe, Lincolnshire (The Society for Medieval Archaeology Monographs 16) by Hinton, David A.
Gender and Material Culture in Archaeological Perspective by
An Introduction to the Study of Southwestern Archaeology by Kidder, Alfred Vincent
Balkan Prehistory: Exclusion, Incorporation and Identity by Bailey, Douglass W.
The Roman Pottery Industry of the Oxford Region by Young, Christopher J.
Balkan Prehistory: Exclusion, Incorporation and Identity by Bailey, Douglass W.
Coins and Power in Late Iron Age Britain by Creighton, John
Plundering Africa's Past by
Maroon Heritage: Archaeological, Ethnographic and Historical Perspectives by
Roman Officers and English Gentlemen: The Imperial Origins of Roman Archaeology by Hingley, Richard
Welsh Castles: A Guide by Counties by Pettifer, Adrian
Roman Officers and English Gentlemen: The Imperial Origins of Roman Archaeology by Hingley, Richard
Twentieth Century Industrial Archaeology by Trinder, Barrie, Stratton, Michael
A Historical Archaeology of the Ottoman Empire: Breaking New Ground by
Following the Ark of the Covenant: The Treasure of God by Boren, Kerry Ross
Environmental Archaeology: Principles and Practice by Dincauze, Dena Ferran
Southern Africa and the Swahili World by
Exploitation de l'analyse quantitative des retouches pour la caractérisation des industries lithiques du Moustérien: Application au faciès Quina de la by Yvorra, Pascale
Paléolithique Inférieur du Bassin Côtier de Tarfaya (SW du Maroc): Analyse techno-typologique by Nocairi, Mohamed
The Northern Danelaw: Its Social Structure, C.800-1100 by Hadley, D. M.
Archaeology and the Modern World: Colonial Transcripts in South Africa and Chesapeake by Hall, Martin
Imperfect Balance: Landscape Transformations in the Pre-Columbian Americas by
Le Strutture di Servizio del Cursus Publicus in Italia: Ricerche Topografiche ed Evidenze Archeologiche by Corsi, Cristina
The Archaeology of Difference: Negotiating Cross-Cultural Engagements in Oceania by
Critical Approaches to Fieldwork: Contemporary and Historical Archaeological Practice by Lucas, Gavin
Critical Approaches to Fieldwork: Contemporary and Historical Archaeological Practice by Lucas, Gavin
Coosa: The Rise and Fall of a Southeastern Mississippian Chiefdom by Smith, Marvin T.
Shaping Culture: Making Pots and Constructing Households. An Ethnoarchaeological Study of Pottery Production, Trade and Use in the Ande by Sillar, Bill
The Socketed Bronze Axes in Ireland by Eogan, George
The Tragic End of the Bronze Age: A Virus Makes History by Slattery, Tom
Loot, Legitimacy and Ownership: The Ethical Crisis in Archaeology by Renfrew, Colin
The Birth of the Gods and the Origins of Agriculture by Cauvin, Jacques
Gender and Material Culture in Archaeological Perspective by
Dangerous Places: Health, Safety, and Archaeology by
Style and Function: Conceptual Issues in Evolutionary Archaeology by
Archaeology and Created Memory by Shackel, Paul A.
Exploring Coast Salish Prehistory: The Archaeology of San Juan Island by Stein, Julie K.
Textbook of Pollen Analysis by Krzywinski, Knut, Faegri, Knut, Jr., Kaland, Peter Emil
Animals in the Steppe: A Zooarchaeological Analysis of Later Neolithic Tell Sabi Abyad, Syria by Cavallo, Chiara
Regional Approaches to Adaptation in Late Pleistocene Western Europe by
The Science and Archaeology of Materials: An Investigation of Inorganic Materials by Henderson, Julian
The Science and Archaeology of Materials: An Investigation of Inorganic Materials by Henderson, Julian
The Archaeology of the Indian Subcontinent and Sri Lanka: A Selected Bibliography by Ridinger, Robert B. Marks
The Medieval Earthworks of the Hundred of West Derby: Tenurial Evidence and Physical Structure by Lewis, Jennifer
Tha Sea in Antiquity by
The Transformation of Nomadic Society in the Arab East by
The Dark Age of Greece: An Archaeological Survey of the Eleventh to the Eighth Centuries BC by Snodgrass, A. M.
A Landscape Transformed: The Ironmaking District of Salisbury, Connecticut by Gordon, Robert B.
The North African Stones Speak by Mackendrick, Paul Lachlan
The Dacian Stones Speak by Mackendrick, Paul Lachlan
Sicily from Aeneas to Augustus: New Approaches in Archaeology and History by
Sicily from Aeneas to Augustus: New Approaches in Archaeology and History by
New Forest Roman Pottery: Manufacture and distribution, with a corpus of the pottery types by Fulford, M. G.
Britain's Historic Coast by Gale, Alison
Kurgans, Ritual Sites, and Settlements: Eurasian Bronze and Iron Age by
The Reception of Classical Art in Britain: An Oxford story of plaster casts from the Antique by Kurtz, Donna
The Uruk Phenomenon by Collins, Paul
Signifying Place and Space: World perspectives of rock art and landscape by
Interpreting Stratigraphy: Site evaluation, recording procedures and stratigraphic analysis. Papers presented to the Interpreting Stratigraphy Co by
Ancient Shipwrecks of the Adriatic: Maritime transport during the first and second centuries AD by Jurisic, Mario
The Years without Summer: Tracing A.D. 536 and its aftermath by
Japanese Prehistory: The Material and Spiritual Culture of the Jomon Period by Naumann, Nelly
The Form and Fabric and Belief by Graves, Pamela
Industria Y Artesanado Cerámico de Época Romana En El Nordeste de Cataluña by Trilla, Joaquim Tremoleda I.
Three Iron Age and Romano-British Rural Settlements on English Gravels: Excavations at Hatford (Oxfordshire), Besthorpe (Nottinghamshire) and Eardingt by
Images of Piety: The iconography of traditional religion in late medieval Wales by Gray, Madeleine
Reading Space: Social Interaction and Identity in the Houses of Roman Pompeii by Grahame, Mark
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