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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Archaeology in 2005

L'Art Et l'Archeologie Des Monasteres Greco-Bouddhiques Du Nord-Ouest de l'Inde Et de l'Asie Centrale: Actes Du Colloque International Du Crpoga (Stra by
The History of Leo the Deacon: Byzantine Military Expansion in the Tenth Century by Sullivan, Denis F., Talbot, Alice-Mary
Flag Fen: Life and Death of a Prehistoric Landscape by Pryor, Francis
Smoking and Culture: The Archaeology of Tobacco Pipes in Eastern North America by Rafferty, Sean M.
Hominid Individual in Context: Archaeological Investigations of Lower and Middle Palaeolithic Landscapes, Locales and Artefacts by
Ancient Puebloan Southwest by Sebastian, Lynne, Kantner, John
Ancient Maya by Demarest, Arthur
The Rosetta Stone by British Museum
Roma Sotterranea Or Some Account Of The Roman Catacombs Especially Of The Cemetry Of San Callisto by Rossi, Giovanni
The Early Races Of Scotland And Their Monuments by Leslie, Forbes
The Slave Power: Its Character, Career And Probable Designs by Cairnes, J. E.
Development Of Religion And Thought In Ancient Egypt by Breasted, James
Roma Sotterranea or Some Account of the Roman Catacombs Especially of the Cemetry of San Callisto by Rossi, Giovanni
The Origin of Civilization and the Primitive Condition of Man by Lubbock, John
Gathering Hopewell: Society, Ritual and Ritual Interaction by
The Archaeology of Plural and Changing Identities: Beyond Identification by
Global Archaeological Theory: Contextual Voices and Contemporary Thoughts by
Global Archaeological Theory: Contextual Voices and Contemporary Thoughts by
Desert Peoples: Archaeological Perspectives by
Littamum: Una mansio nel Noricum / Eine Mansio im Noricum by
African Herders: Emergence of Pastoral Traditions by Smith, Andrew B.
African Herders: Emergence of Pastoral Traditions by Smith, Andrew B.
African Connections: Archaeological Perspectives on Africa and the Wider World by Mitchell, Peter
Envisioning the Past: Archaeology an the Image by
The Chinese Neolithic: Trajectories to Early States by Liu, Li
Myths of the Archaic State: Evolution of the Earliest Cities, States, and Civilizations by Norman, Yoffee, Yoffee, Norman
Egyptology: The Missing Millennium: Ancient Egypt in Medieval Arabic Writings by El Daly, Okasha
In the Maw of the Earth Monster: Mesoamerican Ritual Cave Use by
Glozel: Bones of Contention by Gerard, Alice
Glozel: Bones of Contention by Gerard, Alice
Thinking Through Material Culture: An Interdisciplinary Perspective by Knappett, Carl
Globalizing Roman Culture: Unity, Diversity and Empire by Hingley, Richard
The North Coast Prehistory Project Excavations in Prince Rupert Harbour, British Columbia by Ames, Kenneth M.
The Archaeology of Mediterranean Prehistory by
The Archaeology of Mediterranean Prehistory by
Chalcolithic Anthropomorphic Figurines from Ilgynly-depe, Southern Turkmenistan: Classification, analysis and catalogue by Solovyova, Natalia F.
LRCW I. Late Roman Coarse Wares, Cooking Wares and Amphorae in the Mediterranean: Archaeology and Archaeometry by
Die Siegelabrollungen und Rollsiegel der Stadt Elephantine im 3. Jahrtausend v. Chr.: Spurensicherung eines archäologischen Artefaktes by Pätznick, Jean-Pierre
Hunters vs. Pastoralists in the Sahara: Material Culture and Symbolic Aspects by
The West Bank Survey from Faras to Gemai: 2. Sites of Meroitic and Ballaña Age by Adams, William y.
L'âge du bronze en Europe et en Méditerranée / The Bronze Age in Europe and the Mediterranean by
Byzantium in the Mirror: The Message of Skylitzes Matritensis and Hagia Sophia in Constantinople by Piltz, Elisabeth
Interpreting the Axe Trade: Production and Exchange in Neolithic Britain by Bradley, Richard, Edmonds, Mark
Angkor and the Khmer Civilization by Coe, Michael D.
Statues of the Xxvth and Xxvith Dynasties: Catalogue General of Egyptian Antiquities Nos. 48601-48649 by Josephson, Jack
Ritual and Domestic Life in Prehistoric Europe by Bradley, Richard
Ritual and Domestic Life in Prehistoric Europe by Bradley, Richard
Ancient Life in the American Southwest by Hewett, Edgar L.
Ancient Life in the American Southwest by Hewett, Edgar L.
Visions of Paradise: Primordial Titles and Mesoamerican History in Cuernavaca by Haskett, Robert
Hominid Individual in Context: Archaeological Investigations of Lower and Middle Palaeolithic Landscapes, Locales and Artefacts by
Industrial Archaeology: Future Directions by
Industrial Archaeology: Future Directions by
Society and Death in Ancient Egypt by Richards, Janet
Indigenous Archaeologies: Decolonizing Theory and Practice by
The Lost Florida Manuscript of Frank Hamilton Cushing by
The Florida Journals of Frank Hamilton Cushing by
Globalizing Roman Culture: Unity, Diversity and Empire by Hingley, Richard
Villas, Farms and the Late Roman Rural Economy (third to fifth centuries AD) by Lewit, Tamara
Integrating Archaeology and Ethnohistory - The Development of Exchange between Yap and Ulithi, Western Caroline Islands: The Development of Exchange b by Descantes, Christophe
Pottery Manufacturing Processes: Reconstitution and Interpretation by
Performance, Power ... Bar S 1347 by German, Senta C.
Les structures d'habitat enclos de la Protohistoire du Japon by Arbousse Bastide, Tristan
Baths and Bathing: The culture of bathing and the baths and thermae in Palestine from the Hasmoneans to the Moslem Conquest: With an appe by Hoss, Stefanie
Woodland and Forests Bar S1348 by Szabó, Péter
Everyday Life In Ancient Egypt by Masparo
The Backbone of History by
Historic Site Studies: Spectral Mining Camps by Davis, William C.
Unlocking the Past: Celebrating Historical Archaeology in North America by
The Emergence of the Moundbuilders: The Archaeology of Tribal Societies in Southeastern Ohio by Abrams, Elliot M.
Foundations of Social Archaeology: Selected Writings of V. Gordon Childe by Orser, Charles E., Jr.
Foundations of Social Archaeology by
The Egyptians: An Introduction by Morkot, Robert
People of Chaco: A Canyon and Its Culture (Revised) by Frazier, Kendrick
The Island Chumash: Behavioral Ecology of a Maritime Society by Kennett, Douglas J.
An Archaeological Evolution by South, Stanley
Amber Lands In...Roman Bar S1356 by Kulakov, Vladimir I.
Les archives fluviales du bassin-versant de la Beuvronne (Seine-et-Marne, Bassin Parisien, France): Perception et impacts des modifications climatique by Orth, Paul
A Chalcolithic Marble Workshop at Kulaksızlar in Western Anatolia: An analysis of production and craft specialization by Takaoglu, Turan
Techniques et sociétés néolithiques by Croutsch, Christophe
Bronze Age Settlement in the Welsh Marches by Halstead, John
Rituales de armas y de victoria: Lugares de culto y armamento en el mundo griego by del Mar Gabaldón Martínez, María
Death and Life-Giving Waters: Cremation, caste, and cosmogony in karmic traditions by Oestigaard, Terje
Germanien an der Zeitenwende: Studien zum Kulturwandel beim Übergang von der vorrömischen Eisenzeit zur älteren römischen Kaiserzeit in der Germania by Völling, Thomas
Archéologie et histoire du moyen âge / Archaeology and History of the Middle Ages: Sessions générales et posters / General Sessions and Posters by
The Mechanical Triumphs of the Ancient Egyptians by Barber, F. M.
Les premiers peuplements en Europe by
Peuplements humains et variations environnementales au Quaternaire by Tuffreau, Alain
Lao Tzu's Tao Te Ching: A Translation of the Startling New Documents Found at Guodian by Lao Tzu, Lao
The Mycenaeans by Castleden, Rodney
Human Sacrifice, Militarism and Rulership by Sugiyama, Saburo
The Peopling of Bandelier: New Insights from the Archaeology of the Pajarito Plateau by
From Stonehenge to Las Vegas: Archaeology as Popular Culture by Holtorf, Cornelius
Environmental Archaeology: Theoretical and Practical Approaches by Branch, Nick, Turney, Chris, Canti, Matthew
Debating Orientalization: Multidisciplinary Approaches to Processes of Change in the Ancient Mediterranean by
Linguistic Archaeology of South Asia by Southworth, Franklin
Fruit Jars: A Collector's Manual by Toulouse, Julian Harrison
Chaco Canyon: Archeologists Explore the Lives of an Ancient Society by Fagan, Brian M.
The Planters Of Colonial Virginia by Wertenbaker, Thomas J.
Gossip In The First Decade Of Victoria's Reign by Ashton, John
A Model for a Paleoindian Fluted Point Survey by Hranicky, Wm Jack
The Mycenaeans by Castleden, Rodney
Determining the Antiquity of Dog Origins: Canine domestication as a model for the consilience between molecular genetics and archaeology by Raisor, Michelle J.
Investigating Upper Mesopotamian Households using Micro-Archaeological Techniques by Rainville, Lynn
Comb-Making in Medieval Novgorod (950-1450): An industry in transition by Smirnova, Lyubov
Warfare, Violence and Slavery in Prehistory by
Raman Spectroscopy in Archaeology and Art History by
L'outillage lithique en contextes ethnoarchéologiques / Lithic Toolkits in Ethnoarchaeological Contexts by
Safonfok, Kosrae: Emergence of Complexity by Beardsley, Felicia
Cronología Absoluta y Periodización de la Prehistoria de las Islas Baleares by MICó Pérez, Rafael
The Mycenaean Cult of the Dead Bar 1372 by Gallou, Chrysanthi
Unidad y diversidad en el Arco Atlántico en época romana by
Gulf Coast Archaeology: The Southeastern United States and Mexico by
The Consular Image: An Iconological Study of the Consular Diptychs by Olovsdotter, Cecilia
Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum by
Social Evolution by Pluciennik, Mark
Egyptian Temples by Murray, Margaret
The Archaeology of Colonial Encounters: Comparative Perspectives by
Archaeology of Colonial Encounters: Comparative Perspectives by
Laser Ablation-Icp-MS in Archaeological Research by
Copán: The History of an Ancient Maya Kingdom by
From Tools to Symbols: From Early Hominids to Modern Humans by
Hieroglyphs: A Very Short Introduction by Wilson, Penelope
African Archaeology by Phillipson, D. W., Phillipson, David W.
The Murder of Tutankhamen by Brier, Bob
Climate Change in Prehistory: The End of the Reign of Chaos by Burroughs, William James
Current Research in Egyptology II: January 2001 by
The Towns of Palestine under Muslim Rule AD 600-1600 by Petersen, Andrew
The Forest, Park and Palace of Clarendon, c.1200-c.1650 by Richardson, Amanda
Sebastião Salgado: Workers: An Archaeology of the Industrial Age by
A Catalogue of Roman Military Equipment in The National Museum of Wales by Chapman, Evan M.
Native Religion under Roman Domination: Deities, springs and mountains in the north-west of the Iberian Peninsula by Richert, Elizabeth A.
Proceedings of the Fifth Annual Conference of the British Association for Biological Anthropology and Osteoarchaeology by
Âge du Fer en Europe / The Iron Age in Europe: Sessions générales et posters / General Sessions and Posters by
Der Silberschatz von Brusa/Bursa im British Museum by Mangoldt, Hans V.
The Reconstruction of Archaeological Landscapes through Digital Technologies by
Reading the Maya Glyphs by Coe, Michael D., Van Stone, Mark
African Archaeology by Phillipson, David W.
Unconquered Lacandon Maya: Ethnohistory and Archaeology of Indigenous Culture Change by Palka, Joel W.
Cultural Landscapes in the Ancient Andes: Archaeologies of Place by Moore, Jerry D.
Sampling Many Pots: An Archaeology of Memory and Tradition at a Bahamian Plantation by Wilkie, Laurie a., Farnsworth, Paul
Mammoth Cave Saltpeter Works by George, Angelo I.
The Late Archaic Across the Borderlands: From Foraging to Farming by
Researches In Sinai: Ancient Egypt and Palestine by Flinders Petrie, W. M.
Evolution of the Onondaga Iroquois: Accommodating Change, 1500-1655 by Bradley, James W.
Sylloge of Coins of the British Isles by Mucha, Maria
Soma 2003: Symposium on Mediterranean Archaeology by
Hellenic Colonization in Euxeinos Pontos: Penetration, early establishment, and the problem of the "emporion" revisited by Petropoulos, Elias K.
People of the Red Sea: Proceedings of Red Sea Project II Held in the British Museum October 2004 by
The Religious Reuse of Roman Structures in Early Medieval England by Bell, Tyler
Monuments, Ritual and Regionality: The Neolithic of Northern Somerset by Lewis, Jodie
De l'Altiplano mexicain à la Patagonie: Travaux et recherches à l'Université de Paris 1 by
Paisajes arqueológicos: Un estudio comparativo de diferentes ambientes patagónicos by Bautista Belardi, Juan
Les industries lithiques aurignaciennes de l'abri Pataud, Dordogne, France: Les fouilles de Hallam L. Movius Jr. by Chiotti, Laurent
Los primeros grupos neolíticos de la cuenca extremeña del Tajo by Cerrillo Cuenca, Enrique
The Church of Our Lady of Mount Carmel and some conventual buildings at the Whitefriars, Coventry by Woodfield, Charmian
Wars and Conflicts in Prehispanic Mesoamerica and the Andes by
Combat Archaeology: Material Culture and Modern Conflict by Schofield, John
An Anglo-Saxon Chronicle by Swanton, Michael
The Terminal Classic in the Maya Lowlands: Collapse, Transition, and Transformation by
The Osteology of Infants and Children: Volume 12 by Tocheri, Matthew W., Baker, Brenda J., Dupras, Tosha L.
First Civilizations: Ancient Mesopotamia and Ancient Egypt by Chadwick, Robert
Handbook of Geophysics and Archaeology by Witten, Alanjoel
Early Village Life at Beidha, Jordan: Neolithic Spatial Organization and Vernacular Architecture: The Excavations of Mrs. Diana Kirkbride-Helbæk by Byrd, Brian F.
X-Rays for Archaeology by
Images and Artefacts of the Ancient World by
Respect for the Ancestors: American Indian Cultural Affiliation in the American West by Jones, Peter N.
Early Mesolithic Britain: Origins, development and directions by Reynier, Michael
Cornish Bronze Age Ceremonial Landscapes c. 2500-1500 BC by Jones, Andy M.
The Role of the Chantress (Smyt) in Ancient Egypt by Onstine, Suzanne Lynn
Pollentia: A Roman Colony on the Island of Mallorca Bar 1404 by Doenges, Norman A.
Australia's Eastern Regional Sequence Revisited: Technology and change at Capertee 3 by Attenbrow, Val, Hiscock, Peter
The Find of a Thousand Lifetimes: The Story of the Gorto Site Discovery by Paquette, James Robert
Animals, Economy and Status: Integrating Zooarchaeological and Historical Data in the Study of Dudley Castle, West Midlands (c.1100-1750) by Thomas, Richard
Archaeology and History in North-Western Benin Bar1398 by Petit, Lucas Pieter
The Archaeology of Guyana Bar 1400 by Plew, Mark G.
Kbor Klib and Battle of Zama Bar1399 by Ross, Duncan
Archaeology of Asia by
Detention Castles of Stone and Steel: Landscape, Labor, and the Urban Penitentiary by Garman, James C.
Teeth by Hillson, Simon
Against Cultural Property: Archaeology, Heritage and Ownership by Carman, John
The Archaeology of Plural and Changing Identities: Beyond Identification by
Traditions céramiques, Identités et Peuplement en Sénégambie: Ethnographie comparée et essai de reconstitution historique by Sall, Moustapha
Intaglios, Cameos, Rings and Related Objects from Burma and Java: The White Collection and a further small private collection by Hoey Middleton, Sheila E.
From Classical to Byzantine: Social Evolution in Late Antiquity and the Fortress at Isthmia, Greece by Kardulias, P. Nick
Lithics 'Down Under': Australian Perspectives on Lithic Reduction, Use and Classification by
Just Skin and Bones? New Perspectives on Human-Animal Relations in the Historical Past by
The Roman Villa at Shakenoak Farm, Oxfordshire. Excavations 1960-1976 by Hands, A. R., Walker, D. R., Brodribb, A. C. C.
Paisaje y arte rupestre: Patrones de localización de la pintura levantina by Cruz Berrocal, María
Perspectives on Hominid Behaviour and Settlement Patterns by Wang, Shejiang
Genèse et évolution du deuxième royaume burgonde (443-534), Volume I by Escher, Katalin
Genèse et évolution du deuxième royaume burgonde (443-534), Volume II by Escher, Katalin
Iroquoia: The Development of a Native World by Engelbrecht, William
Excavations at Ur by Woolley, Sir Leonard
Lost World: Rewriting Prehistory---How New Science Is Tracing America's Ice Age Mariners by Koppel, Tom
Forensic Archaeology: Advances in Theory and Practice by Cox, Margaret, Hunter, John
Forensic Archaeology: Advances in Theory and Practice by Cox, Margaret, Hunter, John
Prehistoric Settlements of Eastern Thrace by Erdogu, Burçin
The Development of Pottery Technology from the Late Sixth to the Fifth Millennium B.C. in Northern Jordan: Ethno- and archaeological studies: Abu Hami by Ali, Nabil
The West Bank Survey from Faras to Gemai: 3. Sites of Christian Age by Adams, William y.
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