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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Archaeology in 2007

Les Figures Du Pauvre Dans Les Sources Italiennes de l'Antiquite Tardive by Freu, C.
Paradise Earned: The Bacchic-Orphic Gold Lamellae of Crete by Tzifopoulos, Yannis
A Corpus of Roman Engraved Gemstones from British Sites by Henig, Martin
Religion in the Prehispanic Southwest by
Ancient Objects and Sacred Realms: Interpretations of Mississippian Iconography by
Guide de Ba'albek by Puchstein, O.
Eating and Drinking in Roman Britain by Cool, H. E. M.
Hermes Britannicus: A Dissertation On The Celtic Deity, Teutates, The Mercurius Of Caesar, In Further Proof And Corroboration Of The Origi by Bowles, William Lisle
Sketches Of The Fair Sex In All Parts Of The World by Abbot, T.
An Epitome Of Grecian Antiquities by Cleveland, Charles Dexter
Stray Chapters In Literature, Folklore And Archaeology by Axon, William E. a.
Thebes: Its Tombs And Their Tenants, Ancient And Present, Including A Record Of Excavations In The Necropolis by Rhind, A. Henry
A Statistical Account Of The British Settlements In Australasia V2 by Wentworth, W. C.
Animal Figures In The Maya Codices by Tozzer, Alfred M., Allen, Glover M.
Die Personifikation Der Stadt Antiocheia: Ein Neues Bild Für Eine Neue Gottheit by Meyer, Marion
Social France In The Seventeenth Century by Hugon, Cecile
Der kontextuelle Raum im vorderasiatischen Neolithikum: Die Entwicklung der Lehmarchitektur, die Sozio-Ökonomie des Bauens und Wohnens und die kulture by Piesbergen, Thomas Johannes
Religion in the Prehispanic Southwest by
The Making of Bronze Age Eurasia by Kohl, Philip L.
Investigating Ethnic and Gender Identities as Expressed on Wooden Funerary Stelae from the Libyan Period (c.1069-715 B.C.E.) in Egypt by Saleh, Heidi
Bulletin of the Egyptian Museum: Volume 2 by Supreme Council of Antiquities
Analytical Chemistry in Archaeology by Stern, B., Pollard, A. M., Batt, C. M.
Eating and Drinking in Roman Britain by Cool, H. E. M.
Historical Archaeology: Why the Past Matters by Little, Barbara J.
Pieces of the Vanuatu Puzzle: Archaeology of the North, South and Centre by Bedford, Stuart
What's Changing: Population Size or Land-Use Patterns?: The archaeology of Upper Mangrove Creek, Sydney Basin by Attenbrow, Val
Archaeological Surveying and Mapping: Recording and Depicting the Landscape by Howard, Philip
Archaeological Surveying and Mapping: Recording and Depicting the Landscape by Howard, Philip
The Oracle: Ancient Delphi and the Science Behind Its Lost Secrets by Broad, William J.
The Last Mycenaeans and Their Successors by Desborough, V. R. D'a
Symbolic and Structural Archaeology by
Analytical Chemistry in Archaeology by Batt, Catherine, Stern, Benjamin, Pollard, Mark
Les pipes de la quarantaine: Fouilles du port antique de Pomègues (Marseille) by Gosse, Philippe
Cazadores-recolectores de altura en los Andes meridionales: El alto valle del río Atuel, Argentina by Neme, Gustavo
The Indian Ocean in the Ancient Period: Definite places, translocal exchange by
L'occupazione costiera protostorica del Lazio centromeridionale by Alessandri, Luca
Olmec Archaeology and Early Mesoamerica by Pool, Christopher
Olmec Archaeology Early Mesoamerica by Pool, Christopher
Comp to Roman Britain by
An Introduction To Pawnee Archeology by Wedel, Waldo Rudolph
Kinishba: A Prehistoric Pueblo Of The Great Pueblo Period by Cummings, Byron
Ancient Egypt: Standard Edition by Atiya, Farid
The Origins and Spread of Domestic Plants in Southwest Asia and Europe by
Medieval Village, Manor And Monastery by Coulton, G. G.
Civilizing Climate: Social Responses to Climate Change in the Ancient Near East by Rosen, Arlene Miller
Prehistory of the Indo-Malaysian Archipelago by Bellwood, Peter
European Contact: Disease and Depopulation in Central Gulf Coast Florida by Hutchinson, Dale L.
Zuni Origin Myths by Bunzel, Ruth L.
Worlds Before Our Own by Steiger, Brad
Palaeolithic and Mesolithic Settlement in Wales: with special reference to Dyfed by David, Andrew
Viking-Age Communities: Pap-Names and Papar in the Hebridean Islands by Ahronson, Kristján
Late Churches and Chapels in Berkshire: A geological perspective from the late eighteenth century to the First World War by Allen, J. R. L.
New Perspectives on Human Sacrifice and Ritual Body Treatments in Ancient Maya Society by
Chasse et élevage dans la Corne de l'Afrique entre le Néolithique et les temps historiques by Lesur, Joséphine
Faces from the Past - Diachronic Patterns in the Biology of Human Populations from the Eastern Mediterranean: Papers in honour of Patricia Smith by
Social Aspects of Ancient Egyptian Domestic Architecture by Koltsida, Aikaterini
Differential Persistence of Variation in Prehistoric Milling Tools from the Middle Rio Puerco Valley, New Mexico by Murrell, Jesse B.
GIS Simulation of the Earliest Hominid Colonisation of Eurasia by Holmes, Kathryn
Paléoparasitologie by Avantin, Françoise
Taphonomy and Zooarchaeology in Argentina by
The Final Feast: An examination of the significant Iron Age amphora burials in north-west Europe in relation to the mediterranean sympo by Craven, Pamela Elizabeth
On the structure and terminology of the Gaulish calendar by Zavaroni, Adolfo
Technological Choices and Material Meanings in Early and Middle Bronze Age Hungary: Understanding the active role of material culture through ceramic by Kreiter, Attila
Pagans and Christians - from Antiquity to the Middle Ages by
Territorial Appropriation during the Old Kingdom (XXVIIIth-XXIIIrd centuries BC): The royal necropolises and the pyramid towns in Egypt by Lupo, Silvia
Early Christian Settlement in North-West Ulster by Kerr, Thomas R.
Analysis of Lithic Artefact Microdebitage for Chronological Determination of Archaeologica by Susino, George J.
Fitting Rocks: Lithic Refitting Examined by
Economics and Social Change in Anglo-Saxon Kent AD 400-900: Landscapes, Communities and Exchange by Brookes, Stuart
Oil-Lamps in the Holy Land: Saucer Lamps by Sussman, Varda
Handbook of Greek and Latin Palaeography by Thompson, Edward Maunde
Zooarqueología del sur de los valles Calchaquíes (Provincias de Catamarca y Tucumán, República Argentina) by Izeta, Adres D.
Gerasa and the Decapolis by Kennedy, David
Cross-National Research Methodology and Practice by
X Marks the Spot: The Archaeology of Piracy by
The Evolution and History of Human Populations in South Asia: Inter-Disciplinary Studies in Archaeology, Biological Anthropology, Linguistics and Gene by
Origins and Revolutions by Gamble, Clive
Terrace Builders of Nyanga by Soper, R. C., Soper, Robert
The Robber Baron Archaeologist: An Essay about the Life of Theodore M. Davis by Gordon, Daniel, Bryan, Betsy M.
Labib Habachi: The Life and Legacy of an Egyptologist by Kamil, Jill
Milestones in Archaeology: A Chronological Encyclopedia by Murray, Tim
Palenque: Recent Investigations at the Classic Maya Center by
Espíritu Santo de Zúñiga: A Frontier Mission in South Texas by Walter, Tamra Lynn
Looting Spiro Mounds: An American King Tut's Tomb by La Vere, David
Iroquoian Archaeology and Analytic Scale by
Out of the Blue: Public Interpretation of Maritime Cultural Resources by
Origins and Revolutions by Gamble, Clive
An Archaeological Evolution by South, Stanley
Remote Sensing in Archaeology by
Kokopelli: The Magic, Mirth, and Mischief of an Ancient Symbol by Slifer, Dennis
Fire as an Instrument - The Archaeology of Pyrotechnologies by
Bones as Tools: Current Methods and Interpretations in Worked Bone Studies by
New Approaches to the Study of Early Upper Paleolithic 'Transitional' Industries in Western Eurasia by
Trassologie an römischem Silber: Herstellungstechnische Untersuchungen am Hildesheimer Silberfund by Niemeyer, Barbara
Religious Acculturation and Assimilation in Belgic Gaul and Aquitania from the Roman Conquest until the End of the Second Century CE by Watson, Alasdair
The Emergence of Social and Political Complexity in the Shashi-Limpopo Valley of Southern Africa, AD 900 to 1300: Ethnicity, class and polity by Calabrese, John Anthony
Babao 2004 by
Landscape and Material Culture and Society in Prehistoric South East Bulgaria by Ivanova Gaydarska, Bisserka
Past Meets Present: Archaeologists Partnering with Museum Curators, Teachers, and Community Groups by
Chert Availability and Prehistoric Exploitation in the Near East by
The Archaeology of Improvement in Britain, 1750-1850 by Tarlow, Sarah
Roman Pottery in the Archaeological Record by Pena, J. Theodore
The Making of the Slavs by Curta, Florin, Florin, Curta
Gordon R. Willey and American Archeology: Contemporary Perspectives by Fash, William L.
Historical Evidence and Argument by Henige, David
The Island of Seven Cities: Where the Chinese Settled When They Discovered America by Chiasson, Paul
The Archaeology of Celtic Art by Harding, D. W.
Archaeology: The Conceptual Challenge by Insoll, Timothy a.
Ayyubid Jerusalem (1187-1250): An architectural and archaeological study by Hawari, Mahmoud K.
The Archaeology of Verbal and Nonverbal Meaning: Mesopotamian domestic architecture and its textual dimension by Brusasco, Paolo
The Taking and Displaying of Human Body Parts as Trophies by Amerindians by
Identification of Ancient Olive Oil Processing Methods Based on Olive Remains by Warnock, Peter
Defensive Architecture of Prehisto... by Alusik, Tomas
'The Garden of the World': An historical archaeology of sugar landscapes in the eastern Caribbean by Hicks, Dan
Histoire des paysages méditerranéens terrassés: aménagements et agriculture by Harfouche, Romana
Which Past, Whose Future? Treatments of the Past at the Start of the 21st Century: An international perspective by
Human and Faunal Relationships Rev... by
La Chronique X by Peperstraete, Sylvie
Mycenaean Art: A Psychological App... by Muskett, Georgina
Archaeology as a Tool of Civic Engagement by
Archaeology as a Tool of Civic Engagement by
Early New England Potters and Their Wares by Watkins, Lura Woodside
Model-Based Archaeology of Socionatural Systems by
Early Islamic Syria by Walmsley, Alan
Chiefdoms and Other Archaeological Delusions by Pauketat, Timothy R.
The Earth Chronicles Expeditions by Sitchin, Zecharia
Edward III's Round Table at Windsor: The House of the Round Table and the Windsor Festival of 1344 by Munby, Julian, Brown, Richard, Barber, Richard
Aurangzib, And The Decay Of The Mughal Empire by Lane-Poole, Stanley
Carthage Of The Phoenicians In The Light Of Modern Excavation by Moore, Mabel
Memoir Of John Grey Of Dilston by Butler, Josephine E.
Illustrations Of The Topography And Antiquities Of The Shires Of Aberdeen And Banff V3 by Robertson, Joseph
Artifacts and Ideas: Essays in Archaeology by
Sacred Sites - Contested Rites/Rights: Pagan Engagements with Archaeological Monuments by Blain, Jenny, Wallis, Robert
The Mystery of Easter Island by Routledge, Katherine Pease
Solomon's Temple: Myth and History by Seely, David, Hamblin, William
Mortuary Ritual and Society in Bronze Age Cyprus by Keswani, Priscilla
Identity and Subsistence: Gender Strategies for Archaeology by
Theory and Practice of Archaeological Residue Analysis by
Producer of the Living, Eater of the Dead: Revealing Tlaltecuhtli, the Two-Faced Aztec Earth by Henderson, Lucia
The Representation of Islam in British Museums by Heath, Ian
Faces From the Past: A Study of Roman Face Pots from Italy and the Western Provinces of the Roman Empire by Braithwaite, Gillian
Archaeoastronomy in Archaeology and Ethnography by
Religious Communities in Byzantine Palestina: The relationship between Judaism, Christianity and Islam, AD 400 - 700 by Ribak, Eliya
Des dernières industries à trapèzes à l'affirmation du Néolithique en Bretagne occidentale (5500-3500 av. J.-C.) by Pailler, Yvan
Tools of the Mammoth Hunters: The application of use-wear analysis on the Czech Upper Palaeolithic chipped industry by Sajnerová-Dusková, Andrea
Identity and Subsistence: Gender Strategies for Archaeology by
The Neolithic of Southeast China: Cultural Transformation and Regional Interaction on the Coast by Jiao, Tianlong
The Many Deaths of Tsar Nicholas II: Relics, Remains and the Romanovs by Slater, Wendy
Feasting the Dead: Food and Drink in Anglo-Saxon Burial Rituals by Lee, Christina
The Many Deaths of Tsar Nicholas II: Relics, Remains and the Romanovs by Slater, Wendy
Neolithic by McCarter, Susan
Neolithic by McCarter, Susan
Karanovo, Asagi Pinar und Toptepe: Lage, Architektur und materielle Kultur der Fundorte by Chiriaco, Marco
Die Wandmalereien von Thera (Santorini) by Herdemerten, Dirk
Israel's History and the History of Israel by Liverani, Mario
The Archaeology of Islands by Rainbird, Paul
The Archaeology of Islands by Rainbird, Paul
Thetis in der Schmiede des Hephaistos: Analyse röm. Kopien überlieferter griech. Bildthemen und Kompositionen by Heidel, Britta
Das Hephaisteion in Athen - standhaft programmatisch by Reid, Felix
Atlantis: The Antediluvian World by Donnelly, Ignatius
Deconstructing Olduvai: A Taphonomic Study of the Bed I Sites by Egeland, Charles P., Domínguez-Rodrigo, Manuel, Barba, Rebeca
Geheimnisvolles Lemnos: Die von Frauen beherrschte Insel by Pöllauer, Gerhard
LRCW 2 Late Roman Coarse Wares, Cooking Wares and Amphorae in the Mediterranean, Volume I by
LRCW 2 Late Roman Coarse Wares, Cooking Wares and Amphorae in the Mediterranean, Volume II by
La guerra de Corinto: Fuentes antiguas e historiografía moderna by Fornis, César
Women in Pre-Islamic Arabia: Nabataea by Ajwad Al-Fassi, Hatoon
On the Fringe of Society: Archaeological and Ethnoarchaeological Perspectives on Pastoral and Agricultural Societies by
Natural Resources and Cultural Connections of the Red Sea: Proceedings of Red Sea Project III Held in the British Museum October 2006 by
An Evolutionary Study of Some Archaeologically Significant Avian Taxa in the Quaternary of the Western Palaearctic by Stewart, John R.
Archaeological Investigations of a Later Prehistoric and a Romano-British Landscape at Tremough, Penryn, Cornwall by Gossip, James, Jones, Andy M.
Archaeofaunal remains from the past 4000 years in Sahelian West Africa: Domestic livestock subsistence strategies and environmental changes by Linseele, Veerle
The Norman Conquest: A Zooarchaeological Perspective by Sykes, Naomi Jane
Domesticación del bosque en el Cauca medio colombiano entre el Pleistoceno final y el Holoceno medio by Aceituno, Francisco Javier, Loaiza, Nicolás
On Shelter's Ledge: Histories Theories and Methods of Rockshelter Research / Prés du bord d'un abri: Les histories théories et méthodes de by
Materia Prima, Cerámica y Sociedad: La gestión de los recursos minerales para manufacturar cerámicas del 3100 al 1500 ANE en el noreste de la Penínsul by Clop García, Xavier
New Perspectives on Pottery Mound Pueblo by
Archaeology of the Iroquois: Selected Readings and Research Sources by
Britons in Anglo-Saxon England by
Gurudakshina: Facets of Indian Archaeology (Part II) by
The Early Mediterranean Village: Agency, Material Culture, and Social Change in Neolithic Italy by Robb, John
Making History in Banda: Anthropological Visions of Africa's Past by Stahl, Ann B.
Pompeii: Its Life And Art by Mau, August
The Parthenon an Essay on the Mode by Which Light Was Introduced Into Greek and Roman Temples by Fergusson, James
An Account Of The Sarcophagus Of Seti I, King Of Egypt, B.C. 1370 by Budge, E. a. Wallis
Babar by Lane-Poole, Stanley
The Indian and Antiquities of America 1897 by Shipp, Barnard
Scotland In Pagan Times: The Bronze And Stone Ages by Anderson, Joseph
Aurangzib, And The Decay Of The Mughal Empire by Lane-Poole, Stanley
Animal Figures In The Maya Codices by Tozzer, Alfred M., Allen, Glover M.
The Crescent and the Bull: A Survey of Archaeology in the Near East by Zehren, Erich
Cities in the Pre-Modern Islamic World: The Urban Impact of Religion, State and Society by
Mit Kunst Kommunizieren: Theorien, Strategien, Fallbeispiele by Lüddemann, Stefan
Ireland by Newman, Conor, Halpin, Andrew
Das Militär als Zivilisationsmacht: Die Traianssäule by Eckert, Martin
The Archaeology of the Caribbean by Wilson, Samuel M.
The Limits of Settlement Growth: A Theoretical Outline by Fletcher, Roland
Archaeology of the Caribbean by Wilson, Samuel M.
Palaeoepidemiology: The Measure of Disease in the Human Past by Waldron, Tony
The Mummy in Fact, Fiction and Film by Cowie, Susan D., Johnson, Tom
The British Lower Palaeolithic: Stones in Contention by McNabb, John
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