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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Archaeology in 2008

Les Rituels de Naissance Kizzuwatniens: Un Exemple de Rite de Passage En Anatolie Hittite by Mouton, A.
Les Archives de Dioscore d'Aphrodite Cent ANS Apres Leur Decouverte. Histoire Et Culture Dans l'Egypte Byzantine: Histoire Et Culture Dans l'Egypte By by
The Hohokam Millennium by
Women in Prehistory: Volume 4 by Ehrenberg, Margaret
Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum Volume XII, the Hunterian Museum, University of Glasgow: Part II, Roman and Provincial Coins: Cyprus-Egypt by
The Archaeology of Etruscan Society by Izzet, Vedia
A World History of Nineteenth-Century Archaeology: Nationalism, Colonialism, and the Past by Diaz-Andreu, Margarita
Egyptology Today by
Zooarchaeology by Wing, Elizabeth S., Reitz, Elizabeth Jean
Zooarchaeology by Reitz, Elizabeth Jean, Wing, Elizabeth S.
The Lost Legions: Culture Contact in Colonial Australia by Paterson, Alistair G.
Anglo-Saxon England by
Mapping Ancient Landscapes in Northamptonshire by Deegan, Alison, Foard, Glenn
The Archaeology of Ethnogenesis: Race and Sexuality in Colonial San Francisco by Voss, Barbara L.
Ethnographic Archaeologies: Reflections on Stakeholders and Archaeological Practices by
Andean Archaeology III: North and South by
Egyptian Mummies and Modern Science by
Knowing Things: Exploring the Collections at the Pitt Rivers Museum 1884-1945 by Gosden, Chris, Larson, Frances
Archaeological Investigations of Iron Age Sites in the Mema Region, Mali (West Africa) Bar Is1736 by Togola, Tereba
Cognitive Archaeology as Symbolic Archaeology Bar Is1737 by
Functional Analysis of Space in Syro-Hittite Architecture by Pucci, Marina
Soma 2005 by
L'introduction et la diffusion de la technologie du bronze en Syrie-Mésopotamie: Genèse d'un artisanat by Verardi, Virginia
The Organization of Production among Sedentary Foragers of the Southern Pacific Northwest Coast by McPherson Smith, Cameron
Reconocimiento arqueológico en el sureste del estado de Campeche, México: 1996-2005 by
Proceedings of the Eighth Annual Conference of the British Association for Biological Anthropology and Osteoarchaeology by
Socio-Economic Aspects of Chalcolithic (4500-3500 BC) Societies in the Southern Levant: A lithic perspective by Hermon, Sorin
The Aegean Bronze Age in relation to the Wider European Context by
Proceedings of the 4th Symposium of the Hellenic Society for Archaeometry: National Hellenic Research Foundation, Athens 28-31 May 2003 by
Chasser les chevaux à la fin du Paléolitique dans le Bassin parisien: Stratégie cynégétique et mode de vie au Magdalénien et à l'Azilien ancien by Bignon, Olivier
Mesolithic Europe by
Die Cubicula der Villa der Mysterien by Heidel, Britta
Paris And Her People Under The Third Republic (1919) by Vizetelly, Ernest Alfred
Archeology And False Antiquities (1905) by Munro, Robert
Edward III's Round Table at Windsor: The House of the Round Table and the Windsor Festival of 1344 by Barber, Richard, Brown, Richard, Munby, Julian
2007 by
The Taking and Displaying of Human Body Parts as Trophies by Amerindians by
A Neolithic and Bronze Age Landscape in Northamptonshire: Volume 1: The Raunds Area Project by Healy, Frances, Harding, Jan
Hot Pursuit: Integrating Anthropology in Search of Ancient Glass-blowers by Fischer, Alysia
Dame Kathleen Kenyon: Digging Up the Holy Land by Davis, Miriam C.
Eight Thousand Years of Maltese Maritime History: Trade, Piracy, and Naval Warfare in the Central Mediterranean by Atauz, Ayse Devrim
Ethics in Action: Case Studies in Archaeological Dilemmas by Colwell-Chanthaphonh, Chip, Hollowell, Julie, McGill, Dru
Past Meets Present: Archaeologists Partnering with Museum Curators, Teachers, and Community Groups by
People and Things: A Behavioral Approach to Material Culture by Schiffer, Michael Brian, Skibo, James M.
Maritime Archaeology: Australian Approaches by
Are All Warriors Male?: Gender Roles on the Ancient Eurasian Steppe by
El estudio arqueológico del proceso coevolutivo entre las poblaciones humanas y las poblaciones de guanaco en Patagonia Meridional y norte de Tierra d by L'Heureux, Gabriela Lorena
Les débuts du Paléolithique supérieur dans l'Est des Balkans: Réflexion à partir de l'étude taphonomique et techno-économique des ensembles lithiques by Tsanova, Tsenka
Prácticas alimentarias en el mundo ibérico by
Fish-Eating in Greece from the Fifth Century B.C. to the Seventh Century A.D.: A story of impoverished fishermen or luxurious fish banquets? by Mylona, Dimitra
Migdol: Ricerche su modelli di architettura militare di età ramesside (Medinet Habu) by Cavillier, Giacomo
Paleoindian Subsistence Dynamics on the Northwestern Great Plains: Zooarchaeology of the Agate Basin and Clary Ranch by Hill, Matthew G.
Folk Beliefs and Practice in Medieval Lives Bar Is1757 by
Hoards from the Neolithic to the Metal Ages: Technical and codified practices. by
Frauen und Römisches Militär: Beiträge eines Runden Tisches in Xanten vom 7. bis 9. Juli 2005 by
Rome and the Social Role of Élite Villas in its Suburbs by Adams, Geoff W.
Recent Advances in Palaeodemography: Data, Techniques, Patterns by
The Transition to Late Antiquity on the Danube and Beyond by
The First Writing: Script Invention as History and Process by
Antiquities under Siege: Cultural Heritage Protection after the Iraq War by
Antiquities under Siege: Cultural Heritage Protection after the Iraq War by
Quantitative Paleozoology by Lyman, R. Lee
Radiocarbon Dates: From Samples Funded by English Heritage Under the Aggregates Sustainability Fund 2004-7 by Bayliss, Alex, Cook, Gordon, Bronk Ramsey, Christopher
Bones and Ochre: The Curious Afterlife of the Red Lady of Paviland by Sommer, Marianne
Opening Archaeology: Repatriation's Impact on Contemporary Research and Practice by
Florida's People During the Last Ice Age by Purdy, Barbara A.
Archaeology as Political Action: Volume 17 by McGuire, Randall H.
Handbook of South American Archaeology by
Handbook of South American Archaeology by
Magnetometry for Archaeologists by Aspinall, Arnold, Gaffney, Chris, Schmidt, Armin
Mccary Fluted Point Survey of Virginia: Point 1 to 1055 by Hranicky, Wm Jack
Rulers, Warriors, Traders, Clerics: The Central Sahel and the North Sea, 800-1500 by Haour, Anne
Quantitative Paleozoology by Lyman, R. Lee
Kulturmanagement Der Zukunft: Perspektiven Aus Theorie Und PRAXIS by
Apocalypse: Earthquakes, Archaeology, and the Wrath of God by Burgess, Dawn, Nur, Amos
A Social Archaeology of Households in Neolithic Greece: An Anthropological Approach by Souvatzi, Stella G.
Graphical Markers and Megalith Builders in the International Tagus, Iberian Peninsula Bar Is1765 by
The Materiality of Death: Bodies, Burials, Beliefs by
Ayios Dhimitrios: A Prehistoric Settlement in the Southwestern Peloponnese. The Neolithic and Early Helladic Periods by Zachos, Konstantinos
Caesarea Maritima, the Late Periods (700 - 1291 CE) by Arnon, Yael D.
Place as Occupational Histories: An investigation of the deflated surface archaeological record of Pine Point and Langwell Stations, Western New South by Shiner, Justin
Du couteau au sabre / From Knife to Sabre: Armes traditionnelles d'Afrique 2 / Traditional Arms of Africa 2 by Arbousse Bastide, Tristan
Une anthropologie des manifestations esthétiques du Mésolithique européen de la fin du Tardiglaciaire et durant le Postglaciaire by Bouvry, Florence
La ceramica eoliana della facies del Milazzese by Alberti, Gianmarco
La investigación de la actividad metalúrgica durante el III milenio A.N.E. en el Suroeste de la Península Ibérica: La arqueometalurgia y la aplicación by Rodríguez Bayona, Moisés
Pottery and Practice: The Expression of Identity at Pottery Mound and Hummingbird Pueblo by Eckert, Suzanne L.
The Crimsoned Hills of Onondaga: Romantic Antiquarians and the Euro-American Invention of Native American Prehistory by Sloan, De Villo
Archaeological Chemistry by Pollard, A. Mark, Heron, Carl
E-Learning Methodologies and Computer Applications in Archaeology by
Bulletin of the Egyptian Museum: Volume 3 by Supreme Council of Antiquities
Discourse and Practice: New Tools for Critical Analysis by Leeuwen, Theo Van, Van Leeuwen, Theo
Oxford Studies in Sociolinguistics by Van Leeuwen, Theo, Leeuwen, Theo Van
The Bioarchaeology of Tuberculosis: A Global View on a Reemerging Disease by Roberts, Charlotte, Buikstra, Jane
Die Rezeption der oberbergischen Geschichte und Archäologie in der Heimatliteratur: Eine Literaturanalyse zwischen Altsteinzeit und Frühmittelalter by Galk, Andreas
Ancient Tiwanaku by Janusek, John Wayne
Ancient Tiwanaku by Janusek, John Wayne
Estate Landscapes: Design, Improvement and Power in the Post-Medieval Landscape by
Prehistoric and Protohistoric Cyprus: Identity, Insularity, and Connectivity by Knapp, A. Bernard
Two Decades of Discovery by
Gender Through Time in the Ancient Near East by
Nekropolen von Pompeji - Die Grabbauten vor dem Herkulaner Tor by Nagel, Jens
Dinoi und Stamnoi - Definitionen und Merkmale: Ein kurzer Überblick by Rinner, Markus
Die jüngere Steinzeit auf Bornholm by Pedersen, Hilthart
Feuchtbodensiedlungen in Schleswig-Holstein am Beispiel der Feuchtbodensiedlungen am Heidmoor und des Oldenburger Grabens by Pedersen, Hilthart
Image and Response in Early Europe by Wells, Peter S.
A Space of Their Own: The Archaeology of Nineteenth Century Lunatic Asylums in Britain, South Australia and Tasmania by
Archives, Ancestors, Practices: Archaeology in the Light of its History by
Aztec City-State Capitals by Smith, Michael E.
The Bread Winners: A Social Study (1883) by Hay, John
A History of England: Political, Military and Social; From the Earliest Times to the Present (1882) by Lossing, Benson John
South America On The Eve Of Emancipation (1908) by Moses, Bernard
Life in Elizabethan Days: A Picture of a Typical English Community at the End of the Sixteenth Century by Davis, William Stearns
Kinishba: A Prehistoric Pueblo of the Great Pueblo Period by Cummings, Byron
Curious Byways Of Anthropology: Sexual Savage And Esoteric Customs Of Primitive Peoples by Reclus, Elisee
Darwin's Legacy: Scenarios in Human Evolution by Jaffe, Karin Enstam, Parker, Sue Taylor
Darwin's Legacy: Scenarios in Human Evolution by Parker, Sue Taylor, Jaffe, Karin Enstam
Portal Tombs in the Landscape: The Chronology, Morphology and Landscape Setting of the Portal Tombs of Ireland, Wales and Cornwall [With CDROM] by Kytmannow, Tatjana
Antiquarians and Archaeology in Nineteenth-Century Cork by Rockley, Joan
Digging for Dollars: American Archaeology and the New Deal by Fagette, Paul
God's Gold: A Quest for the Lost Temple Treasures of Jerusalem by Kingsley, Sean
Ethnogenese und Kulturwandel - Der Versuch einer Begriffsklärung by Galk, Andreas
The First Africans: African Archaeology from the Earliest Tool Makers to Most Recent Foragers by Mitchell, Peter, Barham, Lawrence
The First Africans: African Archaeology from the Earliest Toolmakers to Most Recent Foragers by Barham, Lawrence, Mitchell, Peter
Dress Accessories, C. 1150- C. 1450 by Pritchard, Frances, Egan, Geoff
Knives and Scabbards by Griffiths, N., Neergaard, M. de, Cowgill, J.
Archeological Investigations (1922) by Fowke, Gerard
A Refutation; Of An Article In The Edinburgh Review, No. 102, Entitled Sadler's Law Of Population, And Disproof Of Human Superfecundity (1830) by Sadler, Michael Thomas
Babylonians And Assyrians: Life And Customs (1899) by Sayce, Archibald Henry
Annals And Antiquities Of Dryburgh, And Other Places On The Tweed (1836) by Erskine, David
An Analysis Of The Domesday Book Of The County Of Norfolk (1858) by Munford, George
A History Of The County Dublin, Part 4: The People, Parishes, And Antiquities, From The Earliest Times To The Close Of The Eighteenth Century (1906) by Ball, Francis Elrington
An Essay On The Study Of Antiquities (1782) by Burgess, Thomas
A Historical Account Of St. Monance, Fife-Shire, Ancient And Modern, Interspersed With A Variety Of Tales: Incidental, Legendary And Traditional (1844 by Jack, John
Assyrian Antiquities: Guide To The Kouyunjik Gallery (1883) by Birch, S.
A Sketch Of The Agriculture And Peasantry Of Eastern Russia (1878) by Roth, Henry Ling
An Inquiry Into The Extent And Causes Of Juvenile Depravity (1849) by Beggs, Thomas
Anti-Bacchus: An Essay On Crimes, Diseases, And Other Evils, Connected With The Use Of Intoxicating Drinks (1840) by Parsons, Benjamin
A Walk Through Southampton: Including A Survey Of Its Antiquities (1841) by Englefield, Henry Charles
Every Day Life In The Colonies (1905) by Fickett, Mary Grace, Stone, Gertrude Lincoln
English Rule In Gascony, 1199-1295: With Special References To The Towns (1912) by Marsh, Frank Burr
A Short History Of The Ancient Israelites: With An Account Of Their Manners, Customs, Laws, Polity, Religion, Sects, Arts, And Trades (1802) by Fleury, Claude, Lamy, Bernard
Archaeology And False Antiquities (1908) by Munro, Robert
Archeological Essays V1 (1872) by Simpson, James Young
Brittany And Its Byways: Some Account Of Its Inhabitants And Its Antiquities, During A Residence In That Country (1869) by Palliser, Fanny Bury
England In The Days Of Old (1897) by Andrews, William
Adolphe Renouard: Or Peasant Life And Political Clubs, In France (1852) by Ward, James
Ancient Laws And Customs Of The Burghs Of Scotland V1: A.D. 1124-1424 (1868) by Innes, C.
Greece And The Greeks: Or A Historic Sketch Of Attic Life And Manners (1881) by Talbot, Thomas
England's Yeomen: From Life In The Nineteenth Century (1861) by Charlesworth, Maria Louisa
Canadian Types Of The Old Regime: 1608-1698 (1908) by Colby, Charles William
Bacchus: An Essay On The Nature, Causes, Effects And Cure Of Intemperance (1843) by Grindrod, Ralph Barnes
Forward Movements Of The Last Half Century (1900) by Pierson, Arthur Tappan
Chronicles And Stories Of Old Bingley: A Full Account Of The History, Antiquities, Natural Productions, Scenery, Customs And Folklore Of The Ancient T by Speight, Harry
Greek Art And National Life (1914) by Smith, Solomon Charles Kaines
Antiquities Of Long Island (1874) by Furman, Gabriel
Antiquities Of The Inns Of Court And Chancery (1804) by Herbert, William
A Tour Through Italy V1: Exhibiting A View Of Its Scenery, Its Antiquities, And Its Monuments (1813) by Eustace, John Chetwode
A Manual Of Biblical Antiquities (1836) by Jahn, John
England Without And Within (1881) by White, Richard Grant
Cyprus, Its Ancient Cities, Tombs, And Temples: A Narrative Of Researches And Excavations, During Ten Years' Residence As American Consul In That Isla by Cesnola, Louis Palma Di
An Account Of The Customs And Manners Of The Micmakis And Maricheets Savage Nations (1758) by Maillard, Antoine Simon
An Exploration Of Dartmoor And Its Antiquities: With Some Account Of Its Borders (1892) by Page, John Lloyd Warden
Ashkelon 2: Imported Pottery of the Roman and Late Roman Periods by Johnson, Barbara L.
Islands of Inquiry: Colonisation, seafaring and the archaeology of maritime landscapes by
American Industrial Archaeology: A Field Guide by McVarish, Douglas C.
Memory Work: Archaeologies of Material Practices by
Mockeries and Metamorphoses of an Aztec God: Tezcatlipoca, "Lord of the Smoking Mirror" by Olivier, Guilhem
Archaeologies of Art: Time, Place, and Identity by
Die Aunjetitzer Kultur - Eine Kultur der Bronzezeit vor etwa 2300 bis 1600/1500 v. Chr. by Probst, Ernst
Classical Olbia and the Scythian World: From the Sixth Century BC to the Second Century AD by
Essays in Classical Archaeology for Eleni Hatzivassiliou by
Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum, Volume V, Ashmolean Museum, Oxford. Part IX, Bosporus-Aeolis by
Current Research in Sasanian Archaeology, Art and History: Proceedings of a Conference held at Durham University, November 3rd and 4th, 2001. by
Stable Isotopic Analysis of Carbon and Nitrogen as an Indicator of Paleodietary Change among Pre-State Metal Age Societies in Northeast Thailand by King, Christopher A.
Holocene Morphogenesis and Anthropisation of a Semi-Arid Watershed, Gialias River, Cyprus Bar Is1775 by Devillers, Benoît
La Péninsule d'Oman de la fin de l'Age du Fer au début de la période sassanide (250 av. - 350 ap. JC) by Mouton, Michel
Craft Production in the Western Zhou Dynasty (1046-771BC): A case study of a jue-earrings workshop at the predynastic capital site, Zhouyuan, China by Sun, Zhouyong
El hábitat fenicio-púnico de Cádiz en el entorno de la Bahía by Muñoz, Raquel Rodríguez
Etude iconographique des sculptures du nord de la péninsule du Yucatán à l'époque classique by Patrois, Julie
The History of Early Medieval Towns of North and Central Italy: The contribution of archaeological evidence by Gonella, Giacomo
Beyond the Palace: Mycenaean East Lokris by Kramer-Hajos, Margaretha
New Perspectives on the Ancient World: Modern perceptions, ancient representations by
'Prehistoric Technology' 40 years later: Functional Studies and the Russian Legacy [With CD (Audio)] by
Caesarea Reports and Studies: Excavations 1995-2007 within the Old City and the Ancient Harbor by
Fluvial Dynamics and Cultural Landscape Evolution in the Rio Grande de Nazca Drainage Basin, Southern Peru by Hesse, Ralf
Recherches à la grotte Walou à Trooz (Belgique) / Studies in Walou Cave in Trooz (Belgium): Second rapport de fouille / Second excavation report by Crevecoeur, I., Francis, A.
Arqueología e Historia del mundo antiguo: contribuciones brasileñas y españolas by
Burning Bulls, Broken Bones: Sacrificial Ritual in the Context of Palace Period Minoan Religion by Cromarty, Robert James
Symbolism in Rock Art Bar Is1793 by
Moving Heaven and Earth: Landscape, Death and Memory in the Aceramic Neolithic of Cyprus by Jones, Paula Louise
La arquitectura sagrada ibérica: orígenes, desarrollos y contextos by Bermejo Tirado, Jesús
Time to Quarry Bar Is1801 Ay Trudy Doelman by Doelman, Trudy
Canoes of the Grand Ocean by
POCA 2005. Postgraduate Cypriot Archaeology by
Pleistocene Palaeoart of the World: Volume 19, Session C80 by
Beyond Illustration: 2D and 3D Digital Technologies as Tools for Discovery in Archaeology by
Volume II. The Bronze Age and Early Iron Age in the Margiana Lowlands: Facts and methodological proposals for a redefinition of the research strategie by
Charcoals From the Past: Cultural and Palaeoenvironmental Implications by
Étude de la polychromie des reliefs sur terre crue de la Huaca de la Luna Trujillo, Pérou by Wright, Véronique
Dance, Dancers and the Performance Cohort in the Old Kingdom Bar Is1809 by Kinney, Lesley
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