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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Archaeology in 2011

La Decoration Des Pylones Ptolemaiques d'Edfou Et de Philae. Etude Comparative: Etude Comparative by Martzolff, L.
Hillforts of the Ancient Andes: Colla Warfare, Society, and Landscape by Arkush, Elizabeth N.
Hillforts of the Ancient Andes: Colla Warfare, Society, and Landscape by Arkush, Elizabeth N.
Everyday Writing in the Graeco-Roman East: Volume 69 by Bagnall, Roger S.
Die kultische Organisation in urbanen Gebieten des hethitischen Reichs: Eine Untersuchung anhand der Ambazzi-Texte CTH 391, CTH 429 und CTH 463 des 14 by Papailiou, Lena
Atlantis: the antediluvian world ... Illustrated. by Donnelly, Ignatius
Across the Pacific: From Ancient Asia to Precolombian America by Lemoy, Christian
The Scientific Study of Mummies by Aufderheide, Arthur C.
Scythians and Greeks by Minns, Ellis Hovell
Visualizing the Sacred: Cosmic Visions, Regionalism, and the Art of the Mississippian World by
Sacred Games, Death, and Renewal in the Ancient Eastern Woodlands: The Ohio Hopewell System of Cult Sodality Heterarchies by Byers, A. Martin
Death by Theory: A Tale of Mystery and Archaeological Theory by Praetzellis, Adrian
Death by Theory: A Tale of Mystery and Archaeological Theory by Praetzellis, Adrian
Polynesians in America: Pre-Columbian Contacts with the New World by
Travel and Geography in the Roman Empire by
Resurrecting Pompeii by Lazer, Estelle
Women of Babylon: Gender and Representation in Mesopotamia by Bahrani, Zainab
Secrets from the Sand: My Search for Egypt's Past: New Paperback Edition by Hawass, Zahi
An Introduction to Greek Epigraphy 2 Volume Set by
Field Archaeology: An Introduction by Drewett, Peter
Boeotian Landscapes: A GIS-based study for the reconstruction and interpretation of the archaeological datasets of ancient Boeotia [With CDROM] by Farinetti, Emeri
Food, Fire and Fragrance: A Paleoethnobotanical Perspective on Classic Maya Cave Rituals by Morehart, Christopher T.
The Excavations of Khirbet er-Rasm, Israel: The changing faces of the countryside by Faust, Avraham, Erlich, Adi
The First Neolithic Sites in Central/South-East European Transect Vol II: Early Neolithic (Starcevo-Cris) Sites on the Territory of Romania by
Les terres cuites architecturales des églises du haut Moyen Age dans le nord-ouest de la France et le sud-est de l'Angleterre: Application de la datat by Blain, Sophie
El arte parietal en monumentos megalíticos del Noroeste Ibérico: Valoración, diagnóstico, conservación by Carrera Ramírez, Fernando
Sites and Pots: Settlement and Economy in Southern Tuscany (AD 300-900) by Vaccaro, Emanuele
Archaeological Ceramics: A Review of Current Research by
Understanding the Past: A Matter of Surface-Area by
Mortuary and Religious Sites by
Revealing Landscapes by
Die Königsgräber von Byblos und Qatna im Vergleich by Gosslar, Anna
Studies in Early Anglo-Saxon Art and Archaeology: Papers in Honour of Martin G. Welch by
The Seneca Restoration, 1715-1754: An Iroquois Local Political Economy by Jordan, Kurt A.
Neanderthal Lifeways, Subsistence and Technology: One Hundred Fifty Years of Neanderthal Study by
From Foraging to Farming in the Andes by
The Fish-Tailed Monster in Greek and Etruscan Art by Shepard, Katharine
Structure and Cognition in Art by Washburn, Dorothy K.
Proceedings of the 37th International Symposium on Archaeometry, 12th-16th May 2008, Siena, Italy by
Standorteigenschaften von Wallanlagen im mittleren Orkhontal (Zentralmongolei) by Michel, Christina
The Transition to Statehood in the New World by Grant D., Jones, Robert R., Kautz, Jones, Grant D.
The Care of Ancient Monuments: An Account of Legislative and Other Measures Adopted in European Countries for Protecting Ancient Monuments, Objects a by Brown, G. Baldwin
The Excavations in Assyria and Babylonia by
Aramaic Incantation Texts from Nippur by Montgomery, James Alan
A Glimpse at Guatemala, and Some Notes on the Ancient Monuments of Central America by Anne Cary, Maudslay, Alfred Percival, Maudslay, Maudslay, Anne Cary
Exploring Ancient Skies: A Survey of Ancient and Cultural Astronomy by Kelley, David H., Milone, Eugene F.
The Plurality of Power: An Archaeology of Industrial Capitalism by Cowie, Sarah
The Miseries of Enforced Marriage ... 1607. by Wilkins, George
A History of Discoveries at Halicarnassus, Cnidus and Branchidae 2 Volume Set by Newton, Charles Thomas, Pullan, Richard Popplewell
A History of Discoveries at Halicarnassus, Cnidus and Branchidae - Volume 2,2 by Newton, Charles Thomas, Pullan, Richard Popplewell
A History of Discoveries at Halicarnassus, Cnidus and Branchidae - Volume 2,1 by Newton, Charles Thomas, Pullan, Richard Popplewell
Biomolecular Archaeology: An Introduction by Brown, T. A., Brown, Keri
Early Art Of The Northern Far East: The Stone Age by National Park Service, U. S. Department of the Interior
Mesoamerican Figurines: Small-Scale Indices of Large-Scale Social Phenomena by
Palynologie - Grundlagen, Arbeitsmethoden und Auswertung by Klumpp, Simone
The Oldest Irish Tradition: A Window on the Iron Age by Jackson, Kenneth Hurlstone
Ancient Road Networks and Settlement Hierarchies in the New World by
International Handbook of Historical Archaeology by
Archaeology, Society and Identity in Modern Japan by Mizoguchi, Koji
The Political Economy of Craft Production: Crafting Empire in South India, C.1350 1650 by Sinopoli, Carla M.
Inventing Africa: History, Archaeology and Ideas by Derricourt, Robin
Der frühkeltische Fürstensitz Hohenasperg: Unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Fürstengräber und Flachlandsiedlungen by Feth, Werner
Roman Pottery in the Archaeological Record by Pena, J. Theodore
The Meanings of Things: Material Culture and Symbolic Expression by
Petroglyphs (Rock Carvings) in the Susquehanna River near Safe Harbor, Pennsylvania by Cadzow, Donald
North Sea Archaeologies: A Maritime Biography, 10,000 BC - AD 1500 by Van de Noort, Robert
The Miseries of Enforced Marriage 1607. by Wilkins, George
Pilgrimage and Household in the Ancient Near East by McCorriston, Joy
Ancestral Appetites by Gremillion, Kristen J.
Artefacts in Roman Britain by
Ancestral Appetites: Food in Prehistory by Gremillion, Kristen J.
Egypt in its African Context by
The Archaeology of the Hellenistic Far East: A Survey by Mairs, Rachel
Archaeology and Anthropology of Salt: A Diachronic Approach by
The Funerary Landscape at Knossos: A diachronic study of Minoan burial customs with special reference to the warrior graves by Miller, Madelaine
Continuity and Discontinuity in the Peopling of Europe: One Hundred Fifty Years of Neanderthal Study by
Untersuchungen zur schiffsgestützten Grenzsicherung auf der spätantiken Donau (3. - 6. Jh. n.Chr.) by Himmler, Florian
La Antigüedad Tardía en el Alto Valle del Duero by Dohijo, Eusebio
Soma 2009 by
B'aakal: Arqueología de la Región de Palenque, Chiapas, México: Temporadas 1996-2006 by
Wijster - Eine Siedlung in den heutigen Niederlanden von 150 n.Chr. bis 430 n.Chr. by Steffes, Lars
Schlangendarstellungen in Mesopotamien und Iran vom 8. bis 2. Jt. v. Chr.: Quellen, Deutungen und kulturübergreifender Vergleich by Kahler, Birgit
Artefacts in Roman Britain by
Human Impacts on Seals, Sea Lions, and Sea Otters: Integrating Archaeology and Ecology in the Northeast Pacific by
A Journey from Madras through the Countries of Mysore, Canara and Malabar, vol. II by Buchanan, Francis
Narrative of the Operations and Recent Discoveries Within the Pyramids, Temples, Tombs, and Excavations, in Egypt and Nubia ... Vol. II. Third Edition by Belzoni, Giovanni
Journal of a Tour in Asia Minor; With Comparative Remarks on the Ancient and Modern Geography of That Country, Etc. by Leake, William Martin
Late Roman Towns in Britain: Rethinking Change and Decline by Rogers, Adam
Pilgrimage and Household in the Ancient Near East by McCorriston, Joy
Forgotten Origin by Strong, Steven, Strong, Evan
Space and Sculpture in the Classic Maya City by Parmington, Alexander
Ancient Andean Political Economy by Stanish, Charles
St. Catherines: An Island in Time by Thomas, David Hurst
The Bioarchaeology of the Human Head: Decapitation, Decoration, and Deformation by
Being and Becoming Indigenous Archaeologists by
Nicopolis d'Epiro: Nuovi studi sulla zecca e sulla produzione monetale by Calomino, Dario
Images of Woman and Child from the Bronze Age by Budin, Stephanie Lynn
Living with Herds by Fijn, Natasha
The Cultural Landscapes of Port Au Choix: Precontact Hunter-Gatherers of Northwestern Newfoundland by
Comparative Archaeologies: A Sociological View of the Science of the Past by
The Roman Temple Complex at Horvat Omrit: An Interim Report by
Pottery Production, Distribution and Consumption in Early Minoan West Crete: An analytical perspective by Nodarou, Eleni
Rethinking the Indus: A comparative re-evaluation of the Indus Civilisation as an alternative paradigm in the organisation and structure of by Cork, Edward
A Study through Skull Morphology on the Diversity of Holocene African Populations in a Historical Perspective by Ribot, Isabelle
The Technological Study of Books and Manuscripts as Artefacts: Research questions and analytical solutions by
From Nabataea to Roman Arabia: Acquisition or Conquest? by Mutlaq Al-Otaibi, Fahad
Instrumental de hierro de época romana y de la Antigüedad Tardía en el N.E. de la Península Ibérica by Nolla, Josep M., Casas, Josep
Archaeology, Art and Ethnography of Bronzes of Nepal by Malla, Mala
The Neolithic Revolution in the Near East: Transforming the Human Landscape by Simmons, Alan H.
Greek Archaeology: A Thematic Approach by Mee, Christopher
The Great Basin: A Natural Prehistory by Grayson, Donald
I Fort the Lore (An Anthology of Fortean Writings by Paul Screeton) by Screeton, Paul
The Archaeology of Market Capitalism: A Western Australian Perspective by Nayton, Gaye
Europe Between the Oceans: 9000 BC-AD 1000 by Cunliffe, Barry
Iron Age Myth and Materiality: An Archaeology of Scandinavia AD 400-1000 by Hedeager, Lotte
A Picture Book of Ancient British Art by Daniel, Glyn E., Piggott, Stuart, Piggott
Archaeology and the Social History of Ships, 2nd Edition by Gould, Richard A.
Archaeology and the Social History of Ships, 2nd Edition by Gould, Richard A.
Traditions of de-Coo-Dah, and Antiquarian Researches: Comprising Extensive Explorations of the Earthen Remains of the Mound Builders in America; The T by Pidgeon, William
Whiptail Ruin (AZ Bb:10:3 [Asm]): A Classic Period Community in the Northeastern Tucson Basin by Gregonis, Linda M., Hartmann, Gayle Harrison
The Hardy Site at Fort Lowell Park, Tucson, Arizona: Revised Edition by Gregonis, Linda M.
Man Bac: The Excavation of a Neolithic Site in Northern Vietnam by
The Prehistory of the Marsh Station Road Site (AZ Ee:2:44 [Asm]), Cienega Creek, Southeastern Arizona by
The Scioto Hopewell and Their Neighbors: Bioarchaeological Documentation and Cultural Understanding by Case, Daniel Troy, Carr, Christopher
A New Fragment Of Xenocrates And Its Implications: Transactions Of The American Philosophical Society V51, Part 2, 1961 by Pines, Shlomo
Rocks, Riddles and Mysteries: Folk Art, Inscriptions and Other Stories in Stone by Lenik, Edward J.
Cultural Memories: The Geographical Point of View by
From the Origins: The Origins. the Prehistory of the Inner Tagus Region by
Archaeology Soil- and Life-Sciences Applied to Enclosures and Fields by
Cruelty and Sentimentality. Beazley Archive, University of Oxford, Studies in Classical Archaeology, PT. 5: Greek Attitudes to Animals, 600-300 BC by Calder, Louise
Obsidians in the Valley of the Volcanoes, Peru by Wasilewski, Michal
Archeologia del Rifugio Antiaereo: Utilizzo Di Opere Ipogee Antiche E Moderne Per La Protezione Dei Civili by
Arqueología durante la Transición Pleistoceno-Holoceno en Uruguay: Componentes Paleoindios, Organización de la Tecnología Lítica y Movilidad de los Pr by Suárez, Rafael
Miscellania by
Museum Gallery Interpretation and Material Culture by
Cultural Heritage, Ethics, and the Military by
The Medieval Horse and Its Equipment, c.1150-c.1450 by
The Suppressed History of America: The Murder of Meriwether Lewis and the Mysterious Discoveries of the Lewis and Clark Expedition by Schrag, Paul, Haze, Xaviant
The Beauties of England and Wales. Vol. XII, Part II by Britton, John, Bigland, John Braley, Wedlake, Edward
Scotland in Pagan Times by Anderson, Joseph
Studio Critico Sulle Iscrizioni Cristiane Di Siracusa by Strazzula, Vincenzo
Pagan and Christian by Petts, David
Trekking the Shore: Changing Coastlines and the Antiquity of Coastal Settlement by
The Archaeology of Maritime Landscapes by
Literary and Epigraphical Testimonia: The Athenian Agora V3 by Wycherley, R. E.
Ancient Egyptian Technology and Innovation by Shaw, Ian
The Material Culture of Daily Living in the Anglo-Saxon World by
Holistic Anthropology: Emergence and Convergence by
Diary of the Marches of the Royal Army During the Great Civil War; Kept by Richard Symonds by Long, Charles Edward
Marketing and Public Relations for Museums, Galleries, Cultural and Heritage Attractions by Runyard, Sue, French, Ylva
Encyclopedic Dictionary of Archaeology by Kipfer, Barbara Ann
Holocene Settlement of the Egyptian Sahara: Volume 2: The Pottery of Nabta Playa by Nelson, Kit
A Journey from Madras Through the Countries of Mysore, Canara, and Malabar by Buchanan, Francis
A Journey from Madras Through the Countries of Mysore, Canara, and Malabar by Buchanan, Francis
A Journey from Madras Through the Countries of Mysore, Canara, and Malabar by Buchanan, Francis
The Sky-Religion in Egypt: Its Antiquity and Effects by Wainwright, G. A.
Origins of the Ñuu: Archaeology in the Mixteca Alta, Mexico by
Religion and Ritual in Ancient Egypt by Teeter, Emily
Religion and Ritual in Ancient Egypt by Teeter, Emily
Five Sites in Cambridgeshire: Excavations at Woodhurst, Fordham, Soham, Buckden and St Neots, 1998-2002 by Martin-Bacon, Helen, Nichol, Kirsty, Cuttler, Richard
Protohistoire de l'oasis d'al-Aïn, Travaux de la Mission archéologique française à Abou Dhabi (Emirats arabes unis): Les sépultures de l'âge du Bronze by
Horus' Eye and Osiris' Efflux: The Egyptian Civilisation of Inundation c. 3000-2000 BCE by Oestigaard, Terje
Maya Civilization at the Millennium: A Reseach Guide by Weeks, John M.
Jebel Bishri in Focus: Remote sensing, archaeological surveying, mapping and GIS studies of Jebel Bishri in central Syria by the Finnish proj by Törmä, Markus, Lönnqvist, Kenneth, Lönnqvist, Minna
'Northeton .. a praty uplandyshe towne ..': Building Recording, Excavation and Documentary Research in King's Norton, Birmingham, 2005-2007 by Price, Stephen, Hislop, Malcolm, Demidowicz, George
Man Corn: Cannibalism and Violence in the Prehistoric American Southwest by Turner, Christy G.
Investigating Archaeological Cultures: Material Culture, Variability, and Transmission by
Defensive Architecture and the Depopulation of the Mesa Verde Region: Utah-Colorado in the Thirteenth Century A.D. by Palonka, Radoslaw
The Cliff Ruins of Canyon de Chelly, Arizona - with original illustrations and index - Sixteenth Annual Report of the Bureau of Ethnology to the Secre by Mindeleff, Cosmos
Unpacking the Collection: Networks of Material and Social Agency in the Museum by
Archaeologies of Internment by
Heritage, Labour and the Working Classes by
Fortetsa: Early Greek Tombs Near Knossos by Brock, J. K.
The Sophismata of Richard Kilvington: Introduction, Translation, and Commentary by Kilvington, Richard
The Archaeology of Etruscan Society by Izzet, Vedia
The Fall of the Western Roman Empire: Archaeology, History and the Decline of Rome by Christie, Neil
The Sotadic Zone by Burton, Richard Francis
Styling Romanisation: Pottery and Society in Central Italy by Roth, Roman
Mariners and Merchants: A Study of the Ceramics from Sanjan (Gujarat) by Nanji, Rukshana J.
Winding Dali's Clock: The Construction of a Fuzzy Temporal GIS for Archaeology by Green, Christopher Thomas
Roman Birmingham 3: Excavations at Metchley Roman Fort 1999-2001 and 2004-2005. Western settlement, the livestock complex and the western by Jones, Alex
Investigating Animal Burials: Ritual, mundane and beyond by Morris, James
The Hulks of Forton Lake Gosport: The Forton Lake Archaeology Project 2006-2009 by Satchell, Julie, Beattie-Edwards, Mark
Daily Activities, Diet and Resource Use at Neolithic Çatalhöyük: Microstratigraphic and biomolecular evidence from middens by Shillito, Lisa-Marie
Análisis de la producción y distribución de la cerámica leonesa durante la Edad Media by Martínez Peñín, Raquel
Prehistoric Wiltshire: An Illustrated Guide by Clarke, Bob
A Millennium of Cultural Contact by Paterson, Alistair
Atti del 4° Convegno Nazionale di Etnoarcheologia, Roma, 17-19 maggio 2006 by
Life and Industry in the Suburbs of Roman Worcester by
Water Management: The Use of Stars in Oman by Nash, Harriet
Un Estilo Y Su Epoca: El Caso de la Ceramica Famabalasto Negro Grabado del Noroeste Argentino by Palamarczuk, Valeria
Fenicios en Tartesos: nuevas perspectivas by
Pontika 2008: Recent Research on the Northern and Eastern Black Sea in Ancient Times by
The Roman Empire and Beyond: Archaeological and Historical Research on the Romans and Native Cultures in Central Europe by
Ethnoarchaeological Perspectives of Prehistoric Settlement Patterns of South-Central Ganga Valley by Ansari, Shahida
Kurgan Studies by
La producción de instrumental lítico en Tiwanaku / Stone Tool Production in the Tiwanaku Heartland: El impacto del surgimiento y expansión del estado by Giesso, Martín
Objects in Motion: The Circulation of Religion and Sacred Objects in the Late Antique and Byzantine World by
Salt Production and Social Hierarchy in Ancient China by Flad, Rowan K.
Surveyors of the Fabric of Westminster Abbey, 1827-1906: Reports and Letters by
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