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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Archaeology in 2013

The Egyptian Sudan (in Two Volumes), Vol.II: Its History and Monuments by Wallis Budge, Ernest a.
The Egyptian Sudan (in Two Volumes), Vol.I: Its History and Monuments by Wallis Budge, Ernest a.
Salt Production, Distribution and Use in the British Iron Age by Kinory, Janice
The Egyptian Sudan (in Two Volumes), Vol.I: Its History and Monuments by Wallis Budge, Ernest a.
The Egyptian Sudan (in Two Volumes), Vol.II: Its History and Monuments by Wallis Budge, Ernest a.
Gold and Gold Mining in Ancient Egypt and Nubia: Geoarchaeology of the Ancient Gold Mining Sites in the Egyptian and Sudanese Eastern Deserts by Klemm, Rosemarie, Klemm, Dietrich
The Archaeology of Interdependence: European Involvement in the Development of a Sovereign United States by Comer, Douglas C.
The Origins of the World's Mythologies by Witzel, Michael, Witzel, E. J. Michael
Ancient Monuments in the United States by Squier, E. G.
Aksum and Nubia: Warfare, Commerce, and Political Fictions in Ancient Northeast Africa by Hatke, George
The Archaeology of La Calsada: A Rockshelter in the Sierra Madre Oriental, Mexico by Nance, C. Roger
Ancient Maya Pottery: Classification, Analysis, and Interpretation by
Mapping Archaeological Landscapes from Space by Harrower, Michael J., Comer, Douglas C.
Europe Before Rome: A Site-By-Site Tour of the Stone, Bronze, and Iron Ages by Price, T. Douglas
Oxford Handbook of the State in the Ancient Near East and Mediterranean by
Contesti ceramici dai Fori Imperiali by
Comparative Archaeology and Paleoclimatology: Socio-cultural responses to a changing world by
Le Gravettien final de l'abri Pataud (Dordogne, France): Fouilles et études 2005-2009 by
Φιλική Συναυλία: Studies in Mediterranean Archaeology for Mario Benzi by
El catálogo de las naves de Occidente by García Cardiel, Jorge
Computer-Generated 3D-Visualisations in Archaeology: Between added value and deception [With CDROM] by Wittur, Joyce
Cultural Behaviour or Natural Processes? A Review of Southern Britain Iron Age Skeletal Remains by Tracey, Justine
The Use of GIS in Determining the Role of Visibility in the Siting of Early Anglo-Norman Stone Castles in Ireland by McManama-Kearin, Lisa Karen
Prehistoric Human Bone: Archaeology at the Molecular Level by
The Victoria History of the County of Worcester by Doubleday, H. Arthur
Rural Landscapes of the Punic World by Lachter, Hartley
Cultural Evolution: Contemporary Viewpoints by
Ancient Central China: Centers and Peripheries Along the Yangzi River by Chen, Pochan, Flad, Rowan K.
Ancient Central China by Chen, Pochan, Flad, Rowan K.
An Archaeological Survey Of Gibson County, Indiana by Dragoo, Don W.
A Foundation For The Dating Of Some Late Archaeological Sites In The Rio Grande Area, New Mexico by Smiley, Terah L., Stubbs, Stanley A., Bannister, Bryant
Archaeological Material from the Village Site at Hot Springs, Port Moller, Alaska by Weyer, Edward Moffat, Jr.
Myth, Ritual, and the Warrior in Roman and Indo-European Antiquity by Woodard, Roger D.
At Home in the World: A Study in Psychoanalysis, Religion, and Art by Capps, Donald
Commerce and Colonization in the Ancient Near East by Aubet, Maria Eugenia
Hunter-Gatherer Archaeology as Historical Process by
North American Indigenous Warfare and Ritual Violence by
The Hughes Farm Site, 46-0h-9, Ohio County, West Virginia by Dunnell, Robert C.
Tales of Gotham, Historical Archaeology, Ethnohistory and Microhistory of New York City by
Archaeological Overview and Assessment Bunker Hill Monument by Heitert, Kristen
Archaeologies of Mobility and Movement by
Ancient Mexico and Central America: Archaeology and Culture History by Evans, Susan Toby
Modernity's Classics by
Diary of an Unknown Archaeologist by Sabo, Sheila M.
Indagine topografica sulle aree di pertinenza dell'abbazia di San Salvatore al monte Amiata nella Tuscia meridionale: secoli VI - XIV. L'apporto della by Caprasecca, Anna
Conimbriga tardo-antigua y medieval by
Sulle spalle dei saccarii: Le rappresentazioni di facchini e il trasporto di derrate nel porto di Ostia in epoca imperiale by Martelli, Elena
A Million Years of Hominin Sociality and Cognition: Acheulean Bifaces in the Hunsgi-Baichbal Valley, India by Kersey Shipton, Ceri Ben
La explotación de las materias óseas en el Auriñaciense: Caracterización tecnoeconómica de las producciones del Paleolítico superior inicial en la Pen by Tejero Cáceres, José-Miguel
Le traitement thermique des matières premières lithiques: Que se passe-t-il lors de la chauffe? by Schmidt, Patrick
An Ahrensburgian Site at Zonhoven-Molenheide (Belgium) by Vermeersch, Pierre M.
Ethnoarchaeology: Current Research and Field Methods by
From Funeral Monuments to Household Pottery: Current advances in Funnel Beaker Culture (TRB/TBK) research by
Prehistory in Practice: A Multi-Stranded Analysis of British Archaeology, 1975-2010 by Cooper, Anwen
NW Europe in Transition: The Early Neolithic in Britain and South Sweden by
Big Histories, Human Lives: Tackling Problems of Scale in Archaeology by
Seth - A Misrepresented God in the Ancient Egyptian Pantheon? by Turner, Philip John
The Life and Times Of Cleopatra: Queen of Egypt by Weigall, Arthur E. P. Brome
Beached Shipwreck Archeology: Case Studies from Channel Islands National Park: Submerged Resources Center Professional Reports Number 18 by Russell, Matthew A., Department of the Interior, U. S.
Channel Islands National Park and Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary: Submerged Cultural Resources Assessment by Lima, James, Morris, Don P.
The Cliff Ruins of Canyon de Chelly, Arizona Sixteenth Annual Report of the Bureau of Ethnology to the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, 1894- by Mindeleff, Cosmos
The Archaeology of Pineland: A Coastal Southwest Florida Site Complex, A.D. 50-1710 by
Scandinavian Colonialism and the Rise of Modernity: Small Time Agents in a Global Arena by
The Cliff Ruins of Canyon de Chelly, Arizona Sixteenth Annual Report of the Bureau of Ethnology to the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, 1894- by Mindeleff, Cosmos
Richard II and the English Royal Treasure by Stratford, Jenny
Life of Thomas Young M.D., F.R.S., Etc. by Peacock, George
Environment, Society and Landscape in Early Medieval England: Time and Topography by Williamson, Tom
Earth Resistance for Archaeologists by Schmidt, Armin
Seeking Our Past: An Introduction to North American Archaeology [With CDROM] by Neusius, Sarah W., Gross, G. Timothy
The Addicks Dam Site, Part 1-2: Archeological Survey Of The Addicks Dam Basin, And Indian Skeletal Remains From The Doering And Kobs Sites by Newman, Marshall T., Wheat, Joe Ben
Prehistoric Culture Units And Their Relationships In Northern Arizona by Colton, Harold Sellers
Rural Landscapes of the Punic World by Dommelen, Peter Van, Bellard, Carlos Gomez
Mundurucu Religion: University of California Publications in American Archaeology and Ethnology, V49, No. 1 by Murphy, Robert Francis
Ancient Turkey: A Traveller's History by Lloyd, Seton
The Archaeology of Australia's Deserts by Smith, Mike
Social Approaches to an Industrial Past: The Archaeology and Anthropology of Mining by
Stone Tools in the Paleolithic and Neolithic Near East: A Guide by Shea, John J.
Encyclopedia of Prehistory: Volume 6: North America by
Oxford Handbook of Wetland Archaeology by
The Archaeology of Wayne County: The Missouri Archaeologist, V6, No. 1, June, 1940 by Wrench, J. E., Chapman, Carl, Berry, Brewton
A Correction For Artificial Deformation Of Skulls: Anthropological Papers Of The American Museum Of Natural History, V30, Part 1 by Shapiro, Harry Lionel
Lightning in the Andes and Mesoamerica: Pre-Columbian, Colonial, and Contemporary Perspectives by Staller, John E., Stross, Brian
Archaeology and Language I: Theoretical and Methodological Orientations by
Faunal Extinction in an Island Society: Pygmy Hippopotamus Hunters of Cyprus by Simmons, Alan H.
Landscape Transformations and the Archaeology of Impact: Social Disruption and State Formation in Southern Africa by Perry, Warren R.
Chesapeake Prehistory: Old Traditions, New Directions by Dent Jr, Richard J.
The Material Culture of Steamboat Passengers: Archaeological Evidence from the Missouri River by Corbin, Annalies
Race and Affluence: An Archaeology of African America and Consumer Culture by Mullins, Paul R.
Archaeology and Created Memory: Public History in a National Park by Shackel, Paul A.
Les hommes préhistoriques et les Alpes by Borrello, Maria A.
Attachment to Abandoned Heritage: The Case of Suakin, Sudan by Taha, Shadia
Dediche di Occidentali nel santuario di Apollo a Delfi (VI-IV a. C.) by Cavaliere, Maria Emilia
Arqueozoología y Romanización: Producción, distribución y consumo de animales en el nordeste de la Península Ibérica entre los siglos V ane-V dne by Barberà, Lídia Colominas
The Prehistoric Multicultural Settlement of Hajná Nová Ves (Slovakia): Cultural-historical, settlement-archaeological and archaeo-environmental contex by Wiedermann, Egon
Lexique animalier égyptien: Les caprins, les ovins et les bovins by Mastropaolo, Sara
Discurso de Fragmentos: Arqueometría aplicada al entendimiento sobre la práctica de la alfarería by Badillo Sánchez, Alejandra
Searching for Early Welsh Churches: A study in ecclesiastical geology by Potter, John F.
'The Homes of our Metal Manufactures. Messrs R.W. Winfield and Co's Cambridge Street Works & Rolling Mills, Birmingham': Archaeological Excavations at by
Tough Times: The Archaeology of Crisis and Recovery by
Herom: Journal on Hellenistic and Roman Material Culture by
The Tutelo Spirit Adoption Ceremony: Reclothing the Living in the Name of the Dead and Transcriptions and Analysis of Tutelo Music by Speck, Frank Gouldsmith, Herzog, George
Quiroga: A Mexican Municipio by Brand, Donald Dilworth
Archaeological Excavation At El Morro, San Juan, Puerto Rico: With Historical Background Sections by Reyes, Ricardo Torres, Smith, Hale Gilliam
Bioarchaeology: An Integrated Approach to Working with Human Remains by Pérez, Ventura R., Martin, Debra L., Harrod, Ryan P.
Mississippian Community Organization: The Powers Phase in Southeastern Missouri by O'Brien, Michael J.
Earliest Italy: An Overview of the Italian Paleolithic and Mesolithic by Mussi, Margherita
Cities and the Shaping of Memory in the Ancient Near East by Harmanşah, Ömür
The Archaeology of Cyprus by Knapp, A. Bernard
Human Expeditions: Inspired by Bruce Trigger by Chrisomalis, Stephen, Costopoulos, André
Domestic Architecture and Power: The Historical Archaeology of Colonial Ecuador by Jamieson, Ross W.
The Prehistoric Cultures of the Horn of Africa: An Analysis of the Stone Age Cultural and Climatic Succession in the Somalilands and Eastern Parts of by Clark, J. D.
Curating Human Remains: Caring for the Dead in the United Kingdom by
The Preservation of Antiquities: A Handbook for Curators by Rathgen, Friedrich
In Defense of Things: Archaeology and the Ontology of Objects by Olsen, Bjørnar
Archaeology in Environment and Technology: Intersections and Transformations by
A Survey of Prehistoric Sites in the Region of Flagstaff, Arizona: Smithsonian Institution, Bureau of American Ethnology, Bulletin 104 by Colton, Harold Sellers
Reason In Society: Five Types Of Decisions And Their Social Conditions by Diesing, Paul
Survey and Excavations in Lower Glen Canyon, 1952-1958 by Lindsay, Alexander J., Jr., Turner, Christy G., II, Adams, William Y.
Landscapes of Power, Landscapes of Conflict: State Formation in the South Scandinavian Iron Age by Thurston, Tina L.
Seriation, Stratigraphy, and Index Fossils: The Backbone of Archaeological Dating by O'Brien, Michael J., Lyman, R. Lee
2011 by
Die Bedeutung des Bergbaus und seine sozioökonomischen Strukturen im Neolithikum: Silex, Kupfer, Felsgestein by Maass, Alexander
A Catalogue of Greek Vases in the Fitzwilliam Museum Cambridge by Gardner, Ernest Arthur
Kultur- Und Kreativwirtschaft in Deutschland: Hype Oder Zukunftschance Der Stadtentwicklung? by Reich, Mathias Peter
The Prehistoric Chamber Tombs of England and Wales by Daniel, Glyn E.
A Classical and Topographical Tour Through Greece - Volume 1 by Dodwell, Edward
A Classical and Topographical Tour Through Greece - Volume 2 by Dodwell, Edward
A Classical and Topographical Tour Through Greece 2 Volume Set: During the Years 1801, 1805, and 1806 by Dodwell, Edward
Custer, Cody, and Grand Duke Alexis: Historical Archaeology of the Royal Buffalo Hunt by Bleed, Peter, Damm, Stephen, Scott, Douglas D.
Excavations on Upper Matecumbe Key, Florida: And Excavations in Southeast Florida by Sommer, Frank H., III, Goggin, John Mann, Willey, Gordon R.
Ancient Stones: The Prehistoric Dolmens of Sicily by Piccolo, Salvatore
Annales Du Service Des Antiquités de l'Egypte: Vol. 78 by Supreme Council of Antiquities
Annales Du Service Des Antiquités de l'Egypte: Vol. 75 by Supreme Council of Antiquities
Annales Du Service Des Antiquités de l'Egypte: Vol. 73 by Supreme Council of Antiquities
Annales Du Service Des Antiquités de l'Egypte: Vol. 74 by Supreme Council of Antiquities
Annales Du Service Des Antiquités de l'Egypte: Vol. 76 by Supreme Council of Antiquities
Syrie Centrale: Architecture Civile Et Religieuse Du Ier Au Viie Siècle. Tome I. Texte by Vogüé, Melchior
Syrie Centrale: Architecture Civile Et Religieuse Du Ier Au Viie Siècle. Tome II. Planches by Vogüé, Melchior
Les Mosaïques de Nîmes (1522-1864) by Pelet, Auguste
Les Ruines de Pompéi. Partie 3 by Mazois, François
Les Ruines de Pompéi. Partie 4 by Mazois, François
Introduction À l'Étude Des Monumens Antiques by Millin, Aubin-Louis
L'Ancien Trésor de l'Abbaye de Silos by Roulin, Eugène
A Landscape of Interactions During the Late Prehispanic Period in the Onavas Valley, Sonora, Mexico by Gallaga, Emiliano
Memorylands: Heritage and Identity in Europe Today by MacDonald, Sharon
Archaeology of Doings: Secularism and the Study of Pueblo Religion. Severin M. Fowles by Fowles, Severin M.
Documentary History of Jamestown Island: Volume II: Land Ownership by Kiddle, Christina A., National Park Service, U. S. Department O., McCartnery, Martha W.
The Paleobiology of Australopithecus by
Gpr Remote Sensing in Archaeology by Goodman, Dean, Piro, Salvatore
Nativism and Syncretism: Middle American Research Institute, No. 19 by Madsen, William, Thompson, Donald E., Edmonson, Munro S.
Archaeological Survey of Shelby County, Indiana by Dragoo, Don W.
Mid-Ohio Valley Paleo Indian and Suggested Sequence of the Fluted Point Cultures by Hyde, Edwin William
Ancient Inca by Kolata, Alan L.
Ancient Inca by Kolata, Alan L.
Rough and Tumble: Aggression, Hunting, and Human Evolution by Pickering, Travis
Historical Archaeology in Central Europe by Mehler, Natascha
Archaeologies of Conflict by Carman, John
Body Marking in Southwestern Asia: Papers of the Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology Papers, V45, No. 1 by Field, Henry
An Archaeological Report on Newton County, Indiana by Hiestand, Joseph E.
Archaeology of the Upper Columbia Region: University of Washington Publications in Anthropology, V9, No. 1, September, 1942 by Collier, Donald, Hudson, Alfred E., Ford, Arlo
A Study of Some Michigan Indians by Densmore, Frances
Iron and Steamship Archaeology: Success and Failure on the SS Xantho by McCarthy, Michael
Stirring Up a Hornet's Nest: The Kettle Creek Battlefield Archaeology Study by Elliott, Daniel T.
Proceedings of the Fourth International Meeting of Anthracology: Brussels, 8-13 September 2008 Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences by
Merry and Jovial: Reconsidering the Effigies Immortalis and the Commemoration of Roman Boys by Corrado, Crispin
Céramique et occupation égyptienne en Canaan au 13ᵉ siècle av. J.C.: Études de cas de Hazor, Megiddo et Lachish by Nataf, Katia Charbit
La cerámica importada de Tell el-Ghaba, norte de Sinaí: Interacciones locales y regionales durante la época saíta (siglos VII-VI a.C.) by Basílico, Susana Teresa
The Theodosian Age (A.D. 379-455): Power, place, belief and learning at the end of the Western Empire by
Caa 2010: Fusion of Cultures [With CDROM] by
Female Burial Traditions of the Chalcolithic and Early Bronze Age: A pilot study based on modern excavations by Rogers, Alice
El mundo en movimiento: Circulación de bienes, recursos e ideas en el valle Calchaquí, Salta (Noroeste Argentino): Una visión desde La Paya by Sprovieri, Marina
Contested Objects: Material Memories of the Great War by
The Masonry Defences of Roman Silchester (Calleva Atrebatum), North Hampshire: Building materials, building styles and the building programme by Allen, J. R. L.
Violence, Ritual, and the Wari Empire: A Social Bioarchaeology of Imperialism in the Ancient Andes by Tung, Tiffiny A.
The Olmeca-Xicallanca of Teotihuacan, Cacaxtla, and Cholula: An archaeological, ethnohistorical, and linguistic synthesis by Chadwick, Robert E. L.
The Archaeology of Antislavery Resistance by Weik, Terrance M.
Bioarchaeology of Ethnogenesis in the Colonial Southeast by Stojanowski, Christopher M.
The Roman West, AD 200-500 by Esmonde Cleary, Simon
The Lifeways of Hunter-Gatherers by Kelly, Robert L.
The Lifeways of Hunter-Gatherers by Kelly, Robert L.
Zeus in Early Greek Mythology and Religion: From prehistoric times to the Early Archaic period by Zolotnikova, Olga A.
The Legacy of American Copper Smelting: Industrial Heritage Versus Environmental Policy by Morin, Bode J.
Ancient Greece: From Prehistoric to Hellenistic Times by Martin, Thomas R.
Prehistoric Annals of Scotland by Wilson, Daniel
Prehistoric Annals of Scotland by Wilson, Daniel
Designs Upon the Land: Elite Landscapes of the Middle Ages by Creighton, Oliver
Prehistoric Annals of Scotland 2 Volume Set by Wilson, Daniel
Museums and the Paradox of Change by Janes, Robert R.
Champion: The Making and Unmaking of the English Midland Landscape by Williamson, Tom, Partida, Tracey, Liddiard, Robert
The Plurality of Power: An Archaeology of Industrial Capitalism by Cowie, Sarah
The Chaco Branch Excavations at White Mound and in the Red Mesa Valley: Medallion Papers, No. 33 by Gladwin, Harold Sterling
Between Artifacts and Texts: Historical Archaeology in Global Perspective by Andrén, Anders
The Origins of the Civilization of Angkor by Higham, Charles
Mortuary Practices and Social Identities in the Middle Ages by
Cultural Heritage in the Crosshairs: Protecting Cultural Property During Conflict by
The Material Culture of Daily Living in the Anglo-Saxon World by
Empire, Authority, and Autonomy in Achaemenid Anatolia by Dusinberre, Elspeth R. M.
Paleopathology at the Origins of Agriculture by
de l'Influence de la Collection Irlandaise Sur La Formation Des Collections Canoniques by Fournier, Paul
La Bible Et l'Orientalisme. La Bible Et l'Archéologie Syrienne by Ermoni, Vincent
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