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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Archaeology in 2014

Du Massif de l'Ida Aux Pentes Du Mont Dikte. Peuples, Territoires Et Communautes En Messara Du Xiiie Au Viie Siecle Av. J.-C.: Peuples, Territoires Et by Lefevre-Novaro, D.
Heritage Crime: Progress, Prospects and Prevention by Grove, Louise, Thomas, Suzie
Roles for Men and Women in Roman Epigraphic Culture and Beyond: Gender, social identity and cultural practice in private Latin inscriptions and the li by Keegan, Peter
Regional Archaeology in the Inca Heartland: The Hanan Cuzco Surveys Volume 55 by
The City and the Coin in the Ancient and Early Medieval Worlds by
Maps of the Ancient Sea Kings: Evidence of Advanced Civilization in the Ice Age by Hapgood, Charles
Who Needs Experts?: Counter-mapping Cultural Heritage by
Karamania: Or, a Brief Description of the South Coast of Asia-Minor and of the Remains of Antiquity by Beaufort, Francis
Mobile Pastoralism and the Formation of Near Eastern Civilizations: Weaving Together Society by Porter, Anne
The Cemeteries of Abydos by Naville, Edouard, Peet, T. Eric, Loat, W. L. S.
Late Roman Towns in Britain by Rogers, Adam
The Scientific Investigation of Mass Graves by
Ceramic Identification in Historical Archaeology: The view from California 1822-1940 by
Dynamics of Learning in Neanderthals and Modern Humans Volume 1: Cultural Perspectives by
Archaeometallurgy in Global Perspective: Methods and Syntheses by
Bronze Age Bureaucracy by Postgate, Nicholas
Herom: Journal on Hellenistic and Roman Material Culture by
Paleolithic Landscapes of Iran by Heydari-Guran, Saman
Riparia, un patrimoine culturel: La gestion intégrée des bords de l'eau by
A Sense of the Past: Studies in current archaeological applications of remote sensing and non-invasive prospection methods by Posluschny, Axel G., Gojda, Martin
Millets, Rice and Farmers: Phytoliths as indicators of agricultural, social and ecological change in Neolithic and Bronze Age Central China by Weisskopf, Alison Ruth
Embodying Value? The Transformation of Objects in and from the Ancient World by Rowan, Clare
Chairs, Stools and Footstools in the New Kingdom: Production, typology and social analysis by El Gabry, Dina
The Scale and Nature of the Late Bronze Age Economies of Egypt and Cyprus by Padgham, Keith
Archaeology and State Theory: Subjects and Objects of Power by Routledge, Bruce
Good Practice in Archaeological Diagnostics: Non-Invasive Survey of Complex Archaeological Sites by
The Maritime Archaeology of Alum Bay: Two shipwrecks on the north-west coast of the Isle of Wight, England by Satchell, Julie, Whitewright, Julian
From Kamchatka to Texas by Anderson, Donald Gene
Archaeology and the Senses by Hamilakis, Yannis
Religious Networks in the Roman Empire by Collar, Anna
Death of Prehistory C by
Amurath to Amurath by Bell, Gertrude
Tomb Treasures of the Late Middle Kingdom: The Archaeology of Female Burials by Grajetzki, Wolfram
On Location: Heritage Cities and Sites by
On the Periphery of the Periphery: Household Archaeology at Hacienda San Juan Bautista Tabi, Yucatán, Mexico by Sweitz, Samuel
The Acheulian Site of Gesher Benot Ya'aqov Volume III: Mammalian Taphonomy. the Assemblages of Layers V-5 and V-6 by Kindler, Lutz, Rabinovich, Rivka, Gaudzinski-Windheuser, Sabine
Art and Archaeology of the Erligang Civilization by
Art and Archaeology of the Erligang Civilization by
Sutton Hoo: The Excavation of a Royal Ship-Burial by Green, Charles
The Growth and Nature of Egyptology by Glanville, S. R. K.
Handbook of Palaeodemography by Buchet, Luc, Séguy, Isabelle
The Holocene: An Environmental History by Roberts, Neil
Warfare in Cultural Context: Practice, Agency, and the Archaeology of Violence by
Revolt: An Archaeological History of Pueblo Resistance and Revitalization in 17th Century New Mexico by Liebmann, Matthew
Religion at Work in a Neolithic Society by
The Urbanisation of Rome and Latium Vetus by Fulminante, Francesca
Religion at Work in a Neolithic Society by
Dynamics of Learning in Neanderthals and Modern Humans Volume 2: Cognitive and Physical Perspectives by
Sand-Buried Ruins of Khotan: Personal Narrative of a Journey of Archaeological & Geographical Exploration in Chinese Turkestan by Stein, M. Aurel
Centralia: : A Vision of Ruin by Sabol Jr, John G.
The Teleoscopic Polity: Andean Patriarchy and Materiality by Dillehay, Tom D.
England's Motoring Heritage from the Air by Minnis, John
Aerofilms: A History of Britain from Above by Williams, Allan, Crawford, James, Whitaker, Katy
Excavations and Surveys at the Law Ting Holm, Tingwall, Shetland: An Iron Age settlement and medieval assembly site by Mehler, Natascha, Coolen, Joris
3D Recording and Modelling in Archaeology and Cultural Heritage: Theory and best practices by
An Archaeological Map of Hadrian's Wall: 1:25000 Scale Revised Edition by
The 'Obese Medieval Monk': A multidisciplinary study of a stereotype by Patrick, Pip
Report on the Excavation of a Romano-British Site in Wortley, South Gloucestershire by Bagnall, Alan, Taylor, Beryl, Wilson, David
Early Medieval Dwellings and Settlements in Ireland, AD 400-1100 by McCormick, Finbar, Kerr, Thomas R., O'Sullivan, Aidan
Arqueometalurgia de un naufragio del siglo XVIII: La corbeta de guerra HMS Swift (1770), Puerto Deseado provincia de Santa Cruz (Patagonia) by Ciarlo, Nicolás C.
The Economic Organization of Early Camelid Pastoralism in the Andean Highlands of Bolivia by Capriles, José M.
Lateglacial and Postglacial Pioneers in Northern Europe by
Die Stadtgeschichte des römischen Salzburg: Befunde und Funde bis 1987 by Thüry, Günther E.
Khashabian: A Late Paleolithic Industry from Dhofar, southern Oman by Hilbert, Yamandú Hieronymus
Turquoise in Ancient Egypt: Concept and Role by Mansour, Ahmed Mohamed Ali
Ritual Scenes on the Two Coffins of PA-dj-imn in Cairo Museum by Sayed Abbas, Eltayeb
Otium cum dignitate: Festschrift für Angelika Geyer zum 65. Geburtstag. Studien zur Archäologie und Rezeptionsgeschichte der Antike by
Shipsheds of the Ancient Mediterranean by Rankov, Boris, Blackman, David
Ancestral Encounters in Highland Madagascar by Crossland, Zoë
Archaeology of the High Plains by Management, Bureau of Land, Interior, U. S. Department of the
The Mesa Site: Paleoindians Above the Arctic Circle by Management, Bureau of Land, Interior, U. S. Department of the
The Valley of Opportunity: A History of West-Central Colorado by Interior, U. S. Department of the, Management, Bureau of Land
The New Empire of the Rockies: A History of Northeast Colorado by Management, Bureau of Land, Interior, U. S. Department of the
Quantifying the Present and Predicting the Past: Theory, Method, and Application of Archaeological Predictive Modeling by Management, Bureau of Land, Interior, U. S. Department of the
A Forgotten Kingdom: The Spanish Frontier in Colorado and New Mexico, 1540-1821 by Management, Bureau of Land, Interior, U. S. Department of the
Archaeological Excavations At The Yarmony Pit House Site, Eagle County, Colorado by Management, Bureau of Land, Interior, U. S. Department of the
An Overview of the Cultural Resources of the Western Mojave Desert by Interior, U. S. Department of the, Management, Bureau of Land
Vikings: Life and Legend by
An Archaeological Inventory in North Park, Jackson County, Colorado by Management, Bureau of Land, Interior, U. S. Department of the
Satellite Remote Sensing: A New Tool for Archaeology by
Areal Geology of the Western Mojave Desert California by Interior, U. S. Department of the
A Survey of Vandalism to Archaeological Resources in Southwestern Colorado by Management, Bureau of Land, Interior, U. S. Department of the
An Isolated Empire: A History of Northwestern Colorado by Management, Bureau of Land, Interior, U. S. Department of the
An Overview of Prehistoric Cultural Resources: Little Snake Resource Area, Northwestern Colorado by Interior, U. S. Department of the, Management, Bureau of Land
Southern Asia, Australia, and the Search for Human Origins by
The Ethics of Anthropology and Amerindian Research: Reporting on Environmental Degradation and Warfare by
Building Transnational Archaeologies: The 11th Southwest Symposium, Hermosillo, Sonora by Altschul, Jeffrey H.
Masters of Fire: Copper Age Art from Israel by
Trends and Traditions in Southeastern Zooarchaeology by
Interpreting Ancient Figurines: Context, Comparison, and Prehistoric Art by Lesure, Richard G.
Salt Production and Social Hierarchy in Ancient China: An Archaeological Investigation of Specialization in China's Three Gorges by Flad, Rowan K.
An Analysis of the Aboriginal Ceramics from the Washington Square Mound Site by Hart, John
Perspectives on Traditional Settlements and Communities: Home, Form and Culture in Indonesia by Wiryomartono, Bagoes
Legacies of Occupation: Heritage, Memory and Archaeology in the Channel Islands by Carr, Gilly
The Management of Cultural World Heritage Sites and Development in Africa: History, Nomination Processes and Representation on the World Heritage List by
Topografía cristiana de las ciudades hispanas durante la Antigüedad tardía by Ramos, Isabel Sánchez
FORUM IULIUM L'area del Foro di Cesare alla luce delle campagne di scavo 2005-2008: Le fasi arcaica, repubblicana e cesariano-augustea by Delfino, Alessandro
La villa rustica di C. Olius Ampliatus: Suburbio sud-orientale di Napoli (Ponticelli) by Cascella, Sergio, Vecchio, Giuseppe
Funus Hispaniense: Espacios, usos y costumbres funerarias en la Hispania Romana by Sevilla Conde, Alberto
Fresh Approaches to Brick Production and Use in the Middle Ages: Proceedings of the session 'Utilization of Brick in the Medieval Period - Production, by
Nokalakevi - Tsikhegoji - Archaeopolis: Archaeological excavations 2001-2010 Anglo-Georgian Expedition to Nokalakevi by
The Obsidian Evidence for the Scale of Social Life during the Palaeolithic by Moutsiou, Theodora
Coastal Hinterlands: Site patterns, microregions and coast-inland interconnections by the Corinthian Gulf, c. 600-300 BC by Bonnier, Anton
Kult bei der Arena: Nemesis-Heiligtümer im Kontext römischer Amphitheater by Wittenberg, Tim
Unearthing Late Medieval Children: Health, status and burial practice in Southern England by Dawson, Heidi
Lines of Archaeological Investigation along the North Cornish Coast by Jones, Andy M., Quinnell, Henrietta
Spatial Analysis and Social Spaces: Interdisciplinary Approaches to the Interpretation of Prehistoric and Historic Built Environments by
Zur Siedlungsentwicklung von Wurtensiedlungen: Am Beispiel der Feddersen Wierde by Kupetz, Marianne
Living with the Ancestors: Kinship and Kingship in Ancient Maya Society by McAnany, Patricia
Archaeology and Architecture of the Military Orders: New Studies by Piana, Mathias, Carlsson, Christer
New Discoveries at Jamestown by Hudson, J. Paul, Cotter, John L.
Pre-Columbian Burial Rites: Mortuary Practice Among Prehistoric North Americans: Southwest Region by Ladwig, Barbara L.
The Urals and Western Siberia in the Bronze and Iron Ages by Koryakova, Ludmila, Epimakhov, Andrej
Stonehenge - A New Understanding: Solving the Mysteries of the Greatest Stone Age Monument by Parker Pearson, Mike
A City Lost and Found: Whelan the Wrecker's Melbourne by Annear, Robyn
Old Man's Playing Ground: Gaming and Trade on the Plains/Plateau Frontier by Yanicki, Gabriel M.
An Archaeology of Resistance: Materiality and Time in an African Borderland by González-Ruibal, Alfredo
The Mummy: A Handbook Of Egyptian Funerary Archaeology by Budge, E. a. Wallis
An Account of the Sarcophagus of Seti I, King of Egypt, B.C. 1370 by Budge, E. a. Wallis
Scotland In Pagan Times: The Bronze And Stone Ages by Anderson, Joseph
Folk Memory: Or The Continuity Of British Archaeology by Johnson, Walter
Zuni Kin and Clan by Kroeber, Alfred Louis
Ephesus and the Temple of Diana by Falkener, Edward
Scotland in Pagan Times: The Bronze and Stone Ages by Anderson, Joseph
Cliff Castles and Cave Dwellings of Europe by Baring-Gould, Sabine
Observations on Popular Antiquities V2 by Brand, John
The Book of Days: A Miscellany of Popular Antiquities in Connection with the Calendar V4 by Chambers, Robert
The Indian and Antiquities of America 1897 by Shipp, Barnard
The Temple of Mut in Asher: An Account of the Excavation of the Temple and of the Religious Representations and Objects Found Therein by Gourley, Janet, Benson, Margaret
The Barbary Corsairs by Lane-Poole, Stanley
A Handbook of Engraved Gems by King, C. W.
An Account of the Sarcophagus of Seti I, King of Egypt, B.C. 1370 by Budge, E. a. Wallis
The Book of Days: A Miscellany of Popular Antiquities in Connection with the Calendar V1 by Chambers, Robert
The Book of Days: A Miscellany of Popular Antiquities in Connection with the Calendar V3 by Chambers, Robert
Observations on Popular Antiquities V1 by Brand, John
Studies of the Gods in Greece at Certain Sanctuaries Recently Excavated by Dyer, Louis
Antiquitates Vulgares: Or the Antiquities of the Common People by Bourne, Henry
Chaldean Account of Genesis by Smith, George F.
The Prehistoric Worlds or Vanished Races by Allen, E. A.
The Mummy: A Handbook of Egyptian Funerary Archaeology by Budge, E. a. Wallis
Pompeii: Its Life and Art by Mau, August
The Book of Days: A Miscellany of Popular Antiquities in Connection with the Calendar V2 by Chambers, Robert
Islands in the Rainforest: Landscape Management in Pre-Columbian Amazonia by Rostain, Stéphen
Nomadism in Iran: From Antiquity to the Modern Era by Potts, Daniel T.
The Byzantine-Islamic Transition in Palestine by Avni, Gideon
Extreme Collecting: Challenging Practices for 21st Century Museums by
Tellico Archaeology: 12,000 Years Native American History by Chapman, Jefferson
Locating Publics: Forms of Social Order in an Electronic Music Scene by Grote, Florian
The Attitude of the Ancient Egyptians to Death and the Dead: The Frazer Lecture for 1935 by Gardiner, Alan H.
The Greek House: Its History and Development from the Neolithic Period to the Hellenistic Age by Rider, Bertha Carr
Ancient Mesopotamia at the Dawn of Civilization: The Evolution of an Urban Landscape by Algaze, Guillermo
What Did the Romans Know?: An Inquiry into Science and Worldmaking by Lehoux, Daryn
Creativity in Human Evolution and Prehistory by
Pre-Columbian Burial Rites: Mortuary Practice Among Prehistoric North Americans: Plains Region, Volume II by Ladwig, Barbara L.
Archaeological Dimension of World Heritage: From Prevention to Social Implications by
Caddo Connections: Cultural Interactions within and beyond the Caddo World by Perttula, Timothy K., Trubitt, Mary Beth, Girard, Jeffrey S.
Reconsidering Archaeological Fieldwork: Exploring On-Site Relationships Between Theory and Practice by
The Emergence of Pressure Blade Making: From Origin to Modern Experimentation by
The Archaeology of Lydia, from Gyges to Alexander by Roosevelt, Christopher
The Maya and Their Central American Neighbors: Settlement Patterns, Architecture, Hieroglyphic Texts, and Ceramics by
Resurrecting the Brother of Jesus: The James Ossuary Controversy and the Quest for Religious Relics by
Strung Out on Archaeology: An Introduction to Archaeological Research by Wilkie, Laurie A.
England's Coastal Heritage: A Review of Progress Since 1997 by Murphy, Peter
The Maya and Their Central American Neighbors: Settlement Patterns, Architecture, Hieroglyphic Texts, and Ceramics by
From These Honored Dead: Historical Archaeology of the American Civil War by
Tenochtitlan: Capital of the Aztec Empire by de Rojas, José Luis
High Resolution Archaeology and Neanderthal Behavior: Time and Space in Level J of Abric Romaní (Capellades, Spain) by
The Bioarchaeology of Space and Place: Ideology, Power, and Meaning in Maya Mortuary Contexts by
Modern Origins: A North African Perspective by
Pinning Down the Past: Archaeology, Heritage, and Education Today by Corbishley, Mike
The Early Mediterranean Village: Agency, Material Culture, and Social Change in Neolithic Italy by Robb, John
Schliemann's Excavations: An Archaeological and Historical Study by Schuchhardt, Carl, Schuchhardt, Karl
A Brief Account of the Researches and Discoveries in Upper Egypt, Made Under the Direction of Henry Salt, Esq.: To Which Is Added a Detailed Catalog by D'Athanasi, Giovanni
Foundations of an African Civilisation: Aksum and the Northern Horn, 1000 BC - AD 1300 by Phillipson, David W.
Egyptian Mummies and Modern Science by
Globalizations and the Ancient World by Jennings, Justin
Aztec Archaeology and Ethnohistory by Berdan, Frances F.
Images of Woman and Child from the Bronze Age by Budin, Stephanie Lynn
Aztec Archaeology and Ethnohistory by Berdan, Frances F.
Encyclopedia of Caribbean Archaeology by
LRCW 4 Late Roman Coarse Wares, Cooking Wares and Amphorae in the Mediterranean, Volume I by
LRCW 4 Late Roman Coarse Wares, Cooking Wares and Amphorae in the Mediterranean, Volume II by
Neolithic and Copper Age Monuments: Emergence, function and the social construction of the landscape by
The Ekven Settlement: Eskimo beginnings on the Asian shore of Bering Strait by Csonka, Yvon
Archeologia dell'insediamento protostorico di Mursia (Pantelleria Italia): Studio dei reperti di fauna marina by Tolve, Antonella, Tusa, Sebastiano
Methodological Issues for Characterisation and Provenance Studies of Obsidian in Northeast Asia by
A Composite View to the Past: A methodological integration of zooarchaeology and archaeological geophysics at the Magdalenian site of Verberie le Bu by Thompson, Jason
Archaeological Approaches to Dance Performance by Aamodt, Christina
Socio-Political Strategies among the Maya from the Classic Period to the Present by
The Hongshan Papers: Collected Studies on the Archaeology of Northern China by Nelson, Sarah M.
Water Folk: Reconstructing an Ancient Aquatic Lifeway in Michoacán, Western Mexico by Williams, Eduardo
Rise of the Greek Aristocratic Banquet by Wecowski, Marek
Bioarchaeological and Forensic Perspectives on Violence by
Making Ancient Cities by
New Histories of Pre-Columbian Florida by
Peruvian Archaeology: A Critical History by Tantaleán, Henry
Counterheritage: Critical Perspectives on Heritage Conservation in Asia by Byrne, Denis
Prehistoric Archaeology on the Continental Shelf: A Global Review by
Rome and Environs: An Archaeological Guide by Coarelli, Filippo
Religion and Society in Middle Bronze Age Greece by Whittaker, Helène
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