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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Archaeology in 2016

The Story of Alderley: Living with the Edge by
San Gabriel del Yungue by Ellis, Florence Hawley
Western-Pontic Culture Ambience and Pattern by
The Mingqi Pottery Buildings of Han Dynasty China, 206 BC -AD 220: Architectural Representations and Represented Architecture by Guo, Qinghua
Tierra Dulce: Reminiscences from the Jesse Nusbaum Papers by Nusbaum, Rosemary
The Importance of British Material Culture to Historical Archaeologies of the Nineteenth Century by
Archaeology by Stark, Rebecca
Smoking and Culture: The Archaeology of Tobacco Pipes in Eastern North America by Rafferty, Sean M.
Ancient Highlands of Southwest China: From the Bronze Age to the Han Empire by Yao, Alice
Roman Strigillated Sarcophagi: Art and Social History by Huskinson, Janet
The Postcranial Anatomy of Australopithecus Afarensis: New Insights from Ksd-Vp-1/1 by
The Long Silence: Sabana Piletas and its Neighbors: An Architectural Survey of Maya Puuc Ruins in Northeastern Campeche, México by Merk, Stephan
Pieces of Eight: More Archaeology of Piracy by
How to Do Archaeology the Right Way by Purdy, Barbara A., Austin, Robert J.
Amheida II: A Late Romano-Egyptian House in the Dakhla Oasis: Amheida House B2 by Boozer, Anna Lucille
The Archaeology of American Cities by Rothschild, Nan A., Wall, Diana Dizerega
The Archaeology of American Cemeteries and Gravemarkers by Baugher, Sherene, Veit, Richard
Late Prehistoric Florida: Archaeology at the Edge of the Mississippian World by
Cat Serpents: Underwater Spirits in Mississippian Pottery by Bogg, Ron, Bogg, Linda
Archaeology of Early Colonial Interaction at El Chorro de Maíta, Cuba by Valcárcel Rojas, Roberto
Agency and Identity in the Ancient Near East: New Paths Forward by Steadman, Sharon R., Ross, Jennifer C.
Dawn of the Metal Age: Technology and Society During the Levantine Chalcolithic by Golden, Jonathan M.
National Galleries by Knell, Simon
A History of the Pharaohs 2 Volume Set by Weigall, Arthur E. P. Brome
A History of the Pharaohs - Volume 2 by Weigall, Arthur E. P. Brome
Die Varusschlacht. Untersuchung der Schlacht anhand von historischen Texten von der Antike bis zur Moderne by Firus, Bruno
Site Formation Processes of Submerged Shipwrecks by
Fort San Juan and the Limits of Empire: Colonialism and Household Practice at the Berry Site by Beck, Robin A.
Monarchs of the Nile: New Revised Edition by Dodson, Aidan
Cat Serpents: Underwater Spirits in Mississippian Pottery by Bogg, Ron, Bogg, Linda
The Nature of Culture: Based on an Interdisciplinary Symposium 'The Nature of Culture', Tübingen, Germany by
Une Histoire des Premières Communautés Mésolithiques au Portugal by Araújo, Ana Cristina
Excavations at the Minster Library, York 1997 by Garner-Lahire, Justin
La ceramica a decorazione geometrica dipinta da Segesta nel quadro delle produzioni della Sicilia occidentale by Serra, Alfonsa
Bioarchaeology of Ancient Northern Vietnam by Oxenham, Marc Fredrick
Proceedings of the 6th Symposium of the Hellenic Society for Archaeometry by
Holocene Foragers of North India: The Bioarchaeology of Mesolithic Damdama by Lukacs, John R., Pal, Jagannath
Traveling Prehistoric Seas: Critical Thinking on Ancient Transoceanic Voyages by Kehoe, Alice Beck
Risk Assessment for Object Conservation by Ashley-Smith, Jonathan
Du Commerce Des Arabes Dans Le Nord de l'Europe Avant Les Croisades by Babelon, Ernest
Environmental Archaeology: Theoretical and Practical Approaches by Branch, Nick, Turney, Chris, Canti, Matthew
Baffle Marks and Pontil Scars: A Reader on Historic Bottle Identification by
An Archaeology Without Borders: : Performance Excavations in Embedded/Entangled Fields by Sabol Jr, John G.
Ancient Glass by Henderson, Julian
The Rock Tombs of Deir El Gebrâwi by Davies, Norman De Garis
The Rock Tombs of Deir el Gebrâwi by Davies, Norman De Garis
The Rock Tombs of Deir el Gebrâwi by Davies, Norman De Garis
Kärntens heilige Berge. Eine Studie zur Kultkontinuität am Ulrichs- und Danielsberg by Schobert, Alexander
Entstehung und Verbreitung römischer Tafelgeschirrsupplemente. Feinware und frühe glasierte Keramik von der Republikanischen Zeit bis zum Ende des ers by Schobert, Alexander
Szenen aus dem Alten Testament in Roms frühchristlichen Katakomben: Ikonografie, Kontext und Aussage by Ing Schobert, Ba Ma
How Things Shape the Mind: A Theory of Material Engagement by Malafouris, Lambros
Traversing the Past: The Total Station Theodolite in Archaeological Landscape Survey by
Boundaries, Borders and Frontiers in Archaeology: A Study of Spatial Relationships by Feuer, Bryan
A Pilgrim's Scrip by Thompson, Reginald Campbell
A Primer of Assyriology by Sayce, Archibald Henry
A Guide to the Prehistoric Rock Engravings in the Italian Maritime Alps by Bicknell, Clarence
A History of Egypt by Breasted, James Henry
The Creation: Its Infinite Features and Finite Realms: Volume III The Advanced Civilization of Atlantis, Advanced Interstellar Civil by Hetrick, Jack
The Creation: Its Infinite Features and Finite Realms: Volume III The Advanced Civilization of Atlantis, Advanced Interstellar Civil by Hetrick, Jack
Rethinking Moundville and Its Hinterland by
The Byzantine Dark Ages by Decker, Michael J.
The Byzantine Dark Ages by Decker, Michael J.
Ethics and the Archaeology of Violence by
Excavating Memory: Sites of Remembering and Forgetting by
Finding Hidden Voices of the Chinese Railroad Workers by Allen, Rebecca, Heffner, Sarah Christine, Maniery, Mary L.
Gendering Spanish Democracy by Cousins, Christine, Valiente, Celia, Threlfall, Monica
Hadrianopolis III: Ceramic Finds from Southwestern Paphlagonia by Laflı, Ergün, Şahin, Gülseren Kan
Styles, techniques et expression graphique dans l'art sur paroi rocheuse (Styles, Techniques and Graphic Expression in Rock Art) by
Prehistoric Pottery Across the Baltic: Regions, Influences and Methods by
Architettura militare di fine Ottocento: La difesa costiera e l'impiego delle batterie dello Stretto di Messina by Donato, Armando
Dorothea Bleek: A Life of Scholarship by Weintroub, Jill
Collaborative Heritage Management by
Prehistoric Investigations: From Denisovans to Neanderthals; DNA to stable isotopes; hunter-gathers to farmers; stone knapping to metallurgy; cave by Seddon, Christopher P.
Peripheral Concerns by Cohen, Susan
Archaeologies of Early Modern Spanish Colonialism by
Archaeology, Anthropology and Cult: The Sanctuary at Gilat, Israel by Levy, Thomas Evan
Syria-Palestine in the Late Bronze Age: An Anthropology of Politics and Power by Pfoh, Emanuel
At Home with the Aztecs: An Archaeologist Uncovers Their Daily Life by Smith, Michael
Das Heroon von Gölbaşi-Trysa by Behm, Stefan
Greek Perspectives on the Achaemenid Empire: Persia Through the Looking Glass by Morgan, Janett
ARCHAEOLOGY -Life in the Trenches: It Ain't All Golden Masks and Crystal Skulls by Adams, Nick
At Home with the Aztecs: An Archaeologist Uncovers Their Daily Life by Smith, Michael
Skeletal Biology of the Ancient Rapanui (Easter Islanders) by
Death Rituals, Social Order and the Archaeology of Immortality in the Ancient World by
Ethics and Archaeological PRAXIS by
After Ethics: Ancestral Voices and Post-Disciplinary Worlds in Archaeology by
The Ethics of Cultural Heritage by
Archeologia 1 - Ten Ancient Cities: Baalbek, Babilonia, Byblos, Cartagine, Gomorra, Leptis Magna, Masada, Sidone, Sodoma, Tiro by Accenti, Ettore, Accenti, Eva
Africa from MIS 6-2: Population Dynamics and Paleoenvironments by
Marking the Land: Hunter-Gatherer Creation of Meaning in Their Environment by
Death on the Nile: Uncovering the Afterlife of Ancient Egypt by
Beneath the Ivory Tower: The Archaeology of Academia by
New Histories of Pre-Columbian Florida by
Jefferson's Poplar Forest: Unearthing a Virginia Plantation by
Oxford Handbook of Ancient Anatolia by
Steep, Strait and High: Ancient Houses of Central Lincoln by Johnson, Christopher, Jones, Stanley
The Art of Anglo-Saxon England by Karkov, Catherine E.
Isotopic Landscapes in Bioarchaeology by
Imperial Matter: Ancient Persia and the Archaeology of Empires by Khatchadourian, Lori
Musket Ball and Small Shot Identification: A Guide by Sivilich, Daniel M.
The Roman Settlement Patterns in the Western Façade of the Conventus Bracarensis by De Carvalho, Helena Paula Abreu
The Architectural Form of the Mosque in the Central Arab Lands, from the Hijra to the End of the Umayyad Period, 1/622-133/750 by Antun, Thallein
Portable Shrine Models: Ancient Architectural Clay Models from the Levant by Katz, Hava
Nabataean Clay Lamps: An Analytical Study of Art and Myths by Khairy, Nabil Ibrahim
Natur und Megalithgrab. Gefährung des Megalithenbestandes durch direkte und indirekte florale Einflüsse am Denkmal sowie der unmittelbaren Umgebung: P by Chiriaco, Marco
The Archaeology of Ancestors: Death, Memory, and Veneration by
The Representation of the Past: Museums and Heritage in the Post-Modern World by Walsh, Kevin
The Archaeology of Medieval Ireland by Barry, Terry B.
Health and Disease in the Prehistoric Pacific Islands by Buckley, Hallie R.
The Timber Monuments of Neolithic Scotland by Millican, Kirsty
Los Alfares Medievales de la Calle Hospital Viejo de Logroño (La Rioja, España): Sistematización de sus Producciones (siglos XIII-XV) by Martínez González, Milagros
Symbol and Image in Celtic Religious Art by Green, Miranda
Historical Archaeology of Arkansas: A Hidden Diversity by
Minoans: Life in Bronze Age Crete by Castleden, Rodney
The Routledge Dictionary of Gods and Goddesses, Devils and Demons by Lurker, Manfred
Everyday Life Matters: Maya Farmers at Chan by Robin, Cynthia
Travels in the Central Parts of Indo-China (Siam), Cambodia, and Laos: During the Years 1858, 1859, and 1860 by Mouhot, Henri
Travels in the Central Parts of Indo-China (Siam), Cambodia, and Laos by Mouhot, Henri
Travels in the Central Parts of Indo-China (Siam), Cambodia, and Laos by Mouhot, Henri
Ritual, Violence, and the Fall of the Classic Maya Kings by
Archaeology of East Asian Shipbuilding by Kimura, Jun
The National Historic Preservation Act: Past, Present, and Future by
Modelling Human Behaviour in Landscapes: Basic Concepts and Modelling Elements by Nakoinz, Oliver, Knitter, Daniel
The Pueblo Bonito Mounds of Chaco Canyon: Material Culture and Fauna by
Killing Civilization: A Reassessment of Early Urbanism and Its Consequences by Jennings, Justin
Anecdotes of Archery - From The Earliest Ages to the Year 1791 - Including an Account of the Principle Existing Societies of Archers, Life of the Reno by Hargrove, Alfred E.
Additional Notes on Arrow Release (History of Archery Series) by Ford, Horace A., Morse, Edward S.
Appendix to The Book of the Crossbow and Ancient Projectile Engines (History of Archery Series) by Payne-Gallwey, Ralph, Ford, Horace A.
The Book of the Crossbow (History of Archery Series) by Payne-Gallwey, Ralph, Ford, Horace A.
The Archaeology of Urbanism in Ancient Egypt by Moeller, Nadine
The Archery (History of Archery Series) by Ford, Horace A., Maxson, Louis William
The Teaching of Archery (History of Archery Series) by Craft, Dave, Ford, Horace A.
Ancient and Modern Methods of Arrow Release (History of Archery Series) by Morse, Edward S., Ford, Horace A.
Kommos: An Excavation on the South Coast of Crete, Volume I, Part I: The Kommos Region and Houses of the Minoan Town. Part I: The Kommos Region, Ecolo by
Excavations at Sarachane in Istanbul, Volume 1 by Harrison, R. Martin
Ancient Antioch by Downey, Glanville
Cities and Cemeteries of Etruria by Dennis, George
Eleusis and the Eleusinian Mysteries by Mylonas, George Emmanuel
The Palace of Nestor at Pylos in Western Messenia, Vol. II: The Frescoes by Lang, Mabel L.
Crete by Allbaugh, Leland G.
History of Antioch by Downey, Glanville
The Palace of Nestor at Pylos in Western Messenia, Vol. 1: The Buildings and Their Contents by
Stobi: Results of the Joint American-Yugoslav Archaeological Investigations, 1970-1981: Volume 1: The Hellenistic and Roman P by Anderson-Stojanovi, Virginia R.
Mousterian Lithic Technology: An Ecological Perspective by Kuhn, Steven L.
Lukurmata: Household Archaeology in Prehispanic Bolivia by Bermann, Marc
T. Macci Plauti-Epidicus by Duckworth, George E.
The Origin of Modern Humans and the Impact of Chronometric Dating by
Morgantina Studies, Volume I: The Terracottas by Bell, Malcolm
Greek Papyri: An Introduction by Turner, Eric Gardner
Prehistoric Cannibalism at Mancos 5mtumr-2346 by White, Tim D.
Excavations at Nessana, Volume 3: Non-Literary Papyri by
The Archeology of the New Testament: The Life of Jesus and the Beginning of the Early Church - Revised Edition by Finegan, Jack
Taxation in Egypt from Augustus to Diocletian by Wallace, Sherman Leroy
The Archaeology of Vernacular Watercraft by
The Calendar of the Roman Republic by Michels, Agnes Kirsopp
Morgantina Studies, Volume III: Fornaci E Officine Da Vasaio Tardo-Ellenistiche. (in Italian) (Late Hellenistic Potters' Kilns and Workshops) by Cuomo Di Caprio, Ninina
Morgantina Studies, Volume IV: The Protohistoric Settlement on the Cittadella by Leighton, Robert
What Is Paleolithic Art?: Cave Paintings and the Dawn of Human Creativity by Clottes, Jean
The Political Museum: Power, Conflict, and Identity in Cyprus by Stylianou-Lambert, Theopisti, Bounia, Alexandra
The Bioarchaeology of Societal Collapse and Regeneration in Ancient Peru by Kurin, Danielle Shawn
Ancient Church Dedications in Scotland by Mackinlay, James Murray
Pieces of Eight: Being the Authentic Narrative of a Treasure Discovered in the Bahama Islands, in the Year 1903-- by Le Gallienne, Richard
Quaint London: Describing a Number of Interesting Relics of old London by Mortality, Old
Pompeii as an art City by Mayer, Eduard Von
The Long Silence (2): Itzimte and its Neighbors: An Architectural Survey of Maya Ruins in Northeastern Campeche, México by Merk, Stephan
A Slice Through Time: Dendrochronology and Precision Dating by Baillie, M. G. L.
Museums Without Barriers: A New Deal For the Disabled by
The Transactions Of The Royal Irish Academy by Academy, Royal Irish
The Transactions Of The Royal Irish Academy by Academy, Royal Irish
Corpus of Anglo-Saxon Stone Sculpture, XII, Nottinghamshire by Everson, Paul, Stocker, David
The Origin And Use Of The Royston Cave by Beldam, Joseph
Mythic Frontiers: Remembering, Forgetting, and Profiting with Cultural Heritage Tourism by Maher, Daniel R.
Transactions Of The Essex Archaeological Society by Society, Essex Archaeological
Nomadism in Iran: From Antiquity to the Modern Era by Potts, Daniel T., Potts, D. T.
The Ancient Urban Maya: Neighborhoods, Inequality, and Built Form by Hutson, Scott R.
Transactions Of The Essex Archaeological Society by Society, Essex Archaeological
Digital Classics Outside the Echo-Chamber: Teaching, Knowledge Exchange & Public Engagement by
Digital Classics Outside the Echo-Chamber: Teaching, Knowledge Exchange & Public Engagement by
Transactions Of The Essex Archaeological Society by Society, Essex Archaeological
Transactions Of The Essex Archaeological Society by Society, Essex Archaeological
Traditions Of De-coo-dah: And Antiquarian Researches: Comprising Extensive Explorations, Surveys, And Excavations Of Earthen Remains Of The Moun by Pidgeon, William
Astronomy and Power: How Worlds Are Structured by
Fluvial Processes in the Pleistocene of Northern Europe by Chu, Wei
Patterns in Stonework: The Early Churches in Northern England by Potter, John F.
Il funerario in Friuli e nelle regioni contermini tra l'età del ferro e l'età tardoantica: (The Funerary in Friuli and surrounding Regions between Iro by
A Mosaic Menagerie: Creatures of Land, Sea and Sky in Romano-British Mosaics by Witts, Patricia
The Ancient Maya City of Blue Creek, Belize: Wealth, Social Organization and Ritual by
Pössneck: The Scene of Hermann Und Dorothea by Kullmer, Charles Julius
Terrestrial Magnetism: Magnetic Dip and Intensity Observations January, 1897, to June 30, 1902 by
A Record of European Armour and Arms Through Seven Centuries by Laking, Guy Francis, Cripps-Day, Francis Henry
Bangalore: The Early City: AD 1537 - 1799 by Sharma, Yashaswini
A Record of European Armour and Arms Through Seven Centuries by Cripps-Day, Francis Henry, Laking, Guy Francis
Catalogue of the Bateman Collection of Antiquities in the Sheffield Public Museum. Prepared by E. Howarth. Published by Order of the Committee by
An Address Delivered Before the American Antiquarian Society, in King's Chapel, Boston, on Their Second Anniversary, October 24, 1814 by Holmes, Abiel
Additional Notes on Arrow Release by Morse, Edward Sylvester
Le Moyen-Âge Et La Renaissance, Histoire Et Description Des Moeurs Et Usages, Du Commerce Tome 1 by LaCroix, Paul
The Archaeology of Andean Pastoralism by
The Tomb-Builders of the Pharaohs by Bierbrier, Morris
Poisoned Legacy: The Fall of the Nineteenth Egyptian Dynasty by Dodson, Aidan
The Hampton L. Carson Collection of Engraved Portraits of Gen. George Washington by Henkels, Firm, Carson, Hampton L. 1852-1929
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