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Archaeology in 2017

La Rhetorique Du Petit Dans l'Epigramme Grecque Et Latine: Actes Du Colloque de Strasbourg (26-27 Mai 2015) by
Footwear in Ancient Egypt: The Medelhavsmuseet Collection by Veldmeijer, Andre J.
Amheida III: Ostraka from Trimithis, Volume 2 by Bagnall, Roger S., Ast, Rodney
The Lost City of the Monkey God: A True Story (Large Print Edition) by Preston, Douglas
Der Severusbogen als Triumphalmonument. Lage, Architektur, Reliefschmuck und Forschungsgeschichte by Hinterhöller, Monika
Der Severusbogen im historischen Kontext. Septimius Severus und die Partherkriege by Hinterhöller, Monika
Les problèmes de datation dans la grotte Chauvet et quelques grottes du Jura souabe by Jouve, Guy
Archaeology on Medieval Knights' Manor Houses in Poland by Marciniak-Kajzer, Anna
The Lost City of the Monkey God: A True Story by Preston, Douglas
Der Schwierige Umgang Mit Ns-Raubkunst: Eine Analyse Aus Rechtlicher Perspektive Am Beispiel Des Schwabinger Kunstfundes by Rosenkranz, Benjamin
Der Severusbogen im Kontext der Kaiserlichen Propaganda. Funktion, Repräsentation und Programmatik by Hinterhöller, Monika
Formation Processes of Maritime Archaeological Landscapes by
Eurasia at the Dawn of History by
Setting the Table: Ceramics, Dining, and Cultural Exchange in Andalucía and La Florida by Ness, Kathryn L.
Dressing the Part: Power, Dress, Gender, and Representation in the Pre-Columbian Americas by
Conflict in the Archaeology of Living Traditions by
Engaging Heritage, Engaging Communities by
The Northern Rock Art Tradition in Central Norway by Sognnes, Kalle
At the End of Great Moravia: Skeletons from the Second Church Cemetery at Pohansko-Břeclav (9th-10th Century A.D.) by
The Diffusion of Neolithic Practices from Anatolia to Europe: A contextual study of residential construction, 8,500-5,500 BC cal. by Brami, Maxime Nicolas
Mifsas Baḥri: a Late Aksumite Frontier Community in the Mountains of Southern Tigray: Survey, Excavation and Analysis, 2013-16 by
Gatherings: Past and Present by
Broken Chains and Subverted Plans: Ethnicity, Race, and Commodities by Fennell, Christopher C.
Rome and the Classic Maya: Comparing the Slow Collapse of Civilizations by Storey, Rebecca, Storey, Glenn R.
The Ancient Nasca World: New Insights from Science and Archaeology by
Paleoanthropology of the Balkans and Anatolia: Human Evolution and Its Context by
Feast, Famine or Fighting?: Multiple Pathways to Social Complexity by
Who Needs the Past?: Indigenous Values and Archaeology by
Ancient Britain by Dyer, James
Yarnton: Neolithic and Bronze Age Settlement and Landscape by Hey, Gill, Dennis, Caroline, Bell, Christopher
Beni Hassan: Volume II - Two Old Kingdom Tombs by Lashien, Miral
Colonized Bodies, Worlds Transformed: Toward A Global Bioarchaeology of Contact and Colonialism by
Human Paleontology and Prehistory: Contributions in Honor of Yoel Rak by
Land Contamination and Archaeology: Good Practice Guidance by
The Archaeology of the 11th Century: Continuities and Transformations by
Oxford Handbook of Ancient Iran by
The Caribbean Before Columbus by Keegan, William F., Hofman, Corinne L.
Osseous Projectile Weaponry: Towards an Understanding of Pleistocene Cultural Variability by
Ancient Egyptian Temple Ritual: Performance, Patterns, and Practice by Eaton, Katherine
After Monte Albán: Transformation and Negotiation in Oaxaca, Mexico by
Bioarchaeology and Climate Change: A View from South Asian Prehistory by Robbins Schug, Gwen
Arqueologia en la Linea Noroeste de La Espanola: Paisajes, ceramicas e interacciones by Ulloa Hung, Jorge
Museums and Archaeology by
The Historical Archaeology of Virginia From Initial Settlement to the Present: O by Geier, Clarence R.
Bioarchaeology of Women and Children in Times of War: Case Studies from the Americas by
Pyramide Apocalypsia, nouvelle édition: Les Secrets en Pleine Lumière by Seimple, Jean
Woodland in the Neolithic of Northern Europe: The Forest as Ancestor by Noble, Gordon
Radiocarbon Dates: From Samples Funded by English Heritage Between 1998 and 2003 by Cook, Gordon, Bayliss, Alex, Bronk Ramsey, Christopher
Archaeology, Narrative, and the Politics of the Past: The View from Southern Maryland by King, Julia A.
Digital Methods and Remote Sensing in Archaeology: Archaeology in the Age of Sensing by
Boiotia in the Fourth Century B.C. by
The Towns of Roman Britain by
Organic Residue Analysis and Archaeology: Guidance for Good Practice by Dunne, Julie
Organic Residue Analysis and Archaeology: Supporting Information by Dunne, Julie
The Creation: Its Infinite Features and Finite Realms Volume IV: The Infinite Features and Finite Realms of the Creation, and the Li by Hetrick, Jack
South Carolina Antiquities v.48 by Moore, Christopher R.
Pottery Production Technology and Long-distance Exchange in Late Neolithic Makrygialos, Northern Greece by Hitsiou, Elissavet S.
Transcaucasian Bronze Belts by Castelluccia, Manuel
Simboli e associazioni astrali nella glittica mesopotamica del Bronzo Tardo by Pizzimenti, Sara
Hill of Prosperity: Excavations at Khok Charoen, Thailand: A Burial Site at the Stone-Metal Junction by Loofs-Wissowa, Helmut
The Copper Age in South-West Spain: A bioarchaeological approach to prehistoric social organisation by Díaz-Zorita Bonilla, Marta
Arquitectura, urbanismo y espacios domésticos en "El Castro", Pendia (Asturias, España). Siglos IV a. C.-II d. C. by del Cueto, Fernando Rodríguez
The Pottery Figurines of Pre-Columbian Peru: Volume II: The Figurines of the Central Coast by Morgan, Alexandra
The Funerary Monuments of Rough Cilicia and Isauria by Er Scarborough, Yasemin
Cave Art by David, Bruno
Legacies of Space and Intangible Heritage: Archaeology, Ethnohistory, and the Politics of Cultural Continuity in the Americas by
Protecting Pharaoh's Treasures: My Life in Egyptology by Saddik, Wafaa El
Imprints of Kinship: Studies of Recently Discovered Bronze Inscriptions from Ancient China by Shaughnessy, Edward
Material Worlds: Archaeology, Consumption, and the Road to Modernity by
Three Stones Make a Wall: The Story of Archaeology by Cline, Eric H.
History of Ancient Egypt Volume 2 by Romer, John
Beiträge zur Topographie von Delphi by Pomtow, H.
The Tradesmen's Tokens of the Eighteenth Century by Atkins, James
The Engraved Portraits of Washington by Baker, William Spon
An Ice Age Mystery: Unearthing the Secrets of the Old Vero Site by Johnson, Rody
A New and Accurate Description of all the Direct and Principle Cross in England and Wales by Paterson, Daniel
The History of the Ancient Parish of Waltham Abbey by Winters, Williams
Pottery, Livelihoods, and Landscapes: A Case Study from the Peruvian Andes by Bell, Martha G.
Medieval European Coinage by Balaguer, Anna M., Grierson, Philip, Crusafont, Miquel
History of St. Mary's Abbey, Melrose by Wade, James A., Milne, Adam
Papyri in the Princeton University Collections, Volume II by Kase, Edmund Harris
Papyri in the Princeton University Collections, Volume III by
The Palaces of Crete: Revised Edition by Graham, James Walter
The Early Olmec and Mesoamerica: The Material Record by
We Come for Good: Archaeology and Tribal Historic Preservation at the Seminole Tribe of Florida by
The Palaces of Crete: Revised Edition by Graham, James Walter
Papyri in the Princeton University Collections, Volume III by
Papyri in the Princeton University Collections, Volume II by Kase, Edmund Harris
The Creative Spark: How Imagination Made Humans Exceptional by Fuentes, Agustín
Samothracian Reflections: Aspects of the Revival of the Antique by Lehmann, Karl, Lehmann, Phyllis Williams
Samothracian Reflections: Aspects of the Revival of the Antique by Lehmann, Karl, Lehmann, Phyllis Williams
The Archaeology of Vernacular Watercraft by
Architecture and the Origins of Preclassic Maya Politics by Doyle, James
New Perspectives in Southeast Asian and Pacific Prehistory by
Social Perspectives on Ancient Lives from Paleoethnobotanical Data by
The Life of Margaret Alice Murray: A Woman's Work in Archaeology by Sheppard, Kathleen L.
Simplicity, Equality, and Slavery: An Archaeology of Quakerism in the British Virgin Islands, 1740-1780 by Chenoweth, John M.
Multiethnicity and Migration at Teopancazco: Investigations of a Teotihuacan Neighborhood Center by
The First Signs: Unlocking the Mysteries of the World's Oldest Symbols by Von Petzinger, Genevieve
Pre-Inca and Inca Pottery: Quebrada de Humahuaca, Argentina by
The Archaeology of the Roman Rural Economy in the Central Balkan Provinces: Rural settlements and store buildings by ILIC, Olivera
Excavations at Francavilla Marittima 1991-2004: Finds Related to Textile Production from the Timpone della Motta. Volume 6: Loom Weights by Kleibrink, Marianne
Il caso studio delle necropoli longobarde in area danubiana: Un contributo archeologico alla questione storica dell'etnogenesi by Codromaz, Federica
El proceso de urbanización de la Meseta Norte en la Protohistoria y la Antigüedad: la ciudad celtibérica y romana de Termes (s. VI a.C.-193 p.C.) by Martínez Caballero, Santiago
Entangled Identities and Otherness in Late Antique and Early Medieval Europe: Historical, Archaeological and Bioarchaeological Approaches by
Climate Change and Human Responses: A Zooarchaeological Perspective by
On the Manufacture of Gun-Flints: The Methods of Excavating for Fling, the age of Palæolithic man by Skertchly, Sydney Barber Josiah
Salaminia (Cyprus): History, Treasures and Antiquities by Birch, Samuel, Cesnola, Alexander Palma Di
Tourist's Guide to Cornwall and the Scilly Isles: Containing Succinct Information Concerning all Principal Places and Objects by Tregellas, Walter H.
Spirits and Ships: Cultural Transfers in Early Monsoon Asia by
An Epigraphical Journey in Asia Minor: Vol. II (1883 - 1884) by Sterrett, John Robert Sitlington
Captain Jones's Wormslow: A Historical, Archaeological, and Architectural Study of an Eighteenth-Century Plantation Site Near Savannah, Georgia by Kelso, William M.
Exploring Sex and Gender in Bioarchaeology by
Material Culture, Power, and Identity in Ancient China by Wu, Xiaolong
Injury and Trauma in Bioarchaeology by Redfern, Rebecca C.
Archives, Objects, Places and Landscapes: Multidisciplinary approaches to Decolonised Zimbabwean Pasts by Chirikure, Shadreck, Manyanga, Munyaradzi
Bones of Complexity: Bioarchaeological Case Studies of Social Organization and Skeletal Biology by
Rechnungswesen in Kulturbetrieben: Ein Leitfaden by Dey, Günther
A Manual of Aesopic Fable Literature: A First Book of Reference for the Period Ending A.D. 1500 by Keidel, George C. (George Charles)
Reordering the Landscape of Wye House: Nature, Spirituality, and Social Order by Pruitt, Elizabeth
Upland Salado Iconography and Religious Change by McKusick, Charmion R.
The Priory of Saint Radegund, Cambridge by Gray, Arthur
History of Art in Sardinia, Judaea, Syria, and Asia Minor by Perrot, Georges, Chipiez, Charles
The Contour Road Book of England: Western Divison by Inglis, Harry R. G.
The Gila Pueblo Salado by Young, Jon Nathan, McKusick, Charmion R.
Sensing the Past: From Artifact to Historical Site by
St. Alban's Cathedral and Abbey Church: A Guide by Page, William, Nicholson, Henry Joseph Boone
A History of the Municipal Church of St. Lawrence, Reading by Kerry, Charles
A Visit to the Cabinet of the United States Mint, at Philadelphia by Johnston, Elizabeth Bryant
A Critique of Archaeological Reason: Structural, Digital, and Philosophical Aspects of the Excavated Record by Buccellati, Giorgio
The Collapse of the Mycenaean Economy: Imports, Trade, and Institutions 1300-700 BCE by Murray, Sarah C.
A Critique of Archaeological Reason: Structural, Digital, and Philosophical Aspects of the Excavated Record by Buccellati, Giorgio
The Give and Take of Sustainability: Archaeological and Anthropological Perspectives on Tradeoffs by
The Minnesota Pylos Project, 1990-98 by
Patrimonio tangible e intangible mexicano: una reflexión by
Sémiologie du temple maya: Contribution à l'archéologie des centres cérémoniels des Basses Terres méso-américaines (200/900 ap. J.-C.) by Letouzé, Aliénor
Excavations at Kranka Dada: An Examination of Daily Life, Trade, and Ritual in the Bono Manso Region by Compton, Anne M.
Materia y acción en las catedrales medievales (ss. IX-XIII) / Material and Action in European Cathedrals (9th-13th centuries): Construir, decorar, cel by
The Priory of Saint Radegund, Cambridge by Gray, Arthur
Coins, Medals, and Seals, Ancient and Modern: Illustrated and Described, With a Sketch of the History of Coins... by Prime, W. C.
Animaltown: Beasts in Medieval Urban Space by
Corinth Excavations Archaeological Manual by James, Sarah A., Johnson, A. Carter
Tu Sais, Mon Vieux Jean-Pierre: Essays on the Archaeology and History of New France and Canadian Culture in Honour of Jean-Pierre Chrestien by
A Handbook of Greek and Roman Coins by Hill, G. F.
A history of Enfield in the County of Middlesex;: including its Royal and ancient manors, the chase, and the Duchy of Lancaster, with notices of its w by Ford, Edward, Hodson, George Hewitt
The Priory of Saint Radegund Cambridge by Gray, Arthur
Romano-British Mosaic Pavements: A History of Their Discovery, and a Record and Interpretation of tTheir Designs by Morgan, Thomas
Jersey Place Names: Volume I: The Dictionary by Stevens, Charles, Stevens, Joan, Arthur, Jean
Synopsis of the Contents of the British Museum: Department of Greek and Roman Antiquities: First Vase Room by Museum, British
Rhedae, la cité des chariots: L'écrit qui motiva les recherches de l'abbé Saunière à Rennes-le-Château by Fédié, Louis
Aquæ Solis or Notices of Roman Bath by Scarth, H. M.
Ancient Egyptian Beads by Xia, Nai
Historical Notes on Wallington by Williams, John
A History of Coggeshall, in Essex: With an account of its church, abbey, manors, ancient houses and biographical sketches of its most distinguished me by Beaumont, George Frederick
Nibiru e i Figli delle Stelle: Gli Antichi Astronauti sono realmente esistiti? by Salamone, Daniele
¿Por qué danzan los arqueros?: 5000 km tras la Prehistoria y los Lugares de Poder by B. C., Lorena
Archaeological Perspectives on the French in the New World by
Island Shores, Distant Pasts: Archaeological and Biological Approaches to the Pre-Columbian Settlement of the Caribbean by
Ark of Civilization: Refugee Scholars and Oxford University, 1930-1945 by
Troja: Results of the Latest Researches and Discoveries on the Site of Homer's Troy by Schliemann, Heinrich
History of Art in Phrygia, Lydia, Caria, and Lycia: From the French of Georges Perrot and Charles Chipiez by Chipiez, Charles, Perrot, Georges
Irish pictures by Lovett, Richard
Mitografia del Cilento: Luoghi e memorie di una terra del sud by La Greca, Amedeo
Jersey Place Names: Volume II: The Maps by Stevens, Collette, Stevens, Charles
Dental Morphology for Anthropology: An Illustrated Manual by Edgar, Heather
Archaeology of the Everglades by
The Power of Stars by Penprase, Bryan E.
Fishing and Shipwreck Heritage: Marine Archaeology's Greatest Threat? by Kingsley, Sean A.
Two Sussex Archaeologists: William Durrant Cooper and Mark Antony Lower by Campkin, Henry
The Ramseys at Swan Pond: The Archaeology and History of an East Tennessee Farm by Faulkner, Charles H.
The Socio-Economic Organisation of the Urartian Kingdom by Çifçi, Ali
Coping with Biological Growth on Stone Heritage Objects: Methods, Products, Applications, and Perspectives by Pinna, Daniela
How to unlock the secrets, enigmas, and mysteries of Ancient Egypt and other old civilizations by Mancini, Anna
Comment percer les Secrets, Enigmes et Mysteres de l'Ancienne Egypte et d'autres anciennes civilisations by Mancini, Anna
Archaeology: Theories and Practices by
The Oxford Handbook of Zooarchaeology by
The Country Where My Heart Is: Historical Archaeologies of Nationalism and National Identity by
Human Dispersal and Species Movement by
The Light, the Stones and the Sacred: Proceedings of the Xvth Italian Society of Archaeoastronomy Congress by
Babylonia, the Gulf Region, and the Indus: Archaeological and Textual Evidence for Contact in the Third and Early Second Millennia B.C. by Laursen, Steffen, Steinkeller, Piotr
Ancient Settlement Patterns in the Area of Aksum (Tigray, Northern Ethiopia) - Ca. 900 BCE-800/850 CE by Sernicola, Luisa
Archaeological Survey and Excavations at Mikindani, Southern Tanzania: Finding Their Place in the Swahili World by Pawlowicz, Matthew
The Akko Marina Archaeological Project by Galili, Ehud
Early Microlithic Technologies and Behavioural Variability in Southern Africa and South Asia by Lewis, Laura
The Place-name Kingston and Royal Power in Middle Anglo-Saxon England: Patterns, possibilities and purpose by Bourne, Jill
Ad Vallum: Papers on the Roman Army and Frontiers in Celebration of Dr Brian Dobson by
Narrating Objects, Collecting Stories by
Corporate Responsibility for Cultural Heritage: Conservation, Sustainable Development, and Corporate Reputation by Starr, Fiona
Across the Alps in Prehistory: Isotopic Mapping of the Brenner Passage by Bioarchaeology by
Secret Gardens by Masset, Claire
Historical Archaeology Through a Western Lens by
Receipts and Expenses in the Building of Bodmin Church: A.D. 1469 to 1472 by Wilkinson, John James
Medieval European Coinage, Volume 8: Britain and Ireland C.400-1066 by Naismith, Rory
Visitations of Churches Belonging to St. Paul's Cathedral, 1249-1252 by Simpson, W. Sparrow (William Sparrow)
Under the Sea: Archaeology and Palaeolandscapes of the Continental Shelf by
Prehistoric races of the United States of America by Foster, John Wells
Scientific Diving Techniques 2nd Edition by Heine, John N.
The Oxford Handbook of Prehistoric Figurines by
S. Paul's Cathedral Library: A catalogue of Bibles, rituals, and rare books by Cathedral, St Paul's
A Hand-Book to the Antiquities: in the grounds and museum of the Yorkshire Philosophical Society. Seventh Edition by Wellbeloved, Charles
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