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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Archaeology in 2019

Flashy, Fun and Functional: How Things Helped to Invent Melbourne's Gold Rush Mayor by Hayes, Sarah
Visionary Animal: Rock Art from Southern Africa by Ego, Renaud
Water and Power in Past Societies by
Between Worlds: Understanding Ritual Cave Use in Later Prehistory by
Competing Values in Archaeological Heritage by
Maritime Networks in the Ancient Mediterranean World by
Comparison in Anthropology by Candea, Matei
Global Perspectives on the Origins of Agriculture in East Asia by
Multidisciplinary Approaches to Forensic Archaeology: Topics Discussed During the European Meetings on Forensic Archaeology (Emfa) by
The Living History Anthology: Perspectives from ALHFAM by
Historical Archaeology and Environment by
Bioarchaeologists Speak Out: Deep Time Perspectives on Contemporary Issues by
Bones of Contention: Muslim Shrines in Palestine by Petersen, Andrew
The Art of the Body: Antiquity and Its Legacy by Squire, Michael
A Pearl in Peril: Heritage and Diplomacy in Turkey by Luke, Christina
Archaeogeophysics: State of the Art and Case Studies by
The Art of the Body: Antiquity and Its Legacy by Squire, Michael
Guide of The World's Most Valuable Missing Treasures: Fantastic Hidden Treasures Stolen or Missing from circa 200 to the 2010's by Mayers, Linda
The Middle and Upper Paleolithic Archeology of the Levant and Beyond by
The Old Testament in Archaeology and History by
Environmental Archaeology: Current Theoretical and Methodological Approaches by
The Old Testament in Archaeology and History by
Cræft: An Inquiry Into the Origins and True Meaning of Traditional Crafts by Langlands, Alexander
Colonialism, Community, and Heritage in Native New England by Hart, Siobhan M.
Der Vordere Orient zur Zeit der Achämeniden by Richter, Martin
Feasible Management of Archaeological Heritage Sites Open to Tourism by
Viking Silver, Hoards and Containers: The Archaeological and Historical Context of Viking-Age Silver Coin Deposits in the Baltic c. 800-1050 by Gruszczyński, Jacek
Loss and Discovery, Volume I: A Lost Friend, A Lost Manuscript, and A Lost Culture by
Loss and Discovery, Volume II: A Lost Friend, A Lost Manuscript, and A Lost Culture by Secord, Paul R.
The Origin of Roman London by Wallace, Lacey M.
Archaeology and Urban Settlement in Late Roman and Byzantine Anatolia: Euchaïta-Avkat-Beyözü and Its Environment by
The Children of Spring Street: The Bioarchaeology of Childhood in a 19th Century Abolitionist Congregation by Ellis, Meredith A. B.
The Acheulian Site of Gesher Benot Ya'aqov Volume IV: The Lithic Assemblages by Sharon, Gonen, Goren-Inbar, Naama, Alperson-Afil, Nira
Geophysical Methods for Cultural Heritage Management by Mauriello, Paolo, Cozzolino, Marilena, Di Giovanni, Elisa
Contacts Between the Shang and the South c. 1300-1045 BC: Resemblance and Resistance by Lai, Celine Y. Y.
Image and Performance, Agency and Ideology: Representations of the Human Figure in Funerary Contexts in Anglo-Saxon Art, AD 400-680 by Brundle, Lisa
Uncovering Submerged Landscapes: Towards a GIS method for locating submerged archaeology in southeast Alaska by Bale Monteleone, Kelly Rose
The Pottery of Khok Charoen, Thailand: An illustrated, structured catalogue of prehistoric ceramic finds from the site by Loofs-Wissowa, Helmut
Antro delle gallerie, indagini di archeologia mineraria in Valganna (Varese) by Gambini, Amedeo
Historical Archaeology and Heritage in the Middle East by Young, Ruth
Archeological Investigations at Engineer Cantonment: Winter Quarters of the 1819-1820 Long Expedition, Eastern Nebraska by
Formative Britain: An Archaeology of Britain, Fifth to Eleventh Century AD by Carver, Martin
Selected Topics on Archaeology, History and Culture in the Malay World by
The Collection of Ancient Greek Inscriptions in the British Museum,: Vol. 3 by Newton, C. T.
Exploring the Holy Land: 150 Years of the Palestine Exploration Fund by
Denmark in the early iron age by Engelhardt, Conrad
Forensic Archaeology: Multidisciplinary Perspectives by
Archaeological Theory in Practice by Schortman, Edward, Urban, Patricia
Silver, Butter, Cloth: Monetary and Social Economies in the Viking Age by
Architecture, Astronomy and Sacred Landscape in Ancient Egypt by Magli, Giulio
Memory and Agency in Ancient China: Shaping the Life History of Objects by
The Social Archaeology of the Levant by
Der archäische Friedhof am Stadtberge von Thera by Pfuhl, Ernst
Prehistoric Warfare and Violence: Quantitative and Qualitative Approaches by
Archaeologies of the British in Latin America by
Le Viographe bordelais, ou revue historique des monuments de Bordeaux. Avec un plan de Bordeaux by Bernadau, Pierre
Nouvelle Histoire de Lyon et des provinces de Lyonnais, Forez, Beaujolais Franc-Lyonnais et Dombes. Tome Premier by Steyert, André
Étude sur l'administration et l'exploitation des carrières marbres, porphyre, granit, etc. dans le monde romain by DuBois, Charles
Political Landscapes of the Late Intermediate Period in the Southern Andes: The Pukaras and Their Hinterlands by
Das Römerkastell Saalburg Bei Homburg Vor Der Höhe by Jacobi, Louis
Les monuments antiques de l'Algérie: 1 by Gsell, Stéphane
The Cumberland River Archaic of Middle Tennessee by
Drawing in the Land: Rock Art in the Upper Nepean, Sydney Basin, New South Wales by Dibden, Julie
Das Augustusforum. Religiöse und politische Funktion by Anonym
A Farthing for the Ferryman: The Surprising History of a Norfolk Village by Coates, Richard L.
The Archaeology of Underground Mines and Quarries in England by Barnatt, John
Dunbar's Number by
Public Engagement and Education: Developing and Fostering Stewardship for an Archaeological Future by
At Home on the Waves: Human Habitation of the Sea from the Mesolithic to Today by
Towers of Darkness by Vucak, Stefan
Kommos: An Excavation on the South Coast of Crete, Volume I, Part II: The Kommos Region and Houses of the Minoan Town. Part II: The Minoan Hilltop and by
Kommos: An Excavation on the South Coast of Crete, Volume I, Part II: The Kommos Region and Houses of the Minoan Town. Part II: The Minoan Hilltop and by
Archaeology of Identity and Dissonance: Contexts for a Brave New World by
Pedagogy and Practice in Heritage Studies by
William Sharp, Engraver by Baker, William Spohn
Annales du Musée Guimet; Bibliothèque de Vulgarisation by Guimet, Musée
A Review of England and Wales by Gronow, J.
History and Topography of the City of York; Volume II by Sheahan, James Joseph
Finding the Limits of the Limes: Modelling Demography, Economy and Transport on the Edge of the Roman Empire by
Erste Untersuchungen zur Abundanz von Tierknochenresten aus der Terra preta von Hatahara in Zentral-Amazonien (Brasilien, Südamerika) by Karl, Hans-Volker, Tichy, Gottfried
Lettere di Etrusca Erudizione by Inghirami, Francesco
Archaeologia Cambrensis: The Journal of the Cambrian Archaeological Association (Vol. X) by Association, Cambrian Archaeological
Old Plymouth: A Guide to Its Localities and Objects of Interest by Hollis, William T.
Roma Antica di Famiano Nardini, Tomo IV by Nibby, Antonio
Lincoln's Inn: With an Account of the Library by Spilsbury, William Holden
The Indigenous Identity of the South Saami: Historical and Political Perspectives on a Minority Within a Minority by
Archaeological Theory in Practice by Urban, Patricia a., Schortman, Edward
Notes On The Churches Of Derbyshire - Vol I The hundred of Scarsdale. by Cox, J. Charles
The Old Kingdom of Elmet: York and the Ainsty District; A Descriptive Sketch of the History, Antiquities, Legendary Lore, Picturesque Feature, a by Bogg, Edmund
A Complete Guide to the Small Bronzes and Gems by Monaco, Domenico
Les Langues Perdues de la Perse & de L'Assyrie by Menant, Joachim
Ceramics and Society: A Technological Approach to Archaeological Assemblages by Roux, Valentine
An Index Rerum to Norfolk Antiquities by Rye, Walter
Caravans of Gold, Fragments in Time: Art, Culture, and Exchange Across Medieval Saharan Africa by Berzock, Kathleen Bickford
The Archaeology of American Childhood and Adolescence by Baxter, Jane Eva
An Archaeology of Abundance: Reevaluating the Marginality of California's Islands by
History and Approaches to Heritage Studies by
Archaeologia Cambrensis: A Record of the Antiquities of Wales and Its Marches; Volume V by Association, Cambrian Archaeological
Catalogue of Scientific Serials of All Countries, 1633-1876 by Scudder, Samuel Hubbard
Catalogue of Scientific Serials of All Countries, 1633-1876 by Scudder, Samuel Hubbard
Die Inschriften der Römischen Coemeterien: Erklärung 30 Ausgewählter Facsimilirter Altchristlicher by Becker, Ferdinand
Account of a Chemical Examination of the Celtic Antiquities by Mallet, John William
Papers of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens; Volume II by America, Archaeological Institute of
Archaeologia Nova Caesarea by Abbott, Charles Conrad
Memoires lus a la Sorbonne Dans les Seances Extraordinaires du Comite Imperial des Travaux Historiqu by Paris, Université de
Perchè fui esonerato dalla direzione del Museo nazionale di Napoli? by Pais, Ettore
Gli Scavi di Narce ed il Museo di Villa Giulia by Benedetti, Fausto
Reshaping Urban Conservation: The Historic Urban Landscape Approach in Action by
Equids and Wheeled Vehicles in the Ancient World: Essays in Memory of Mary A. Littauer by
Materiali protostorici dalla grotta Vittorio Vecchi (Sezze Romano, LT) by Guidi, Alessandro, Rosini, Lucia
Il paesaggio trasformato: La pianura a sud di Padova tra Romanizzazione e Tarda Antichità by Matteazzi, Michele
El aprovisionamiento de sílex durante la Prehistoria reciente en la comarca del Guadalteba (Málaga): Un análisis desde la arqueometría y la tecnología by Becerra Martín, Serafín
Early Bronze IV Village Life in the Jordan Valley: Excavations at Tell Abu en-Ni'aj and Dhahret Umm el-Marar, Jordan by Falconer, Steven E., Fall, Patricia L.
A Visit to the Cabinet of the United States Mint at Philadelphia by Johnston, Elizabeth Bryant
The Sumerian Legacy: A Guide to Esoteric Archaeology by Free, Joshua
Landscape Archaeology: Reading and Interpreting the American Historical Landscape by Yamin, Rebecca
Classical Heritage and European Identities: The Imagined Geographies of Danish Classicism by Andersen Funder, Lærke Maria, Nørskov, Vinnie, Myrup Kristensen, Troels
The Archaeology of Late Bronze Age Interaction and Mobility at the Gates of Europe: People, Things and Networks Around the Southern Adriatic Sea by Iacono, Francesco
'Ain El-Gedida: 2006-2008 Excavations of a Late Antique Site in Egypt's Western Desert (Amheida IV) by Aravecchia, Nicola
A Descriptive List of the Printed Maps of Somersetshire, 1575-1914 by Chubb, T.
A Memoir of Thomas Chard, D.D. by Pring, James Hurly
Catalogue du musée d'antiquités de Rouen by Cochet, Jean Benoît Désiré
Architectural Energetics in Archaeology: Analytical Expansions and Global Explorations by
The Dual Origin of the Town of Cambridge: With Two Maps by Gray, Arthur
Erin: A Geographical and Descriptive Poem by Smedley, Edward
The Church Bells of Suffalk by Raven, John James
A Bibliography Account of the Principal Works Relating to English Topography: (Vol. I) by Upcott, William
The Church Bells of Suffalk by Raven, John James
A Shark Going Inland Is My Chief: The Island Civilization of Ancient Hawai'i by Kirch, Patrick Vinton
Mythic Frontiers: Remembering, Forgetting, and Profiting with Cultural Heritage Tourism by Maher, Daniel R.
Preliminary Order of Determination of the Relative Rights to the Waters by Scrugham, J. G.
Topography of Great Britain or, British Traveller's Pocket Directory: Being an Accurate and Comprehe by Cooke, George Alexander
A Bibliography Account of the Principal Works Relating to English Topography: (Vol. II) by Upcott, William
The Riot at the Great Gate of Trinity College, February 1610-11 by Clark, J. W.
An Analysis of the Life-Form in Art by Allen, Harrison
Report of an Archaeological Tour in Mexico: In 1881 by Bandelier, A. F.
A Handbook to County Bibliography by Humphreys, Arthur L.
The Myth of the Pent Cuckoo: A Study in Folklore by Field, John Edward
An Analysis of the Life-Form in Art by Allen, Harrison
The Cycladic and Aegean Islands in Prehistory by Berg, Ina
The Velestino Hoard: Casting Light on the Byzantine 'Dark Ages' by Szmoniewski, Bartlomiej Szymon, Curta, Florin
Stations Humaines Quaternaires de la Charente by Chauvet, G.
The new Guide, or, Picture of Bristol, With the Beauties of Clifton: A Descriptive Arrangement of Ex by Evans, John
The Western Manuscripts of the Bodleian Library by Craster, H. H. E.
Mexican Copper Tools: The use of Copper by The Mexicans Before The Conquest, and The Katunes of May by Salisbury, Stephen, Valentini, Philipp Johann Josef
Note-book no. 1 of the Kickapoo Club by Club, Kickapoo
Normandy Stoneware: Traditional Jersey pottery by Finlaison, Margaret
A Bibliographical List of the Works That Have Been Published by Smith, John Russell
Memorials of Old Kent by Clinch, George, Ditchfield, P. H.
Excavations at the Kesslerloch Near Thayngen, Switzerland; a Cave of the Reindeer Period by Merk, Conrad
Catalogue of Books, Deeds, Maps, etc. in the Library of the Surrey Archaelogical Society, Castle Arc by Elsley, F. H.
Discovery in Greek Lands by Marshall, F. H.
The Oxford Handbook of Historical Ecology and Applied Archaeology by
A Description of the Deverel Barrow, Opened A.D. 1825. Also a Minute Account of the Kimmeridge Coal by Miles, William Augustus
Delle scoperte Archeologiche Fatte dal conte Luigi Palma by Agostini, Giovacchino De
Up Hill and Down Dale in Ancient Etruria by Seymour, Frederick
An Archaeological Index by Akerman, John Yonge
Interpreting Objects in the Hybrid Museum: Convergence, Collections and Cultural Policy by Robinson, Helena
The Chaplains and the Chapel of the University of Cambridge by Stokes, H. P.
Edible Insects and Human Evolution by Lesnik, Julie J.
Archaeology, Ideology, and Urbanism in Rome from the Grand Tour to Berlusconi by Dyson, Stephen L.
Encyclopedia of Antiquities and Elements of Archaeology Classical and Mediæval by Fosbroke, Thomas Dudley
Ceramics of the Indigenous Cultures of South America: Studies of Production and Exchange Through Compositional Analysis by
Technology and Tradition in Mesoamerica After the Spanish Invasion: Archaeological Perspectives by
Castration and Culture in the Middle Ages by
Spooky Archaeology: Myth and the Science of the Past by Card, Jeb J.
A Space of Their Own: The Archaeology of Nineteenth Century Lunatic Asylums in Britain, South Australia and Tasmania by Piddock, Susan
Ur-Engur: A Bronze of the Fourth Millennium by Johns, C. H. W.
Tropical Forests in Human Prehistory, History, and Modernity by Roberts, Patrick
Historicising Heritage and Emotions: The Affective Histories of Blood, Stone and Land by
Curatorial Challenges: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Contemporary Curating by
Piling and Archaeology: Guidelines and Best Practice by England, Historic
Archaeology of the Teufelsberg: Exploring Western Electronic Intelligence Gathering in Cold War Berlin by Schofield, John, Cocroft, Wayne D.
The Coins and Tokens of the Possessions and Colonies of the British Empire by Atkins, James
Storia Della Letteratura Italiana Del Cavaliere Abate Girolamo Tiraboschi ...... by Tiraboschi, Girolamo, Ciocchi, Carlo
The Journal Of The British Archaeological Association; Volume 10 by Association, British Archaeological
L'ami Des Monuments Et Des Arts Parisiens Et Français: Excursions D'érudits - D'artistes, D'amateurs, Volume 6... by
Sussex Archaeological Collections Relating To The History And Antiquities Of The County; Volume 38 by Society, Sussex Archaeological
Sussex Archaeological Collections Relating To The History And Antiquities Of The County; Volume 38 by Society, Sussex Archaeological
The Complete Anunnaki Bible: A Source Book of Esoteric Archaeology by Free, Joshua
The Journal Of The British Archaeological Association; Volume 50 by Association, British Archaeological
The American Antiquarian And Oriental Journal, Volumes 15-16 by Peet, Stephen Denison
Sussex Archaeological Collections Relating To The History And Antiquities Of The County, Volumes 1-25 by Society, Sussex Archaeological
Sussex Archaeological Collections Relating To The History And Antiquities Of The County, Volumes 1-25 by Society, Sussex Archaeological
Surrey Archaeological Collections: Relating To The History And Antiquities Of The County; Volume 16 by Society, Surrey Archaeological
Analyse Critique Du Recueil D'inscriptions Grecques Et Latines De M. Le Cte De Vidua... by Letronne, Antoine Jean
The Journal Of The British Archaeological Association; Volume 13 by Association, British Archaeological
The American Antiquarian And Oriental Journal, Volumes 23-24 by Peet, Stephen Denison
Symbolae Litterariae Opuscula Varia Philologica, Scientifica, Antiquaria, Signa, Lapides, Numismata, Gemmas Et Monumenta Medii Aevi; Volume 1 by Gori, Antonio Francesco
Revue Des Études Grecques, Volume 9... by Ruelle, Charles Emile
The Scientific Tourist Through England, Wales & Scotland; Volume 2 by Walford, Thomas
Tableau Pittoresque, Scientifique Et Moral De Nîmes, Et De Ses Environs À Vingt Lieues À La Ronde... by Frossard, Emilien
Anglo-Saxon Towers of Lordship by Shapland, Michael G.
Revue Des Études Grecques, Volume 9... by Ruelle, Charles Emile
Sussex Archaeological Collections Relating To The History And Antiquities Of The County; Volume 26 by Society, Sussex Archaeological
The American Antiquarian And Oriental Journal, Volumes 28-29 by Peet, Stephen Denison
Sussex Archaeological Collections Relating To The History And Antiquities Of The County; Volume 26 by Society, Sussex Archaeological
Sussex Archaeological Collections Relating To The History And Antiquities Of The County; Volume 10 by Society, Sussex Archaeological
Sussex Archaeological Collections Relating To The History And Antiquities Of The County; Volume 10 by Society, Sussex Archaeological
Archaeological Theory: An Introduction by Johnson, Matthew
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