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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Archaeology in 2020

Figurines Feminines Nues: Proche-Orient, Egypte, Nubie, Mediterranee Orientale, Asie Centrale (Viiie Millenaire Av. J.-C. - Ive Siecle Ap. J.-C. by
Les Aventures d'Un Pamphlet Antidemocratique: Transmission Et Reception de la Constitution Des Atheniens Du Pseudo-Xenophon (Ve Siecle Avant J.-C. - X by
Ethical Archaeologies: The Politics of Social Justice by
Doing History: Performative Praktiken in der Geschichtskultur by
A study of the manuscript Troano by Thomas, Cyrus
Memorials in the Aftermath of Armed Conflict: From History to Heritage by
Coming Together: Comparative Approaches to Population Aggregation and Early Urbanization by
The Pasts of Roman Anatolia: Interpreters, Traces, Horizons by Rojas, Felipe
The Archaeology of the Bronze Age Levant by Greenberg, Raphael
Sacred Heritage by Gilchrist, Roberta
The Archaeology of Food by Twiss, Katheryn C.
Strategien Und Ressourcen Für Die Internationalisierung: Fallbeispiele Erfolgreicher Unternehmer Im Deutsch-Polnischen Grenzraum by Steinkamp, Anna M.
Purposeful Pain: The Bioarchaeology of Intentional Suffering by
Communities and Knowledge Production in Archaeology by
The Archaeology and Ethnohistory of Fort Ross, California: Volume 2: The Native Alaskan Neighborhood, A Multiethnic Community at Colony Ross by
Maritime Communities of the Ancient Andes by
Historical Archaeology and Indigenous Collaboration: Discovering Histories That Have Futures by Law Pezzarossi, Heather, Gould, D. Rae, Herbster, Holly
The Odd, the Unusual, and the Strange: Bioarchaeological Explorations of Atypical Burials by
Cetamura del Chianti by de Grummond, Nancy Thomson
Der steinerne Zeuge der Apokalypse: Chavin de Huantar. Eine Botschaft der Überlebenden by Gabler, Rolf
Counterheritage: Critical Perspectives on Heritage Conservation in Asia by Byrne, Denis
Maya E Groups: Calendars, Astronomy, and Urbanism in the Early Lowlands by
Approaches to Monumental Landscapes of the Ancient Maya by
Cahokia in Context: Hegemony and Diaspora by
Analyzing Collapse: The Rise and Fall of the Old Kingdom by Bárta, Miroslav
The plate collector's guide by Macquoid, Percy
Conquistador's Wake: Tracking the Legacy of Hernando de Soto in the Indigenous Southeast by Blanton, Dennis B.
Conquistador's Wake: Tracking the Legacy of Hernando de Soto in the Indigenous Southeast by Blanton, Dennis B.
The Textile Revolution in Bronze Age Europe by
Who Came to Tea at the Old Kinchega Homestead?: Tablewares, Teawares and Social Interaction at an Australian Outback Pastoral Homestead by Allison, Penelope M., Esposito, Virginia
Yachay Wasi: The House of Knowledge of I.S. Farrington by
Arqueología de la Guerra Civil y la Dictadura Española: La historia NO escrita by
Ships, Boats, Ports, Trade, and War in the Mediterranean and Beyond: Proceedings of the Maritime Archaeology Graduate Symposium 2018 by
Competition Between Humans and Large Carnivores: Case studies from the Late Middle and Upper Palaeolithic of the Central Balkans by Milosevic, Stefan
Kultur-Projektmanagement: Kultur- Und Organisationsprojekte Erfolgreich Managen by Bemmé, Sven-Oliver
Murujuga: Rock Art, Heritage, and Landscape Iconoclasm by Zarandona, José Antonio González
In Die Töpfe Geschaut: Biochemische Und Kulturgeschichtliche Studien Zum Früheisenzeitlichen Essen Und Trinken by
In the Footsteps of Honor Frost: The Life and Legacy of a Pioneer in Maritime Archaeology by
Crossing the Pomerium: The Boundaries of Political, Religious, and Military Institutions from Caesar to Constantine by Koortbojian, Michael
The Archaeology of American Mining by White, Paul J.
Islands of Salt: Historical Archaeology of Seafarers and Things in the Venezuelan Caribbean, 1624-1880 by Antczak, Konrad A.
Discovery at Rosetta: Revealing Ancient Egypt by Downs, Jonathan
Bioarchaeology of the Florida Gulf Coast: Adaptation, Conflict, and Change by Hutchinson, Dale L.
Archaeological Spatial Analysis: A Methodological Guide by
The Metal Road of the Eastern Eurasian Steppe: The Formation of the Xiongnu Confederation and the Silk Road by Pan, Ling, Yang, Jianhua, Shao, Huiqiu
Internationales Employer Branding: Eine Analyse Von Stellenangeboten Amerikanischer Unternehmen in Polen Und Deutschland by Jędrzejczyk, Anna
Return to Sodom & Gomorr (Revised) by Pellegrino, Charles R.
Les Temps Préhistoriques En Suède Et Dans Les Autres Pays Scandinaves by Montelius, Oscar
Cultural Resource Management: A Collaborative Primer for Archaeologists by
Testing the Canon of Ancient Near Eastern Art and Archaeology by
Cultural Resource Management: A Collaborative Primer for Archaeologists by
Reminiscenze Di Un Viaggio Nell'arcipelago Scozzese Delle Orcadi by Pelliccioni, Franco
Reminiscenze Di Un Viaggio Nell'arcipelago Scozzese Delle Orcadi "B/W" by Pelliccioni, Franco
Communicating the Past in the Digital Age: Proceedings of the International Conference on Digital Methods in Teaching and Learning in Archaeology (12- by
North American Projectile Points by Hranicky, Wm Jack
Collections Historical & Archaeological Relating To Montgomeryshire And Its Borders (Volume Xii) by Unknown
Collections Historical & Archaeological Relating To Montgomeryshire And Its Borders (Volume X) by Unknown
Bears: Archaeological and Ethnohistorical Perspectives in Native Eastern North America by
Rethinking Colonialism: Comparative Archaeological Approaches by
Power and Place in Europe in the Early Middle Ages by
Archaeologies of the Heart by
The Bipoint in the Settlement of North America: Trans-Oceanic Migrations and Settlement of Prehistoric Americas by Hranicky, Wm Jack
Rock-Cut Caves of Maharashtra: Proceedings of the 2nd Annual Archaeology of Maharashtra International Conference in honour of Prof. Walter Spink, 14 by Trust, Instucen
Critical Perspectives on Cultural Memory and Heritage: Construction, Transformation and Destruction by
Statistik in der Archäologie: eine anwendungsorientierte Einführung auf Basis freier Software by Siegmund, Frank
The Oxford Handbook of the Archaeology of Death & Burial by
Oxford Handbook of Archaeological Ceramic Analysis by
Geoarchaeology: The Human-Environmental Approach by Cordova, Carlos
Digital Cities: Between History and Archaeology by
Future in Ruins: Unesco, World Heritage, and the Dream of Peace by Meskell, Lynn
Future of Nuclear Waste: What Art and Archaeology Can Tell Us about Securing the World's Most Hazardous Material by Joyce, Rosemary
Museum Thresholds: The Design and Media of Arrival by
A History of Archaeological Tourism: Pursuing Leisure and Knowledge from the Eighteenth Century to World War II by Díaz-Andreu, Margarita
Contact, Colonialism, and Native Communities in the Southeastern United States by
Historical Ecology and Archaeology in the Galápagos Islands: A Legacy of Human Occupation by Stahl, Peter W., Astudillo, Fernando J., Jamieson, Ross W.
An Archaeology and History of a Caribbean Sugar Plantation on Antigua by
Texas Treasure: Billy Kenon and the Padre Island Shipwrecks of 1554 by Baer, Robert H.
Rock Art, Water, and Ancestors: The semiotic construction of a sacred landscape in the central Andes (1800 BCE - CE 1820) by Ambrosino, Gordon
An Archaeological Reconstruction of Ancient Maya Life at Pacbitun, Belize by
The Archaeology of Ancient North America by Pauketat, Timothy R., Sassaman, Kenneth E.
Kinship and Family in Ancient Egypt by Olabarria, Leire
The Archaeology of Ancient North America by Pauketat, Timothy R., Sassaman, Kenneth E.
The Influence of Lithic Raw Material Selection on Regional Morphological Variability of Clovis Fluted Points by Slade, Alan M.
Le patrimoine subaquatique du lac Titicaca, Bolivie: Utilisation et perception de l'espace lacustre durant la période Tiwanaku (500-1150 PCN) by Delaere, Christophe
Bronze Age Combat: An experimental approach by Crellin, Rachel J., Uckelmann, Marion, Hermann, Raphael
From Apes to Cyborgs: New Perspectives on Human Evolution by Tuniz, Claudio, Tiberi Vipraio, Patrizia
The Digital Future of Museums: Conversations and Provocations by Winesmith, Keir, Anderson, Suse
Archaeologica Nova Caeserea by Abbott, Charles C.
Archaeologica Nova Caeserea by Abbott, Charles C.
Village Life in Roman Egypt: Tebtunis in the First Century AD by Langellotti, Micaela
Archaeological Science by
Archaeological Science by
The Oxford Handbook of the European Bronze Age by
Re-Writing History: Changing Perceptions of the Past by Harding, Dennis
Archeological Expedition To Arizona In 1895 by Fewkes, Jesse Walter
Ancient Scottish Lake Dwellings Or Crannogs: With A Supplementary Chapter On Remains Of Lake-Dwellings In England by Munro, Robert
The Digital Future of Museums: Conversations and Provocations by Anderson, Suse, Winesmith, Keir
Gems and Gemmology: An Introduction for Archaeologists, Art-Historians and Conservators by Bersani, Danilo, Karampelas, Stefanos, Kiefert, Lore
Sha'Z Square: Ancient Mysteries Decoded: Revised Edition by Zadeh, Shahrokh
Sha'Z Square: Ancient Mysteries Decoded: Revised Edition by Zadeh, Shahrokh
The Imperialisation of Assyria: An Archaeological Approach by Düring, Bleda S.
Human Remains: Curation, Reburial and Repatriation by Clegg, Margaret
Human Remains: Curation, Reburial and Repatriation by Clegg, Margaret
Magical, Mundane or Marginal?: Deposition Practices in the Early Neolithic Linearbandkeramik Culture by
The Oxford Handbook of Egyptian Epigraphy and Palaeography by
Heritage Education: Memories of the Past in the Present Caribbean Social Studies Curriculum: A View from Teacher Practice by Con Aguilar, Eldris
Maya Potters' Indigenous Knowledge: Cognition, Engagement, and Practice by Arnold, Dean E.
Appendix to the book of the crossbow and ancient projectile engines by Payne-Gallwey, Ralph
Digging Up Armageddon: The Search for the Lost City of Solomon by Cline, Eric H.
Maya Christians and Their Churches in Sixteenth-Century Belize by
Capital, Investment, and Innovation in the Roman World by
Archaeology and Oral Tradition in Malawi: Origins and Early History of the Chewa by Juwayeyi, Yusuf M.
A Human Environment: Studies in Honour of 20 Years Analecta Editorship by Prof. Dr. Corrie Bakels by
A Human Environment: Studies in Honour of 20 Years Analecta Editorship by Prof. Dr. Corrie Bakels by
Modeling Peace: Royal Tombs and Political Ideology in Early China by Shi, Jie
Dogs: Archaeology beyond Domestication by
The Oxford Handbook of Cuneiform Culture by
The Sanctuary at Bath in the Roman Empire by Cousins, Eleri H.
Colonization and Subalternity in Classical Greece by Zuchtriegel, Gabriel
Mycenaean Greece and the Aegean World by Kramer-Hajos, Margaretha
Mineralised Plant and Invertebrate Remains: A Guide to the Identification of Calcium Phosphate Replaced Remains by
Catrin Huber: Expanded Interiors at Herculaneum and Pompeii by
Ancient Psychoactive Substances by
Feeding Cahokia: Early Agriculture in the North American Heartland by Fritz, Gayle J.
Ancient West Mexicos: Time, Space, and Diversity by
Roman Law Before the Twelve Tables: An Interdisciplinary Approach by
Archaeology of a World of Changes. Late Roman and Early Byzantine Architecture, Sculpture and Landscapes: Selected Papers from the 23rd International by
Cornwall's Trans-Peninsular Route: Socio-Economic and Cultural Continuity across the Camel/Fowey Corridor: 'The Way of Saints' from the Roman period t by Borlase, Mark
Dynastic Deeds: Hunt scenes in the funerary imagery of the Achaemenid Eastern Mediterranean by Poggio, Alessandro
Archeologia rupestre nel territorio di Siracusa: Con la prefazione di Paul Arthur e la presentazione di Philippe Pergola by Cugno, Santino Alessandro
Les Ovibovini, Caprini et Ovini (Mammalia, Artiodactyla, Bovidae, Caprinae) du Plio-Pléistocène d'Europe, Volume I: Systématique, évolution et biochro by Crégut-Bonnoure, Évelyne
Les Ovibovini, Caprini et Ovini (Mammalia, Artiodactyla, Bovidae, Caprinae) du Plio-Pléistocène d'Europe, Volume II: Systématique, évolution et biochr by Crégut-Bonnoure, Évelyne
Use-wear Analyses of Polished and Bevelled Stone Artefacts during the Sepulcres de Fossa/ Pit Burials Horizon (NE Iberia, c. 4000-3400 cal B.C.) by Masclans Latorre, Alba
The Mortella III Wreck: a Spotlight on Mediterranean Shipbuilding of the 16th Century by Cazenave de la Roche, Arnaud
The Oxford Handbook of the Aztecs by
Crafting Country: Aboriginal Archaeology in the Eastern Chichester Ranges, Northwest Australia by Bird, Caroline, Rhoads, James W.
The Archaeology of Native Americans in Pennsylvania by
The Archaeology of Native Americans in Pennsylvania by
Non-Han Literature Along the Silk Road by
Architectural Sculpture in the Byzantine Negev: Characterization and Meaning by Golan, Karni
Das Neolithikum in Ägypten by Richardt, Daniel
Archaeologica Nova Caesarea by Abbott, Charles C.
Archaeologica Nova Caesarea by Abbott, Charles C.
A Study of Prehistoric Settlement Patterns in China by Pei, Anping
Chinese Diaspora Archaeology in North America by
Human Figuration and Fragmentation in Preclassic Mesoamerica: From Figurines to Sculpture by Guernsey, Julia
The Archaeology of Europe's Drowned Landscapes by
Patronymica Cornu-Britannica by Charnock, Richard Stephen
Patronymica Cornu-Britannica by Charnock, Richard Stephen
The Archaeology of Burning Man: The Rise and Fall of Black Rock City by White, Carolyn L.
Consciousness, Creativity, and Self at the Dawn of Settled Life by
A Journey from Madras Through the Countries of Mysore, Canara, and Malabar by Buchanan, Francis
A Journey from Madras Through the Countries of Mysore, Canara, and Malabar by Buchanan, Francis
Public Participation in Archaeology by
The Man Who Invented Aztec Crystal Skulls: The Adventures of Eugène Boban by Topping, Brett, Walsh, Jane MacLaren
Punk Para-Normal Archaeology: : Beyond the Hunt and the Archaeological by Sabol, John G.
Catalogue of Late and Ptolemaic Period Anthropoid Sarcophagi in the Grand Egyptian Museum: Grand Egyptian Museum: Catalogue Général Vol. 1 by
Reports and papers: Read at the meetings of the architectural societies of the diocese of Lincoln, county of York, Archdeaconries of North by Unknown
Reports and papers: Read at the meetings of the architectural societies of the counties of Lincoln and Nottingham, county of York, Archdea by Unknown
Reports and papers: Read at the meetings of the architectural societies of the counties of Lincoln and Nottingham, county of York, Archdea by Unknown
An Integrated Approach for an Archaeological and Environmental Park in South-Eastern Turkey: Tilmen Höyük by
The Origins of Monsters: Image and Cognition in the First Age of Mechanical Reproduction by Wengrow, David
Paleolithic Politics: The Human Community in Early Art by Cooper, Barry
The Chadwell St Mary Ringwork: A late Bronze Age and Anglo-Saxon settlement in southern Essex by Newton, Andrew a. S.
Curatopia: Museums and the Future of Curatorship by
The Clay World of Çatalhöyük: A fine-grained perspective by Doherty, Chris
A Consideration of Gender Roles and Relations in the Aegean Bronze Age Interpreted from Gestures and Proxemics in Art by Poole, Susan E.
Arqueología de la dictadura en Latinoamérica y Europa / Archaeology of Dictatorship in Latin America and Europe: Violencia, resistencia, resiliencia / by
Paleoclima y aprovechamiento de recursos costeros durante el Mesolítico en la región cantábrica (N de Iberia) by García-Escárzaga, Asier
Ranutovac, an Early Bronze Age Necropolis in southeastern Serbia by Bulatovic, Aleksandar
Urbanisation and State Formation in the Ancient Sahara and Beyond by
Paleolithic Politics: The Human Community in Early Art by Cooper, Barry
Color in the Ancestral Pueblo Southwest by
Reports and papers: Read at the meetings of the Architectural Societies of the Diocese of Lincoln, county of York archdeaconry of Northamp by Unknown
Rude stone monuments in all countries; their age and uses by Fergusson, James
OK Sicily: Viaggio in Terra di Sicilia, fra Storia e Mito, Barocco e Magia! by Chiaramonte, Giuseppe
The Archaeology of Imperial Landscapes by
Traces of History in the Names of Places with a Vocabulary of the Roots out of which Names of Places in England and Wales are formed by Edmunds, Flavell
Traces of History in the Names of Places with a Vocabulary of the Roots out of which Names of Places in England and Wales are formed by Edmunds, Flavell
Large Asian Lakes in a Changing World: Natural State and Human Impact by
Participatory Archaeology and Heritage Studies: Perspectives from Africa by
The Archaeology of Magic: Gender and Domestic Protection in Seventeenth-Century New England by Augé, C. Riley
Stories in Stone: Memorialization, the Creation of History and the Role of Preservation by Williams, Emily
Sprout Lands: Tending the Endless Gift of Trees by Logan, William Bryant
Viaggi in Egitto 1980-2009: Crociera aerea e fluviale sul Nilo; ai confini con il Sudan, alla ricerca di Berenice Trogloditica e della "carovanier by Pelliccioni, Franco
VIAGGI IN EGITTO 1980-2009 "b/w": Crociera aerea e fluviale sul Nilo; ai confini con il Sudan, alla ricerca di Berenice Trogloditica e della "carovani by Pelliccioni, Franco
Early Islamic North Africa: A New Perspective by Fenwick, Corisande
The pre- and proto-historic Finns, both eastern and western, with the magic songs of the west Finns by Abercromby, John
Steinzeitbier: Mesolithisches Brauen am Haspelsee und die Geschichte des Bierbrauens by Bähr, Ulrich
The Gold of the Gods by Von Daniken, Erich
Authority, Gender and Space in the Anglo-Norman World, 900-1200 by Weikert, Katherine
The Oxford Handbook of History and Material Culture by
Indo-Roman Pepper Trade and the Muziris Papyrus by de Romanis, Federico
Maidanets'ke: Development and Decline of a Trypillia Mega-Site in Central Ukraine by Ohlrau, René
Maidanets'ke: Development and Decline of a Trypillia Mega-Site in Central Ukraine by Ohlrau, René
The Architecture of Mastaba Tombs in the Unas Cemetery by Cooke, Ashley
Die Berichte von Atlantis: Timaios (Auszug) und Kritias by Platon
Maps for Time Travelers: How Archaeologists Use Technology to Bring Us Closer to the Past by McCoy, Mark D.
The Open Fields of England by Hall, David
The Buried: An Archaeology of the Egyptian Revolution by Hessler, Peter
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