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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Archaeology in 2021

Caton l'Ancien Et l'Hellenisme. Images, Traditions Et Reception: Images, Traditions Et Reception by
Stag and Stone: Religion, Archaeology and Esoteric Aesthetics by Johnston, Jay
An International Study of Film Museums by Cere, Rinella
Collecting Ancient Europe: National Museums and the Search for European Antiquities in the 19th-Early 20th Century by
Collecting Ancient Europe: National Museums and the Search for European Antiquities in the 19th-Early 20th Century by
Religious Identities and the Global South: Porous Borders and Novel Paths by Wilfred, Felix
Revolting Things: An Archaeology of Shameful Histories and Repulsive Realities by Mullins, Paul R.
Short-Term Occupations in Paleolithic Archaeology: Definition and Interpretation by
Evolution of a Taboo: Pigs and People in the Ancient Near East by Price, Max D.
Everyday Life in the Aztec World by Smith, Michael E., Berdan, Frances
A History of Hittite Literacy by Van Den Hout, Theo
Everyday Life in the Aztec World by Berdan, Frances, Smith, Michael E.
Historical Consciousness and the Use of the Past in the Ancient World by
Archaeology in the Zitava Valley I: The Lbk and Zeliezovce Settlement Site of Vráble by
Archaeology in the Zitava Valley I: The Lbk and Zeliezovce Settlement Site of Vráble by
Calalus: A Roman Jewish Colony in America from the Time of Charlemagne Through Alfred the Great - Exact Photocopy 2020 Reprinti by Covey, Cyclone
Oxford Handbook of Prehistoric Oceania by Cochrane, Ethan E., Hunt, Terry L.
Learning Among Neanderthals and Palaeolithic Modern Humans: Archaeological Evidence by
Dinosaur Coloring Book With Facts: A Children's Prehistoric Coloring Encyclopedia, For All Kids Who Loves Dinos by Kim Preston
The Oxford Handbook of Egyptology by
Archaeologia Aeliana, Or, Miscellaneous Tracts Relating To Antiquities (Volume Xix) by Unknown
Archaeologia, Or, Miscellaneous Tracts Relating To Antiquity (Volume Xxxii) by Unknown
Magical House Protection: The Archaeology of Counter-Witchcraft by Hoggard, Brian
Postcolonialism, Heritage, and the Built Environment: New Approaches to Architecture in Archaeology by
Hadrian's Wall: Creating Division by Symonds, Matthew
Palaeopathology by Waldron, Tony
The Way of the Priestess: A Reclamation of Feminine Power and Divine Purpose by Coxon, Sarah
Eine Odyssee: Studien zum Leben und Werk Wilhelm Dörpfelds by
Archaeology of the Night: Life After Dark in the Ancient World by
Epoiesen 4: A Journal for Creative Engagement in History and Archaeology by Dombrowski, Quinn
The Humanitarian Fix: Navigating Civilian Protection in Contemporary Wars by Cropp, Joe
Ceramic Materials in Archaeology by Velde, Bruce, Druc, Isabelle C.
The Oxford Handbook of Ancient Nubia by Williams, Bruce, Emberling, Geoff
Prehistoric Maritime Cultures and Seafaring in East Asia by
Notas sobre Mitología Aborigen de Cuba by Vento Canosa, Ercilio, Toledo Ortega, Maritza
Goddesses of Akragas: A Study of Terracotta Votive Figurines from Sicily by Van Rooijen, Gerrie
Goddesses of Akragas: A Study of Terracotta Votive Figurines from Sicily by Van Rooijen, Gerrie
New Frontiers in the Neolithic Archaeology of Taiwan (5600-1800 Bp): A Perspective of Maritime Cultural Interaction by Kuo, Su-Chiu
The Story of Food in the Human Past: How What We Ate Made Us Who We Are by Cutright, Robyn E.
Making Journeys: Archaeologies of Mobility by
The Origins of the Roman Economy by Cifani, Gabriele
Ancient Hunting Strategies in Southern South America by
Liangzhu Pottery: Introversion and Resplendence by Zhao, Ye
Knidos: Memories of Aphrodite by Hodges, Richard
Contested Antiquity: Archaeological Heritage and Social Conflict in Modern Greece and Cyprus by
Contested Antiquity: Archaeological Heritage and Social Conflict in Modern Greece and Cyprus by
1177 B.C.: The Year Civilization Collapsed: Revised and Updated by Cline, Eric H.
Collections Historical & Archaeological Relating To Montgomeryshire And Its Borders (Volume Xxiii) by Unknown
Thanatologie: Eine Historisch-Anthropologische Orientierung by Herrmann, Bernd
The Amorites and the Bronze Age Near East by Burke, Aaron A.
Social Order Through Contracts: A Study of the Qingshui River Manuscripts by Qu, Jian
A Glossary Of Cornish Names, Ancient And Modern, Local, Family, Personal, &C.: 20,000 Celtic And Other Names, Now Or Formerly In Use In Cornwall by Bannister, John
Reisen in Lykien und Karien by Benndorf, Otto
Beneath the Sands of Egypt by Ryan, Donald P.
Zur Evolution von Selbststeuerung, Kommunikation, Kultur & Liebe: Das neue Bild der Humanevolution by Rosenthal, Christoph W.
Journal of Northwest Anthropology: Volume 55, Number 1 by Stapp, Darby C.
Ancestral Caddo Ceramic Traditions by
Writing Material Culture History by
Others: The Evolution of Human Sociality by
Archaeologies of the Heart by
Arte indígena: Categorías, prácticas, objetos. by Hellemeyer, María, Penhos, Marta, Escobar, Ticio
El regreso de los muertos y la promesas del oro: Patrimonio arqueológico en conflicto by Jofre, Ivana Carina
En ruta: arqueología, historia y etnografía del tráfico surandino by Nielsen, Axel E., Núñez a., Lautaro
The Victoria History Of The County Of Derby (Volume I) by Page, William
Finding Fairness: From Pleistocene Foragers to Contemporary Capitalists by Jennings, Justin
Proceedings Of The Society Of Antiquaries Of London November 17, 1870, To April 3, 1873 Second Series (Volume V) by Unknown
Collections Historical & Archaeological Relating To Montgomeryshire And Its Borders (Volume Xi) by Unknown
Collections Historical & Archaeological Relating To Montgomeryshire And Its Borders (Volume Xviii) by Unknown
Collections Historical & Archaeological Relating To Montgomeryshire And Its Borders (Volume Xvi) by Unknown
Proceedings Of The Society Of Antiquaries Of Newcastle-Upon-Tyne (Third Series) (Volume I) by Unknown
Körperinszenierung - Objektsammlung - Monumentalisierung: Totenritual und Grabkult in frühen Gesellschaften: Archäologische Quellen in kulturwissensch by
Monacan Millennium: A Collaborative Archaeology and History of a Virginia Indian People by Hantman, Jeffrey L.
Deserted Villages: Perspectives from the Eastern Mediterranean by Brown Stewart, Deborah E., Seifried, Rebecca M.
As I Rest, Let My Face Touch Heaven by Howard, Matthew Maasaw
¡El Yunque se levanta!: Interdisciplinarity and activism at the La Mina petroglyph site by Rogers, Rhianna C., Schuetz, James W., Cauldwell, Rex
Contested Heritage: Relations between contemporary Pagan groups and the archaeological and heritage professions in Britain in the early 21 by Rathouse, Will
Exploitation and Management of Animal Resources During the Middle Iron Age: Northern Limpopo Province, South Africa by Abatino, Claudia
Building on the Past: Medieval and postmedieval essays in honour of Tom Beaumont James by
Four Economic Topics for Studies of Antiquity: Agriculture, trade, population, and the behavior of aggregate economies by Jones, Donald W.
The History And Antiquities Of The Cathedral Church Of Oxford: Illustrated By A Series Of Engravings, Of Views, Plans, Elevations, Sections, And Detai by Britton, John
Collections Historical & Archaeological Relating To Montgomeryshire And Its Borders (Volume Xxix) by Unknown
Collections Historical & Archaeological Relating To Montgomeryshire And Its Borders (Volume Xiv) by Unknown
Collections Historical & Archaeological Relating To Montgomeryshire And Its Borders (Volume Xxii) by Unknown
Collections Historical & Archaeological Relating To Montgomeryshire And Its Borders (Volume Xxv) by Unknown
Collections Historical & Archaeological Relating To Montgomeryshire And Its Borders (Volume Xxvii) by Unknown
The History And Survey Of London And Its Environs From The Earliest Period To The Present Time (Volume Ii) by Lambert, B.
The History And Survey Of London And Its Environs From The Earliest Period To The Present Time (Volume Iv) by Lambert, B.
Arts and Crafts in Iron Age East Yorkshire: A holistic approach to pattern and purpose, c. 400BC-AD100 by Chittock, Helen
Wakan Tanka: On Human Origins, Spirituality and the Meaning of Life by Bennett, John
Wakan Tanka: On Human Origins, Spirituality and the Meaning of Life by Bennett, John
Historias desaparecidas: arqueología, memoria y violencia política by Zarankin, Andrés, Salerno, Melisa, Perosino, María Celeste
Reading Prehistoric Human Tracks: Methods & Material by
Threads of the Unfolding Web: The Old Javanese Tantu Panggelaran by Sidomulyo, Hadi, Robson, Stuart
The Egyptian Mummies and Coffins of the Denver Museum of Nature & Science: History, Technical Analysis, and Conservation by
An Archaeology of Innovation: Approaching Social and Technological Change in Human Society by Frieman, Catherine J.
Heritopia: World Heritage and Modernity by Wienberg, Jes
The Precinct of Mut at South Karnak: An Archaeological Guide by Bryan, Betsy M., Fazzini, Richard A.
Before the Mast 2 Volume Set: Life and Death Aboard the Mary Rose by
Agent of Change: The Deposition and Manipulation of Ash in the Past by
Ontologies of Rock Art: Images, Relational Approaches, and Indigenous Knowledges by
An Index To The Archaeologia, Or, Miscellaneous Tracts Relating To Antiquity From Volume I. To Volume L. Inclusive by Unknown
Archaeologia Aeliana, Or, Miscellaneous Tracts Relating To Antiquity Third Series (Volume Vi) by
The Archaeology of the Borough of Swindon by Phillips, Bernard
Anyang: A Chronicle of the Discovery, Excavation, and Reconstruction of the Ancient Capital of the Shang Dynasty by Li, Chi
Archaeology and the Public Purpose: Writings on and by M.N. Deshpande by Lahiri, Nayanjot
The Indus: Lost Civilizations by Robinson, Andrew
Inscriptiones Thessalonicae Et Viciniae: Supplementum Alterum: Addenda, Indices, Tabulae by
The Moundbuilders: Ancient Societies of Eastern North America by Milner, George R.
An Introduction to Native North America by Sutton, Mark Q.
Gems and Gemmology: An Introduction for Archaeologists, Art-Historians and Conservators by Bersani, Danilo, Karampelas, Stefanos, Kiefert, Lore
Alésia, son véritable emplacement: Nouvelles révélations sur la localisation du siège d'Alésia, bataille décisive de guerre des Gaules by de Barthélémy, Anatole
The Archaeology, History and Heritage of WWII Karst Defenses in the Pacific: Cultures of Conflict by Mushynsky, Julie
Die Urzeit der Menschheit: Vom ersten Feuer bis zur Pfahlbauzeit by Neumann, Carl W.
Script and Society: The Social Context of Writing Practices in Late Bronze Age Ugarit by Boyes, Philip J.
Es begann mit Feuerskraft: Das Werden des Menschen und seiner Kultur by Neumann, Carl Wilhelm
A Study Of North Appalachian Indian Pottery by Wren, Christopher
Ohio Archæological And Historical Publications (Volume V) by Unknown
Ohio Archæological And Historical Publications (Volume Iii) by Unknown
Ohio Archæological And Historical Publications (Volume Viii) by Unknown
Ohio Archæological And Historical Publications (Volume Ix) by Unknown
Ohio Archæological And Historical Publications (Volume X) by Unknown
Collections Historical & Archaeological Relating To Montgomeryshire And Its Borders (Volume Xxiv) by Unknown
Archaeology and the Letters of Paul by Nasrallah, Laura Salah
Ruling Culture: Art Police, Tomb Robbers, and the Rise of Cultural Power in Italy by Greenland, Fiona
Trowels in the Trenches: Archaeology as Social Activism by
Essai sur le patrimoine de Beaufort et la Vallée: Mémoires by Schio, Jean-Marie
L'Afrique romaine: Promenades archéologiques en Algérie et en Tunisie by Boissier, Gaston
Oil, Wine, and the Cultural Economy of Ancient Greece by Pratt, Catherine E.
Minoan Crete by Watrous, L. Vance
Minoan Crete: An Introduction by Watrous, L. Vance
Ancient Earth Forts Of The Cuyahoga Valley, Ohio by Whittlesey, Charles
The Forest of Arden: its Towns, Villages and Hamlets: A Topographical and Historical Account of the district and around Henley-in-Arden and by Hannett, John
The Colonial Landscape of the British Caribbean by
Covering the Blade: Archaeological Leather Sheaths and Scabbards by Volken, Marquita, Goubitz, Olaf
Hannibal dans les Alpes: de l'histoire au mythe by Azan, Paul
The Sumerians: Lost Civilizations by Collins, Paul
Amelia Island Book of Secrets by Jensen M. a., Maritime Archaeologist Scot
The Wrecks of Hm Frigates Assurance (1753) and Pomone (1811): Including the Fascinating Naval Career of Rear-Admiral Sir Robert Barrie, Kcb, Kch (1774 by
Early Medieval Militarisation by
The Cambridge Companion to Ancient Athens by
The Cambridge Companion to Ancient Athens by
A Topographical Survey of the Great Road From London to Bath and Bristol: With historical and descriptive accounts of the country, towns, villages, an by Robertson, Archibald
The Bronze Age and the Celtic World by Peake, Harold
The Archaeological Eerie by Becker, Mary E., Sabol, John G.
The Neo-Assyrian Empire in the Southwest: Imperial Domination and Its Consequences by Faust, Avraham
The World of Goods by Isherwood, Baron, Douglas, Mary
The World of Goods by Douglas, Mary, Isherwood, Baron
Egypt of the Saite Pharaohs, 664-525 BC by Forshaw, Roger
Maya Kingship: Rupture and Transformation from Classic to Postclassic Times by
Mesoamerican Archaeology: Theory and Practice by
Archaeology: The Science of the Human Past by Sutton, Mark Q.
Archaeology: The Science of the Human Past by Sutton, Mark Q.
Archaeology and Its Discontents: Why Archaeology Matters by Barrett, John C.
Archaeology and Its Discontents: Why Archaeology Matters by Barrett, John C.
Coping with Biological Growth on Stone Heritage Objects: Methods, Products, Applications, and Perspectives by Pinna, Daniela
Academics, Artists, and Museums: 21st-Century Partnerships by
Heritage and Sustainable Urban Transformations: Deep Cities by
Dimensions of Heritage and Memory: Multiple Europes and the Politics of Crisis by
Museums and Racism by Message, Kylie
The Routledge Companion to Cultural Property by
Reporting in a Multimedia World by Sedorkin, Gail
A History of Mobility in New Mexico: Mobile Landscapes and Persistent Places by Montgomery, Lindsay M.
Snapshots of Museum Experience: Understanding Child Visitors Through Photography by Kirk, Elee, Buckingham, Will
Visitor Encounters with the Great Barrier Reef: Aesthetics, Heritage, and the Senses by Pocock, Celmara
Securing Urban Heritage: Agents, Access, and Securitization by
Aboriginal Maritime Landscapes in South Australia: The Balance Ground by Fowler, Madeline E.
The Art and Archaeology of Bodily Adornment: Studies from Central and East Asian Mortuary Contexts by
Exhibitions as Research: Experimental Methods in Museums by
Visualising Skyscapes: Material Forms of Cultural Engagement with the Heavens by
Forensic Recovery of Human Remains: Archaeological Approaches, Second Edition by Schultz, John J., Wheeler, Sandra M., Dupras, Tosha L.
Negotiating Cultural Identity: Landscapes in Early Medieval South Asian History by
A Museum in Public: Revisioning Canada's Royal Ontario Museum by Ashley, Susan L. T.
Global Trends in Museum Diplomacy: Post-Guggenheim Developments by Grincheva, Natalia
Bone Histology: An Anthropological Perspective by
Museums and Centers of Contemporary Art in Central Europe After 1989 by Jagodzińska, Katarzyna
Ancient Naples A Documentary History Origins to c. 350 CE by Taylor, Rabun M.
The Elamite World by
The Cultural Turn in International Aid: Impacts and Challenges for Heritage and the Creative Industries by
Ancient Naples: A Documentary History Origins to c. 350 CE by Taylor, Rabun M.
Collecting Activism, Archiving Occupy Wall Street by Message, Kylie
Art and Archaeology of Ancient Rome: An Introduction by Soren, David, Martin, Archer
The Early Bronze Age in Western Anatolia by
Alternative Iron Ages: Social Theory from Archaeological Analysis by
Populism and Heritage in Europe: Lost in Diversity and Unity by Kaya, Ayhan
Killing Civilization: A Reassessment of Early Urbanism and Its Consequences by Jennings, Justin
The Life and Times of Takabuti in Ancient Egypt: Investigating the Belfast Mummy by
An Ancient Land: Genesis of an archaeologist by Williams, David Price
The Pre-Historic Remains Which Were Found On The Site Of The City Of Cincinnati, Ohio: With A Vindication Of The "Cincinnati Tablet" by Clarke, Robert
Forschungsfeld Sprachevolution: Methodik, Theorie Und Empirie Der Modernen Sprachursprungsforschung by Breyl, Michael
Temples of The African Gods: Decoding The Ancient Ruins of Southern Africa by Tellinger, Michael
The Irish Tower House: Society, Economy and Environment, C. 1300-1650 by McAlister, Victoria L.
A Study of Prehistoric Settlement Patterns in China by Pei, Anping
Casting the Parthenon Sculptures from the Eighteenth Century to the Digital Age by Payne, Emma M.
Human Mobility and Technological Transfer in the Prehistoric Mediterranean by
Ancient Civilizations by Golden, Charles, Fagan, Brian, Scarre, Chris
La viticultura romana en el estuario del Guadalquivir: Las prácticas de cultivo, producción, distribución y modelado SIG en la colonia Hasta Regia by Trapero Fernández, Pedro
The World of Figurines in the Neolithic and Chalcolithic Aegean: The case of Uğurlu Höyük on Gökçeada (Imbros) by Gemici, Hasan Can, Atakuman, Çiğdem
Lithic Residue Analysis by Croft, Shannon
London's Roman Tools: Craft, agriculture and experience in an ancient city by Humphreys, Owen
Advancing Cultural Astronomy: Studies in Honour of Clive Ruggles by
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