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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Archaeology in 2024

Le Tombe Dipinte Della Bulgaria / The Painted Tombs of Bulgaria: Tra l'Eta Classica E La Prima Eta Ellenistica / From the Classical to the Early Helle by Manetta, Consuelo
Korinth II: Das Romische Korinth by
Enslaved Realities in Ancient Palestine by Kozey, Elisa
Segredos do Egito by Chicolet, Cassia
A United Europe of Things: Portable Material Culture Across Medieval Europe by
Baden, Kostolac, Vucedol and Vinkovci: The Late Eneolithic, Transition Period, and Early Bronze Age in the Carpathian Basin and the Western Balkans by Brnic, Zelimir
Ancient Egyptian Clothing: Studies in Late Period Private Representations: Volume 2 by Hallmann, Aleksandra
Ancient Egyptian Clothing: Studies in Late Period Private Representations: Volume 1 by Hallmann, Aleksandra
Spatial Approaches in African Archaeology by
Inclusion, Transformation, and Humility in North American Archaeology: Essays and Other "Great Stuff" Inspired by Kent G. Lightfoot by
Ancient Riddles Solved: Science Unveils Histories by Rafeal, Mack
The Real Mound Builders of North America: A Critical Realist Prehistory of the Eastern Woodlands, 200 BC-1450 AD by Byers, A. Martin
The Market for Mesoamerica: Reflections on the Sale of Pre-Columbian Antiquities by
The Materialization of Time in the Ancient Maya World: Mythic History and Ritual Order by
Picta Nilotica Romana: L'Elaborazione E La Diffusione del Paesaggio Nilotico Nella Pittura Romana by Voltan, Eleonora
AB Imo Pectore: Estudios Sobre Las Emociones En La Antiguedad by
Landscape 3: Una Sintesi Di Elementi Diacronici: Uomo E Ambiente Nel Mondo Antico: Un Equilibrio Possibile? by
Die Epigraphische Kultur an Oberrhein Und Neckar in Romischer Zeit by Osnabrugge, Jonas
Teaching and Learning the Archaeology of the Contemporary Era by
Teaching and Learning the Archaeology of the Contemporary Era by
A Mystery from the Mummy-Pits: The Amazing Journey of Ankh-Hap by Holt, Frank L.
Buried in the Borderlands: An Artefact Typology and Chronology for the Netherlands in the Early Medieval Period on the Basis of Funerary Archaeology by Van Tongeren, Tim
The History and Archaeology of Fort Ouiatenon: 300 Years in the Making by
The History and Archaeology of Fort Ouiatenon: 300 Years in the Making by
Arcaico: Tra Leggenda e Realtà by Callegari, Claudio
Age of Wolf and Wind: Voyages Through the Viking World by Zori, Davide
Byzanz Am Rhein: Festschrift Fur Gunter Prinzing Anlasslich Seines 80. Geburtstags by
Selected Studies in Geomorphology, Sedimentology, and Geochemistry: Proceedings of the 3rd Conference of the Arabian Journal of Geosciences (Cajg-3) by
Funeral and Memorial Rituals in the Pokuttya Region from (Ukraine) by Halias, Ihor
Secrets of The Maya Empire by Boschetti, Felipe
Sarazm: A Site Along the Proto-Silk Road at the Intersection of the Steppe and Oasis Cultures: Results from Excavation VII by Mutin, Benjamin
Revisiting Grooved Ware: Understanding Ceramic Trajectories in Britain and Ireland, 3200-2400 Cal BC by
Journal of Roman Pottery Studies, Volume 20 by
Long-Distance Exchange and Inter-Regional Economies by Murray, Sarah C.
Personal Names in Cuneiform Texts from Babylonia (c. 750-100 BCE) by
Long-Distance Exchange and Inter-Regional Economies by Murray, Sarah C.
Lauchheim IV: Die Graber Aus Der Siedlung Lauchheim 'Mittelhofen' by Hoke, Benjamin
Der Archaologe Und Wissenschaftsmanager Ludwig Curtius (1874-1954) ALS Exemplarischer Bildungsburger by Hirschfeld, Marius
La Statistique et l'Archéologie dans l'Afrique française by Louandre, Charles
The Etruscans: Lost Civilizations by Shipley, Lucy
The Significance of Archaeological Textiles: Papers of the International Online Conference 24th-25th February 2021. Thefbo Volume II by
Style and Society in the Prehistory of West Asia: Essays in Honour of Olivier P. Nieuwenhuyse by
Style and Society in the Prehistory of West Asia: Essays in Honour of Olivier P. Nieuwenhuyse by
"Enigma en el Valle de los Reyes: El Asombroso Descubrimiento de Tutankamón" by Jimenez Gallardo, Alejandro
Der Archaische Heiligtumsbefund Vom Taxiarchis-Hugel in Didyma: Teilband 2: Das Fundmaterial Aus Den Archaischen Kontexten Des Taxiarchis-Hugels, Teil by Jeske, Olivia, Kaiser, Ivonne, Ehrhardt, Norbert
Towns and Commerce in Viking-Age Scandinavia by Kalmring, Sven
Ganga-Brahmaputra and Beyond: Exploring Art and Iconography of Eastern and North-Eastern India by Sengupta, Gautam
The Archaeology of Pharaonic Egypt by Bussmann, Richard
Economia Monetária: Para Assessores, Candidatos e Políticos - Parte 4 by Oliveira, Bruno Cortes
The Routledge Handbook of Mesoamerican Bioarchaeology by
The Story of the Roman Amphitheatre by Bomgardner, David
Saharan Hunter-Gatherers: Specialization and Diversification in Holocene Southwestern Libya by Di Lernia, Savino
Global Perspectives for the Conservation and Management of Open-Air Rock Art Sites by
Archaeology, Heritage, and Wellbeing: Authentic, Powerful, and Therapeutic Engagement with the Past by
The Archaeology of Medicine and Healthcare by
From Hannibal to Sulla: The Birth of Civil War in Republican Rome by Lange, Carsten Hjort
The Routledge Handbook of Archaeothanatology: Bioarchaeology of Mortuary Behaviour by
Case Studies for Advances in Paleoimaging and Other Non-Clinical Applications by Beckett, Ronald G., Conlogue, Gerald J., Nelson, Andrew
Bericht Der Romisch-Germanischen Kommission 101/102 (2020/2021) by Gebruder Mann Verlag
Római Kori Sírkövek Carnuntumból És Városi Territoriumáról by Beszédes, József
Kelta Falu Győr Határában (a Celtic Village Near Győr): A Mindennapi Élet Színtere És Régészeti Leletei a Késő Vaskor Időszakából by Tankó, Károly
Kurgane Der Frühen Bis Späten Bronzezeit Im Bezirk Jambol, Südostbulgarien by Iliev, Ilija K., Bakărdziev, Stefan
From Esztergom to the Urals and Syria: Esztergomtól AZ Urálig És Szíriáig, a Magyar őstörténettől a Kereszteslovagokig by
The Sacred Baboons of Khonsu: History of a Theban Cult by Schreiber, Gábor
Isotope Analysis on the Great Hungarian Plain: An Exploration of Mobility and Subsistence Strategies from the Neolithic to the Copper Age by Giblin, Julia
The Old Bulgaria Museum Collection / Стара България Му&#1079 by
The Sacred Baboons of Khonsu by Scheriber, Gábor
Archaeology and Public Benefit: Moving the Debate Forward by
Redefining Archaeological Cultures: Boundaries and Interactions During the Late Neolithic in the Great Hungarian Plain by Riebe, Danielle
A Village from the Roman and Islamic Periods in the Eastern Jordan Valley: Excavations at Tell Abu Sarbut 2012 - 2015 by Mulder-Hymans, Noor, Steiner, Margreet L., Van Der Steen, Eveline J.
Rituali e riti funerari della Civiltà celtica di Golasecca by Larentis, Omar
Introducción a los JEROGLÍFICOS EGIPCIOS para Jóvenes y Adultos by Rodríguez López, Èric Kirby
Iron Age Wetland Deposition: Case studies from Wales and Scotland by Treadway, Tiffany
The Paiján People: Burials and Paleoindian human remains from coastal Peru by Chauchat, Claude, Lacombe, Jean-Paul
Revealing Christian Heritage: The Rediscovery of Christian Archaeology Between 1860 and 1930. Volume II. Spain by
Rethinking Neolithic Societies: New Perspectives on Social Relations, Political Organization and Cohabitation by
Rethinking Neolithic Societies: New Perspectives on Social Relations, Political Organization and Cohabitation by
Epistemology, Economics, and Ethics: A Practical Philosophy of Prehistoric Archaeology by Ott, Konrad
Epistemology, Economics, and Ethics: A Practical Philosophy of Prehistoric Archaeology by Ott, Konrad
Revealing Christian Heritage: The Rediscovery of Christian Archaeology Between 1860 and 1930. Volume II. Spain by
Pompei I 14: Le Unita Abitative E I Materiali in Contesto by D'Anna, Carmen
The Middle Helladic Pottery by Spencer, Lindsay C.
Les Textes de la Pyramide de la Reine Ankhesenpepy II: Edition, Description, Analyse Et Traductions by Mathieu, Bernard
The Bronze Coins of Eastern Mount Ossa in the Thessalian Perioikic Region of Magnesia: Homolion, Eureai, Eurymenai, and Meliboia by Blomley, Anna Magdalena
Mediterranean Resilience: Collapse and Adaptation in Antique Maritime Societies by
Ancient Egyptian Clothing: Studies in Late Period Private Representations by Hallmann, Aleksandra
Violence and Inequality: An Archaeological History by
Realizing Value in Mesoamerica: The Dynamics of Desire and Demand in Ancient Economies by
Identities and Place: Changing Labels and Intersectional Communities of LGBTQ and Two-Spirit People in the United States by
Heritage as an action word: Uses beyond communal memory by
Emperor John II Komnenos: Rebuilding New Rome 1118-1143 by Lau, Maximilian C. G.
Mohenjo-Daro: The Jewel of the Indus Valley by Sheroy, Ehsan
The Prehistoric Hunter-Gatherers of South-Eastern Europe by
The Making of the Chinese Civilization by Han, Jianye
Ecotourism: Environment, Health, and Education by Hassan, Arba'at, Horng, Max, Fang, Wei-Ta
GLI INCAS. I FIGLI DEL SOLE. Túpac Inca Yupanqui: il "Cristoforo Colombo" dell'Oceania by Lisinicchia Binda, Roberto Vittorio
Mesquite Pods to Mezcal: 10,000 Years of Oaxacan Cuisines by
Infrastructures of Religion and Power: Archaeologies of Landscape, Ritual, and Semiotics by Swenson, Edward
Infrastructures of Religion and Power: Archaeologies of Landscape, Ritual, and Semiotics by Swenson, Edward
Cultural Landscapes and Long-Term Human Ecology by
Cazadores-Recolectores del Holoceno Medio En Las Sierras de Tandilia Oriental (Argentina) by Donadei Corada, Juan Pablo
de l'Objet a la Societe Romaine: Etudes Archeologiques Et Epigraphiques Offertes a Jean-Claude Beal by
Sannio Incontri 2023: Annuario dell'Archeoclub di Benevento by Bosco, Angelo, Morante, Francesco, Cimino, Maurizio
Geopolitics of Digital Heritage by Grincheva, Natalia, Stainforth, Elizabeth
Subsistence Strategies and Craft Production at the Ancient Egyptian Ramesside Fort of Zawiyet Umm El-Rakham by Nielsen, Nicky
Methods in Ancient Wine Archaeology: Scientific Approaches in Roman Contexts by
Geopolitics of Digital Heritage by Grincheva, Natalia, Stainforth, Elizabeth
Perspectivism in Archaeology by Laguens, Andrés
South Asian Goddesses and the Natural Environment by
Conservation of Architectural Heritage (Cah): Developing Sustainable Practices by
Sustainable Conservation of UNESCO and Other Heritage Sites Through Proactive Geosciences by
Collecting Mesoamerican Art Before 1940: A New World of Latin American Antiquities by
Arm- Und Beinringe: Erkennen. Bestimmen. Beschreiben. by Heynowski, Ronald, Abegg -. Wigg, Angelika
Exeter: A Roman Legionary Fortress and Civitas Capital by Salvatore, John Pamment
Landscapes of Death: Early Bronze Age Tombs and Mortuary Rituals on the Oman Peninsula by Williams, Kimberly D.
Introduction to Space Archaeology by Guo, Huadong, Wang, Xinyuan, Chen, Fulong
The Oxford Encyclopedia of African Archaeology by
Wild History: Journeys Into Lost Scotland by Crawford, James
Wild History: Journeys Into Lost Scotland by Crawford, James
Vom Hauen Und Stechen: Der Versuch Einer Funktionalen Einordnung Jung- Und Endneolithischer Knochenartefakte by Probst-Böhm, Anja
Building Networks: Exchange of Knowledge, Ideas and Materials in Medieval and Post-Medieval Europe by
The Material Body: Embodiment, History and Archaeology in Industrialising England, 1700-1850 by
Apalachicola Valley Archaeology, Volume 1: Prehistory Through the Middle Woodland Period Volume 1 by White, Nancy Marie
The Real Universal Empire by Saccoccio, Dylan
Storage in Ancient Egypt and Nubia: Earthen Architecture and Building Techniques by
The Archaeology of War: Studies on Weapons of Barbarian Europe in the Roman and Migration Period by Kontny, Bartosz
Digital Restoration and Virtual Reconstructions: Case Studies and Compared Experiences for Cultural Heritage by
World's Oldest Church by Peppard, Michael
Seafaring and Mobility in the Late Antique Mediterranean by
Collective Action and the Reframing of Early Mesoamerica by Feinman, Gary M., Carballo, David M.
Tracing Gestures: The Art and Archaeology of Bodily Communication by
Collective Action and the Reframing of Early Mesoamerica by Carballo, David M., Feinman, Gary M.
Boards and Cords: An Anthropological Study of Cranial Modification by O'Brien, Tyler G.
The Oxford Handbook of Archaeological Network Research by
Hidden Treasures in Gaeta by Forbus, Jason R.
A History of Un-Fractured Chinese Civilization in Archaeological Interpretation by Liu, Qingzhu
Vor- Und Fruhgeschichtliche Befestigungen 28: Wallanlagen Im Regierungsbezirk Stuttgart by Morrissey, Christoph, Muller, Dieter
Memory and Power at l'Hermitage Plantation: Heritage of a Nervous Landscape by Bailey, Megan M.
Memory and Power at l'Hermitage Plantation: Heritage of a Nervous Landscape by Bailey, Megan M.
Pictorial Archaeology: Modernity and the Muse of Antiquity by Balm, Roger
Perspectives on Socio-Environmental Transformations in Ancient Europe by
Medieval Irish Architecture and the Concept of Romanesque: Building Traditions in Eleventh- And Twelfth-Century Europe by O'Keeffe, Tadhg
Il Teatro E l'Odeion Di Venafro by Bruni, Valerio, Pensabene, Patrizio
Advances in Uae Archaeology: Proceedings of Abu Dhabi's Archaeology Conference 2022 by Archaeopress Publishing
Butrint 6: Excavations on the Vrina Plain: Volume 1 - The Lost Roman and Byzantine Suburb by
Bohm, Tiersymbolik Im Archaischen Griechenland by Bohm, Stephanie
Archeologia nei Monti Lucretili: Nuove ricerche e prospettive di indagine in un paesaggio montano del Lazio by
Neanderthal Resilience in Two Hotspot Zones of Iberia (Cantabrian and Betic Regions) by Bernal Gómez, Marco Antonio
Chariots in Antiquity: Essays in Honour of Joost Crouwel by
The Excavations at Ismant Al-Kharab: Volume II - The Christian Monuments of Kellis: The Churches and Cemeteries by Bowen, Gillian E.
Corpus of Anglo-Saxon Stone Sculpture, XIV, Cambridgeshire and Huntingdonshire by Stocker, David, Everson, Paul
The Burials of Cerro Azul, Peru: Volume 65 by Marcus, Joyce
Le Ville Romane Di Sanremo by Medri, Maura, Gambaro, Luigi, Conventi, Marta
Blurring Timescapes, Subverting Erasure: Remembering Ghosts on the Margins of History by
Proceedings of the 14th International Conference for Nubian Studies: Revue Kush, 20 by
Communities and Place: A Thematic Approach to the Histories of LGBTQ Communities in the United States by
Phoenicians and the Making of the Mediterranean by López-Ruiz, Carolina
Culturing the Body: Past Perspectives on Identity and Sociality by
Ritual Human Sacrifice in Mesoamerica: Recent Findings and New Perspectives by
Il Circolo Delle Fibule Di Sirolo-Numana by Bardelli, Giacomo
GLI INCAS. I FIGLI DEL SOLE IN CENTRO E NORD AMERICA. La misteriosa Yuraq Llaqta (Ciudad Blanca) by Lisinicchia Binda, Roberto Vittorio
The Realm of King and God: Liangzhu City by Zhu, Xuefei
Hopewell Settlement Patterns, Subsistence, and Symbolic Landscapes by
The Power of Beauty Unmasking Its History and Impact by Davis, Sarah
Transhumance and the Making of Ireland's Uplands, 1550-1900 by Costello, Eugene
Understanding Imperiled Earth: How Archaeology and Human History Can Inform Our Planet's Future by Braje, Todd J.
The Archaeology of Contemporary America by Caraher, William R.
Advanced Technologies for Cultural Heritage Monitoring and Conservation: The Collection of Chigi Palace in Ariccia, Italy by
A Companion to the Environmental History of Byzantium by
City of Culture 2600 BC: Early Mesopotamian History and Archaeology at Abu Salabikh by Postgate, John Nicholas
Archaeology of Body and Thought: From the Neolithic to the Beginning of the Middle Ages by Gralak, Tomasz
From Wilderness to Paradise: A Sixth-Century Mosaic Pavement at Qasr El-Lebia in Cyrenaica, Libya by Chick, Jane
Gesellschaft Und Stadtkultur Im Norden Der Germania Superior: Mit Beitragen Von Michael Auras Und Marion Witteyer by Osnabrugge, Jonas, Lipps, Johannes, Kreikenbom, Detlev
Materializing the Middle Passage: A Historical Archaeology of British Slave Shipping, 1680-1807 by Webster, Jane
The 2018 Archaeological Survey at Tawi Said, Sultanate of Oman by Kluge, Jonas, Dopper, Stephanie, Biezeveld, Irini
Buttons and Design Scarabs by Flinders Petrie, W. M.
Objects of Daily Use by Flinders Petrie, W. M.
Ancient Weights and Measures by Flinders Petrie, W. M.
Irish Fever: An Archaeology of Illness, Injury, and Healing in New York City, 1845-1875 by Linn, Meredith
Echoes of Ancient Civilizations - Rediscovering Lost Histories and Technologies by Shivan, Viruti
Secret Britain: Unearthing Our Mysterious Past by Ochota, Mary-Ann
The 3 Dimensions of Digitalised Archaeology: State-Of-The-Art, Data Management and Current Challenges in Archaeological 3d-Documentation by
Infrastructure in Archaeological Discourse: Framing Society in the Past by
Sanctuaries and Experience: Knowledge, Practice and Space in the Ancient World by
They Were Here Before Us: Stories from the First Million Years by Halfon, Eyal, Barkai, Ran
Studien Zur Vatikannekropole: Studientag Aus Anlass Des 70. Geburtstages Von Henner Von Hesberg. Deutsches Archaologisches Institut, 19.-20. Februar 2 by
Local Experiences of Connectivity and Mobility in the Ancient West-Central Mediterranean by
The Marginalized in Death: A Forensic Anthropology of Intersectional Identity in the Modern Era by
Genes of the Past by Jansson, Christer
Novaesium X: Die Augusteisch-Tiberischen Lager Von Novaesium / Die Befunde by Gechter
A Mystery from the Mummy-Pits: The Amazing Journey of Ankh-Hap by Holt, Frank L.
A Mystery from the Mummy-Pits: The Amazing Journey of Ankh-Hap by Holt, Frank L.
Technical Means for Underwater Archaeology by Rakitin, Igor, Klyuev, Mikhail, Schreider, Anatoly
Cattle in the Postcolumbian Americas: A Zooarchaeological Historical Study by Delsol, Nicolas
Coastal Foragers of the Gran Desierto: Investigations of Prehistoric Shell Middens Along the Northern Sonoran Coast Volume 83 by
Archaeology: An Introduction by Moore, Tom, Cobb, Hannah, Greene, Kevin
Archaeology: An Introduction by Moore, Tom, Cobb, Hannah, Greene, Kevin
Archéologie En Musée Et Identités Nationales En Europe (1848-1914): Un Héritage En Quête de Nouveaux Défis Au 21e Siècle by
Archéologie En Musée Et Identités Nationales En Europe (1848-1914): Un Héritage En Quête de Nouveaux Défis Au 21e Siècle by
Ancient Southeast Mesoamerica by Urban, Patricia A., Schortman, Edward M.
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