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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Architecture History in 2012

Tectonics: A Building for Earth Sciences at Oxford by Pearman, Hugh
Roma: Living in Contemporary Architecture by
Public Pantheons in Revolutionary Europe: Comparing Cultures of Remembrance, C. 1790-1840 by Bouwers, E.
In Search of a Forgotten Architect by Dubowitz, Lilly
Peter Selz: Sketches of a Life in Art by Karlstrom, Paul J.
UrbanRESET: How to Activate Immanent Potentials of Urban Spaces by
The World Trade Center (Classics of American Architecture) by Robins, Anthony W.
Approaches to Byzantine Architecture and its Decoration: Studies in Honor of Slobodan Curcic by Johnson, Mark J., Papalexandrou, Amy
Vom Ornament Zum Nationalkunstwerk: Zur Kunst- Und Architekturtheorie Camillo Sittes by Mönninger, Michael
Canon of the Five Orders of Architecture by Vignola, Giacomo Barozzio
The Stones of Venice, Volume I (of 3) by Ruskin, John
The Principles of Gothic Ecclesiastical Architecture, Elucidated by Question and Answer, 4th Ed. by Bloxam, Matthew Holbeche
The Church of Sancta Sophia, Constantinople: A Study of Byzantine Building by Lethaby, William Richard, Swainson, Harold
Architects, Angels, Activists and the City of Bath, 1765-1965: Engaging with Women's Spatial Interventions in Buildings and Landscape by Hammond, Cynthia Imogen
Style and Composition in Architecture - An Exposition of the Canon of Number Punctuation and Inflection by Edwards, A. Trystan
Robert Maguire & Keith Murray by Adler, Gerald
Nexus Network Journal 13,3: Architecture and Mathematics by
End of an Era by Witte, Sparky
The Sultanas Fountain: An Imperial Story of Cairo, Istanbul, and Amsterdam by Dobrowolska, Agnieszka
Princeton and the Gothic Revival: 1870-1930 by Seasonwein, Johanna G.
Palaces by
The Cylinder: Kinematics of the Nineteenth Century Volume 9 by Müller-Sievers, Helmut
Lutheran Churches in Early Modern Europe by
Cristina Iglesias: Artist's Portfolio by
Wittgenstein's House: Language, Space, and Architecture by Last, Nana
Anciens Hôtels de Paris Rives Gauches (Ed.1890) by Sans Auteur
The Life of the British Home by Denison, Edward, Ren, Guang Yu
St. Peter's by Miller, Keith
Ahrends, Burton and Koralek by Powell, Kenneth
Governing by Design: Architecture, Economy, and Politics in the Twentieth Century by Collaborative, Aggregate Architectural History
Europe in the Middle Ages by Ault, Warren Ortman
Europe In The Middle Ages by Ault, Warren Ortman
Sustainable, Affordable, Prefab: The ecoMOD Project by Quale, John D.
Sustainable, Affordable, Prefab: The ecoMOD Project by Quale, John D.
My Father had this Luger ... A true story of Hitler's Greece by Louizos, Evangelos
Les Ruines de Paestum, Ou Posidonia, Ancienne Ville de la Grande-Grèce (Éd.1798) by Delagardette, Claude Mathieu
Description Du Château de Pierrefonds (3e Éd.) (Éd.1863) by Viollet-Le-Duc, Eugène-Emmanuel
Livre d'Architecture de Jaques Androuet Du Cerceau, (Éd.1615) by Androuet Du Cerceau, Jacques
Maisons Historiques de Gascogne, Guienne, Béarn, Languedoc Et Périgord (Éd.1865-1866) by Noulens, Joseph
Le Premier Tome de l'Architecture (Éd.1567) by Delorme, Philibert
Instructions Du Comité Historique Des Arts Et Monuments (Éd.1857) by Collectif
Description Du Château de Pierrefonds (2e Éd.) (Éd.1861) by Viollet-Le-Duc, Eugène-Emmanuel
Labyrinte de Versailles (Éd.1679) by Perrault, Charles
Restitution Du Temple d'Empédocle À Sélinonte, Ou l'Architecture Polychrome Chez Les Grecs (Éd.1851) by Hittorff, Jacques Ignace
Recherches Sur l'Architecture, Dans Les Maisons Du Moyen Âge Et de la Renaissance À Lyon (Éd.1855) by Martin, Pierre
Nouvelles Inventions Pour Bien Bastir Et À Petits Fraiz (Éd.1561) by Delorme, Philibert
Le Parthénon Et Le Génie Grec (Éd.1897) by Boutmy, Émile
L'Architecture Privée Au XIXe Siècle, Sous Napoléon III. T. 1 (Éd.1864) by Daly, César
La Somptueuse Et Magnifique Entrée Du Très-Chrestien Roy Henry III (Éd.1576) by de Vigenère, Blaise
Hypnerotomachia Poliphili: AN ARCHITECTURAL VISION FROM THE FIRST RENAISSANCE, VOLUME I: Volume I by Cruz, Esteban Alejandro
The Temple of Apollo at Bassae: Metropolitan Museum Studies by Dinsmoor, William Bell
Memorial Mania: Public Feeling in America by Doss, Erika
Buildings of Michigan by Eckert, Kathryn Bishop
The Urban Design of Concession: Tradition and Transformation in the Chinese Treaty Ports by Cookson Smith, Peter
The Urban Design of Impermanence: Streets, Places and Spaces in Hong Kong by Cookson Smith, Peter
The Missions of New Mexico Since 1776 by Kessell, John L.
Turn-Of-The-Century Doors, Windows and Decorative Millwork: The Mulliner Catalog of 1893 by The Mulliner Box & Planing Co
A History of Ottoman Architecture by Freely, John
Early European Castles: Aristocracy and Authority, AD 800-1200 by Creighton, Oliver
The South Builds by Waugh, Edward, Waugh, Elizabeth
Bristol: City on Show by Martyn, David, Foyle, Andrew, Brown, Dan
Maisons Historiques de Gascogne, Ou Galerie Nobiliaire de Cette Province, (Éd.1863) by Noulens, Joseph
Dict. Historique Et Desc Des Monumens Religieux, Civils Et Militaires de la Ville de Paris (Éd.1826) by de Roquefort, Jean-Baptiste Bonaventure
L'Architecture de la Renaissance (Éd.1892) by Palustre, Léon
Names on Terra Sigillata. Volume 9 (T to Eximus) (Bics Supplement 102.9): Volume 102 by
Unbuilt Victoria by Mindenhall, Dorothy
The Architecture of Sharpe, Paley and Austin by Brandwood, Geoff
The Railroad Station: An Architectural History by Meeks, Carroll L. V.
The Royal Palace of Palermo by Andaloro, Maria, Cigni, Cinzia, Longo, Piero
Anne Tyng: Inhabiting Geometry by
Contemporary Architecture and Urbanism in the Middle East by Al-Asad, Mohammad
Building Ruskin's Italy: Watching Architecture by Kite, Stephen
Architecture in Translation: Germany, Turkey, & the Modern House by Akcan, Esra
Wells Coates by Darling, Elizabeth
Il Martyrion di Hierapolis di Frigia (Turchia): Analisi archeologica e architettonica by Gümgüm, Güven
Hypnerotomachia Poliphili: AN ARCHITECTURAL VISION FROM THE FIRST RENAISSANCE, VOLUME II: Volume Ii by Cruz, Esteban Alejandro
Suffolk Windmills by Flint, Brian
Medieval Church Window Tracery in England by Hart, Stephen
Carl Sandburg Home National Historic Site: The Swedish House Historic Structure Report by
Old Plantation Houses In Louisiana by Spratling, William Philip, Scott, Natalie
Meeting House and Church in Early New England: The Puritan Tradition as Reflected in Their Architecture, History, Builders and Ministers by Sinnott, Edmund W.
Timber Castles by Higham, Robert, Barker, Philip
In a Contested Realm: An Illustrated Guide to the Archaeology and Historical Architecture of Northern Cyprus by Langdale, Allan
L'architecture et les pratiques funéraires dans l'Égypte romaine: Volume II Catalogue by Cartron, Gael
L'architecture et les pratiques funéraires dans l'Égypte romaine: Volume I Synthèse by Cartron, Gael
Brick and Marble in the Middle Ages: Notes of a Tour in the North of Italy by Street, George Edmund
Latin American Modern Architectures: Ambiguous Territories by
Islamic Architecture in Iran: Poststructural Theory and the Architectural History of Iranian Mosques by Khaghani, Saeid
Piscinae: Artificial Fishponds in Roman Italy by Higginbotham, James
Dressage in the French Tradition by de Bragance, Dom Diogo
Galileo Engineer by Valleriani, Matteo
The Music Room in Early Modern France and Italy: Sound, Space, and Object by
Long Island Modernism, 1930-1980 by Zaleski, Caroline Rob
Design and Construction in Romanesque Architecture: First Romanesque Architecture and the Pointed Arch in Burgundy and Northern Italy by Armi, C. Edson
The Very Small Home: Japanese Ideas for Living Well in Limited Space by Brown, Azby
White Pillars: Early Life And Architecture Of The Lower Mississippi Valley Country by Smith, J. Frazer
How People Lived in the Middle Ages: Little Blue Book, No. 1550 by McCabe, Joseph
Baldassare Longhena and Venetian Baroque Architecture by Hopkins, Andrew
New England Covered Bridges by Stiver, Harold
Trattato sopra gli errori degli architetti by Gallaccini, Teofilo
Geometrical Methods in the Theory of Ordinary Differential Equations by Arnold, V. I.
The Divine Blueprint: Temples, power places, and the global plan to shape the human soul. by Silva, Freddy
Letarouilly on Renaissance Rome by Bayley, John Barrington, Letarouilly, Paul Marie
The Art and Architecture of English Benedictine Monasteries by Luxford, Julian
Roman Architecture in Provence by Anderson, James C., Jr.
Scientific Computing and Cultural Heritage: Contributions in Computational Humanities by
Between National and Academic Agendas by Bolin, Per
Les Demeures Philosophales Et Le Symbolisme Hermetique Dans Ses Rapports Avec L'Art Sacre Et L'Esoterisme Du Grand-Oeuvre by Fulcanelli
The Private Palladio by
Fair Park Deco: Art and Architecture of the Texas Centennial Exposition by Parsons, Jim, Bush, David
London Dialogues: Serpentine Gallery 24-Hour Interview Marathon by
Schindler, Kings Road, and Southern California Modernism by Sweeney, Robert, Sheine, Judith
The Eiffel Tower by Tissandier, Gaston
Peripheries by
Monumentality in Etruscan and Early Roman Architecture: Ideology and Innovation by
Hope Town: Reality of a Dream by Seaberg, Richard L.
Egypt in England by Elliott, Chris
New Hampshire Covered Bridges by Stiver, Harold
Hope Town: Reality of a Dream by Seaberg, Richard L.
Lost in Wonderland by Mayhew, Augustus
Roman Forum by Watkin, David
Taj Mahal by Tillotson, Giles
Making a New World: Architecture & Communities in Interwar Europe by
Architecture and Interpretation: Essays for Eric Fernie by
Piazza San Marco by Fenlon, Iain
Unbuilt Calgary by White, Stephanie
Metropolis Berlin: 1880-1940 Volume 46 by
World's Fair Gardens: Shaping American Landscapes by Maloney, Cathy Jean
The Tiger That Swallowed the Boy: Exotic Animals in Victorian England by Simons, John
The English Cathedral by
The Cloisters: Medieval Art and Architecture, Revised and Updated Edition by Wu, Nancy, Barnet, Peter
The Architecture and Landscape Gardening of the Exposition A Pictorial Survey of the Most Beautiful Achitectural Compositions of the Panama-Pacific In by Mullgardt, Louis Christian
Architecture of Brazil: 1900-1990 by Segawa, Hugo
The Architecture and Landscape Gardening of the Exposition A Pictorial Survey of the Most Beautiful Achitectural Compositions of the Panama-Pacific In by Mullgardt, Louis Christian
Adobe Brick For Farm Buildings: Colorado Agricultural College Bulletin No. 308, April, 1926 by Sjogren, John W., Adams, J. W.
The English Cathedral by
Historic Architecture in Northwest Philadelphia: 1690 to 1930s: 1690 to 1930s by Minardi, Joseph
Building Egyptian Pyramids: Achieving the Impossible -(Revised 2012) by Chapman, Seamus
The Iliad by Homer
Architecture. Mysticism and Myth by Lethaby, William Richard
Karol Schayer, Architect (1900-1971): A Pole in Beirut by Arbid, George
Green Architecture Now!, Volume 2 by Jodidio, Philip