• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Art Criticism & Theory in 1996

Rethinking Borders by
What Is Art? by Tolstoy, Leo
Res: Anthropology and Aesthetics: Volume 27 by
"Voi Altri Pochi": Ezra Pound and His Audience, 1908-1925 by Kyburz, Mark
Vision in Context: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives on Sight by
Eyes of Love: The Gaze in English and French Culture, 1840-1900 by Kern, Stephen
Making Theory/Constructing Art: On the Authority of the Avant-Garde by Herwitz, Daniel
Theorizing Modernism: Visual Art and the Critical Tradition by Drucker, Johanna
From Idolatry to Advertising: Visual Art and Contemporary Culture: Visual Art and Contemporary Culture by Josephson, Susan G.
Res: Anthropology and Aesthetics: Volume 26 by
Latin American Women Artists, Kahlo and Look Who Else: A Selective, Annotated Bibliography by Puerto, Cecilia
Patterns of Stylistic Changes in Islamic Architecture: Local Traditions Versus Migrating Artists by Meinecke, Michael
Theory Rules: Art as Theory / Theory as Art by
Rethinking Borders by
The Essential Gombrich by Gombrich, Leonie
Kitsch and Art by Kulka, Thomas
Past Looking by Holly, Michael Ann
Past Looking by Holly, Michael Ann
The Return of the Real: Art and Theory at the End of the Century by Foster, Hal
Making It New: Essays, Interviews & Talks by Geldzahler, Henry
An Intimate Distance: Women, Artists and the Body by Betterton, Rosemary
The Split and the Structure: Twenty-Eight Essays by Arnheim, Rudolf
Seams: Art as a Philosophical Context by Melville, Stephen, Gilbert-Rolfe, Jeremy
The Poetics of Perspective by Elkins, James
Is There Truth in Art? by Rapaport, Herman