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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Art Criticism & Theory in 2009

Salvador Cidras: 24 Hours, 10 Minutes by
Digital Baroque: New Media Art and Cinematic Folds Volume 26 by Murray, Timothy
Art and Contemporary Critical Practice: Reinventing Institutional Critique by
Critical Exchange; Art Criticism of the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries in Russia and Western Europe by
Ornament Und Form Der Attischen Grabstelen (1886) by Brueckner, Alfred
True to Life: Twenty-Five Years of Conversations with David Hockney by Weschler, Lawrence
The Arts of Democracy: Art, Public Culture, and the State by
Cabinet 32: Fire by
Mixed Signals: Artists Consider Masculinity in Sports by
Roy Lichtenstein by
The Body Adorned: Dissolving Boundaries Between Sacred and Profane in India's Art by Dehejia, Vidya
Beautiful Thing: An Introduction to Design by Clay, Robert
Seeing Witness: Visuality and the Ethics of Testimony by Blocker, Jane
Beautiful Thing: An Introduction to Design by Clay, Robert
Hans Ulrich Obrist & Gustav Metzger: The Conversation Series: Vol. 16 by
Defaced: The Visual Culture of Violence in the Late Middle Ages by Groebner, Valentin
On the Laws of Japanese Painting - An Introduction to the Study of the Art of Japan by Bowie, Henry P.
Our Artist In Peru: Leaves From The Sketchbook Of A Traveler, During The Winter Of 1865-1866 (1866) by Carleton, George Washington
Santhal Family: Positions Around an Indian Sculpture by
Mute Magazine - Vol 2 #11 by
Mute - Climate for Change Special Edition by
Painting a Hidden Life: The Art of Bill Traylor by Sobel, Mechal
The Body and the Arts by Saunders, Corinne
Portrait and Dream: New and Selected Poems by Berkson, Bill
The &-Files: Art & Text 1981-2002 by Chambers, Ross, Foss, Paul, Butler, Rex
A Hero's Many Faces: Raoul Wallenberg in Contemporary Monuments by Schult, T.
A Hero's Many Faces: Raoul Wallenberg in Contemporary Monuments by Schult, T.
Ruskin, the Theatre and Victorian Visual Culture by
The Principles Of Greek Art (1914) by Gardner, Percy
The Art of Art History: A Critical Anthology by
The Claude Glass: Use and Meaning of the Black Mirror in Western Art by Maillet, Arnaud
Dynamics and Performativity of Imagination: The Image between the Visible and the Invisible by
Reliquiae Romanae: Or Specimens Of The Arts Of The Romans Found In England And Wales (1836) by Duncan, Philip Bury
The Art And Practice Of Etching: With Directions For Other Methods Of Light And Entertaining Engraving (1849) by Alken, Henry Thomas
The Art Of Drawing In Perspective (1797) by J Johnson
Thumbnail Sketches (1893) by Edwards, George Wharton
Magic Rabbit: Activity Coloring Book by Fulmer, Thomas
Critique of Practical Reason by Kant, Immanuel
Vidas Ajenas: F. Rodriguez Marin, Joaquin Sorolla, Los Hermanos Quintero, Salvador Martinez Cubells Primo De Rivera Y Jose Maria Esc by Caballero, Francisco Martin
Conversations in a Studio by Story, William Wetmore
Technologies of Memory in the Arts by
Technologies of Memory in the Arts by
Parkett No. 84 Zoe Leonard, Tomma Abts, Mai-Thu Perret by
Depicting Canadaas Children by
Will Gorlitz: Nowhere If Not Here by Spalding, Jeffrey, Ferguson, Bruce W., Gale, Peggy
Gordon Matta-Clark: Art, Architecture and the Attack on Modernism by Walker, Stephen
Mute Magazine - Vol 2 #12 by
Aesthetische Lehrsake Und Regeln (1776) by Buesching, Anton Friedrich
The Measurement Of Achievement In Drawing (1913) by Thorndike, Edward Lee
A Treatise On The Art Of Glass Painting (1902) by Suffling, Ernest Richard
Aims And Ideals Of Representative American Painters (1901) by Rummell, John, Berlin, Emma Medora
Antique Gems And Rings V2: Illustrations (1872) by King, Charles William
Seeing the Invisible: On Kandinsky by Henry, Michel
The Cosmopolitan Novel by Schoene, Berthold
Race in Modern Irish Literature and Culture by Brannigan, John
Cabinet 33: Deception by
Surface Tension Supplement No. 3: Manual for the Construction of a Cart as a Device to Elaborate Social Connection by
Visual Culture and Bioscience: Issues in Cultural Theory, No. 12 by
The Mutant Flesh: Fabrication of a Posthuman by
Design Studies: A Reader by
Fashion in Fiction: Text and Clothing in Literature, Film and Television by
In the Blink of an Ear: Toward a Non-Cochlear Sonic Art by Kim-Cohen, Seth
I Like Your Work: Art and Etiquette by
The Importance of Being Iceland: Travel Essays in Art by Myles, Eileen
Psychoanalysis, Fascism, Fundamentalism: Psychoanalysis and History Volume 11, Issue 2 by
Della Pittura Friulana: Saggio Storico (1798) by Renaldis, Girolamo De'
Essai Sur La Peinture En Mosaique (1768) by Vieil, Pierre Le
The Art Of Illustration (1894) by Blackburn, Henry
Le Temple Des Arts Ou Le Cabinet de M. Braamcamp (1766) by De Bastide, Jean-Francois
The Arts And Crafts Of Older Spain V3 (1908) by Williams, Leonard
Ideen Uber, Die Beste Anwendung Der Wachsbildnerei (1798) by Wichelhausen, Engelbert
Heinrich Freudweiler: Ein Beytrag Zu Den Biographien Schweizerscher Kunstler (1796) by Meyer, Johann Heinrich
Gli Elementi Dell' Arte Logico-Critica (1783) by Manzoni, Giuseppe, Genovesi, Antonio
The Forms of Things Unknown: Essays Towards an Aesthetic Philosophy by Read, Herbert Edward
The Philosophy of Modern Art by Read, Herbert Edward
A Concise History Of Modern Painting by Read, Herbert
Parkett No. 85 Maria Lassnig, Beatriz Milhazes, Jean-Luc Mylayne, Josh Smith by
Picasso: The Monograph, 1881-1973 by
A Philosophy of Computer Art by Lopes, Dominic
Committing Community: Carpatho-Rusyn Studies as an Emerging Scholarly Discipline by
Spain V2: Art Remains And Art Realities, Painters, Priests, And Princes (1875) by Baxley, Henry Willis
Specimens Of Early Wood Engraving: Being Impressions Of Wood Cuts (1858) by Charnley, Emerson
The Bombay Artillery: List Of Officers (1902) by Spring, Frederick William MacKenzie
Scoperta Della Chironomia Ossia Dell' Arte Di Gestire Con Le Mani (1797) by Requeno, Vincenzo
Exhibition Of Drawings And Studies By Sir Edward Burne-Jones (1899) by Monkhouse, Cosmo
Der Wohl Anfuhrende Mahler: Welcher Curiose Liebhaber Lehret, Wie Man Sich Zur Mahleren Zubereiten (1729) by Croeker, Johann Melchior
Saint-Cendre (1898) by Maindron, Maurice
The Lives Of The Most Eminent Modern Painters, Who Have Lived Since, Or Were Omitted By Monsieur De Piles (1754) by Burgess, James
A Philosophy of Computer Art by Lopes, Dominic
Vies Des Fameux Sculpteurs, Depuis La Renaissance Des Arts: Avec La Description de Leurs Ouvrages (1787) by D'Argenville, Antoine Nicolas Dezallier
The History Of The Spanish School Of Painting (1843) by Boid, Edward
Color Expressions: An Art Educational Voyage by Ford, Lonnie G.
Frequencies: Eugenia Balcells by Bosch, Eulalia, Espelt, Ramon, Balcells, Eugenia
Aftershock: The Ethics of Contemporary Transgressive Art by Cashell, Kieran
Communities of Sense: Rethinking Aesthetics and Politics by
Loot: The Battle Over the Stolen Treasures of the Ancient World by Waxman, Sharon
Art Theory for Beginners by Osborne, Richard
Michelangelo: The Complete Sculpture, Painting, Architecture by Wallace, William E.
Making Mischief: A Maurice Sendak Appreciation by Maguire, Gregory
Antoine's Alphabet: Watteau and His World by Perl, Jed
Abhandlung Von Den Zufalligen Farben (1765) by Scherffer, Karl
Blank Verse Pastels (1907) by Scollard, Clinton
Anastatic Drawing Society (1858) by Gresley, John M.
Early Wood Carving: Twenty Examples Selected From The Misereres In The Choir Of The Cathedral Of St. Peter (1849) by Hewett, John William
A Catalogue Raisonne Of The Works Of D. R. Hay: With Critical Remarks By Various Authors (1849) by Hay, David Ramsay
Aesthetics V1-3 (1913) by
Cabinet 34: Testing by
Muslims of Europe: The 'Other' Europeans by Hellyer, H. A.
Islam: Between Message and History by Charfi, Abdelmadjid
Encyclopedias about Muslim Civilisations by
Muslims of Europe: The 'Other' Europeans by Hellyer, H. A.
Ch-Ch-Ch-Changes: Artists Talk about Teaching by Mollin, David
White Aborigines: Identity Politics in Australian Art by McLean, Ian
Electoral Change: Responses to Evolving Social and Attitudinal Structures in Western Countries by MacKie, Thomas, Valen, Henry, Franklin, Mark
Artscience: Creativity in the Post-Google Generation by Edwards, David
Another Brush with God: Further Conversations about Icons by Pearson, Peter
A Touch More Rare: Harry Berger, Jr., and the Arts of Interpretation by
The Modern Snp: From Protest to Power by
Hopes and Fears for Art by Morris, William
Subtlety and Strength: The Drawings of Dora Gordine by Black, Jonathan, Lloyd, Fran
Jehan Fouquet (1905) by Lafenestre, Georges Edouard
Johann Caspar Fuesslins Geschichte Der Besten Kunstler In Der Schweitz: Nebst Ihren Bildnissen (1769) by Fussli, Johann Caspar
Rethinking Theories and Practices of Imaging by Engström, Timothy H.
Thinking Art by Van Den Braembussche, Antoon
What Is Contemporary Art? by Smith, Terry
Joining The Colors (1918) by Botsford, Charles Alexander
Flesh of My Flesh by Silverman, Kaja
The Adventures of Percival: A Phylogenetic Tale by de Crécy, Nicolas, Senges, Pierre
Robert Lehman Lectures on Contemporary Art No. 4 by
Hans Ulrich Obrist & Christian Boltanski: The Conversation Series: Vol. 19 by
The Neural Imagination: Aesthetic and Neuroscientific Approaches to the Arts by Massey, Irving
Seven Days in the Art World by Thornton, Sarah
Discover Your Scottish Ancestry: Internet and Traditional Resources by Holton, Graham, Winch, Jack
Discover Your Scottish Ancestry: Internet and Traditional Resources by Winch, Jack, Holton, Graham
Die Jesuitenkunst In Breslau (1901) by Burgemeister, Ludwig
Essai Sur L'Art Comtemporain (1903) by Gevaert, Hippolyte Fierens
Le Portrait Du XVI Siecle Aux Primitifs Francais (1904) by Dimier, Louis
L'Academie Royale De Peinture Et De Sculpture (1861) by Vitet, Louis
Etude Historique Et Archeologique Sur La Cathedrale Et Le Palais Episcopal De Paris (1888) by Mortet, Victor
Portraiture and Social Identity in Eighteenth-Century Rome by Eliasson, Sabrina
Redrawing the Nation: National Identity in Latin/O American Comics by
Redrawing the Nation: National Identity in Latin/O American Comics by
A Victorian Muse: The Afterlife of Dante's Beatrice in Nineteenth-Century Literature by Straub, Julia
Joseph Pennell's Liberty-Loan Poster (1918) by Pennell, Joseph
The American Printer, A Manual Of Typography: Containing Complete Instructions For Beginners (1866) by Mackellar, Thomas
Princelijcke Deuijsen Ofte Wapenen (1563) by Straelen, Ant Van, Silvius, Willem, Paradin, Claude
The Barnet Book Of Photography (1898) by Elliott and Son Barnet
Literary Art in Digital Performance: Case Studies in New Media Art and Criticism by
Parkett No. 86 John Baldessari, Carol Bove, Josiah McElheny, Philippe Parreno by
Cruising Utopia: The Then and There of Queer Futurity by Muñoz, José Esteban
Cruising Utopia: The Then and There of Queer Futurity by Muñoz, José Esteban
The Critique Handbook: The Art Student's Sourcebook and Survival Guide by Buster, Kendall, Crawford, Paula
Karel Appel, a Gesture of Colour by Lyotard, Jean-François
The Invention of Art History in Ancient Greece: Religion, Society and Artistic Rationalisation by Tanner, Jeremy
Computing and Language Variation: International Journal of Humanities and Arts Computing Volume 2 by
Colour and Meaning in Ancient Rome by Bradley, Mark
The Practice of Public Art by
Cabinet 35: Dust by
The Translations of Beowulf: A Critical Bibliography by Tinker, Chauncey Brewster