• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Art Criticism & Theory in 2010

Alchemy of Light by Conover, Mary
Drawings by Rembrandt and His Pupils: Telling the Difference by Hendrix, Lee, Robinson, William W., Bevers, Holm
A World Art History and Its Objects by Carrier, David
Private History in Public: Exhibition and the Settings of Everyday Life by Gordon, Tammy S.
The Metallic Inlay (1911) by Bodecker, Henry William Charles
The Gilded Beauties Of The Second Empire (1910) by Loliee, Frederic
The Philharmonic And The Muse V3: Devoted To The Modern Arts (1903) by
Un Chien Andalou: French Film Guide by Adamowicz, Elza
Concerning the Spiritual in Art by Kandinsky, Wassily
On Curating: Interviews with Ten International Curators: By Carolee Thea by Thea, Carolee
Land, Law and People in Medieval Scotland by Neville, Cynthia J.
The Craft Reader by Adamson, Glenn
Cultural Appropriation and the Arts by Young, James O.
Ruins of Modernity by
A Decade of Negative Thinking: Essays on Art, Politics, and Daily Life by Schor, Mira
Causes Won, Lost, and Forgotten by Gallagher, Gary W.
Contemporary Political Movements and the Thought of Jacques Rancière: Equality in Action by May, Todd
Contemporary Political Movements and the Thought of Jacques Rancière: Equality in Action by May, Todd
The Mythology of Kingship in Neo-Assyrian Art by Atac, Mehmet-Ali
Not Half No End: Militantly Melancholic Essays in Memory of Jacques Derrida by Bennington, Geoffrey
Figuring Redemption: Resighting My Self in the Art of Michael Snow by Kellman, Tila L.
The Holocaust: Essays and Documents by Benz, Wolfgang
Einschränkung der schönen Künste auf einen einzigen Grundsatz: Aus dem französischen übersetzt, und mit einem Anhange einiger eignen Abhandlungen vers by Batteux, Charles
The Anatomy of Fashion: Dressing the Body from the Renaissance to Today by Vincent, Susan J.
The Anatomy of Fashion by Vincent, Susan J.
The Liverpool School Of Painters: An Account Of The Liverpool Academy, From 1810 To 1867, With Memoirs Of The Principal Artists (1904) by Marillier, Henry Currie
Neue Moglichkeiten In Der Bildenden Kunst Essays (1903) by Obrist, Hermann
Paginas Argentinas Ilustradas (1907) by Eizaguirre, Jose Manuel
Cinematique Et Mecanismes (1921) by Bricard, Raoul
Che Cos'e Il Bello? (1905) by Porena, Manfredi
Catalogue De L'Exposition Des Arts Au Debut Du Siecle: Ouverte Au Profit De L'Oeuvre Au Palais Du Champ De Mars Le 9 Mai 1891 (1891) by Societe Philanthropique
Das Programm Der Handwerker (1893) by Bottger, Hugo
Notice Sur La Lithographie (1824) by Mairet, F.
Das Elend Unserer Jugendlitteratur: Ein Beitrag Zur Kunstlerischen Erziehung Der Jugend (1896) by Wolgast, Heinrich
Daheim Und Draussen: Bunte Bilder (1865) by Lessing, Hermann
Tipografia Espanola, O Historia De La Introduccion, Propagacion Y Progresos Del Arte De La Imprenta En Espana (1861) by Mendez, Francisco
Le Classiche Stampe Dal Cominciamento Della Calcografia (1836) by Ferrario, Giulio
Dei Monumenti Di Archeologia E Belle Arti (1845) by Cantu, Cesare
Biographie Et Catalogue De L'Oeuvre Du Graveur Miger (1856) by De La Chavignerie, Emile Bellier
De La Paleta: Cuentos De Color (1896) by Rufino, Jose Garcia
La Psychologie Du Beau Et De L'Art (1895) by Pilo, Mario
Der Halbtonprozess: Ein Praktisches Handbuch Fur Halbtonhochatzung Auf Kupfer Und Zink (1896) by Verfasser, Julius
Le Bas-Relief Roman A Representations Historiques (1899) by Courbaud, Edmond
Dei Monumenti Di Perugia Etrusca E Romana, Part 4 (1870) by Conestabile, Giancarlo
Tableau Historique Et Pittoresque De Paris V2 (1830) by De Saint-Victor, Jacques Benjamin
Estudios De Arte Historia Militar, Part 1: Politica De La Guerra (1881) by Comas, Carlos Banus y.
Notes Et Causeries Sur L'Art Et Sur Les Artistes (1881) by Timbal, Charles, Delaborde, Henri
Considerations Morales Sur La Destination Des Ouvrages De L'Art Ou L'Influence De Leur Emploi (1815) by De Quincy, Antoine Quatremere
Das Elend Unserer Jugendlitteratur: Ein Beitrag Zur Kunstlerischen Erziehung Der Jugend (1896) by Wolgast, Heinrich
The English Illustrated Magazine, Volume 19 by Anonymous
Words to Be Looked At: Language in 1960s Art by Kotz, Liz
What Good Are the Arts? by Carey, John
Memento by Molloy, Claire
Hans Ulrich Obrist & John Baldessari: The Conversation Series Volume 18 by
Memento by Molloy, Claire
Newfoundland and Labrador English by Clarke, Sandra
Culture and Power in Cultural Studies: The Politics of Signification by Storey, John
Newfoundland and Labrador English by Clarke, Sandra
Wild Zones: Pornography, Art and Feminism by Ives, Kelly
Art as Far as the Eye Can See by Virilio, Paul
Modernist Avant-Garde Aesthetics and Contemporary Military Technology: Technicities of Perception by Phillips, John, Bishop, Ryan
Riverscapes and National Identities by Cusack, Tricia
Zizek and Politics: A Critical Introduction by Sharpe, Matthew, Boucher, Geoff M.
The Government of Scotland: Public Policy Making After Devolution by Keating, Michael
Les Rois De Syrie: D'Armenie Et De Commagene (1890) by Babelon, Ernest
Beschrijving Der Tentoonstelling To Magelang Van Producten Van Inlandsche Nijverheid Uit De Residentie Kedoe (1894) by Landsdrukkerij Publisher
Aristoteles Uber Die Farben: Erlautert Durch Eine Uebersicht Der Farbenlehre Der Alten (1849) by Prantl, Carl
Contro Corrente: Saggi Di Critica Ideativa (1905) by Cervesato, Arnaldo
Alexandre Calame Sa Vie Et Son Oeuvre D'Apres Les Sources Originales (1884) by Rambert, Eugene
Anweisung Zur Oel-Malerei, Zur Aquarell, Fresco, Miniatur Und Holz-Malerei (1879) by Dietrich, Friedrich
Catalogue Des Peintures, Dessins Sculptures Et Antiquites (1886) by Castan, Auguste
Amoureux D'Art (1888) by Dolent, Jean, Carriere, Eugene
Tarragona Monumental V1, Part 1, Que Comprende A Taragona Celta Y Romana: O Sea Descripcion Historica Y Artistica De Todas (1849) by De Borras, Juan Francisco Albinana y., De Broca, Andres De Bofarull y.
Aesthetics (1879) by Veron, Eugene
Catalogue Raisonne De Toutes Les Estampes Qui Forment L'Oeuvre De Rembrandt, Et Des Principales Pieces De Ses Eleves (1824) by Gersaint, E. F.
Catalogue Des Ouvrages De Peinture, Sculpture, Dessin, Gravure Et Lithographie: Exposes Dans Les Galeries Du Musee De Douai (1869) by Dechriste Publisher
Catalogue Des Peintures Du Musee De L'Etat A Amsterdam (1888) by Bredius, Abraham
La Tapisserie Dans L'Antiquite, Le Peplos D'Athene (1884) by de Ronchaud, Louis
Artisti Modenesi Parmensi E Della Lunigiana In Roma Nei Secoli XV, XVI E XVII: Ricerche E Studi Negli Archivi Romani (1882) by Bertolotti, Antonino
Catalogue Des Tableaux, Dessins, Gravures: Objets D'Art Et De Curiosite Appartenant (1885) by Musee de Montargis
Catalogue Raisonne Des Portraits Graves Par Les Trois Freres Wierix (1867) by Alvin, Louis
Arabesky A Kresby (1880) by Herites, Frantisek
A Cinquecento Festeszete Es Szobraszata: Tekintet Nelkul Velenczere (1906) by Berzeviczy, Albert
Antidiets of the Avant-Garde: From Futurist Cooking to Eat Art by Novero, Cecilia
Essai: Sur Le Classement Chronologique Des Sculpteurs Grecs Les Plus Celebres, Ou Fragment D'Un Discours Sur La Sculpture Ancienne (1807) by Emeric-David, Toussaint Bernard
Art Needs No Justification by Rookmaaker, Hans R.
Ibn Khaldun, Life and Times by Fromherz, Allen James
The Politics of Postanarchism by Newman, Saul
Ruling Elites and Decision-Making in Fascist-Era Dictatorships by
The Legionary Movement After Corneliu Codreanu: From the Dictatorship of King Carol II to the Communist Regime (February 1938-August 1944) by Tiu, Ilarion
Difference on Display: Diversity in Art, Science and Society by
From the Royal Armed Forces to the Popular Armed Forces: Sovietization of the Romanian Military (1948-1955) by Sperlea, Florin
Lost in Translation by King, Geoff
Lost in Translation by King, Geoff
American Culture in the 1910s by Whalan, Mark
American Culture in the 1910s by Whalan, Mark
Love and the Erotic in Art by Zuffi, Stefano
Romania Since 1989 by Petre, Zoe, Durandin, Catherine
Of Jews and Animals by Benjamin, Andrew
The Correspondence Between Hugh MacDiarmid and Sorley MacLean by
Pliny on Art and Society: The Elder Pliny's Chapters On The History Of Art by Isager, Jacob
The 'do-It-Yourself' Artwork: Participation from Fluxus to New Media by
Deleuze and the Postcolonial by
Eine Beitrag V1-2: Zur Geschichte Der Zeitgenossischen Kunstpflege (1895) by Diefenbach, Karl Wilhelm
Die Altdeutsche Malerei In Salzburg (1908) by Fischer, Otto
Die Grenzen Der Aesthetik (1902) by Keussler, Gerhard Von
Estetica General (1907) by Sanchez, Jose Rogerio
Entwicklungs-Erscheinungen Der Modernen Malerei (1907) by Reininghaus, Hugo Von
Die Ethik John Ruskins (1908) by Claus, Paul
Die Prachtharnische Des Goldschmiedes Heinrich Cnoep Aus Munster I. W. Eine Studie (1907) by Geisberg, Max
Le Bulletin De L'Art Ancien Et Moderne (1903) by Rue Du Mont-Thabor Publisher
Die Entwicklungsgeschichte Der Stile In Der Bildenden Kunst V1: Vom Altertum Bis Zur Gotik (1910) by Cohn-Wiener, Ernst
Geschichte Der Griechischen Farbenlehre (1888) by Veckenstedt, Edmund
Eugene Isabey: Etude Suivie Du Catalogue De Son Oeuvre (1906) by Hediard, Germain
Etruskische Beitrage, Book 1-2 (1902) by Torp, Alf
Nuova E Succinta Descrizione Di Roma Antica E Moderna E De'Monumenti (1838) by Archini, Francesco
Annales De La Calcographie Generale V1 (1806) by De Saint Germain, Gault
Geschichte Der Griechischen Farbenlehre (1888) by Veckenstedt, Edmund
El Arte Latino-Bizantino En Espana Y Las Coronas Visigodas De Guarrazar (1861) by Rios, Jose Amador De Los
Die Italienische Plastik (1891) by Bode, Wilhelm
Essai D'Une Bibliographie Generale Des Beaux-Arts (1866) by Duplessis, Georges
Hans Holbien Der Jungere: Eine Altdeutsche Kunstlergeschichte (1900) by Richter, Julius Wilhelm Otto
Die Enkaustische Malerei (1845) by
Arts and Crafts Objects PB by Hart, Imogen
Renaissance in Italy: The Fine Arts, Part 3 by Symonds, John Addington
The Edinburgh Companion to Virginia Woolf and the Arts by
Contemporary American Fiction by Brauner, David
Cabinet 36: Friendship by
Very Funny: Rosebud Magazine No. 7 by
Cinematic Journeys: Film and Movement by Eleftheriotis, Dimitris
Death-Drive: Freudian Hauntings in Literature and Art by Rowland Smith, Robert
Charles Harrison: Looking Back by
Thoughts about Art. by Hamerton, Philip Gilbert
Inside Austria: New Challenges, Old Demons by Lendvai, Paul
Listening in: Broadcasts, Speeches, and Interviews by Elizabeth Bowen by
Gandhi's Interpreter: A Life of Horace Alexander by Carnall, Geoffrey
Listening in: Broadcasts, Speeches, and Interviews by
The Cosmopolitan Novel by Schoene, Berthold
Master Drawings Close-Up by Brooks, Julian
The Ecstatic Quotidian: Phenomenological Sightings in Modern Art and Literature by Gosetti-Ferencei, Jennifer Anna
Gender and Political Identities in Scotland, 1919-1939 by Hughes, Annmarie
A Short Life of Trouble: Forty Years in the New York Art World by Tucker, Marcia
Notice Explicative Sur Les Objets Exposes (1878) by Guimet, Emile, Regamey, Felix
Sur L'Ancienne Copie De La Cene De Leonard De Vinci: Qu'On Maintenant Au Musee Royal (1817) by De Montleon, Aime Guillon
The Philosophy Of Art by Ker, W. P.
Guy Rose by Stendahl, Earl L.
A Practical Description of the Munsell Color System and Suggestions for its Use 1937 by Cleland, T. M.
The Mission Of Aesthetics by Hall, Manly P.
Whistler's Etchings: A Study And A Catalogue (1899) by Wedmore, Frederick
Art And The Moral Law by Ellis, Thomas H.
A Philosophy Of Art by Fiske, John
Hints to Young Painters and the Process of Portrait Painting as Practiced by the Late Thomas Sully (1873) by Sully, Thomas
The Origin and Antiquity of Engraving: With Some Remarks on the Utility and Pleasures of Prints (1872) by Baker, William Spohn
The Significance Of Certain Colors In Roman Ritual by Armstrong, Mary Emma
Catalogue Of Platinotype Reproductions Of Pictures Etc. (1904) by Hollyer, Frederick
Das Associationsprincip In Der Aesthetik (1900) by Ziegler, Johannes
Alchemy of Light and Color by Reiser, Oliver L.
Modern Painting by Moore, George
Chromatics: Or the Analogy, Harmony, and Philosophy of Colors (1845) by Field, George
Portraits Of Dante From Giotto To Raffael: A Critical Study, With A Concise Iconography (1911) by Holbrook, Richard Thayer
The Querist by Berkeley, George
The Beauty Of Art by Stace, W. T.
Seven Discourses On Art by Reynolds, Joshua
A Description of the Series of Pictures Painted by James Barry and Preserved in the Great Room of the Society (1803) by Royal Society of Arts, Society Of Arts, Royal Society of Arts
La Platonia Ossia Il Sepolcro Apostolico Della Via Appia (1892) by De Waal, Antonio
Camille Pissarro Letters To His Son Lucien by
Impressions of Westminster Abbey: An Illustrated Text to Accompany Seven Etchings by A. H. Haig (1885) by Haig, Axel Herman
Bonn: Beitrage Zu Seiner Geschichte Und Seinen Denkmalern (1868) by Ritter, Franz, Freudenberg, Johannes, Simrock, Karl Joseph
Aesthetics V1-3 (1913) by
Ueber Kunstsammlungen In Alter Und Neuer Zeit (1899) by Furtwangler, Adolf
Practical Guide To Photographic And Photomechanical Printing (1887) by Burton, William Kinninmond
Lincoln In Caricature (1903) by Wilson, Rufus Rockwell
Deleuze and Contemporary Art by
Reading and Responsibility: Deconstruction's Traces by Attridge, Derek
Deleuze and Contemporary Art by
Cabinet 37: Bubbles by
The End of Modernity: What the Financial and Environmental Crisis Is Really Telling Us by Sim, Stuart
Cultural Studies and the Study of Popular Culture by Storey, John
Mercenaries in British and American Literature, 1790-1830: Writing, Fighting, and Marrying for Money by Simpson, Erik
Cultural Studies and the Study of Popular Culture by Storey, John
Philosophers on Art from Kant to the Postmodernists: A Critical Reader by
The Profits of Religion by Sinclair, Upton
In the Remington Moment by Tatum, Stephen
In the Remington Moment by Tatum, Stephen
Networks of Design: Proceedings of the 2008 Annual International Conference of the Design History Society (UK) University College Falmouth by
The Studio Reader: On the Space of Artists by
Philosophers on Art from Kant to the Postmodernists: A Critical Reader by
Ancient Mexican Art at Dumbarton Oaks: Central Highlands, Southwestern Highlands, Gulf Lowlands by
Rescuing The Future by Freedman, Benedict
Milk and Peace Drought and War: Somali Culture, Society and Politics by
Composition: A Series of Exercises in Art Structure for the Use of Students and Teachers by Dow, Arthur Wesley
The Harbours of England (the Complete Works of John Ruskin - Volume 13) by Ruskin, John
The Keys To Color: A Decorator's Handbook for coloring paints, plasters and glazes by Dean, Sickler E., Sickler, Dean
128 Colors: A Sample Book for Architects, Conservators, and Designers by Trautwein, Katrin
A Human Eye: Essays on Art in Society, 1997-2008 by Rich, Adrienne
Immanence - Deleuze and Philosophy by de Beistegui, Miguel
The Sutherland Estate, 1850-1920: Aristocratic Decline, Estate Management and Land Reform by Tindley, Annie
The Art Imperative by Romero, Phillip
The Art Imperative by Romero, Phillip
The Edinburgh Companion to Irvine Welsh by
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