• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Art Criticism & Theory in 2013

Pornographic Art and the Aesthetics of Pornography by
Femininity, Time and Feminist Art by Johnson, C.
Vibratory Modernism by
Trace Retrace: Paintings, Nilima Sheikh by
Color Theory: An Essential Guide to Color--From Basic Principles to Practical Applications by Mollica, Patti
Georg Lukacs: The Fundamental Dissonance of Existence: Aesthetics, Politics, Literature by
Lettre d'un psychanalyste à Steven Spielberg by Moscovitz, Jean-Jacques
Carnal Knowledge: Towards a 'New Materialism' Through The Arts by
Always More Than One: Individuation's Dance by Manning, Erin
The Reconstructed School by Pearson, Francis B.
The Reconstructed School by Pearson, Francis B.
What We Made: Conversations on Art and Social Cooperation by Finkelpearl, Tom
Virilio and Visual Culture by
Virilio and Visual Culture by
Contemporary Chinese Art and Film: Theory Applied and Resisted by
Renegotiating the Body: Feminist Art in 1970s London by Battista, Kathy
Cabinet 47: Logistics by
John Miller: The Ruin of Exchange: And Other Writings on Art by
Causes Won, Lost, and Forgotten: How Hollywood and Popular Art Shape What We Know about the Civil War by Gallagher, Gary W.
Between Exits: Paintings by Hani Zurob by Boullata, Kamal
Perpetual Inventory by Krauss, Rosalind E.
Rethinking Aesthetics: The Role of Body in Design by
Dynamics and Performativity of Imagination: The Image between the Visible and the Invisible by
The Cracking Art In 1938: Universal Oil Products Company, No. 239 by
Transformations: Critical And Speculative Essays On Art by Fry, Roger Eliot
Französische Maler by Heine, Heinrich
The Melancholy Art by Holly, Michael Ann
Corrected Slogans: Reading and Writing Conceptualism by
World Art: An Introduction to the Art in Artefacts by Burt, Ben
World Art: An Introduction to the Art in Artefacts by Burt, Ben
A Troublesome Subject: The Art of Robert Arneson by Fineberg, Jonathan
The Migrant Image: The Art and Politics of Documentary during Global Crisis by Demos, T. J.
Performing Memory in Art and Popular Culture by
The Messages of Tourist Art: An African Semiotic System in Comparative Perspective by Jules-Rosette, Bennetta
Auguste Rodin by Rilke, Rainer Maria
Discover the Power of YOUR Colors by Peresetsky, Jaclyn
Women Art Critics in Nineteenth-Century France: Vanishing Acts by Guentner, Wendelin
The Gods of Ancient Greece: Identities and Transformations by
The Move Beyond Form: Creative Undoing in Literature and the Arts Since 1960. Mary Joe Hughes by Hughes, M.
The Move Beyond Form: Creative Undoing in Literature and the Arts Since 1960. Mary Joe Hughes by Hughes, M.
New Argentine and Brazilian Cinema: Reality Effects by
Careers in Art History by Association of Art Historians
Modern Art in America by Pach, Walter
L'Internationale: Post-War Avant-Gardes Between 1957 and 1986 by
Contemporary Art Theory by Zabel, Igor
Traité de la Peinture Et de la Sculpture. Tome 1 by Richardson, Jonathan
Traité de la Peinture Et de la Sculpture. Tome 2 by Richardson, Jonathan
Traité de la Peinture Et de la Sculpture. Tome 3 by Richardson, Jonathan
Picturing Change: Curating Visual Culture at Post-Apartheid Universities by Schmahmann, Brenda
Hold It Against Me: Difficulty and Emotion in Contemporary Art by Doyle, Jennifer
Line Color Form: The Language of Art and Design by Day, Jesse
The Principles of Art by Collingwood, R. G.
Laokoon by Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim
Que Peindre?/What To Paint?: Adami, Arakawa, Buren by Lyotard, Jean-François
Culture Wars: To Discipline the Devil's Regions by Hamilton, David
Greek Athletics by
Understanding Art: Hendrik Willem Van Loon's How To Look At Pictures by Van Loon, Hendrik Willem
Site 33: Senses by
The Science of Paintings by Taft, W. Stanley Jr., Mayer, James W.
Contemporary American Jewelry Design by Blauer, Ettagale
The Indefinite Duchamp by
Positioning the Art Gallery: The Amsterdam Gallery World in an International Context by
Subverting Disambiguities by
Trees by
The Story of How Color Came to Be: Teaching Children About Color Theory and Friendship by Gray Diaz, Lakresha
Philosophie de la Nature Dans l'Art d'Extrême-Orient by Petrucci, Raphaël
Philosophie de l'Art. T. 1 by Taine, Hippolyte-Adolphe
Philosophie de l'Art. T. 2 by Taine, Hippolyte-Adolphe
Shapes of Apocalypse: Arts and Philosophy in Slavic Thought by
The Signifying Eye: Seeing Faulkner's Art by Waid, Candace
Quantum Art by Scoon, Amber
Subject Matter of the Artist: Writings by Robert Goodnough, 1950-1965 by Goodnough, Robert
The Virilio Dictionary by
The Virilio Dictionary by
The Storytellers: Narratives in International Contemporary Art by Wendt, Selene
The Last Laugh: Strange Humors of Cinema by
Pre-Columbian Art & Archaeology: Essays in Honor of Frederick R. Mayer: Papers from the 2002 & 2007 Mayer Center Symposia at the Denver Art Museum by
Liliana Porter in Conversation with Inés Katzenstein by
Image and Narrative: On Scenicity in the Plastic and Dramatic Arts by
Surface Tension Supplement No. 6: Unsitely Aesthetics: Uncertain Practices in Contemporary Art by
The Aphorisms of Irsee by Head, Clive, Paraskos, Michael
The Heart of Leonardo: Foreword by Hrh Prince Charles, the Prince of Wales by Wells, Francis
Anywhere or Not at All: Philosophy of Contemporary Art by Osborne, Peter
The Traditional Colors of Japan by Hamada, Nobyoshi
Visual Time: The Image in History by Moxey, Keith
Karl Zerbe: Distinguished Exhibitions Of American Art, No. 1 by Zerbe, Karl
Interaction of Color by Albers, Josef
Recollections of Dante Gabriel Rossetti by Caine, Hall
Hans Ulrich Obrist & Matthew Barney: The Conversation Series: Volume 27 by
Parkett No. 92: Jimmie Durham, Helen Marten, Pauline Olowska, Damián Ortega by
Photographic Realism: Late Twentieth-Century Aesthetics by Tormey, Jane
The Situationist Times: Facsimile Box Set by
Surrealist Ghostliness by Conley, Katharine
Traditional Japanese Color Palette by Hamada, Nobuyoshi
9.5 Theses on Art and Class by Davis, Ben
Beauty, Violence, Representation by
The Pleasure in Drawing by Nancy, Jean-Luc
The Pleasure in Drawing by Nancy, Jean-Luc
Vibratory Modernism by
Politics in a Glass Case: Feminism, Exhibition Cultures and Curatorial Transgressions by
Color, Communism And Common Sense by Johnson, Manning
Odilon Redon, Gustave Moreau, Rodolphe Bresdin by
Cabinet 49: Death by
Institutional Attitudes: Instituting Art in a Flat World by
Picasso, Hopper and Richier by Orenduff, Lai-Kent Chew
The Storied South: Voices of Writers and Artists by Ferris, William
Art and Ethics in a Material World: Kant's Pragmatist Legacy by McMahon, Jennifer A.
Femininity, Time and Feminist Art by Johnson, C.
Transvisuality: The Cultural Dimension of Visuality (Vol. I): Boundaries and Creative Openings by
The Lost Battles: Leonardo, Michelangelo, and the Artistic Duel That Defined the Renaissance by Jones, Jonathan
Colour Theory At Its Simplest by Celona, Alexis Caverhill
Shipwreck in Art and Literature: Images and Interpretations from Antiquity to the Present Day by
The Peacock's Egg: Alchemy of Light and Shadow by Wyman, Ron
Windows to the Sacred: An exploration of the Esoteric by Buratti, Robert
Beyond the Aesthetic and the Anti-Aesthetic by
Three Essays on the Painting of our Time by
Fair Play - Art, Performance and Neoliberalism by Harvie, J.
Fair Play - Art, Performance and Neoliberalism by Harvie, J.
Travel With Numbers by Zawadova, Barbara
Imperialism as Diaspora: Race, Sexuality, and History in Anglo-India by Mohanram, Radhika, Crane, Ralph
After-Affects After-Images: Trauma and Aesthetic Transformation in the Virtual Feminist Museum by Pollock, Griselda
After-Affects After-Images: Trauma and Aesthetic Transformation in the Virtual Feminist Museum by Pollock, Griselda
Symbolic Allusion, Temporal Illusion: In the Lady of the Castle by Leah Goldberg and in a Selection of Modern Paintings by Dorot, Ruth
Pirates and Farmers by Hickey, Dave
Talks About Art by Knowlton, Helen M.
Idealism: The Art of Exalting Man by Penzera, Darin
Take a Closer Look by Arasse, Daniel
Friedrich Nietzsche: The Dionysian Spirit of the Age by Orage, Alfred Richard
Mobility and Fantasy in Visual Culture by
A Window on the World: From Durer to Mondrian and Beyond: Looking Through the Window of Art from the Renaissance to Today by
Studying Italian Cinema by Henry, Adalgisa Serio, Serio, Adalgisa
For Creative Geographies: Geography, Visual Arts and the Making of Worlds by Hawkins, Harriet
Leonardo's Notebooks: Writing and Art of the Great Master by Da Vinci, Leonardo
What Are You Looking At?: The Surprising, Shocking, and Sometimes Strange Story of 150 Years of Modern Art by Gompertz, Will
Play & Prosume by
La Broyeuse de Chocolat: Kunsthalle Marcel Duchamp at Mathildenhöhe Darmstadt by
The Grotesque Factor by
Why I Hate Modern Art by Levin, Eli
The Ice That Burns: (A Stage Play) by Sabtiu, Rubaba Mmahajia Rahma
The Invitation in Art by
Anthropology and Art Practice by
Art and the Unconscious by Goitein, Lionel
Art and Society by Read, Herbert Edward
The Philosophy of Art by Ducasse, Curt John
The Forms of Things Unknown: Essays Towards an Aesthetic Philosophy by Read, Herbert Edward
Twenty Centuries of Mexican Art by Leal, Antonio Castro
Sketching in Pen and Ink by Maxwell, Donald
Color Psychology and Color Therapy: A Factual Study of the Influence of Color on Human Life by Birren, Faber
The Mastery of Oil Painting by Taubes, Frederic
The SubPrime Mortgage Crisis Bailout Coloring Book by Williams, Lg
Money by
The Reality of Film: Theories of Filmic Reality by Rushton, Richard
Gender, Artwork and the Global Imperative: A Materialist Feminist Critique by Dimitrakaki, Angela
The Fleeting Promise of Art: Adorno's Aesthetic Theory Revisited by Hohendahl, Peter Uwe
The Fleeting Promise of Art by Hohendahl, Peter Uwe
Provocative Alloys: A Post-Media Anthology by Apprich, Clemens
Art and Self-Creation: The Roots of Creativity and Innovation by Fernandez, Lorena
Henri Matisse Jazz by Matisse, Henri
Color Studies by Reed, Ron, Feisner, Edith Anderson
L'Art Contemporain: vol au dessus d'un nid de coquins by Moran, Robert
Shifting Gravity by
Luis Camnitzer: Eco Book by
Realism of the Senses in World Cinema: The Experience of Physical Reality by Luca, Tiago de
New Artwriting: Creating a Culture of Cyber Criticism by Willette, Jeanne S. M.
Color of Visions by Smith, Gary Kio
Klee-Melotti by
An Introduction to Electronic Art Through the Teaching of Jacques Lacan: Strangest Thing by Bard-Schwarz, David
Point and Line to Plane by Kandinsky, Wassily
Pastiche, Fashion, and Galanterie in Chardin's Genre Subjects: Looking Smart by Radisich, Paula
Digital Solidarity by Stalder, Felix
Dialectical Conversions: Donald Kuspit's Art Criticism by
Colour in the Making: From Old Wisdom to New Brilliance by
An Introduction to Electronic Art Through the Teaching of Jacques Lacan: Strangest Thing: Strangest Thing by Bard-Schwarz, David
The Science of Personal Dress for MEN and BOYS by Riter, Irenee
Escritos Sobre Arte, Diseño Y Política by Morris, William
Escritos breves sobre Estética by
Art, Vision, and Nineteenth-Century Realist Drama: Acts of Seeing by Holzapfel, Amy
Seeing from Above: The Aerial View in Visual Culture by
Seeing from Above: The Aerial View in Visual Culture by
Necesidad y belleza de la violencia by Marinetti, F. T.
The Curatorial: A Philosophy of Curating by
Primary by Gauthier, Elizabeth
Why can't it be friday already.... by Evers, Paul Thomas
Simulating the Marvellous: Psychology - Surrealism - Postmodernism by Lomas, David