• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Art Criticism & Theory in 2014

Work and Leisure in Late Nineteenth-Century French Literature and Visual Culture: Time, Politics and Class by White, C.
Adorno and Art: Aesthetic Theory Contra Critical Theory by Hellings, J.
A Fractured Landscape of Modernity: Culture and Conflict in the Isle of Purbeck by Wilkes, J.
Practice of Place by Smith, Emma
La socidad del espectáculo by Debord, Guy
Picturebooks: Representation and Narration by
A Fractured Landscape of Modernity: Culture and Conflict in the Isle of Purbeck by Wilkes, J.
The Artist Meets the Critic by Kohn, Robert E., Daw, Leila
Art and the Second World War by Bohm-Duchen, Monica
arte moderno popular by Zevi, Bruno, Marcolli, Attilio, Raffa, Piero
Dreamscapes of Los Angeles by Tuck, Geoff
Schuffenecker's Sunflowers: And Other van Gogh Forgeries by Landais, Benoit, Born, Hanspeter
Ars Electronica 2013: Total Recall: The Evolution of Memory by
Putting Monet and Rembrandt Into Words: Pierre Loti's Recreation and Theorization of Claude Monet's Impressionism and Rembrandt's Landscapes in Litera by Berrong, Richard M.
The Principles of Art by Collingwood, R. G.
Art, Cultural Heritage and the Market: Ethical and Legal Issues by
New Art Theatre: Evolutions of the Performance Aesthetic by Young, Paul David
Situation Aesthetics: The Work of Michael Asher by Peltomaki, Kirsi
The Painter's Secret Geometry: A Study of Composition in Art by Bouleau, Charles
The Painter's Secret Geometry: A Study of Composition in Art by Bouleau, Charles
The First Pop Age: Painting and Subjectivity in the Art of Hamilton, Lichtenstein, Warhol, Richter, and Ruscha by Foster, Hal
Abstraction and Empathy: A Contribution to the Psychology of Style by Worringer, Wilhelm
Condition Report: Symposium on Building Art Institutions in Africa/Etat Des Lieux: Symposium Sur La Creation D'Institutions D'Art En Afrique by
Wheels by
Invalid Format: An Anthology of Triple Canopy, Volume 3 by
Parkett No. 93: Frances Stark, Adrián Villar Rojas, Danh Vô, Valentin Carron by
Engadin Art Talks by
Dread: The Dizziness of Freedom by
Marc Quinn: Memory Box by
Interpreting Ancient Figurines: Context, Comparison, and Prehistoric Art by Lesure, Richard G.
A Fiber Artist's Guide to Color & Design by Thomas, Heather
What Art Is by Danto, Arthur C.
My Book of Green by Bryant, Melissa L.
Parody and Pastiche in Bill Kohn's Udaipur Tinsmiths by Kohn, Robert E.
Cognitive Media Theory by
Performing Beauty in Participatory Art and Culture by Heinrich, Falk
Contemporary Iranian Art: New Perspectives by Keshmirshekan, Hamid
Panaesthetics: On the Unity and Diversity of the Arts by Albright, Daniel
Concerning the Spiritual--And the Concrete--In Kandinsky's Art by Florman, Lisa
Concerning the Spiritual--And the Concrete--In Kandinsky's Art by Florman, Lisa
The Sense of Beauty: Being the Outlines of Aesthetic Theory by Santayana, George
Angels' Wings: A Series of Essays on Art and Life by Carpenter, Edward
Moko: Or Maori Tattooing by Robley, Horatio
The Study And Criticism Of Italian Art V1 by Berenson, Bernhard
Angels' Wings: A Series Of Essays On Art And Life by Carpenter, Edward
Famous Paintings as Seen and Described by Famous Writers by
A Joy for Ever: And Its Price in the Market by Ruskin, John
Old Masters and New: Essays in Art Criticism by Cox, Kenyon
The Friendship Of Art by Carman, Bliss
The Study and Criticism of Italian Art V2 by Berenson, Bernhard
The Gate of Appreciation: Studies in the Relation of Art to Life by Noyes, Carleton
Parachute: The Anthology, Volume II: Performance and Performativity by
Writings and Conversations by
We Roma: A Critical Reader in Contemporary Art by
Show Time: The 50 Most Influential Exhibitions of Contemporary Art by
Art Is a Problem: Selected Criticism, Essays, Interviews and Curatorial Projects (1986-2012) by Decter, Joshua
Willem Sandberg: Portrait of an Artist by Marcar, Ank
Hand Picked: Stimulus Respond by
The Materials and Craft of Early Iconographers by Leonida, Mihaela D.
Guilty Knowledge, Guilty Pleasure: The Dirty Art of Poetry by Logan, William
Other Primary Structures by McShine, Kynaston, Hoffmann, Jens
Jean-François Lyotard: Writings on Contemporary Art and Artists by Lyotard, Jean-François
Undermining: A Wild Ride Through Land Use, Politics, and Art in the Changing West by Lippard, Lucy R.
Harmonious Color Schemes: a no-nonsense approach using The Color Wheel by Farmer, Elaine Barrette
Words In Color: A collection of original artwork and inspiring poetry fused portraits. by Mitchell, Darrell, II
Cognitive Media Theory by
Apology Magazine: No. 3 by
Change: 19 Key Essays on How Internet Is Changing Our Lives by
Art/Design: Transdisciplinary Studies by
Of Bridges & Borders Vol. II by
Participation Is Risky: Approaches to Joint Creative Processes by
Art beyond Itself: Anthropology for a Society without a Story Line by García Canclini, Néstor
Art beyond Itself: Anthropology for a Society without a Story Line by García Canclini, Néstor
Adorno and Art: Aesthetic Theory Contra Critical Theory by Hellings, J.
Fractured Times: Culture and Society in the Twentieth Century by Hobsbawm, Eric
The Critique of Practical Reason by Kant, Immanuel
Colour Theory Made Fact - The Daubs by Gordon, Jerry
Forty-one False Starts by Malcolm, Janet
Typology and Iconography in Donne, Herbert, and Milton: Fashioning the Self After Jeremiah by Loparo, Kenneth A.
Rose About Thirteen Pedals by Yurukov, Iliyan, Yurukov, Nellya
El crítico artista by Wilde, Oscar
Meta- And Inter-Images in Contemporary Visual Art and Culture by
Renew Marxist Art History by
The Poetics of Waste: Queer Excess in Stein, Ashbery, Schuyler, and Goldsmith by Schmidt, C.
The Selected Poetry of Emilio Villa by Villa, Emilio
Tratado de Arte by Ceball, Alex
Mastering Color: The Essentials of Color Illustrated with Oils by McMurry, Vicki
Moda & Ilustración by Ceball, Alex
The Critic as Artist by Wilde, Oscar
Work and Leisure in Late Nineteenth-Century French Literature and Visual Culture: Time, Politics and Class by White, C.
The Manifesto Concerning Das by Wilder, Daniel
Celebration: A Quarterly of Art and Culture by
The Colors of the New World: Artists, Materials, and the Creation of the Florentine Codex by Diana, Kerpel Magaloni
Eco-Aesthetics: Art, Literature and Architecture in a Period of Climate Change by Miles, Malcolm
Eco-Aesthetics: Art, Literature and Architecture in a Period of Climate Change by Miles, Malcolm
Genealogy and Ontology of the Western Image and its Digital Future by Lechte, John
Herbert Read: Art and Idealism by Paraskos, Michael
Concerning the Spiritual in Art and Painting in Particular [An Updated Version of the Sadleir Translation] by Kandinsky, Wassily
The Environmental Imaginary in Brazilian Poetry and Art by McNee, M.
The Environmental Imaginary in Brazilian Poetry and Art by McNee, M.
The Pictorial Mode: Space and Time in the Art of Bryant, Irving, and Cooper by Ringe, Donald A.
The Humanities and the Understanding of Reality by
What is Art? by Tolstoy, Leo
An Anthropology of Images: Picture, Medium, Body by Belting, Hans
Math and the Mona Lisa by Atalay, Bulent
El crítico artista/The Critic as artist: Edición bilingüe/Bilingual edition by Wilde, Oscar
Interactive Contemporary Art: Participation in Practice by
Ticio Escobar: The Invention of Distance by Escobar, Ticio
El soborno de Caronte: Sobre autenticidad e impostura en las letras y las artes contemporáneas by García VIñó, Manuel
The Bronze Horseman: Falconet's Monument to Peter the Great by Schenker, Alexander M.
Modernism at the Barricades: Aesthetics, Politics, Utopia by Bronner, Stephen Eric
Isometric Drawing: A Treatise on Mechanical Illustrating Dealing with Typical Constructions and Outlining: A Course in the Art (1911) by Jamison, Alpha Pierce
Confronting Visuality in Multi-Ethnic Women's Writing by Laflen, A.
Rocky's Road: A Coloring Book for Children of Incarcerated Parents. by Beal, Janice M.
Breaking New Ground in Art History by
Feast of the Pansexualists by Lange, Jon
The Artist and Psycho-Analysis by Fry, Roger
The critic as artist by Wilde, Oscar
Light from the Darkness / Licht Aus Dem Dunkel: The Paintings of Peter Birkhäuser / Die Malerei Von Peter Birkhäuser by Birkhäuser, Peter
Green: The History of a Color by Pastoureau, Michel
Parkett, No. 94 [With Book(s)] by
Agnolo Bronzino: The Muse of Florence by
Ways of Looking: How to Experience Contemporary Art by Ward, Ossian
The Police Composite Sketch by Mancusi, Stephen
Il kitsch: Dai nani da giardino alle dittature (passando per un film) by Casalegno, Ludovico
Crossroads: History of Science, History of Art: Essays by David Speiser, Vol. II by
Material Inventions: Applying Creative Arts Research by
Abjection and Representation: An Exploration of Abjection in the Visual Arts, Film and Literature by Arya, R.
Abjection and Representation: An Exploration of Abjection in the Visual Arts, Film and Literature by Arya, R.
The Parable Conference by Helguera, Pablo
The Miraculous by Rubinstein, Raphael
Cabinet 53: Stones by
Pictures of Czech Postmodernism by
Artist?: The Hypothesis of Bodiness: A New Approach to Understanding the Artist and Art by Ilgen, Fré
Robert Lehman Lectures on Contemporary Art, No. 5 by
Renew Marxist Art History by
The Ethics of Art: Ecological Turns in the Performing Arts by
Leonardo Da Vinci's Treatise of Painting by Pooler, Richard Shaw
The Idea of the Avant Garde: And What It Means Today by
Modern Monsters: Death and Life of Fiction by
Contemporary Asian Art and Exhibitions: Connectivities and World-making by
Interplay: Neo-Geo Neoconceptual Art of the 1980s by Brandt, Amy L.
A Corpus of Rembrandt Paintings VI: Rembrandt's Paintings Revisited - A Complete Survey by Van de Wetering, Ernst
Curationism: How Curating Took Over the Art World and Everything Else by Balzer, David
How to Write about Contemporary Art by Williams, Gilda
A Corpus of Rembrandt Paintings VI: Rembrandt's Paintings Revisited - A Complete Survey by Van de Wetering, Ernst
Constructed Situations: A New History of the Situationist International by Stracey, Frances
A Corpus of Rembrandt Paintings: Volumes I-VI by Haak, J., Levie, S. H., Bruyn, J.
Deleuze and Futurism: A Manifesto for Nonsense by Palmer, Helen
Deleuze and Futurism: A Manifesto for Nonsense by Palmer, Helen
It's Fiction by Chen, Yanyun
Gerhard Richter: Books by
Exhibition as Social Intervention: 'Culture in Action' 1993 Exhibition Histories, Volume 5 by
The Brilliant History of Color in Art by Finlay, Victoria
Oscar Wilde Art and Morality by Mason, Stuart
The Gate of Appreciation: Studies in the Relation of Art to Life by Noyes, Carleton
Martin Heidegger on Technology, Ecology, and the Arts by Lack, A.
Walter Benjamin's Concept of the Image by Ross, Alison
Martin Heidegger on Technology, Ecology, and the Arts by Lack, A.
Kinshasa: Tales of the Invisible City by de Boeck, Filip
Other Planes of There: Selected Writings by Green, Renée
Art Critiques: A Guide. Third Definitive Edition Revised and Expanded by Elkins, James
Who Says That's Art?: A Commonsense View of the Visual Arts by Kamhi, Michelle Marder
Bosch Reconstructed by Paul
Cezanne Reconstructed by Paul
Da Vinci Reconstructed by Paul
Monet Reconstructed by Paul
Van Gogh Reconstructed by Paul
Rembrandt Reconstructed by Paul
Vermeer Reconstructed by Paul
Rousseau Reconstructed by Paul
Summers of Discontent: The Purpose of the Arts Today by Spalding, Julian, Tallis, Raymond
Renoir Reconstructed by Paul
Thinking Art by Van Den Braembussche, Antoon
Richard Deacon: So, And, If, But: Writings 1970-2012 by
Beate Geissler & Oliver Sann and Brian Holmes: Volatile Smile by
Doodling on the Titanic: The Making of Art in a World on the Brink by Neumann, Osha
The Uses of Art in Public Space by
Joy Forever: The Political Economy of Social Creativity by
Color Wheel Knits by Välimäki, Veera
Creative Analysis: Art, Creativity and Clinical Process by Hagman, George
Creative Analysis: Art, Creativity and Clinical Process by Hagman, George
Hegel on Beauty by Peters, Julia
Kitsch & Beauty: The Proceedings of The Representational Art Conference 2014 by Presentors, Selected Conference
The Role of the Artist in Contemporary Art by Dawkins, Chad
Cabinet 54: The Accident by