• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Art Criticism & Theory in 2023

Non-Literary Fiction: Art of the Americas Under Neoliberalism by Gabara, Esther
The Queen, inspirational coloring book: Inspirational coloring book by Wilkins, Jennifer
The Expanded Field of Conservation by
The Dialectic of Creativity by
Idols & Rivals: Artistic Competition in Antiquity and the Early Modern Era by
Palette Mini 00: Nude: New Skin Tone Graphics by Victionary
Palette Mini 09: Nature: New Earth Tone Graphics by Victionary
Amy Sillman: Faux Pas: Selected Writings and Drawings by
Creepy Kawaii Coloring book: Kawaii Coloring Book by Whittle, Rasheed
Mapping Paradigms in Modern and Contemporary Art: Poetic Cartography by Moro, Simonetta
History and Art History: Looking Past Disciplines by
Transforming Christian Thought in the Visual Arts: Theology, Aesthetics, and Practice by
Selected Letters of Clive Bell: Art, Love and War in Bloomsbury by
In the Land of the Cyclops: Essays by Knausgaard, Karl Ove
Artificial Hells: Participatory Art and the Politics of Spectatorship by Bishop, Claire
Changing Time - Shaping World: Changemakers in Arts & Education by
Purgatory, Volume 2: The Trash Project: Towards the Decay of Meaning by Hollings, Ken
Körperbilder Der Macht in Europa: 1300-1800: Beiträge Zu Einer Ikonographie Des Politischen in Aktion by
Dekoloniale Kunstgeschichte: Eine Methodische Einführung by Overhoff Ferreira, Carolin
Modern Art Reviewed: Art Reviews, Magazines and Journals in Europe, 1910-1945 by
The Turn to Provisionality in Contemporary Art: Negative Work by Rubinstein, Raphael
Becoming Cobra: Anfänge Einer Europäischen Kunstbewegung / Beginnings of a European Art Movement by
Barbara Holub - Stiller Aktivismus / Silent Activism by
The Full-Length Mirror: A Global Visual History by Hung, Wu
Follow Your Own Star Coloring For Calmness by Pigatt, Yolanda J.
Decoding Southeast Asian Art: Studies in Honor of Piriya Krairiksh by
The Artist's Creative Vision: How to Create Art that Makes Change and Earns a Living by Thomas, Kamar
Dynamic Design: Jay Hambidge, Mary Crovatt Hambidge, and the Founding of the Hambidge Center for Creative Arts and Sciences by Troy, Virginia Gardner
Love Conquers Fuck All: A Sweary Zentangle Coloring Book for Adults by Do, Yukio
A Little History of Art by Mullins, Charlotte
Interpreting Visual Art: A Survey of Cognitive Research about Pictures by Weir, Catherine, Mandes, Evans
Clinic of Phantasms: Writings 1994-2002 by Intra, Giovanni
White: The History of a Color by Pastoureau, Michel
The Didi-Huberman Dictionary by
Flower Coloring Book by Filomina, Dahlia
Der Mensch Und Die Kunst Bei Friedrich Schleiermacher: Beiträge Zur Anthropologie Und Ästhetik by
The Dalí Legacy: How an Eccentric Genius Changed the Art World and Created a Lasting Legacy by Brown, Christopher Heath, Isbouts, Jean-Pierre
The Dalí Legacy: How an Eccentric Genius Changed the Art World and Created a Lasting Legacy by Isbouts, Jean-Pierre, Brown, Christopher Heath
Autonome Kunst Und Kultur in Der Späten DDR: Die Jenaer Hofvernissagen 1986-89 by Kempken, Katharina, Mai, Michaela, Fiedler, Yvonne
Doppelte Artikulation: Schriften Zur Neueren Kunst II by Kurzmeyer, Roman
Mindful Blooms: A Relaxing Flower Coloring Book for Adults by Stiles, Makisha
Love Conquers F*ck All: A Sweary Zentangle Heart Coloring Book for Adults by Editions, Ravenstone
Wyndham Lewis's Cultural Criticism and the Infrastructures of Patronage by O'Donnell, Nathan
Architectural Humanities in Progress: Divulging Epistemology, Ethics, and Aesthetics of the Built Environment and Habitation by Wiryomartono, Bagoes
Purposeful Thinking: An Adult Coloring Book by Whyte, Stacy Y.
Visual Art and Self-Construction by Mitcheson, Katrina
China Pluperfect: Volume 2--Practices of Past and Outside in Chinese Art by Vigneron, Frank
Censoring Art: Silencing the Artwork by
Marisa Mori and the Futurists: A Woman Artist in an Age of Fascism by Griffiths, Jennifer S.
Posthumanism in Practice by
The Handbook of Visual Culture by
Can Art History Be Made Global?: Meditations from the Periphery by Juneja, Monica
The Painter's Secret Geometry: A Study of Composition in Art by Bouleau, Charles
More to Say: Essays & Appreciations by Beattie, Ann
Art's Properties by Joselit, David
More to Say: Essays and Appreciations by Beattie, Ann
Musisches Denken: Denken mit den Künsten by Van Hoogenhuyze, Michael
Anarchival Practices: The Clanwilliam Arts Project as Re-imagining Custodianship of the Past by Zaayman, Carine
In a Glamourous Fashion: The Fabulous Years of Hollywood Costume Design by Lavine, W. Robert
John Constable and the Fishers: The Record of a Friendship by Beckett, R. B.
Art: The Church's Response by Sorenson, Rick
Imagining Sculpture: A Short Conjectural History by Abe, Stanley
Easter Coloring and Activity Book: Easter Coloring Fun and Activities by
A Philosophy of Visual Metaphor in Contemporary Art by Brandl, Mark Staff
Cupcake Coloring Book: Large Print 50 Cute Cupcake Illustrations for Adult Relaxation by Smith, Kylie
Find Your Strength: A Love Letter to Orange: by Darin Wright creator of ebhues and elea blake cosmetics by Wright, Darin
Cute Fantasy Coloring Book: Adorable Magical Creatures to Color for Adults and Teens by Temptress, Tone
The Performing Observer: Essays on Contemporary Art, Performance, and Photography by Patrick, Martin
Influence of cartoon on kids by Shikha, Gupta
Critique of Critique by Ben-Shai, Roy
Critique of Critique by Ben-Shai, Roy
Postsensual Aesthetics: On the Logic of the Curatorial by Voorhies, James
Surrealist Sabotage and the War on Work by Susik, Abigail
I Was a Twentysomething CineMama: More Collected Film Criticism from a Stay-at-Home Mom by Radosti, Genevieve
Elisa Maggioli by Landi, Silvia
101 Reasons to Love Pro Wrestling by Migo, Mikey
Ships in a Bottle: Set Sail on a Colorful Adventure with Ships in a Bottle Coloring Book by Poe, Luka
Goth Fairies: Experience the Darkly Enchanting World of Goth Fairies with Our Intricate Coloring Book by Poe, Luka
Battleground: African American Art, 1985-2015 by Bernier, Celeste-Marie
Simple Tales Owl coloring book: Stress relieving owl designs for coloring by Mallepudi, Vijay D.
Arte Sonoro: Ser y sonido en el acto creativo by Gómez Aponte, Jorge Alberto
Elegant Beauties: Unwind and unleash your creativity with intricate and elegant coloring designs by Poe, Luka
"The Human Face" and Other Writings on His Drawings by Artaud, Antonin
The Entropic Life of Wiston Quinto by Quinto, Wiston
Corpus Et Vulnus: Omaggio ai maestri Tàpies, Kiefer, Parmiggiani by Illuminato, Sergio Mario
Dada Data: Contemporary Art Practice in the Era of Post-Truth Politics by
Objections, Volume 1: Forms of Abstraction by Lütticken, Sven
What Time Is It?: Stories about Painting, Shadows and the Sun by Leibovici, Frank
Listening to Artists by
Introduction to Colors by Weidner Ed D. D. LL, Daniel W.
How to Not Fuck Up Your Art-World Happiness by Noe, Christoph
Constructing Race on the Borders of Europe: Ethnography, Anthropology, and Visual Culture, 1850-1930 by
Photographic Realism: The Art of Richard Billingham by Cashell, Kieran
O Renascimento: Estudos em Arte e Poesia by Pater, Walter
Futurismo by Martin, Sylvia
Heart Twinkle by Walker, Donesa
Heart Twinkle by Walker, Donesa
Mandala Madness: Coloring Pages For Teens and Adults in Mandala Art: Relaxing and Stress Relief by Walters, T. A.
Hans Memling: Large Print Edition (Large Print Edition) by Weale, W. H., Weale, J. C.
Maurice Sendak and the Art of Children's Book Illustration by Poole, L. M.
How to Enjoy Art: A Guide for Everyone by Street, Ben
Object Lessons in American Art by
The Alpha's Mate: A Tale of Romance and Werewolves by Roffe, Tina
Performance, Art, and Politics in the African Diaspora: Necropolitics and the Black Body by Beasley, Myron M.
Somaesthetics and Design Culture by
Unicorn coloring book for kids by Abiodun, Ibrahim
Momento: On Standing in Front of Art by Donaldson, Jeffery
Giotto by Cartwright, Julia
George A. Kubler and the Shape of Art History by Reese, Thomas F.
Walking Networks: The Development of an Artistic Medium by Morris, Blake
Living with Ghosts: A Reader: Writings on Coloniality, Decoloniality, Hauntology and Contemporary Art by
Inclusions: Aesthetics of the Capitalocene by Bourriaud, Nicolas
Mandala Designs: Coloring Book for Relaxation and Stress Relief by H, J. D.
Unpleasant nonsense part 2: swear words coloring book by
Learn How to Draw Tattoos: Original Tattoo Art for Women and Men by Skin, Inked Art on
Color Me Zen: An adult coloring book for relaxation by Woodman, Conrad
Pre-Raphaelitism: Two Lectures by Ruskin, John
The Complete Works of John Ruskin: Turner and His Works by Ruskin, John
Dante Gabriel Rossetti and the Pre-Raphaelite Movement by Wood, Esther
Adult Coloring Book: Stress Relieving Designs Animals, Mandalas, Flowers, Paisley Patterns And So Much More by Adult Coloring Books
Adult Coloring Book by Adult Coloring Books
Animal Mandalas: Adult Coloring Book for Stress Relief and Relaxation Vol 3 by Sosica, Lena
Adult Coloring Book: Largest Collection of Stress Relieving Patterns Inspirational Quotes, Mandalas, Paisley Patterns, Animals, Butterflies (Large Print Edition) by Adult Coloring Books
Art and Autonomy: A Critical Reader by Lutticken, Sven
Lines and Patterns and Shapes, Oh My!!: Pattern Coloring Book for Teens and Adults by Wilderwords Publishing
Challenging the Iconic Turn: Positionen - Methoden - Perspektiven by
The lost city of Atlantis by Blossom, T.
Deconstruction and the Work of Art: Visual Arts and Their Critique in Contemporary French Thought by Heikkilä, Martta
Oltre l'immagine by Pala, Giovanni
Antonio Elia by Landi, Silvia
Hiroshige 53 Stations of the Tokaido Kichizo by Berna, Cristina, Thomsen, Eric
Mandala: : Calming and stress reliving coloring patterns by
Timelines of Art by DK
Robert Rauschenberg and Surrealism: Art, 'Sensibility' and War by Parkinson, Gavin
Contemporary Color: Theory and Use by Bleicher, Steven
Contemporary Color: Theory and Use by Bleicher, Steven
Vanish: A series of investigations, explorations and exercises about making something disappear by Buddhdev, Paavan
all except you by Barthes, Roland
New Realities: The Comics of Dash Shaw by Hunter, Greg
Group Works: Art, Politics, and Collective Ambivalence by Philbrick, Ethan
Affinities: On Art and Fascination by Dillon, Brian
Group Works: Art, Politics, and Collective Ambivalence by Philbrick, Ethan
On the Benefits of Friendship by Graw, Isabelle
Ai Color Your World: Coloring Book by Essary, Cody, Essary, Nic
Internet_art: From the Birth of the Web to the Rise of Nfts by Kholeif, Omar
Curated Mandala Coloring Book: Get your copy today and start coloring! by Honnay, Adeline
Vitamin C+: Collage in Contemporary Art by Editors, Phaidon
Modernitalia: Edited by Francesca Santovetti by Schnapp, Jeffrey
The New Vienna School of Art History: Fulfilling the Promise of Analytic Holism by Verstegen, Ian
Collected Works Volume Five Further Studies by Pearce, Nigel Pearce
Chibi: Fantasy and Whimsical coloring book, filled with chibi and pets by H, J. D.
Objects and Organisms: Vivification - Reification - Transformation by
Teaching Art with Heart: A Holistic Approach to Elementary School Art Education. by Beatto, Sabat
The Object as a Process: Essays Situating Artistic Practice by
Inspiring Women Coloring Book: Asian Faces and Motivational Quotes (Large Print Edition) by Benefits, The
The Science of Color: Understanding the Psychology of Color by Rijo, Sergio
Urban Exile: Theories, Methods, Research Practices by
Urban Exile: Theories, Methods, Research Practices by
30 Page Geometric Coloring Book by Listings, Print
"Botanic Bliss: A Detailed and Intricate Coloring Book Celebrating Nature's Beauty" by Reese, Christopher
The Ugly Duchess: Beauty and Satire in the Renaissance by Capron, Emma
Philos: Losani Rodolfo by Losani, Rodolfo
Religion and Contemporary Art: A Curious Accord by
Furry Critters of the World by Showcase, Midnight
Wild Creatures Coloring Book by Showcase, Midnight
Entranced Earth: Art, Extractivism, and the End of Landscape Volume 45 by Andermann, Jens
100 Page All Age Coloring Book by Publishing, Gilmore
Entranced Earth: Art, Extractivism, and the End of Landscape Volume 45 by Andermann, Jens
The Art of Colour: The History of Art in 39 Pigments by Grovier, Kelly
Black Modernisms in the Transatlantic World: Volume 4 by
Please Touch: Marcel Duchamp and the Fetish by
Richard Shiff: Writing After Art: Essays on Modern and Contemporary Artists by Shiff, Richard
Book of Earth: A Guide to Ochre, Pigment, and Raw Color by Gustafson, Heidi
John Dewey, Albert Barnes, and the Continuity of Art and Life: Revisioning the Arts and Education by Granger, David A.
John Dewey, Albert Barnes, and the Continuity of Art and Life: Revisioning the Arts and Education by Granger, David A.
New Testament Coloring Book for Teens: Faith in Full Color: A Vibrant Journey by Merrill, Cody J.
Practice as Research in the Arts (and Beyond): Principles, Processes, Contexts, Achievements by Nelson, Robin
Inventory and Hinge: Entangled Fields of Research in the Arts. Institute for Contemporary Art Research 2001-2022 by
Idolatry Restor'd: Witchcraft and the Imaging of Power by Schulke, Daniel A.
Narrative Painting in Nineteenth-Century Europe by Lübbren, Nina
Coloring for Anyone! by Guerra, Q.
The Art of Iran in the Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries: Tracing the Modern and the Contemporary by Keshmirshekan, Hamid
The Rainbow's Gravity: Colour, Materiality and British Modernity by Dootson, Kirsty Sinclair
Collecting Impressionism: The Role of Collectors in Establishing and Spreading the Movement by
Philosophy of Chinese Art by Zhirong, Zhu
Aesthetics and Anthropology: Cogitations by Elhaik, Tarek
Contemporary Curating, Artistic Reference and Public Reception: Reconsidering Inclusion, Transparency and Mediation in Exhibition Making Practice by Bertrand, Stéphanie
Mannerism, Spirituality and Cognition: The Art Of Enargeia by Bosch, Lynette M. F.
Best!: Letters from Asian Americans in the Arts by
Miskolc Bartók Plusz Operafesztivál: Magyarul - English - Italiano by Turi, Rocco
Poiesis A Journal of the Arts & Communication Volume 20, 2023; In the Midst of Crisis-What is Emerging? by
Diary of a Genius: Salvador Dali' S Autobiography: 1952-1963 by Dali, Salvador
Boho Harmony by Boyle, Victor
No Rhetoric(s): Versions and Subversions of Resistance in Contemporary Global Art by
Style and Solitude: The History of an Architectural Problem by Hvattum, Mari
Donald Rodney: Autoicon by Birkett, Richard
The Unintended: Photography, Property, and the Aesthetics of Racial Capitalism by Huerta, Monica
L'architettura narrativa: Scopri come creare storie emozionanti con colpi di scena intelligenti by Martins Soares, Matheus
The Unintended: Photography, Property, and the Aesthetics of Racial Capitalism by Huerta, Monica
Radical Futurisms: Ecologies of Collapse, Chronopolitics, and Justice-To-Come by Demos, T. J.
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